PAGE FOUR = THE THE BRITISH WHIG |= 85TH YEAR. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918. ng HOSTILE PLANES DOWNED FORTY-TWO FIXED BY BRIT-{ ISH AIRMEN IN ONE DAY. uw in a position to prc- er and a greater war. make it impossible the terms infliet upon -her a It w'ght never sible to form such a of nations against advice applies in fittingly: you hit a The Hun to sleep. "On July lst 'our airplanes were Very active, "the fine weather enabling muc h work to be donecin co-operation "fo with the artillery, as well as Tecon- naissance and photography. T ity-five German machines and three German balloons were destroy- ed during -the-day, and fifteen other 'A mbrieans And the Trish. hostile airplanes were driven down ® (Phitadelphia Ledger) out of conmtrel . In addition, two Every young man in Ireland who large hostile night-flying machines refuses to go sends angther young langed. behind our lines, the occupants Awerican in his-place, being taken prisoner. Eight of our machines are missing." "Twenty-two tons of bombs were dropped during the day, and 13 tons during the night. All our might fy- ing machine returned safely.' RELATIVES DEBAR Only Decorated Man May Wear His dal quotes' the following | leave the XH verse from Revelations |pare for unoth for the earth and for |The way to devil has gone for Germ having great wrath, |she names is to at he hath but a ghort|decisive defeat now shartness of his timé, | again be adds the hicago Post; explains hig strong alliance hospital bor hig frenzied driv- Roosevelt' En és on the west front and the raid on this connection ha ST ul | {the American Atlantic foast, . Also} 'Don't hit } hig sinking of a Canadian hospital | man, put him § | ship ; must be put REN Ir Ey. lc only the sea, t o any to impose down you, Fine Weather Enabled Much Photo- graphy and Reconnaissance Work. To Be Done. London, July 4.--British airmen on Monday disposed of forty-two Ger- man airplanes and th i nbings, her, most When -to sleep." soft. toons, The POT ATO BU a SCARCITY. It is annouiiéeéd from all guarters that 'ther v ig a marked scarcity of potato bugs this season. In some districts--one of them Is around Kingston--no potato bugs. hava been seen at all, and hére-we are into the first week of July, Even these pests of the Irish spud feel that . they should make themselves scarce in war time 0p other things. Perhaps it was the tewrible) winter {of horrible memory) that got after Editorial Rooms .... .. 229} Mr. Potato Bug and caused a de- dob Ofce "lorease in his progeny. But even SUBSCRIPTION HA with & potato bug famine, pointed thing about this decision is that it One years delivered 0 city to as the glorious « result of thal} oi We curried into effect | terrible winter, the most of us will . , Tied Jute eres: Une Year, IT paid 4n advance One year, by mail to rural office : One year, to United States hold yp both hands for the bug. Farms (Semi-Weekly dition) rad . na (Minneapolis Journal) ¢ One year, by mall, cash ,.. . Ww Wile the potato bug is 'con In a recent address at Los Angeles, One year, if mot paid in advance $1.50 spicious by his absence, not so the|Secretary Franklin K. Lane, ore of One vear, to United States 1.50 i Pe ' Six end three miomths pro rata grub---that slimy creature that ope- the men of ¥ision of the Cabinet, out- . 5g he ined what he thought should be ~ MONTREAL RE PRES ---- rates at night and chews the tender Jone. to SFEHAEE-for the.home-comin 5 )ants. No kind of winter will put}io Ad 18-410Mme-cOm Ng prants. No kind of winter Will Pulr,e the soldier-milligns, after the war er relatives of deceased soldiers have an end to hin. 'The grub is as hard | nas been won and the world, made|the right to wear decorations awarded to get rid of as the Hun and about as popular. No potato plant for he: a safe and sane place to live in, Said] to these soldiers. him: He gorges on the tender leaves. the war, "In short, at the cdnelusion of enn the United States should be People Near Starvation. A able to say to its returning soldiers, | Geneva, July 4--Without bread for Attached 1s one of the best. Job and makes my lady far more angry | 'ir youn wish to EO upon a farm, here] the last fifty days, and with many of printing offices in Canada than the cat which claws out the|are a variety of farms of which youl the other necessities of life lacking x seed and makes a general mess of |May fake your pick, which fhe gov the people of He Fegoyiiia ure on the . ernment has - prepared against the verge of starvation, actording to the the garden. If any one can tell us time of your returning.' ' Secretary| Narodni Listy and the Zar of Prague | . how to get rid of the grub, other|yane is preparing to ask Congress tof It is said that a strong protest against |i than by catching him and burning [authorize a survey of the waste lands, | the attitude of Austria has been made, him alive, let hjm announce the re- medy. arid lands, swamp lands and cut-jand the only meply from the Vienna - over timber lands, Government was, "Vienna is also suf The Russian situation is as diffi- ------ fering ! a "he Canadian Spirit. z --- " rata. Sr ---- 74 RUIN OR DEFPAT. Hew e k pn er Journal) 8 y Se According to the view of Henry Parties of Canadian wounded pass- Fo he th Ca 1Clews, the New York