Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jul 1918, p. 6

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PAGE SIX | | iJ i WOULD YOU engage the services of the cheapest lawyer or doctor? Certainly not! \ Then, why imagine that the lowest figure on your printing will be the most gconomical? Measure the cost of your advertising by what it will do to increase the sale of your goods, and base the cost on that princ iple. We will submit you complete plans for show cards, street car cards, mailing folders, and other forms of advertising, without any obligation on your part. 92, and a representative at your service to talk rertising proposition over PARTMENT BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING KINGSTON e indsay Plyer-Pian --a quality instrument ~---rich and powerful in tone =beautiful in appearance --up-to-date in equipment not high-priced ~ ~in a word, the ideal Player-Piano for the man of moderate means. One Price Only -- Cash or Terms. Hlustrated Catalogue Free. C. W. ta 121 Princess Street, Kingston. Other Branches at Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Brockville, Belleville and ' : x Rivers. e Find| ' a I ; That we still have a considerable quantity | ~ of summer merchandise left and have decided to allow this great clearing sale to run for another week. --- ho This is positively the limit of time." Be sure w, Alex. Robertson, Pert y, of John H. Frases. ty six years. TE LINDSAY, Limited | | | | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GANANOQUE n Correspondent.) The remains of the late lentham, who passed suddenly in Kingston on ping last, were brought to Gananoque and the funeral was morning from the Brock street, to where requiem m was snug by Rev. Father J. P Kehoe, after which mterment was made at the Roman Catholic bury- ing ground. The remains of Pte. Graham, who lost his life in the triple drowning fatality near Marble Rock on Sun- day, were forwarded to the mili- tary authorities in Kingston, he not having received his discharge. In- terment will be made in that city with military honors. John S. Melntyre, of this town, was in Kingston the latter part of the week to consult with the mili- tary authorities in an effort to se- cure the return of his son, Pte. J. C. L. McIntyre, from the front. The sad death of the latter's wife last week and the leaving of three young children renders it necessary for the father to be hefe to look alter them. ; Mr. and Mrs. William Abernethy, ¢f Kingston, are spending a few days (n town, duests of Mr. and Mrs. Willam Allan, Charles street. Mrs. 8. R. Carfrae and children have arrived from Detroit, Mich., for a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. K. E. Baker, Stone street. James Braddon and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Braddon, accompanied by Mother Ignatius and Sister Mary Patricia, all of Kingston, motored down in the former"s€a: on Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Braddon's par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Amo- Wellington street. Miss Claire Mitchell, of Ottawa, is spending a short time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DavidA. Mitchell, First street. Byron Cadwell, of Syracuse, N.X.; who had been spending a few days in Kingston on business, came down to Gananoque on Saturday evening to spend Sunday with his sister, Mrs. George Pickett, North street, idence, church, whom he had not seen for about fourteen years. Miss Gladys Berpy, Charles street, spent the past week in Seeley's Bay and Lyndhurst with relatives and friends. The Misses Mabel and Myrtle Taylor have arrived from. Montreal for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wildam Allan, Charles street. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Colquhoun, of Waterville, Que., motored up in their car during the past week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Ed- wards at their summer home at Batteau Point. July 31.