Tae Capital, $5,000,000 Men, munitions, out. Those L save money, War Loan. A George B. McKay BANK or TORONTC Incorporated 1855. Reserve Fund, $6,555,000 Thos. F. How, General Manager. Head OficeKing and Hay Streets, Toronto. WINNING OUT money, ships and food are all n who cannot Bg overseas must pr Bavings Accotint will help yeol sa Start the, account now, 1 'Savings Accounts Invited. essary to win odie Manager. Buy a Lot on Easy Terms We have a number of lots in the west end of the city, near Johnson street, that we will sell at rea- sonable prices and easy monthly payments, with- These lots and prices are right. out interest. A good chance to make a start on a home. The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 05; residence ST4w, ~~ OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Suggess a thousand and one useful articles which yot can 4 send to your son or sweetheart at the front, data dd hd A A A a Drop in and allow us to help you out with mseful sugges- tions. HOAGS Drug Store Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. p Y AAR A AAA AL Ana ada ssa NN PA AM NI NAP NE me Fruit & Candy Store Oanada Food Board License Numbers 9yt020, 11-410, Fruits , call im and sce us, Janie candy, ea » Hu . eholeent in wtoek, Cnamat very all parts elty. ow Frincehs St. Phone 378, Near King Street, RE Watts pi FLORIST 179 Well: on St. Fresh cut Bowers daily; funeral designs nnd wedding bou to order. Out of town orders given special Attention. COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice | 'Coal Sales will be for "Cash Only. BOOTH & CO. Phone 133. FOR CH( GROC AND SEASONABLE FRUITS A VEGETAB GO To aisha dh fh A ahaha Open Every Saturday Evening. $s THREE FULL LOTS FOR SALE On Nelson Street CHEAP W. H. Gédwin.& Son Insurance and Real Estate, 89 Brock St. > { Salmon Week Prices Reduced Phone 424 On All Kinds. Eat Fish and Save Bacoi. Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Sts. Phone 1844. i Canada Food Board License Neo. 85-2740, SE Tr) No Coal Orders Taken Until Further Notice A. CHADWICK & SON UHHATRH------------------ Fruit ! The rush is now to the UNITED GROCERY for all kinds of the best FRESH FRUIT Customers go away daily ad vertising our business. 188 Princess St. THE DAILY SzITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. 1918. A OS GRAND TO-NIGHT Last Chance To See POLITE VAUDEVILLE A Five Part 'Vitagraph Wonderplay | i | | "The Marriage Specula-| | i { | | MILDRED MANNING tion." A BIG "V" COMEDY The Pathe News and Other Reels. Matinee 10¢ Evening 10¢; Any Sent i Benserved, Se Extra 3 DAYS fem qg7 Daily at 2.80 and 8 p.m. Screen Classics Inc. Presents Beautiful Rita Jolivet The International Star and Survivor of the Lusitania In an eight-act special production De Luxe A $250,000 Production with a Cast of 8,000 People The Pathe News and Two-Reel Com- edy. Prices -- Matinee 10¢ and 135c. Evening, 10¢, 13¢, 25¢. Seats on Sale Tuesday Griffin'S Tuesday, Wednesday Pauline F redericks in "RESURRECTION" TOM MIX in "Western Blood." Notice CAB STAND PHONE 600 Has Changed To NO. 64. © NAN AA AAA AAA rN A GOOD SALMON At 25¢ Per Tin. "RAINBOW" Ask For It. Food Comtrol License No. 6-030, EALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Temporary Barracks, Barriefield, Kingston, Ont.", will be recelved at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednes- day, August 14, 1918, for the construc- tion of temporary barracks, Barriefield, Kingston, Ont. Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at: the offices of the Chief Architect, Depart- ment of Public Works, Ottawa, the Clerk of Works, Postal Statfon "F," To- ronto; and of the Resident ry hitect, Kingston, Ont. \ Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Hon- orable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Fubilo Works, Ottawa, July 27th, 1918. See EALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Temporary Barracks, Lohdon, Ont." will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, August 14, 19¥3, tar the construction of tem- porary barracks, Carling Heights, Lon- don, Ont. Plans and specifications can be seen dnd forms of tender obtained at the office of the Chief Wirehitect, Depart- mient of Public Works, Ottawa, the