THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1918.- ___. PAGEEIGHT Clothes ~ Every careful dresser gives special at- tention to his outfitting during the summer season. It is the time of the year when the things a man wears are very conspicuous. Summer fabrics being light in weight, must be carefully tailored. Come and see what summer comfort we have provided for you in Palm Beach suits at $13.50, $15.00 and $18.00. Then to complete your comfort we've choice soft shirts, thin underwear, summer neckwear, hosiery and many other ° summer things in choice and exclusive tog- gery. Always at your service; looking or buying. Livingstons BROCK STREET If off your route it pays to walk. SPORTS AT _ BARRIERELD "CONTESTS PROVIDED A FINE PROGRAMME ON WEDNESDAY. Boxing Bouts Were a Special Peat» ure and Much Enjoyed---Notes «7 From the Camp. Beci™se of the uncertain weather of Wednesday afternoon the out- door sports for Barriefield Camp were cancelled in favor of am' after+ noon of spert under. canvds, "So ac- cordingly the big "Y" marquee was cleared for action, and with the pre- sent camp strength the accommoda- tion was ample. A} the boys en- joyed this work-out under the new arrangement, and the contests ar- ranged by Lieut.r Bewes, Sergt.- Major Rainbow and Mr. Ward, of the "Y! staff, provided plenty of exéreise as well as amusement for the boys. Group races were parti- cularly enjoyed, as well as medium hall and ball passing games, but the feature of the afternoon was the boxing contests, each bout being. of but a few minutes' duration to al- low every man a chance to show his class. With certain indications of the Weather clearing, it was decided to play ball,' and the regular lefgue game between C.A.D.C. and E.O.R. Was called at four o'clock, the men turning out full strength to toot for their respective teams. C.A.8.C. got away to an early start, and looked to have the game safely on ice when the slugging ability of E. O. R. came to the ifront and for a while it was rather bumpy for C. A. D. C,, but the Service Corps boys got together and put across a win by the score of 9 to 12. It is predicted that the scheduled for Friday night -between C.A,.D.C. and C.A.M.C. will be one of the closest and hardest fought contests seen in these . parts for many a moon. Both teams: are on edge and anticipate a real battle. Everyone who attends this game is game | --- gE Military News | Thé residents of Hastings gave Lieut. ¥F. 8. Hubbs a rousing recep- tion in ths town park on Monday last. There was a dainty tea, band music and splendid addgesses. Men employed as cooks must be in a lower category than "'A" and they will t proceed overseas. Al "A" category men at present employed as cooks will be replaced by men of low- er category, who will be trained in the work so' that they may be quali- fied by Sept. 1st, 1918. Command- ing officers of all units in M.D. No. 3 have been instructed to take imme- diate steps to carry out the above or- der, Ne ro The funeral of the late Pte. Stan- ley Drapeau took place from St. Mary's cathedral at 2.30 p.m. to-day. The usual military' arrangements were carried out under the direction of an officer detailed from the 3rd district depot. The casualty com- pany attended in a body. The firi party was from the C.G.R. and the band from the 1st Depot Battalion, E.O.R. Interment took place at St. Mary's cemetery. Lieut. 8. V. Saunders, C.A.D.C.. has been transferred to Petawawa Camp, Lieut.-Col. J. M, Wilson; A.D.D.S., proceeded to Deseronto and Cobourg to-day, Capt. W. S. Goodeve, M.C., C.A.S. C., has been detailed for duty in con- nection with Overseas Transportation {and attached to the Division of the Director of Transpart and Supplies, Militia Headquarters, Ottawa. Lieut. E. W, Clarke, C.A.8.C., has been detailed for duty as temporary supply officer at Valcartier Camp, assured of a treat, and it is expect- ed that many ball fans from the city will attend this game. City fol- lowers of the game are of the opin- | fon that the brand of ball being | played in the Military "Y" League | this year is equal to the best in this vicinity, Last night was, "movie night" in the big "Y" marquee at Barriefield and the boys surely enjoyed the | side-gplitting antics of "Lonesome Luke." Pathe Weekly news, show- ing American troops in France also met with hearty approval. A rous- | ing "sing-song" was also indulged | in, and the boys displayed plenty of | "pep," singing and whistling popu- lar songs. About forty boys of the Engia-| eers from Brockville, who arrived | in camp yesterday, were on hand | at the "movie show," and were giv- en a rousing welcome by the units in camp. . $250,000,000 FOR | PENSIONS EVERY YEAR WENN NEES NNNNERENNNREEAY i + Cool ! Underwear § for the Warm Weather v » Women's Vests in cotton, lisle and silk, : short and no sleeves. Special values At 25¢, 35c¢, 40c and 50c. Women's Combinations in all the Wanted styles, short and no sleeves; ankle and knee lengths. . At 50c, 60c, 75¢c and 90¢ a suit. BM Men's Balbriggan and Dimity Underwear in long, short and no sleeve shirts: ankle and knee length drawers. - Men's Combinations in Merino, balbriggan i and porous knit : At $1.25 and $1.50 a suit Children's Underwear in-a-fine ribbed cot) ton and balbriggan, white and cream vests and drawers, : "At 20c, 25¢, 30c and 35¢ a tical At50c, 60c, 75c and 90c. | - v i. Kier and Podouoia is under way. towns of Lipowec, jl Bialocerkien. Britain Has Already 341,025 Men on Lists--Pensions in | Sight Up To 1970. London, July 18.