Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1918, p. 6

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News From Eastern Onta NEWS FROM THE DISTRIC |: DLIPPED FROM THE WHI®'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, In Brief Form the Events In The About Kingston Are Told ~Full of Interest to Many, Belleville's tax: rate hag 4 a forward with a bound FoF 1918. 13 Wag Struck by the cou. mills. Fire Chief Duggan, Denver, Colo- rado, is spending his, vacation at Northport. ive of [Bay of Quine district. The Almonte Gazette, published in Charles the former home of Pte. Clyde Shearn, announces his mar- riage at Folkestone, Kent, England, on January 4th, 1917, to Sarah Helen Hinch, of Newburgh, The engagement 18 announced of Stella Pansy, 'daughter of the lafe Richard May and Mrs. May, to Frank C. MoDiarmid, son of Mr. and Mrs, (Willlam McDiarmid, Both of Carleton Place. The marriage will take place shortly. T, P. Heaton, Fire Marshal for Ontario, and his deputy, W. J. Poin- ton, are holding an investigation into the cause of the recent fire at Pem- broke, 50 as to be in a position to 1ecommend the necessary changes for @ better system of fire protection. A Pakenham man last week lost a valuable horse. The animal ran away, leaped the bridge over the Madawaska, landed. on its head on the stone abutment, breaking its neck, and then came in contact with & barbed wire which cut its throat, R. R, Craig, Cornwall, aged fifteen, is dead as a result of a fall from a tree, His right leg was broken above the ankle, two 'bones protruding through the flesh and tearing his stocking. Lockjaw developed. He was a sop of Dr, W, H. Craig, V.8. An wmutopsy performed on a two- year old Holstein heifer which died at the government farm near Kempt- ville, revealed the presence of a large number of wiré nails, one of which hid pierced a lung, a plece of leather belting and a piece of sack- ing. A Cleveland, Ohio, firm has made & purchase from P. B. Caldwell of the iron pyrites mine at Clyde Forks and will take out ore for the manufacture of chemicals, The firm wants elec- tric power from Calabogie, to which end it is making surveys for a power line to Barryvale, Alexander A. Park, son of Maxwell Park, 'Watson's Corners, died July Chief Duggan is a" nat- | all the well known phono- espe - - MONEY ON THE TRIP -------- Wolfe Islander Cares For Am- herst Island Residents. Wolfe stand" July 17.---The steam- i 1 s a weekly This run is Islanders, but {f revenue for the sbout $100 is realized from The ferry is now taxed to widy in handling pie- 1 connection with her The store house over which has nj". ee ard 3 home near Harpes ' Mr, A e failing 'health . for! boat his trouble be-|each trip : was born on | ber u 1 near Wat-| le par Y forty-five years ago regular work 4 stock, plant and pre-| the Wolfe island dock; | ! 1-MeNaughton, Lim-| been a landmark for years, will 5 been purchased | Shortly be razed to the ground. Thé Albany, N.Y. |townslilp conne il have decided to ask 1 8 of wool. | for tenders for its removal, as it is e large man rs of wool- | seh benefit as it is, and in its They will enlarge the fae-|00t much benefit as Be . rROMGTE d if the mean-|®tead will be erected on the centre of ArnpHor, po. ia ie = a1lthe wharf a waiting and store reom Jmve J. T. Griish ag thelr 981 of bungalow styles, which will be a manager, ldecided improvement, . REA me | A sample of peat has been forward- WELLINGTON'S OLD HOUSE, faa to the ET to be analyzed. r ~ . A imber of the sons of the Em- It Has Been in 1 sa For Some 160(A nt mber state it to be the equal Years, {of any found ja the bog in the home Wellington; July 14.