RAGE JEN S-- Go To Robinson and Wiltshire's Garage: For Hepalr Work of All Kinds, = Worn Who C i Good forthe Bad? | | . By JANE PHELPS | 2 BECAUSE hin \| - A BETTER UNDERSTANDING | FEY RO mai Seen skim milk will not |-| CHAPTER CXXV. pect," his smile softened the words, as much of the conversation between 3 nourish a baby; I couldn't belleve what George had |vet I knew they were true. "I have |George and me as I thought .neces- 3 . ; has nothing to do {told me---believe that I had heard |Httle patience with inefficiency in any [sary to quiet her fears. If I exag- (} 239% Bagot Street with milk fresh aright. If 1 had, then my reasoning lone. But now we understand each |gerated some of the things he said, I ; from a registered {had been all wrong; Julla Collins [cther better," he said, as he put me [felt I would be forgiven, because 1 | Phone 242. egister Ie ; @ A y cow. thad been all. wrong. back among my pillows, '"'and after [did it so that she might not worry: - "Do you mean what you sald, |this, we will talk things over -to- y: Hm { ~ some George?" 1 asked, as I snuggled in gether." 5 . BECALISE some hig arms, - I did not say so, but I recalled the A Happy Convalescence. "Sweethearts and Wives . bit t 3 "Of course I do!" he smiled his an- {time that I tried to talk things over 1 was almost sorry when I was able t y ter Rig on swer. "What should I do with my | with him becawse Mrs. Sexton had [to go out once more--to take up my > May they never Meet is mot satisfactory has not hing money, my business, if 'we had no [advised it; and how he had flung [social duties again. George had been Drink it with COAL CUSTOMERS to do with children to inherit if? Niee éid Dar- [from me in anger. But I had felt, |so uniformly kind, although, as I got x 1 by and Joan, we would be, with no | then, that I was tactless. I must try stronger, he went out a good deal @ ; o SEAL BRAND young things around to keep us from |to learn to wait until a time when I |But he never falled to come home Orange Iced Please Notice l : . getting to be a couple of old cranks. | could talk without annoying him. first and see that 1 was comfortable. L 'w COFFEE I am to blame," she added, after a We talked a little more, then |And; except a few times, he did not Lipton's Tea Coal Sales will be for ' minute, "I don't know why, but in |George called the nurse and left me. [remain out late, He kept me almost A Cash Only. some way I have made you afraid of |I had not been so happy since the [smothered in flowers, and as soon as 3 1 pint freshly brewed Lipton's Tea. "Seal Brand" is coffee that has me---afraid to trust me." day 1 promised to marry him. I felt |I was able to ride, he came home Made thi way 2 quarts of iced water or chopped ice. BOOTH & CO, : + "It was because you so often seem- [so relieved; so glad that he wasn't [early every afternoon and took me 4 5 or ARLES, Jon selected from the world's ed displeased with me---so often |ebld and hard-hearted as Julia Col- {for a spin out into the country. Simar ad Anges. . Phone 133. plantations by coffee axe cross, and impatient 'because 1 was |lins had made me think. 1 didn't Sometimes we went alone, then, perts, roasted and blended by different from your friends. Then flatter myself that he would be again, he would stop and get Evelyn But be sure the Tea is Lipton's. Then you'll get those who have given-a life- you sald you wanted to make. me changed in every respect, he had said | Reeves and my little namesake--who x flav time to the study of coffee. over. I tried to let you--tried to be|he was "a hard man," but never |had grown amazingly and was a 8 the real Tea flavour. as near like them as I could. I fail-jagain would I let another woman-- |lovely little roly-poly thing, good na- If Jou like a cup of GOOD ed,'I know, but I tried." especially Julia Collins--make me [tured and cunning. Sometimes he L n . d Coffee, try "Seal Brand". "Dear, I never wanted you to be|so miserable. would call' for Mrs. Sexton, and she 9 : like them, save in the things that It may seem strange that I was|{would go with us. 1 had confessed { : 3 off y in spite of the fact 'that |how I had hated her, at fist, and § | COKE ORDERS In %.1 and 2 pound tins--in the bean, would give you polse--would hefp| happy ground, or fine ground for percolators, you in holding your own in society. | George had not refuted a single how much I thought of her now. . If you want to know the true secret I have often been very proud when | statement I had made when I spoke |George had laughed at my confes- TEA PLANTER, CEYLON A i ONLY a delicious t you did so. I remembered the look | of his neglect-----of his desire to be |sion and had remarked: ; / oe ; ---- i KE 3f 8 Selfelous cup of ox foe, write for that I had seen on is face and| with Julia Collins---and the other "It will be like that with many THE UNIVERSAL TEA 4 = ly | a TA N --PERFECTLY MADE". 