--Great Britain| will have té pay $250,000,000 a year | pensions if the war ends. by next, March, dccording to an estimate made by A. Bonar Law, Chancellor of| the Exchequer. Sir Alfred W..Wat- son, a Government actuary, estimates! that, by 1930, the annual pension] changes will have fallen to $200,- 000,000 and that each succeeding de-| cade will show a reduction of $50,-| 000,000, but that these pensions will not have entirely. disappeared by 1970. y Fifteen thousand cases of war dis- abled soldiers are reported each week | to the Minister of Pensions. The total number of disabled British men! on the list is now placed at 3410265, of which 20 per cent. were cases of | injury to the eyes or loss of sight re- sulting' {pom wounds. Small industrial and memorial vil- lages for disabled soldiers and sail- ors. are being established in different parts of Great Britain. At one of these near Moreton, Dorset, ten acres have been laid out as a market gar- den and houses are to be erected for the wounded men. Barriefield Personals. Barriefield, July 17.--iCharles Cunningham and family, also Mrs. J. IF. O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. Schi- anke, who motored from Buffalo, N.Y., also H. Douglas and family, city, 'spent Sunday with Mr. -af®l Mrs. W. Stanton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wormington, visiting with rela- tives here, have returned to To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ford, Ports- | mouth, spent Sunday with Mr. and i Mrs. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gates, city, visited with: W. Stan- ton, sr. Miss Clark, nurse, Water- town, N.Y. is the guest of Miss 'Isabel 'Hutton. ! The heavy rains have improved vegetation here. Miss Doris Dow- ler, who spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Greenley, Joyceville, { has returned home. Mts. Grimsby has left to visit _with {friends at Peterboro. Mre. R. Gray is visit ing Mr. and rMs. Elliott in Toron- to, and before returning will visit lin Rochester, N.Y. Miss Clara Ryan, who has returned from Cali- i fornia, was visiting with old friends Mrs. Straid and family, To- |ronto, are visiting with her mother, , Mrs. G. ler. ¢ z New Revolt Of Peasants. Zurich, July 18.-----A new revolt by ) in the Ukrainian of Strong detachments of armed peas-| | Regiment) has 'rank of captain Lieut.-Col. R, J. Birdwhistle (43rd been attached for duty to the 2nd Battalion, E.O.R..and ig granted the rank of major in the C.E.F. > Capt. F. L. Bradburn, M.C., late 48th Battalion, has been granted the in the Reserve of Of- ficers, The G W.V.A ex mitiee met last even the "Over the Top" Company, : and cunsulted with Col. A. B Cunnine- ham legal agent, respe the details. About-four Nigdred men Af Deput 3atiallon § whoss ed vired on July 16th are seeRMr an extension of their Jdeav: Many of them are of a category lower than oy - 2 cutive com- to organize the EX- The Social Five Club held a most enjoyable dance in the City Hall last wight. The club is filling a very im- portant social need among the sol- diers in the city and the promoters are pleased over the manner in which the dances are patronized. fie ¢ BASEBALL ON: WEDNESDAY. --r-- National, Chicago .. . .2 Philadelphia Cincinnati -2 Cincinnati . New York .. .4 New York .. : Pittsburgh 5. Brooklyn ., . . St. Louis .. ..4 Boston American «1, 8t. Louis .4 .8t. Louis 5 Cleveland Boston Boston Washington .. International. Toronto .. +6 Binghamton .. Baltimore '..' .5 Buffalo Baltimore ,. .11 Buffalo Beck The "Jackrabbit King." Hutchinson, Kan, July 18.--K C. Beck is known as the "Jackrabbit King." In the last season he handled over a million jackrabbits, starting a new packing industry. Beck's idea saves the grain the jackrabbits might eat and furnishes meat to thousands of people, ' W. M. Campbell, of Minden Lodge has been elected D.D.G.M. for Fron- tenac District at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & AM. held this week in Windsor. He is heartily con- gratulated. » DAILY MEMORANDUM See top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities, DIED, WATTS---In Kingston, on July 17th, 1918, Margaret Watts, daughter of the late Robert Watts. Fyneral will take place from her late residence, 415 Johnson street, Fri- day at 2 p.m. to Cataraqul ceme- tery. 2 ants are said to have occupied the |i potatoes | i At the Grand. } 'Ciara Kimball Young is starred in the striking new World picture, Brady-made, entitled "Without a Soul," which wil] be shown at the! Grand for the last three days 'of | this week. ' In this feature = Miss Young has a part in which she must | portray two distinct types, and with | her. varied talent she makes a de- | cided success. If After perfecting | a wonderful chemical which will re- | store life to the was brought in 4 Pon et wimat-- after being sudden- | ly killed by an automobile, what | would you do? This father, though heant-broken, decided experiment on his child and what happened after the operation makes a climax for this Weture, and it will | be*one that will hold your interest until the very last minute. Besides this exceptional 'production there will be the Pathe News, an O. Henry story, a fregular slide-splitting | Lonesome Luke comedy and other reels. The vaudeville will consist | of Corbett and Forester in 4 com- edy singing and talking act that is sure to catch the [ancy of every- one. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD Sales Made at the Meeting of the! Board on Thursday, At the meeting of the Frontenac Cheese Board held Thursday after- noon, there was boarded 648 boxes of white cheese, and §88 sold at 22% cents, The following factories board- ed: Arigan, 30; Inverary, 30; Forest, 60; Glenburnie, 60: Glenvale, 60; Ontario, 54; St. Lawrence, $5: Sil- ver Springs, 114; Verona, 70; Wolfe Istand, 75; Collins Bay, 40, At 22%, L. W. Murphy secured the offering of Ontario, St. Lawrence, and Silver Springs. At 22% cents, John Gibson bought the offering of Arigan, Inverary, Verona and Wolfe Island. At 22% cents George bought the offering of Forest, vale and Collins Bay. -------------- Smith Gin. Baseball on Wednesday, At the Cricket Field on Wednesday afternoon Y.I.C.B.A. won from C.L.C. in the junior baseball series by 10 to 3. The teams: Y.L.C.B,A.--Fitzgerald 88; O'Neil, 3b; McKee, 1b: Cummings, ¢;: Dev- lin, 2b; Ada, 1 ; Arneil, of. ; Johnson, rf; Koen, p; JO runs, 12 hits, 7 er- rors, y C.L.C.--Harmer, If; Bluth, rf; Fannon, c; Shannon, p; Guthrie, 1b; Connolly, 2b; Fowler, 88; Meredith, 3b; 3 runs, 7 hits, 2 errors. Davidson, ef; tee: Why He Kept Moving, A Richmond darkey called upon an old friend, who received him in a rocking chair, The visitor obsery- ed not only that his host did not rise, but that he continued to rock himself to and fro in 'a most curious way, simflar to that of a person. suffering from a colic. "You ain't sick, is you, Harris- on?" asked the caller anxiously. > "No, I ain't sick, Mose," said Har- rison, A moment's silence, the caller gazed wide-eyed at. the rocking figure. "Den," continued Mose, "why in goodness does you rock yo'se'f dat way all de time?" Harrison paused not in his oscil- lations, as he explained: 'Yo' know dat "good-fur-nothin' Bill Blott? Well, he done sold me a silver watch during which : fo' five dollars, an' ef I stops movin' like, dis, that watch don't go!" Local Horses At Belleville, On Tuesday, in Belleville, Penalty, owned by Charles Randall, won the 2.26 class race from a field of six starters. Armardale, owned by D. Hawkins, appeared on the track - fpr the 2.13 race. There were no other competitors, however, and he gave an exhibition mile, stepping home int the last eighth in fourteen seconds. Mme, Maria K. de Victoria is a hos- pital pn EHis Island, where Mme. Despina Davidovitch Storch died af- ter-a brief illness March 30th is ser- lously fil. She has abogt an even chance of recovery, Madame Vie- toria is alleged to be an important link in the German Spy system in Am- erica. The largest session of A¥is stu- dents in the history of Queen's Uni- versity Summer School is now in attenddnce. In 1915 the previous high record of 93 students was re- corded but the present session has 105 Arts students recorded. Following an illness of eight weeks Wallace James Johnston, Brockville, passed away on Monday, Mr. Johnston was bofn in Elizabeth- town sixty-nine years ago. If it's a. good offer it will pay you to make it through the classified advertising columns. dead, your daughter |} to |} Attract Bathing Suits _ That Cost But Little Costume. ----, Among Your Preparations for the Summer Vacations is the Choosing of a smartly designed Bathing {. AND HERE THEY ARE IN A MOST WONDROUS COLLECTION. 4 models. $3.75. Irresistible in their ut- ter simplicity are the styles fashion has de- creed in this season's A Yow are here at special prices. Among the alluring models you will find Ladies' smart one-piece cotton bath- ing suits. Very special shades. For the Woman or Miss Who Wants An All-Wool_ Jersey Bath- ing Suit -- One-piece Style. They are here in stunning mod-- els as fascinating as can be, for only $3.75, $3.95, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 and $7.25. Colors, with white, black with - orange, 'blue with cardinal: and many STYLISH BATHING CAPS Of High Quality Rubber Prices 50c to 95¢ each. grey plain NOVELTY BATHING SACKS * In high grade rubber. Price 95¢ each. JOHN J A LAIDLAW & SON ~ Limited New sky's for $0¢ v Fy 7 We also { lor . have a very good mgat .. ... "i. Sn 0 0 min wa isniewg hite Canvas P Rubber Solés We have a Ladies' White Canvas Pump, Louis Heel, Rubber ican make. A very smart style and one that able on the foot. These we are sell i daitien, piahd Another shoe with a military heel, a shade different style at low heel Oxford which « ==--JOCKETTS ump s 2 cee owe | Soles ¥ will be comfort. | we are selling $4.00 $ . Se i 8