--Mr. Snider, |, their birth, It 'may yet Be the Western Canada, has taken'Rev, Mr. |p aon. of relieving the fuel situation. Terrill's work during his absence for| ong of our residents took the modest a month, Smith Bearsall, Hillier, | oi of $5600 out of the cheese factory was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Wil-| por nis June cheque liam Jenkins, on Saturday. | Thomas Hutchison's friends and T. 1.. Hubbs, Indian Head, is visit- | they aré legion, regret to hear of his ing friends and relatives here, Mrs, serious illness, Mrs. A. McLaren's Montgomery is in the village and Willi prmarons friends are glad to learn remain for the summer, Her daugh-| that she has fully recovered from her ter Hattie has signed up for overseas recent illness. Mrs, William Cooper as nurse, | motored to Picton with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington boasts of having a| Arthur Day, Bath Road. Miss house in good condition and owned | Bertha Rattray spent a few days re- by Dr. W. H. Garratt, Jr., that is 160 | cently, holidaying with Miss Jessie years old. The first Governor-Gen- | Cooper, eral of Canada spent three weeks if] Mrs. this house, owing to sickness, while | town, are the guests of Mrs. John enroute to Little York (Torouto).. |Laughlin. Daniel McLaren and Rev. Rufas Garratt preached to a|party, consisting of Dufferin Cos. very attentive audience on Sunday | grove, James O'Rielly and Morey evening last, The airships are visit-| Spoor motored to Sydenham last Sun- ing Wellington very often lately, giv-| day, Mr. and Mrs. "Tom" Doolan, ing some very pleasing stunts in the | Kingston, are visiting with his uncle, alr over the lake and flying very low | John Quigley. Mrs. J. McDondld, through our streets, | Brooklyn, is spending her holidays - {with her parents. Rumor states that {we will shortly have a prominent very {young doctor open on office here. and a ------ 3rd, | DRUG STORE ROBBED. 108 ties, )FNErs facta Washer and family, Water- Surprise At Lyndhurst, Lyndhurst, July 174A pleasant surprise was given Mr. Mrs. Ford Cheetham on July when a host of friends drorped casu-| -------- ally in, and presented the newly-mar-| The Small Change In the Till ried couple with a miscellaneous] Carried Off. shower. Fortunately both Mr. and] (From Our Own Corraspondent) Mrs. Cheetham were at home and the| Napanee July 18.--On 'Tuesday surprise was complete. After.the vis-| night or early Wednesday morning itors had expressed their well wishes burglars entered Wallace's Drug to the bride and groom, a short .ad- |store and removed the contents of the dress in verse form was read by Miss}cash register, about, $10 or $12 in Olive Jackson. Mr. Cheetham in a|Small change. The store was enter- few words expressed the gratitude of | 6d from John street, an outside win- himself and wife, for their kind ex-|d0w was removed and a pane of glass pression of good will. Outstanding |cut in the inner window and from the among the many pretty and useful Size of 'the glass removed it must gifts included in the shower was a| Dave been a boy or small sized man 128 plece set of pretty dinner dishes. | who operated. After removing the y x {contents of the till the burglar made Many a man who thinks he is a | Nis escape by a side door. No clue martyr is only a chump {was obtained as to the perpetrators. . fg LY | Miss E. E, Deroche B.A., Rossland, | B.C., Is spending the holidays with | relatives. Miss Mary Reeve and i brother, Billy, are spending a month {in Ottawa with their mother. Mrs, iW. L. Van de Bogart, and sister, [Miss Wima Miller, returned this week after a month's visit with rela- | tives at Windsor, Ont., -- Was HER: and you will be thoroughly Belleville Rate Over 35 Mills. convinced that there is none that compares with the gh Co ing Yin: a THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY $0107; / CLEAR '43 A BELL | isthe famous instrument which won highest y at the Panama-Pacific Exposition Kingston, Ont. Belleville, July 18.