banker," Prus- ing through the city, more or less sion. leaders are too . wise not. to maimed, and invalided home, al- - ways command gieat respect and know that either ruin or -defeat|gympathy from the crowds which await 'them. In one of his recent |gather to.listen to tales of the weekly financial reviews, Mr. Clews | trenches and to congratulate the boys writes: on their return. The Canadiang are a uniformly happy and uncomplaining. The drift of the war Is satisfac-|pyig optimism especially is noticeable tory, inasmuch that despite . pro-lin the case.of two Canadian officers gress of the enemy on the map, the |now living: uptown in New York. Allies are making still greater pro-|LDey seem to be of the. Damon and Pythas brand, together, and using gress in. the matter of power. This is due In part to the rapidity with which America is now coming into the fight, plus the growing confi- Published Da iy and emi riily by THE BRITS WHIG PUBLISHING €O., LIMITED, tip ---- 3 4 Emott ... . They Mean Business, Leman Gut {London Free Press) : British seamen will not German port for a period of years and eight months after the war, because of U-boat crimes. Nor will they tolerate a German on a British ship And the important President Editor and Managing- Director enter a dos 9 five o Telephones: Business Office ED. See Our Ritz-Carlton Suits and the Ashton Masterpieces of Tailors' Art « Suits, ready to try on, finishedto your order in a few hours time. * Stouts, glims and regulars, $22.50, $25.00, $2550, $30, $32. 50. Ottawa, July 4--The 'only person authorized to wear a decoration or medal. or the riband thereof, is the soldier to whom the distinction is awarded The information has been issued by the" Militia Department in answer to a large number of persons who have been enquiring as to wheth- For Soldiers. RNorthrup, 225 Free h Ave, New York ¥ BR Northoup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg, Chicago Letters to the Tditor are published only over the actual name of the writer. { MEN' S/BATHING SUITS PANAMA HATS SPECIAL VALUE, $1.25 SPECIAL VALUES, $3.50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR COMBINATIONS SPECIAL VALUES, $1.25 The ireulntion of THE BRITISH HIG in authentienton hy the MEN"S HOSIERY, PURE ' WHITE SILKETTE. Special Value, 3 pair for $1 Limited AB Audit Bureau of SOreuiations. Gunner Payne Killed. Montreal, July 4--Gunner J. M Payne, reported killed in action, went overseas with a battery from Kings~ ton, joining when he was in the em- ploy of the Royal Trust Company. He was twenty-nine years of age, and is} survived by a widow and one 'child, who reside at Port au Spain, Trinidad, West Indies, ~"No Trade With Enemy, Liverpool, July 4._At a general meeting of the members of the Liver- pool Cotton Exchange it was unani- mously resolved "that no: member or members of a firm shall trade either directly or indirectly with the pres- ent enemies of Great Britain for a The belief in a hell will penalit as long as everybody Knows someone who he thinks bughit to go thére; is the opinion of the Albany Journal. The kalser's armies are handicap- ped for,lack of horses. Well, you ean't eat your horses and have them, too, any more than you can your cz ke. LARGE TINNED WIRE CANNING RACKS Hold Pints and Quart Sealers, 80c. crutches, as each is minus a leg, but they are evidently as care-free as children. And it can be said to the credit of every second or third man they meet that he raises his hat to German troops are said to be go- ing into Russia to restore order. They are taking machine guns with them. Dead Rustians are certain © not to create disorder. $ If Canada Is to place her railways dence of British and French in their ability to hold fast until we arrive in adequate force. Germany's re- fusal to admit coming defeat is quite them in undisguised admiration and to do public honor to those who had offered thefe lives for their country. period of ten years after the war." One hundred thousand cases of "Spanish influenza" are reported in Germany. There are 25,000 cases in Sold at BUNT'S Phone 388. Hardware Ar THE CABINET AT WORK. A @eneral strike is threatened on all Canadian railways, Berlin alone, and the hospitals there » under national control, why should are full, she not adopt the same policy in re- gard to the telegraph afd telephone services of the country? comprehensible, Though unwilling to make the admission, Prussian], leaders undoubtedly know that mili- |e tarism is doomed; that the superior resources of the Allies, reinforced by the oncoming flood of American soldiers, will ere long destroy. their power for good. They are too in- telligent to really believe -that in their presdut conditiom™of decline they can ace lish their world- wide ambitions.) But odt of * sheer desperation théy prefer the chances of ruin rather than confess defeat. +Phey are taking the gamblers Canada at home and Canadian sols changes hg. Jlatging yim fie, ut" st reckless s ho 0 diers abread will not forget. all the advantages possible and do ei -------- on with me. ° To Potsdam I'd go flopping large Civilian Germany is realizing that|all thé injury possible before the - duplex wingg, and there they'd see me droppingla lot alr raids on unfortitiéd towns and {fateful peace parleys begin. The ' } of bombs