14e could not account for. It had seem-|things of which I complajned; but I |things, Helen. Sometimes little girls 300 CUPS TO THE POUND SOLD ' z 4 : ed like a certain prideful look, but 1] had lived with him long enough to don't know what is good for them, EVERYWHERE & Bi i The James Sowards CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL | was never sure. know that what he said---that little jand they have to learn it By éxperi- 4 7 : "Why didn't' you tell me, when I meant more than much protesting jence." = Coal Co. pleased you? You always told me|would have meant from another man. Once, to my surprise, he asked BE A ST TTC WE VII TOF 50 D170 TIE I Sp RTs when I angered or annoyed you." I improved rapidly, and was soon | Merton Gray to go witly us. We met . REY a TELE A Oa Phone 155. For Women's Ailments Eg as well as ever. Mother had only [him in the sif¢et. He said he was on : | A 1 George Conlesssn His Fault. been able to remain until I could sit |his wdy to inquire for me, and George * Martel's Female Pills have "I'm sorry, Helen," he replied seri-| up. Father was not well, and she {invited him to make his call in the The SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD ordered by physicians and sold ousty, "very sorry. 1 thought that|{had to return to him and the hoys. car. Merton had been most thought- y reliable Digs everywhere you knew me well enough to see{Oh, how I hated to see her go! I |[ful, sending me flowers and an oc- Also the Cheapest! -- are for over a quarter of a century, when I was pleased. My only excuse |knew her loving heart had been torn jcasional message. In fact, everyone "Ranks with the Strongest' don't accept a substitute. is that I have done always what I| by what I had said in my first sick-|had been more than kind in that way, ' i mins iment {thought right, I am a peculiar man,| ness--that she was uneasy and un-,even Julia Collins. Shu ng So I had told ber! (To be continued) 3 HUDSON BAY in some respects. A hard man, I ex-' happy about me. pie mant---------------- VANS FRENCH NCH PILLS bag ol tomo nt DR. Dev} for Women. $5 a box or a GENEROUS Pithas 3 6 " 9 Insurance Company Be rte. tL ILE 00 TARA, Pate, : / hc FreawOffics, Roya) Insurance Bldg. British ' Soldiers Were Heroes of MONTREAL Bishi EN. Hiniores 1 A i i ING IT OVER pe Fatis Parade. PERCY J. QUINN Mty jfor Nerve aud Brain; increases "grey Paris, July 18.--Generous and en- Safest because they aré Impregnated with a chemical solu- : EO eT a as Te pos up thusiastic praige is showered on the tion which renders the stick "dead" immediately the match is Manager, Ontario Branch, Foren for a5 arg som, oF Ly all oro With Lorna Moon Brith sollites . who . wmareiicd extliiguished-- W. H. GODWIN & SONS rio. Sr eets 8 he # "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." SHH AS ! Bastile * Day parade "on Sunday: Cheapest, because there are more perfect matches to the AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ --~--) py Speaking of the deep impression sized box than in any other box on the market. 1 made on the multitude by the sons War time economy and your own good sense, will urge the : necessity of buying none but EDDY'S MATCHES, THOMAS COP LEY o " of Britain, the Action Francaise ens YoiePhoRE £ 987 \ Is It a Myth? > . To listen how erisply "thelr heels \ "My Brilliant Friend is on the war [tion'or any other tion that happens| struck the road in perfect step was ~ rp si rr ------------ a Ei Eimated gives, on ail Minds path again," said the Feminist deft- [to bb fashionable at the time. A [like hearing the faint and = solemn : . a rr of all kinds, All orders |Iy, putting the last touch to a head | woman suspects that her husband or| echo of the straigs of 'Rule Britan- Will recelve prompt attention. Show }andage. The Journalistic Girl who [sweetheart loves her no longer, she| dia.' Those magnificent specimens es ® 0 Queen was wearing the bandage, made a |keeps this thought fixed firmly in|©¢f Anglo-Saxon manhood rose above "= | noide which sounded like "woof" but [her mind, using any incident that|the line without spoiling it, and we which might mean [may happen to color the thought; |Ma¥ say without hesitation, because & - o - E \ ena anything. It is [then the resulting conviction which a Know ho stall he Sndeisiood by All Styles Finishes Best frie | C e / A awkward to con- |comes from this thought process, she Britain's trio eapucially If rr : ' ip ] Lf CR duet a conversa: [ealls intuition. Or she decides that Se o Pa, b y bu for f ® . otch, who | produced the greatest . . . : SN : ¢ ' tion when you are [she is gOINE to be ill, and she keeps impression, 'One must have seen Selection in the City Ait a rh No. Spcetnl low prices on all steaks i 4 | octing model for a fon thinking about it until she DOES | 4ham to have experienced a sort of : ™ Sent Trenh and ' 2 K ¢, § fractured jaw bau become ill, whereupon she announ-| magnetic influence which deeply af- e very best fresh and cured # dage. However, [ces triumphantly that her intuition | fected ali as they advanced almost il 3 3 Meuts satvied. In Ataek, Ny the Feminist was {TOLD her that she was going to be as if dancing if strains of the to Choose From. ; T : : ' » 3 anxious to unbur- |ill---and there you are. Female in- melancholy but inspiring bagpipes. NG PRES ] Prompt Delivery den and took the [tuition is merely another name for| As the kilted baré-Knééd Scots swung oo Panama iL Se auty . » remark as encour- {female foolishness which has begn|by In perfect harmony of motion to . Charles Quick ok agement to pro-|given too much credence." the 'strains of Scottish airs, the Paneplag Applied, ug tal i ceed. The Journalistic Girl was remov-| great throngs along the line of march # neither rot, run or crack and Phone 11927 112 Clergy Bt, HH oA "He doesn't be- ling the bandage with business like broke ipto shouts of "Long live Brit- drop off on your clothes. It Rt be es asain cmsisaoni) Pgfdh-w* lieve in female in- haste. When she got her left eye!