---The ratepay- | ers of a portion of Thurlow township, | which for wears has been annexed to | the 'city for school purposes, and { which union was recently dissolved, | ast night met and selected Messrs. | | G. A. Bennett, Thomas Rainbird A | and Fred Harte as trustees. A new . school will be built in the section. The City Council passed the estimates for the year, fixing the tax rate at 35 1-10 mills, the highest rate In the city's 3 history. \ -------------- score' Power House Struck By Lightning. Picton, July 18---The Electric Light and Waterworks Power House here was struck by lightning yester- day and considerably damaged. The engineer in charge was 'badly shocked and the power line temporarily put out of commission, --better-position--do not wait for it to come along and haul you out of your present job-- ADVERTISE. An executive order by President Wilson taking over trunk line tele- phone and telegraph systems and delegating control of them ta Post- master General Burleson is expected TROPHY CANES CONCLUDED (Continued from Page 5.) For battles hard fought and won tricky bowls, the victors in the trophy matches of the St. Lawrence Lawn Bowling Association tournament were presented with various prizes at the greem on Queen's Uni- versity grounds at noon on Thursday. One always feels as prizes are pre- sented that the happiness of a few. days of good comradeship and con- genial sport is drawing towards an end, and as W. H. Wormwith, presi- dent of the association, called upon the winners the joyous incidents of the pleasant week were recalled to memory. In its Jong history as a sporting city, Kingston has had no more congenial players in its Hmits than the men from all parts of On- tario Who gathered for the tourna- ment. The splendid spirit that pre- vailed, despite the keeness of the 'struggles on the lawn, showed that even in the advanced years the true sporting blood still courses in man's veins, ; To the various winnets Mr. Worm- with addressed a few remarks, ex- pressing the pleasure that the tourna-: ment had afforded, and his state- ments were amplified by those who received the sokems of vietory and who thanked the local club for the very enjoyable entertainment that bad been Provided. Each trusted that in the future the generosity might be reciprocated 'in their own cites, where, they claimed, equal geniality would be found. Except those who are remaining in the city for the doubles and singles competitions, most of the bowlers re- turned to their respective homes on Thursday. The results of the games on Thursday morning were: +1 he DOUBLES Sécohad Round. Kingston: J. F. MeMillan R. Stevenson "11 Kingston: J. E. Singleton E. Green 13 Kingston: tA. Turcott 168 W. Jackson Brockville: G. Cookson J. Scott 14 Third Round, Ottawa: A. E. Thomas 16 J Costello Belleville: R. J. Wray C. Vermilyea 12 Kingston: J. E. Singleton E. Green Ottawa: A. G. R. Darling 17 W. Stewart 14 ee BINGLES. First Round. Ottawa: Kingston: Feed Situation Foy Dairymen Serious. Toronto, July 18.--The agricultur- al expert of the Globe says: Sw Hay is a light crop in Ontario, clover being in especially short sup- ply. Corn as a whole is a long way be- hind where it should be at this sea- son, and many flelds are very dirty. The acreage of mangles is smaller than usual, - ~ All this indicates danger of a very serious feed situation for dairy men in the coming er,, Fortunately frequent rains o fiate have given a splendid start to $he second crop of clover. Every possible pound of this clover should be darefully conserved for hay. Fortungely, too, we have had better "corn weather" of late, but even with the best weather from now on corn will be a comparative tivation. Save the clover; cultivate the corn, J <7 Mrs. Daniel Row, Brockville, died on Monday. She had been ill for six weeks, The late Mrs. Row was Baf- bara Nicolson, surviving member of the family of James Nicholson. She was born in Brockville, July 25th, | 1845, and. was. nearing the comple. tion of her seventy-third year. She was married to Mr, Row fifty-four years ago. If you have real estate to sell, ad- vertise to ALL OF YOUR PROSPEC- TIVE BUYERS through the elagsified columns, Oats grown in the garden of Judge Reynolds, Brockvile, have reached a to-day. height of fifty-five inches. dd 3 WHEN TOO MUCH 18 SERVED AT ONE MEAL ° 1S WASTED: URSDAY, JULY 18, 1918. pe - and for clever manipulation of the| ~~ ET age EE ah] mame A ain BTOCK MARKETS, ORS fy Quotations Furnished By Bongard, Xx Ryerson & Co., 239 Bagot Street, New York Stocks, ; 2.45 FREFESEE B.