Sarstaker, Post Office Building. London, Ont, and of the Clerk of Works, Pub- lic 'Works Office, Postal Station "F", Toronto, Ont, Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and mn accordance with the conditions set forth therein. _ Each tender must be accompanied by dn mccepled cheque on. a cha Fed bank payable to the order of the ister of Public Works, equal to 10 Per cent. of the amount of the tender, By order, ERS, R. €. DESR Secretary. Pe aftment of Public Werks, rtawa, July 30, 1818, Lest We Forget| | debts incurred by my wife, Mrs, George i { ! § | ! AL CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES } insertion, ic & Word. Each cone G rime insertion thereafter, hais- cent a word, Minimo for one insertion, 23¢; three iansertions, | 5 Soe; six §1; one month, $2. | HELP WANTED APPLY 332 BROCK A GUOD MAID, street, GIRLS FOR MARKING ROOM, APPLY Imperia! Laundry: NURSE MAID WITH REFERENCES. Apply 185 Wiljam St. A GOOD BREAD BAKER, AT ONCE. Apply New England Bakery. MAIDS WANTED. APPLY THE MA- tron, Kingston Sehoral Hospital MAID APPLY TO MRS, venings, 162 Barrie Ss USED TO HORSES, AP- GOOD MAN, 254 and 256 Prin- ply James Reid, cess street SERVANT, NO WASHING GENERAL Plain cooking. Apply or ironing. 169 Union St. . SMART BOY TO LEARN BICYCLE RE- pair work, at once, a Geo. Muller, 3 King street. BAKER walk ED AT ONCE, ALL DAY work. Apply to Burns' Bakery, Frontenac street west, AN EXPERFENCED NURSE FOR BARBY ten months old Apply Mrs. J. D 1 King street, MAID FOR GEN- Apply Mrs, George 107° Gore street. AT ONCE, CAPABLE eral.housework Clark Wright A WOMAN TO DO LAUNDRY WORK and cleaning Three days a week employment Apply Mrs. Best, 144 Lower Albert St AND three St, UPSTAIRS WORK care of child Apply 160 Stuart MAID FOR to assist in old 35 years Phone 15 MACHINISTS WANTED: MINIMUM wage fifty-five cents the hour, with higher seale to more. competent men, Modern ghop conditions. Ap- ply Muniti Department Tavlor- Forhes Company Limited, Guelph, Ont. TEAMS WANTED Several teamg wanted for work at Camp Mohawk, Free stabling. Hoard for men $6 a i Apply on the job to T, Deseronto, Ont. PhP bded pb bb hdd > Fr + POSITION WANTED -------------- EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY stenographer and bookkeeper; also by one experienced in grocery business. Apply Box 731, 'hig Mice, BY "DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS street. Phone 6562. DR. GORDON C. DEWAR, DENTIST, corner Princess and Wellington streets. Phone 1678. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's, Phone 34 It May Concern: To Whom 1 not be responsible for any wil McKenzie and my Saughter Mabel M. from this date GEORGE McKENZIE, 1918 To Whom It May Concern--- I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Mrs. Geneva Hill, from this date. ANDREW HILL, Kingston, July 30th, Jo Whom It May Concern : From this date I will not be respon- sible for any debts incurred by my wife. BURTON H. NILES, Kingston, July 30th. AUCTION SALE Sailtag Yackts 'wt Roysl Miltary Colo lege, Kingston, Tuesday, August - 6th at 2 pom, McKenzie, Kingston, July 31st, i A im Ooek Robin, beam 10 (trunk cabin York, 27 ft, beam, 7.6 r Salls, spars, etc, 'tor Hoth boats, Terms cash, WM. MURRAY, Auvetioneer, ou ~ MARKET TOLLS dength, 30 ft, ft. % Sealed tenders will be received at the City Clerk's office until Monday, August the Sth, 12.00 noon, from per- sons willing to lease the market fees and alehing 8 res of Market No. for the year from the first Bentayd n Ru next, . BAN City Clerk. July 31st, Tir D8, WANTED GENERAL SMALL Appl WANTED ern house, 616, Whig. TO RENT, furnished. lowest cash Office T A SMALL UNFURNISHED! ; family of two; no children | r- Box L., Whig Office, FOR YEAR oft LONGER, 6 TO 8 ROOM house for pix fessional man, No children. Apply Box 730 Whig TO RENT HOUSE WITH ALL MOD- ern improvements; permanent ten- ant. Apply to Box X.Y, W hig Of} fice. T™WO oR rooms with of Princess street. 