--The funeral of the late Hubert Day, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Day, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne township, near Marble Rock, one of the victims of the triple drowning fatality of Sunday last, was held yesterday ofternoon from the family residence to Grace Meth- odist church where Rev, W. 8. Len- non conducted a very impressive ser- vice. The church was packed to the doors. The remians were laid to rest in Gananoque cemetery. The funeral of the late Raymond Pritchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pritchard, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne township, another victim of the recent triple drowning fatality near Marble Rock, was held from the home of his parents yester- day afternoon to the Marble Rock burying ground, the service being conducted at the house by Rey. .C. W. Hollingsworth, Under the auspices of the Gan- anoque Yacht Club a largely attend- od cance was held in' the Assembly hall at their club house last evening. Gananogue's Civic holiday has been set for Wednesday, August Tth, when the Citizens' Band will conduet an excellent programme of sports and hold a "Tag Day." The Red Cross workers met yester- day afternoon and, decided to suspend operations during 'the hot weather. The steam barge Hinckley arrived on Monday veal hg with a cargo of coal for the Taylor Company and started to discharge her cargo yester- day morning. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the local branch of the G.W.V.A. have sus: pended their sessions for a month on accquut of the hot weather, = A military official from Kingston was in town last evening to investi- gate the conditions of the case of the three infant children of Sapper J. C. L. Mcintyre, left motherless by the death of Mrs. McIntyre last 'week. Their father is at the front. Sapper Mcintyre will quite probably get an honorable discharge and be allowed to return to take charge of his family, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Llovd and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Lloyd, Charles street, motored to Kingston on Mon- day and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ranger. They were adtompanied back by Master Clarence Ranger, who will spend a couple of weeks with his stster, Mrs. | Wileria Lloyd. A young son of George 8. Masten had a bad fall from a tree in front of his home last evening, nécessitating ical assistance, Fanny Zivian, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Zivian, King street. Journalist 11 In France. Hi 'Brockville, July 31.-- Relatives reo- ce'ved word of the serious illness in a French hospital of Pte. J. B. McGee, a woll-Known Ontario newspaper man. He enlisted in Pembroke 'in 1916. Previously he had conducted Wiarton Echo, ; \ruads Is 6 be undgrakon by | the N i Fontenoy # Mard Lally 0 Lucy- OCoupry ODomptin Bazu-le-Guery Bonn farthest advance of the enemy on his Secretary Daniels and Congressman Kirchin trying the masks the U.S troops are served , WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1918, CHASING THE HUN OUT. OF TOERYE vur. 1a Croix © ourmont ORencheres & o ony st Nosles- ello la-Montesne carly drive at Paris. U.S. NAVAL SECRETARY "GASSED" mn BURIAL AT DESERONTO Of the Late Lieut. Coleridge of the RAF. Deseronto, July 30.= The funeral of the late Lieut. Goss Coleridge, 81st Squadron, R.A.F., Camp Rath- bun, "took place from St. Mark's church (Anglican), Deseronto, Fri- day, July 26th. Rural Dean Gar- Trott, rector of Hawkesbury, read the lesson, the rector of {the parish, Rev. [E. Radcliffe, B.CiL.; the pray- ers, and the chaplain, Capt. Rey- croff, gave m short address. The organist and choir were assisted by eight members of the R.A.F. The Tioral tributes were lovely from his brother lofficers and friends, some of whom acted as pallbearers. The" service was a very impressive one. The body, covered by the Union Jagk and [placed 'on a trafler, was drawn by men of the (R.AF, to the cemetery, where the customary volley at the grave was fired and the Last Post sounded. Lieut. Cole- ridge belonged io a distinguished English family. While ploughing on the farm of Mr. Kaylor, York Road, J. Bentley found an American quarter which is 112 vears old. It is in good condi- SEEKS WAY, TO PEACE. Ready ms Soon as Enfente Re- nounces "Hostile Plans." Amsterdam, July 31.-""We are ready to concluda an honorable peace as soon as eur Cpponents re- nounce. their hostile plang aiming at our destruction, or repression." said Baron von Hupsarek; Ausirian Pre- mier, in presenting . his cabinet to the Upper House of the Austrian Parliament, according to Vienna advices. * He" added, according to the despatch, that, so far as the Central Powers are concerned, the war is a defensive one. -- Following am attack of peritonitis, the death pé¢eilitred in Lavant, on July 13th, of «Orville, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Abert Coss, In his sev: enth year.' W. J. Mason, Horton, has sold the mineral rights of his rane" in Ad- monston to Mr. Ban? ik, ==5 will develop the mineral at earliest wom-- vénience. John McDonald, a retired farm- orf, has returned to the homestead in Admaston township after a Toor dence of a number of years in