@in!' 'Long live Scotland!' R g Is waterproof. Pan-a-lac is \ tuition, at least, land lower jaw veteased she fixed her! ae pe---- 2 1 he doesn't believe that it is ever eye scornfully on the Feminist and Hon. C. J. Doherty, acting Post- Leidisg nalteighot ; ie Sussrancs ay Nl right." demanded "Did YOU let him get| MASter-General,/says the bonus for : mail 'carri¢rs voted last session will Fo0D BOARD FLASHES - "The benighted hapitic, " gasped away with all of that?" bo forth the Fair Divorcee, and\the Journal-| "Not so, my friend," said, the Fem-| "© forthcoming in a few days. FOR FEMININE foL istle Girl said, "WOOF again, but |inist with reassuring calm. "I re- ' ; this, Lime with more em Shasis. minded him of the day he went ; By The work Is waitin for e were talking about % woman jswimming when not a soul knew, and 1 ea girls will Ne the KNOWING by intuition whether afof how he put everything on right War Garden Bulletin dairying course and go in for man loved her or not; and [asked [side out and brushed his hair and yet it {n- earnest," says Professor him If he thought a woman's lgtul-|when he got home his mother said ; Dedn, Professor of Dairy Hus- Alon was ever wrong and he said, ['Jimmy McDougal you've been in the Practical Daily Guide For Vas bamdry at the Ontario Aghicul- "ALWAYS"! Intuition is merely a water again'--I reminded him of the cant Lot and Backyard Gare tural College, Guelph. ingrown toe-nail on the female mind! time the chorus girl phoned him at deners Enlisted in Greats" y Re ' The dairymaid fs now one of It is something which wouldn't worry [Yhe House and he was lucky enough er Prod 4 g . y , 0 the world's war workers. Never them at all if they didn't press upon to\answer the call himself, and how . uction Cam: i : again in sunbomnet and ging- it. But they DO press upon it con-|in te"of the fact that he called paign, ham frock, perhaps, but cer- tinually. They have been told about her LL all through the conversa- Issued by the Canals Food Board tainly in breeches and leggings! this intuition myth until they believe [tion his.wife sald "What woman was In collaboration im e Boar Canada is meeting about fn it; so they are forever irritating that?" Oh, don't worry, I raked up tn the staff of the Itc 114 per cent. 'of the British but- it by pressure and the resulting sen-|enough ghosts of the past to keep) perimental Farm. ter reguirements--which is not sations they call intuition, premoni- | him thinking," * said the Feminist. Marketing Garden Truck. 'for h - ti or -- ar on dary CAUSES CATTLE TO RUN. sults may follow. Cattle running Niue gut of fen war gargen: farms is scarce. There are ap- ------ ; thus every day lode flesh rapidly, xe. ab . oo BBS Most of She proximately 3,500,000 cows in } A New Fly Appears to Torture [and ual elter {s avaliable the ong those wh 5. at Sta i REET dant si ho sho bint nf and tidy are rsacy to 40. thelr Clandeboye, July 17.--A new cat- S---- \ share files sat utman 6) tle pest in the shape of a fly bas MELONS SEIZED Je Soins io will wang. a ng - erat 'best appeared in this district. This fly . ; : being made of them at the pres- . fl attacks the cattle on the hind lege] a irtoiyg In this as in ent time. - Buttér and cheese apd causes them ito race madly A case in point is a project are needed by the Allles as they {around the pastures. With t : Cana : | pever were Before: vated aver Peneir backs » a seta Foods Beard SEnounees fhat it had put toward oe the Women's ; 7 nadian gitls have a rare running from their mouths th n [Seized and sold a car of melons a {Canadian Club ttawa. Last HH SS 'DALLEY Coffee in £ ti Follow Ca isis = i aan London which _the eonsignes refused ear they had a wayside mar- Bor for making on Ft jg tin. opportunity hére to help. There |'around and around the rg allot all ver the Domin- |jvein endeavors fo get rid of thelr | {0 accept because of their condition. {| and Sheougs this medium |{ dhe they ean got struc- | [tormentors. It ponds of water ate | 740: was | of morning, noon or night. ; ey da o them and sta 4 hi are. grown South rican there. [Dense shade In a thick wood 3 a motor truck, which 4 : Tie toc a Oem ape bisndes, and seems to bring rete: Some call ! the produce right ! this new pest the Western Heel Fly, expe the ate g aud say it is common on the prair- |' ies. This ig its first appearance in numbers in these parts, and farm ers aro concerned as to what. re-