73, Whig Omice, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS | for cash or in part ayment of new | pianos and grafono Q. . Lind- | say, Limited, 121 Prinoeks street. FURNISHED HOUSE OR APARTMENT | for first two weeks in Augudt, by| married couple; no children, Mec- | Cann's Real Estate Office, 88 Broek! St. Phone 326 or 621. i ; state +» Wihig THREE UNFURNISHED! bath, near east end Apply Box! WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF! second-hand furniture, stoves, heaters, clothes, etc. We also have two electric fans and everything in. thé second-hand line for sale 8. Shapiro, 45 Princess street Phone 1237. } OLD FALSE TrrTH WANTE. , DOES. | n't matter if broken. We pay ac-| tual value. We pay cash for old} gold. silver and platinum. Send! to us and receive cash by return | mail If price is not satisfactory we will return teeth promptly upon request, International | York Co., 3056 West 42na St. New| or TEACHERS WANTED NT TEACHER FOR NS, 3. Oso. Salary $375. Apply to ila , Moss, Sec.+<Treas, Claren- don Station, Ont. PROT TEAL ACHER FOR S. 8, NO, 1, CLAREN- ein - after heli r annum Ap-| 5 to J. GQ. Fra- | Ardoch, Ont QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTESTANT for 8. 8. No. 13, Storrington; sal- ary $400. Duties 10 commence Sept, 2nd. Apply to K Darling, Sec.-Treas., Lake Opin.gon, Ont FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; incorporated 1363 President, W, F. Nickle, K.C.; vice. resident A. A Cunningham oney Issued and farm properties, mundeipal and cuunty debentures; mor{jfages pur. chased; Investment onds fo: sale; deposits received and Inter. est allowed. R. C. Cartwright, man- ager, 87 Clarence St. Kingston LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBF Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215, In addition t ~which the policyholders have fo: security the unlimited Hability of city property, insured at Jowes' possible rates. Before renewing wd or giving new business ge! rates from range & Strange Agents. Phone 325. INVEST. on city MEDICAL. DR. FERGUS J. CONNOR, 1083 EARL SL, opposite Chalmers Church. Phone 368. Offce hours 10-12 a.m. 1-4 and 5-9 p.m. DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicit: orders for fall and winter work Address 202 Alfred street, 3 WOULD MARRY AMERICAN WOMAN MRS. WILLIAM B. LEEDS, | Prince Christopher, brother of Constantine, formerly King of Greece, Is reported to be about to marry a very wealthy American woman who is now In Switzerland, according to a Geneva despatch to the Temps, and reported to be Mrs. William B. Leeds. The despatch {ON ROAD I " PAGE SEVEN The People's Forum ea naa LALIT A Frm FOUND DOG, WHITE WITH Urown markings, some days ago Wher may same by ing at J. G. LIGHT ok n Ettin. ng West TON MILLS ROAD, A note book containing reglstr a- ton certificate, "No, 30,1 3 Uwner may have same by cal 1 ing at Whig Fol ND IN NEWMAN & SHAW'S Store a pink crepe de chene blouse. A SMALL PASS BOOK, WITH Apply tration card in it OF BILLS, OWNER have same by proving property at J. P. Hanley, Sta- tion Agent, G.T.R. CPR. TICKET, ARDENDALE TO Kingston. Apply Deputy Post. master Shan MARKER FOR "CAR, EAST oF Barricteid) Yiliage, Apply 182 Alfred street, REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE Ho. 10-495- % Owner may ave same applyin at Whig Office. y png LADIES CLOTH BELT ON Montreal street, between Princess and Queen on Sat. urday. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The-sdver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge, "Found articles" does not In- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column. UPPER tarto er kindly wday evening. rs nud return to Whig Office €. ATARAQUI Bay bag BETWEEN Bridge and Deadman's taining bathing outfit, Kindly leave at Whig Office and ceive reward PLATED TEDDY BEAR STICK in centre of Prin- Finder Re- GOLD etween and bridge kindly to 8. Shapiro. ward rey TO LET PURNISHE (ID ROOMS WITH OR WITH- out board, Apply to 204 King St, City. FURNISHED HOUSE, ALL IMPROVE- ments; central, G, A. Bateman, 67 Clarence street. {IRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, all Improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN and dry. McCann's Real Bstate Agency, 88 Brock St. Phone 328 or 621. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; 1 hour own lock and kkey. Frost's City Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 626; res. 98. FURNISHED, SEVEN-ROOM COT- tage with verandah and sleeping porch, at East View Park. Apply J. D. Boyd, RR, R. No, 1, Pittsburgly Ont. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH EVERY convenience for light housekeep- Ing, on bath. room flat; in good locality, Apply Box 222 hig Office. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for light housékeeping Gag for cooking, Young married couple. preferred. Apply Box 260 Whig Office. THIS DEPARTMENT glad to hear from hay of using classifie Write of Phone us a may be able to help you. Whig Pub C FURNISHED COTTAGE, ON THE river bank, Fiddler's Elbow, near Darlingside: sheltered bay; Thous. and Island Group. Cheap for bal- ance of the Season, Apply T. J. Darling, Lansdowne, Ont. LEGAX B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street. : IS ALWAYS one-thinking padvertiging. bout ft. We British - { FOR SALE TWO HOBRSEX, BUGGY, SET SINGLE harness and bicydle. Apply 30 Plum street, A NEW VARNISHED SKIFF, used part of one season. 63, or Saw, ; A T-ROOMED HOUSE oN STUART 8ST, bath and closet and fas. Apply to J. R. Laidlaw, 24s vision Bt NY HOUSE, COR. PRINCESS AND VIC. toria streets. Write or call at 851 Princess street . D, Terwillegar. FORD TOURING CAR; EXTRA EQUIP. JUST Phone ment; guaranteed first dass condl- tion, $425. Apply Box 7300, Whig. Office, FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR fishing, go to Frank wv. Sooke, 38 Clarence street, opi Ameri. ean Consulate. . Telephon he Soiw, GENUINE GRAPHONULA am selections; your own Shales § Terms, $5 cash 31 pe week, gh Lindsay, Loui fa Princess St. SULKY WHEEL AND TIRES; ALSO Perfect, Columbia and Overland Bioy cles. 0. Muller, 371-873 King St, Phone 1032 SMALL STLEL RANGE, KITonesy cabinet, sectional book-case Bood bicycle, go-cart, and a number of other articles of household furni- ture. 436 Alfred St WE HAVE GOUD SHCUNU-IAAL furniture, Dulles olrairs bles: will bi Kinds of ture and Ag . Thompson, $53 Princess street. Phone 1600. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTS. bring you full par bout this department British Whig Publishing Co. OF 220 ACRES, LOT, NO, 9, concession, well wooded and watered; stone house, drive house, two barps, pig JENS, two hen houses, stable fof®24 head of cat- tle and § horses large workshop and 'silo; % mie from cheese fac jory % mile from Glenvale station, ailes from Elginburg. Further patie ulars writ or Apply on premises, W. WwW. Ttelh Enginburg DESIRABLE PROPERTY, John Lee farm, 100 1% miles N.B. of Mud Lake, large house, furnace heated, cia tern, three wells, good barn and drive house, and other buildings al} in good repair, large orchard, well fenced, land runs to water's edge, For further particulars apply to B. I. King, owner, on premises, Odessa Ont, R.R. No, 3, $2650, DOUBLE FRAME, 8 ROOMS, ALL improvements; _€lectrie Hebe. FARM Sixth AT known as the or situated sa, along BRICK HOUSES, "oon LOCATIONS, $1900 to $9000; Jota to splect { from, $4200--BRYCK VENEER, 12 ROOMA. all modern improvements; me bath; electric lst, table; ¢ ents S1050--FRAME HOUSE, 5 ROOMS, good lot, $1800 NRW FRAME HOUSE, rooms; nice location G. A. BATEMAN REAL RSTATE AND Insurance, 67 Clarence Bt, King. on BOARD AND ROOMS. BOARD WITH OR WITHOUT ROOMS. On car line. Very bright, attrac. tive rooms. Apply Mrs. Ethel B. Lytle, 245 Alfred street. Se HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHM ARKS and all gro s and skin bléem- ishes removed permanently, with. out soar: 30 Years' eperiahos, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye No Throat 'and Skin Eos ciatio. i Bagot street. TO RENT. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, 150 KING ST, opposite the Chateau Belvidere. -------------------- a ot A THRER-ROOM APARTMENT FUR- nished Tor light house "Keeping: gas for cooking and eleetric light, in Koa locality. Pox 731, Whig Of- oe ARCHITECT POWER & MER. sorser & SON, chants 'Bank Bufiding, Brock and Wellington - Good cloth is hard to get. we have a big stock of men's of the old eloth that we had {have a sale of fine shirts at a Barnet Notice and boys' clothing just adn 4p bought before the war. Mig reduction in pries, Call and see us before you purchase elsewhere. : It you call on us you will find We Lipman 107 Princess Street The Up-To-Date Clothing and Men's Furnishing Store SAA A CANNEL COAL ! ------