BANK or TORONT® Incorporsted 1853. Capital, $5,000,000 Reserve Fund, $6,555,000 Thos. F. How, General Masiager, Head Ofco--iing and Bay Streets, Toronte. WINNING OUT , munitions, money, ships and food are al] fevessary to win ose Who cannot go overseas must produce supplies and Save money. A Bavings Account will belp you save for the next Start the account now, Savings Accounts Invited. George B. McKay For Sale We have a moderate sized brick dwelling below University Ave. A nice comfortable home with a lot having a frontage of sixty-six feet, which makes a lovely lawn with the property. Price $4,500. Alfred street--Frame dwelling, six rooms, three bedrooms and bathroom, A nice buy at its prise, $2,000. : Nelson BStreet--Brick dwelling, seven Price, $2,400, 'The J. Simrroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Phones: Ofice 08; residence S74w, Open Every faturday Evening. 10 Pidnos The reliable makes-- Nordheimer and Stein- way. Ask your friends who use these pianos. Manager. rooms; lot 49% x 132. TTY OUR WINDOW DISPLAY dd A At a a a a a thousand and one article which you can oi Sonor awestheart Buggess a usefnl send to y at the fron phe allow us to help ou useful sugges- , Homg, HOAGS Drug Store Adal Different styles and prices to choose from. Added Ao Used pianos and organs. R.J.Rodger OPTICIAN 182 CI ST. LL People s a3 Watts 12 FLORIST 9 Wellington st. NY roo out ph Jalizy funeral 4 rl Ser orders givem speeinl atiéntion, ga FOR CHOICE AND SBASONABLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Ma eral fetid { Salmon Week Kat Fish and Save Baocos. Bop Mache Grocery Canada Sk puewd k WAN Pg hdd 4 a a a a Food. No beatin DEPARTMENT C OF NIT, AND DEFENSE. - i x SALE OF 01D sToRES. ~% direction of the Hon. 'the Minister of Militia ahd Del the A b 1 Leather, etalon Rubber, i the Ordnance s in Military Dlstrices owin 5 Er a No. 2, a Sd Montreal; No, « Quebe: John, N.B.; No. 10, Winnips rier Deny or ci No. 7, St , - tender 'at the stations Pat, Dttawa, is for mie by public Nature of Produce Kingston 4,300] 35,200] 500{ 26,300 { | 6,700] 22,000] 1,830] *' | 23,000] 30,500] 4. : i 1700] 900( 1,000f 480! 17,400] 1 Sof 7:500l 3.500 30el 7.600 Velika a pity 1,600] of Be i ag) 1, sof yr 26,200 98,670 : 4,100] 63,779. 4 200] 26,600 +4 Juaool 23,300" goo! 130! Shoo oad hus cidi ds vues 1,600] w7estas,eenl i THE DAILY BRITISH H WHIG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918. hi a A. Il --1GRAND®. Las 250 ya. a POLITE YAUDEVILI& A Five Reel Brady-made Photopla Ethel Clayton lo of, Society LONESOME LUKE OY The Pathe News and Other Films Mon., Tues., Wednesday POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Act V Feature (EDWARD | EARLE . AND. FLOR ENCE DESHON In 'One Thousand Dollars' A Big "v» Comedy. he dare] Oc and Other Reels rer Any sone 10€ nied es a Griffins THUR.,, FRI, SAT. J. Stewart Blackton Pr Thomas Meighan And Am AN Star Cast In MISSING VIVIAN MARTIN VIVETTE THE EAGLE'S EYE Notice CAB STAND PHONE 600 Has Changed To NO. 64. A GOOD SALMON At 25¢ Per Tin. "RAINBOW" Ask For It. Food Control License No. 6-030, Afternoon Str. Wolfe Islander Foat of Brock St. MONDAYS--2.30 p.m., trip up the Bay bc Stella, returning at 6.30. Round p, Boe THURSDAYS--3 p.m., down the river * Home" inane we Ini returning at 8 oe Round trip, 35¢. SATURDAYS-38 p.m, Battean Channel, calling at head of Wolfe Inland and Simcoe Island; 5 pam, Round trip 30e. returning CONDENSED ADV VERTISING RATES rtion, 