&0O. .. C. P.'R. N.Y.C ... .. Reading xd 1¢ Southern Pac. So. Rallway . Union Pacific Marine : Marine ptd. Gen, Motors Studebaker Am. Loco Am. Smelters \Baldwin Loco -- © BO 1S be 00 00 =F win 00 =1 10 gu OF =F BO »3 a = 12 FEE 152% 4654 6634 122 88% A. BE. Thomas 15 R. S, Graham 12| Anaconda . Inter. .Nickel .. Inspir. Copper .. Rep. Steel . Midvale 68 3054 63 92% 517% Canadian Stocks, Sa 343 60854 411% 603 8414 84 64% { Brazilian Cin. Cement Can, Steamship . . Dom. Steel Can. Car. ...... Can, Car pref. Steel of Can, CHICAGO GRAIN, Corn, Op'n High 161% 161% 161% 1611 161% 13611 Low 166% 156% 156% July ... Aug ... Sep. Oats, Open High 6% 17 Low 75% July failure unless there is frequent cul- Aug. | Sep, 73% 73% 718% 11% 72% 70% SEVEN SENTENCE SER- "MONS. | | 3 hd : Trust in nothing but In Providence (and your own efforts: never separate the two-- Dickens, hd A good many people are waiting for their ships to come in, when the fact is the ships were never launch- ed.--Anon, rr - = The doing evil to avold an evil Cannot be good. - ---Coleridge. * - A hero or a genius, or both, is the man who guesses right most of the time and then does it.--Stevenson. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life And 1 shall dwell in the heuse of the Lord, for ever. 4 ~--Pg, 23:86. * * . There is a home for 'weary souls - By sin and sorrow driven; When tossed on life's "shoals, . Where storms arise and ocean rolls, And all is drear but heaven. ~William B. Tappan. ? - * . What does it mean that a bird has wings but that there fa air in which to fly, or that men are moved to pray in an orderly universe, but that there is a God to answer them?---John Watson. Identity Dises, A He was one of a new draft, just out from England, and was finding life very strong and novel. Ques- tioning one of the old timers, he asked: -- A "Why do we Identity disca?" . With an air of nonchalance the hardened soldier replied: © "They take ome when you're na- poo'd and the ather one is left on to identify you by when you' dug up A year later, to see if you're proper- ly shaved and have your fron ration with you." have. to wear two $1,350 ic over The Biggest Race Meet BASEBALL Kingston Gentlemen's Driving and Matinee Club. $1,350 in n tario "HAVANA RED SOX vs. DENTALS Watertown, N.Y. Toronto Appropriateness | in Printing | Ba we were called upon to produce a piece of printing for an art, or a millinery store, or a jewelery or fancy goods store, and that particular work required the use of decoration, we would take great care to use a dainty border or decoration in order to be in keeping with the nature of the business; and this idea has a broad application. That is what one might term the fitness of things. 'This result is obtained through something more than mere mechanical knowledge of printing. It requires the eye of an . artist and some personal supervision. tempestuous Phone 292, and a representative will be at your service to talk this.advertising propesition over JOB DEPARTMENT BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. KINGSTON : ® " I'looring put in'a nice hardwood floor. The you can rely on. Now is the time to Seaman Kent Co.'s make Allan's Lumber Yard | ~Phone 1042. Yard: Victoria * Branch Yard: Place d'Armes. For Batteries, Spark Plugs, Coils, Auto Lamps and Motor Boat Supplies; Spark Coil Repairing, aud Heerythin g Electrical, all At ay Electric Co. Cor. Princess and King Sts. lid Ha Phone 94. THE REO MOTOR CARS "The Gold Standard of Values." THE ' HE REO MOTOR is the product of the ripest experience I in the automobile in the first place, It has had more thought and time and loving care devoted to its imprave- ment for more years since, Why shouldn't that Reo motor be the greatest in the gyorid? The most powerful for its size as measured in cubical contents of cylinders and at the same time the most econowaical of fuel. And 'the mast consistent in per- formance -- fréest from troubles of any kind. Why shouldn't that be the case: Could any other be the fact? CSE. f Tet us prove these statements by demonstrating our Reo George W. Boyd c

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