Ren- frew, : Nothing is more pointed than the finger of scorn. tion and bears date 1806. | ( | delightful GL Is fully attained in the | I et ry TE 3 beverage - Abjols-St. / The three stages of the fighting on the great salient from Soissons to Rheims are shown on the above map. hy : : s The barred line, from Qulchy-le-Chateau to Neuville, is his position last Saturday, and the solid black line shows where he is now fighting desperately to avoid being driven back behind the Vesle river or even perhaps to the Aisne. SALIENT Soar or my LORE ALS nm YRTHE ST GERMS MOL BIITL EINE. LIVE. The double line * marks the For Batteries, Spark Plugs, Coils, Auto Lamps and Motor Boat Supplies; Spark Coil Repairing, and Everything Electrical, Cal Phone 94. 1At ; Halliday Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Sts. Phone 1042. Another Car NICE DRY CEDAR FENCE POSTS JUST UNLOADED FOR Allan's Lumber Yard Yard: Victoria Street. ARRANGE TO FINANCE WESTERN WHEAT CROP Grain Commission. To Fix Price--Banks to Extend Needed Credits. (Canadian Press Despatch) Ottawa, July 1.---~Representa- tives of grain, milling and banking interests had an interview to-day with Sir Thomas White and Hon. Mr: Crerar, respecting the matter of financing the western wheat crop. As the result the question of a.fix- ed price will iminediately be taken under consideration &@y the grain commission. : The matter of financ- ing will be taken up by the Minister of [Finance with the Imperial ciation. It is likely that to give financial and commercial stability to the grain situation the Govern- met will give its guarantee of a fixed price upon the whole new crop. This will enable the banks to extend needed credits to grain and elevator firms so that buying may promptly commence when grain is ready to move. POLICE COURT BREVITIES. The Mysterious Disappearance of a Pair of Glasses. » AL the police court on Wednes- day mornipg Mrs. Harriet Smith, an aged woman, told how her pair am - | LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the World th communicate direct with English Manufacturers & Déalers in each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to Lon- don and Buburbs, it contains lists of Export Merchants with the goods they ship, and the Col- onlal and Foreign Markets they .sup- rly; also - Provincial Trade Notices of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, ete. in the principal Provineial Towns and Industrial Centres 'of the United Kingdom. . Business Cards of Merchants and Deal. jers seeking authorities and the Bankers' Asso- | British Agencies 3 can now be printed under each trade In which they are interested at & cost of #5 for each trade heading. Larger ad- vertisaments {rom $15 to $00, A copy of the directory will be sent SL apoat on receipt of postal orderg for The London Di : Co., Ltd., hs 25, Abchurch Lane, London, B.C, 4, of glasses mysteriously disappeared loining the glasses. there was not sufficient evidence to form a conviction and the charge of theft was d of the read. He was not driving the ear at the time, but Constabls Lesslie Armstrong told of a car be- longing to Knowlton cutting the corner of Brock and King streets. Both Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton denied having 'had the car cmt. « Mrs. 'Birdsall was fined 35 and ccsts for an infraction of the rule: «f the road. Her son turned his car in the middie of a block. Submarine Menace Not Past, Tondon, July 21.--The British an- submarine menace down to its pres- ent less formidable dimensions, Sir Erie Geddes, First Lord of the Ad- miralty, declared in the House of Commiens to-day. but he added, "Wé still have considerable additions to make to the fleet before the margin : of safety witch Is sought is obtain- ed." : oF ow W. Miller, Brockville, he : chased from W. J. Stevenson, of Clinton, Ont. the brick residence at 50 Wall street, formerly a part of ® at her home and accused a 'woman | who was rooming with her of pur-; However, | . { J. F. Knowlton was fined 45 and | costs for an infraction of the rules! ti-submarine fleet has brought thel Dominion Fish Co. Ussada Food Board License No. p.azee, Horse Had Fine Weed. Because he allowed his horse to run at large and do ge to the garden of' Mrs. Sparling, at Ports- $5 and costs by County M 1 George Hunter. The anima a taste for cord, garden" and did considerable dam- age. i Si In Ottawa hard cos] will likely ad- yance 10 $11.26 a ton. At present it is selling at $10.75. al iy mouth, George Ford was assessed = strate pers and beets in the EY i-- " aL -- RA

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