1c & Word Eaeh po rst Inse; secutive inne rent a word, thereatite, hace: or Minlmum one insertion, 25¢; three Insertions, 0c; six $1; one menth, $3. HELP WANTED FANTRY GIRL Randolph Hotel WANTED, APPLY (AIDS WANTED. APPLY THE NA- tron, Kingston General Hospital A GIRL work Apply 155 or phone 1474w, SMART JUNIOR FOR GENERAL HOUSE Prontesac street, SALESMAN OR lady sales clerk. The Wm. Davies Co', EXPERIENCED for grocery store. AN Princess street. LADY CLERK Apply J. Cullen, Alfred and Princess streets. MAID FOR GENERAL Apply in ithe even- Treadgold, Good wages. ng to Mrs tenac street. HOUSEWORK. 48 Fron- ---------------------------------------------------------- AT ONCE, GOOD COO! table mald Taylor, 91 Phone 1219. K; ALSO HOUSE Apply to. Mrs. Bruce Lower Albert street. A few more hoys and girls, Apply Domimnion Textile Co. ind. Cataraqui Street, Kingston. oid adios dds deed Ieee WANTED, A MILLVWWRIGHT TO IN- stall flour mii) machanery, at ange, Apply, stating wages, Campbell %& McNab, Douglas, Unt, Manufacturer's rounding must duce. The product known universally Canadian and Army departmen: many of Canna ness and numbering among Canadian Vickers, Shewanigan Water Ames Holden Departments and ing. To the right vestment tative wil at Hotel ter 5 pom. \ MANUFACTURER'S SENSATIVE . WANTED, wanted for Kingston and sure territory, he capable of salesmen and making them pro. Dulted atria on Coy R. Simpson . Co. Wm. Davies' Co. Ltd, Hydro Klectri MeCready Cou Canadian Steel Corporation, Dew minion nud Ontarie equally well known. by National Magazine Advertis- ounce In a ifetime opportunity to establish himaelf in a hk: Sermanent steadily increasing wenn his own, with an a limited only by his ability, The Manufacturer's represen. 1 Interylew applicants Randolph, Room ™ REPRE- representative Appleant handling in question is and in use by States nding ns ng bhisle eomceraus, these: T. Eat. Gunn's Ltd, & Power Co. Government many others -. man this is a of A small In. for st 'eople's Forum | _ ENERO ASEEN NNN ENNNNNENEEERNE ¢ 00, ---------- WANTED GENERAL SMALL MOD. WANTED T0 RENT, ¥ Apply Bex ern house, 'tarnished. 816, Whig SILENT SALESMAN sHoOw oblong shape for floor. State gise and price: Whig Office, THREE OR FOUR WELL FURNISH. 2a rooms. op riod" San fla faired URE naar Sey Fai Apply Wile Bae ABOUT THE 15TH Soronen, EIGHT house, or nine roomed usturnished Centrally Joceted; ll goaem gon- a Phone any, pos and Hi Princess CASE, -_ FOUND ON PRINCESS STREET, SMALL parcel containing ribbons, Wher may have same by calling at 9% William street est, FOUND PARTICLES Anves. TISED FRE : Anyone finding anything asd Tsing to reach the owner may y Teporting the faols to The British Whig. . The adver. t t will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does net In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses etc. These, if lost, may be ads TO So 5 OR 9-ROOMED HPCE, able for rooming house; cen- trally located, with option of Buy. ing later if desired. wanted Sept 1st. Apply Box 56 Office. Whig FURNISHED HOUSE OR APARTNENT | for last two weeks in August and month of Sept, by married couple; ne children, MeCann's Real Bstats Office, $8 Brock St. Phone 326 or| 621, | WE WANT 10 Buy. ALL KINDS oF seocng Nant ridture, stoves clothes atc. We alto have in the second-hand line for sale. 8. Bhapiro, (5 Princess street. Phone 1237. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED six or seven roomed modern house Pe high-class, neighborhood "in ingston, Wil take § ssion on | or before Nov. 1, 1918. Write, give | ing. full papticalars, to C. Ww Thompson, No. 111 Wellington street, Wi. Tororo, OLD FALSE TENTH WANTE, n't matter if Drokea. , We. pa aes tual value, We Pay. cash Bor "1 gold. silver and plk Suuin, 10 19. ua and receive cash: Jb ar price is net. satinfactory in teeth rani International : Sos vest 42nd St, New N we we wih 7 TEACHERS WANTED two electric fans and everything | = SECOND CLASS PROFESSIONAL FOR PSS. No. 4, Wolfe Island; duties to begin Sept. 3rd. Apply to BR. H. Cord; Sec.-Treas, Wolfe Island, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTESTANT for 8S. 8. No. 13. Storrington; &al- ary $400. Duties to gommence Sept. 2nd. Apply to KN, Darling, Bec.-Treas, Lake Opluicon, Ont. NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR La vertised for in the "Lost" column. | EERE | LOST. OT -------------------------------- BLACK POPLIN MOTOR GLOVE; RE. ward if returned to H. C, Nickie, Street RaVlway Barns. LADY'S BLUE COAT, WITH BU KLE trimming, on road between Kings- ton and Odessa. Finder kindly re. turn to' 251° Princess gtreet, and receive reward. Wir nH- Xing St, FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, all Improvements; centrall Jo ol. Apply 243 Brock Str TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS WITH 0 out board. Apply to 204 City. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN and dry. McCann's Real Estate Aeener" '86 Broek ft. Phone 334 FOR SALE A 1918S WELAUGHLIN SPECIAL, "D% 45. For appointment ring i8idw, SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE; FLOAT, good yard. Apply 405 rele street. : 1S-FOOT VARNISHED OBDAR SK Dew: snap, Better hustle. © Hho A uw SCALE WwW a ha o4n good hide tv Rites rir ONE TRAN Goon Agu FR purpese Nein A - hen, 143 on LLL 5 A WHITE ENAMEL : in good comic, "Avo Ay street. West, or Phone & VISHING TACKLE Frank we ke BE 0] can Consulate. Tele FIVE-YEAR-OLD COLT IN FIRST Sass Wh sei Reasons for sell ng. 3 Bo. e Rideau Stree -p RI B4 214 UNION STREET WEST, 10K veneer, § rooms and furn lah storey; medarn; almost Apply: on. pi rad 4 possession, Ln GENUINE GRAPHONOLA selections: your own ch hoioe, 431. Tra 3 Limited iT Princess st SULKY WHEELS AND TIRES: ALSO Perfect, Columbia and Overland Bicycles, Geo, Muller, King St, Phone 108%. MODEL PORD CAR IN good condition; just used as plefs- ure car for 3 months. Reasons, for NEW 1918 welling, owner raving Ry, Arply 38° York street STORAGE ron FURNITURE, OLEAN, dry, airy Ooms; Your own lock and kkey. Frost's City Storage, 19¢ Queen street. Phone 536; res. 9». FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY convenlence for Hght heousekeep- ing, on bath room flat; in 00d locality. Apply Box 222 'hig ce. THS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to bear from any one thinking of using classified Sdvertising Write of Phone ua about {t. may be able to help you. SL Whig Pub Co, TO RENT. 88. No. 3. Township of Kin ston. 74, af- med rm BOARD ANB. ROOMS. BOARD WITH OR On car line. tive rooms. Lytle, 245 A SET WITHO Very bri Apply Mrs. .atreet. ROOMS. attrac. 1.8 ae DR. FERGUS J. O'CONNOR, 108 EARL St, opposite Phone $68, 1-4 and 3-9 p.m. ce Chalmers Church. houra 10-12 am. Regular rina daily between K islands, Woife ane Garden Ronna trip 20e¢ ring Nl fresh Cut Oe SE Ser, . J. JOHNSO 115 Brock St. eT 3 boa Florist Phone 239, SCRATCH 100 SHEETS TO A VARIOUS SIZES PADS PAD or ent to suit 5 Cents Per Lb. 3 Job Dept. British Whig Publishing Co. All fresh from sea and lake. C Sedior or Qrdnancy Oh Ice: at wep ia fred be of Mined. ae 3 Se seed 10 1-- Salary, $600 r annum. ply, stating qualifications, ete. J. Bushell, Sec.-Treas., Bath Road P.O. {2 NORMAL e TRAINED TEACHER POR 2, Kingston . township, Shar S600. Duties to commence 2. 1918. Apply, stating eX. ra to a, F. Murton, Ports. mouth, . § PROTESTANT FEMALE TEACHER for 8.8. No. 8, Kennebec, qualitied.] Salary, $325; duties to commence September First, Apply to John Woodcock, ¢.-Treas., Dead Creek, Ont. git otice Ary INTERESTED IN THE CANADIAN NAVY LEAGUE Are requested to IR a oot ing bo field in the. - SE gn President. MRS. CONSTANTINE, Secretary. © ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 150 KING *r., opposite the Chateau Belvidere, DENTAL A, B. KNAPP, SPY ICE 258 PRINCESS street. Phone 652. DR. GORDON C. DEWAR, DENTIST, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1678. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 169 Wellington street, over Carnoveky's, o 346. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTRAMARKS &nd a1! growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. ont scar; 30 Years experience. Dr, Elmer J, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat and atin Specialist, 252 Bagot street. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor; Law office, 79 Clar- ence street. Ct FINANCIAL FRONTENAC doa jhent Soclety: sient, Ww. fa Korey Task Tom: a TER Sant any. del Jantutes; mv its received Lhd Inter. Mrwed R. C. Cartwright, man "87 OC) REAton = WE HAYR aouD furniture, buffet EAL bles: will bur 4 ll ti of re and sto ncess ar. Phone 3 CARRIAGE AND a a business; 'old established; first class trade, tools, machinery: and stock complete. Apply to J. Kelly & Son, 6&4 and 56 Queen streef, city. BOAT AND DOATHOUSE) BRAT E. feet long, § foot & in. beam; top. Boathouse 32 feet lang feet wide. Also & hull 32 Je Sook, 4 feet 11 inches wide. y 408 Barrie street, wan Bid oh BIGGEST Yn oa ike ai rrr British x boon ae COUNTRY HOME, ON YORK ROAD, 4 ®ores sand loam, solid - brick houss, at, E008' well and cellar; drive shed and stables, shade and fruit Arees running cheek in rear of lot; 1.5 00d p fon for truck gars ening. Apply T. M. Asselstine, Court House I WILL SELL "MY BOAY moan change on an automobile 1s 23 feet long, substantial 1olding top, Seshions; hap Aide math engine, ad very Hetle: war eh Jor $7 engine, viz, Gananoque ont? TEN ROOM HOUSE ON street. Hardwood floor, os a an: electric light in each room. Bath and closet separate, will od sold at a bargain on easy. .- eon for aeliing is Me nlon to C, and leaving town. Leod, corner of streets. Bion FARM OF 280 ACRES, Bixth concession, well wi watered; stone house, d two barns, pix pens, houses, stable for 24 tle and. §. hor $2980, DOUBLE improvements; of AS on etme 1 modern tm Her bath; 224 | stose--rrann House, 8 Aran ood lot. S1800-NEW. FRAME ovems: ar rooms; nice location, S 4 BATEMAN mEAL ROTATE AND aasuranpe, 41- Clareney ONE GOLDIE & ph tionary eogine: st: LC, x. ¥2. Revolutions 47 ONE SNOW WPEAM PUMP; 14 X ™ 18 capacity 500. gallons! per. min- en. Sine 1 ED EXOFLSIOR SUPER Ju inet, 10 In putietis WAINWRIGHT EXPANSION ot 19 in, ONE EACH 2 RX. AND # IN. MDER- goncraiing Lin Ns, ua for, ONE 30 IN. SHULDON & LDN, an. % 'i we FIER TANKS, 73 Biany; Dn GEAR PULLEYS, dn, x fn one oe: dead. 3 Ply Box 3. - Wiig a