and things. Fd spoil the kaiser's palice, King St. Farms for Sale T have several farms for sale, but not enough io sunly the de- At present aye on my list a number of customers who p AST Princess Bt, Phoge 348 want to"buy but I have not got : Just what they want. If you. i 3 wish to sell yous farm lst it with A aa me mow mo that J cnn' show it i to prospective buyers while the crop is growing. I make un specially of welling soy farms and have CHIC AND SERVICEABLE 50c To $1.50 DR CHINN'S DRUG STORE Joffre used to nibble at the Ger- mans on the western front. Now the British and French and Ameri- . cang are not satisfied unless they can bite out a goodly chunk from the enemy's defence lines, British Ministers Consult Fighting Forces, Repr sentatives df the British fighting forces on land and sea at- tend ery meeting of the British War Cabinet, communicate to the members of the cabinet the latest in formation concerning the war and consult with them on importapt questions. At these conferences the army is represented by Major-Gen. Sir Henry Hughes Wilson, Chief of the Imperial Staff, and the navy by Vice-Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, First Sea Lord of the Admiralty. How the British War Cabinet oper- How Rippling Rhymes IDLE DREAMS If 1 were no so weighty, and if my wintry years were not. so close to eighty, I'd scrap like seven steers. You would not see me sitting here in an easy chair, while martial lads aie hitting each other every- where. I'd like to be a flyer, and mount an aeroplane, and soar up high and higher than you'd consider ane. I'd chase the Prussian birdmen with patriotic glee, and show them they're absurd men to mix things up Fourteen of Canada's herota nursing sisters are asleep beneath. the broad Atlantic's waves ag a re- sult of the fiendishness of the Hun. A wr cities do not pay. Retaliation by British and French airmen 18 spreading panie in -Rhineland, and "the people are fleeing inland, terror- Count Roon, a member of the Prussian House of Lords, says that the Geruisus hope to secure enough spoil from a victorious war to ade- quately satisfy the most inordinate ambition of pan-Germans and to give the Hun unchallenged world- domination, He is unusually frank ~for a Prussian. ? Come 'home victorious, or do not come home, say the women of Eng- Jand to the Aen of England. "We wilt share your difficulties but not ~ Wa will-not live in a world that Gerniuny rules. ».Phey i know all too well what kind of a greater their winnings now, the greater the chance they hope of us- ing those winnings as an offset. to the 'Allied terms. Of course German contingencies; and by 'skilifully de- ceiving its civilian population and buoying them up with doctored re- ports of great victories, dreams of Mittel<Europa, ete., they have been able to keep the war going. So the cruel game is still on for the purpose of maintaining a criminal govern- ment which wrought. horrors and immoralities that stagger human- ity." a ! 2 HER MODEST DEMANDS: Germany has published her peaca programme, and the territories and cash indemnities she demands are assuredly not modest ones. Yon will probably laugh when you read the terms; remarks the Watertown military leaders will not admit suen and leave it pounded flat, or else I'd bust a gallus and likewise break a slat. And then I'd work my pedals and soar back whence I came, and have a lot oi med- als hung on my hero frame. Joffre, would cry, YParbleu! mortal duffer sec valor such as his? And Pershing, Foch and Gee whiz! Did ever And every. pretty maiden within a dozen miles, would come, with laur- els lgden, and han me wreaths and smiles. My pic- Lure would be printed in all the magazines; . this man," it would be hint- » "has spilled the Prussian beans!" Alas, an old guy's dreaming, is vain i new; I hear the housewife screaming, * It's time to milk the cow!" For me no tilts or tourneys, to shake the trants' thrones; on little piffling journeys. I &tir my ancient 'bones, a -- WALT MASON. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN + world that would be fo for women and CHATS. ---------------- The sinking of the hospital ship Liandovery Cistle and the delay In _ ascertaining | bets of the 1 Cote" ahaard shows that the mili | : authorities both, Iu: Canada ang pding a lange, num- thelr own officers to th hot. suggests that evidently hops weren't among the crops that féfled last year in Germany. Great Britain is ask- ed to cede'its 'navy to Germany, Bel- gin is to be annexed, Egypt and the Suez Canal go to the unspeak- able Turk; and the United States | with. France and England is to pay the war indemnity, the minimum of which is to be $45.000.000,000. Sounds ridiculous, but don't forget that those. are about the terms Ger-| | many would Mr if she could win ates in deciding upon war policies war is told in the annual report of the cabinet now published for the first time in history. A "At each meeting," says this offi- cial statement of the workings of the inver eirclé of the British Govern went, "the cabinet begins by bearing since the precdding day. Unless it wishes to confine its deliberations to general questions of policy, it then proceeds {o deal with questions awaiting .its decision. As these gues- tions in the vast majority of cases affect one or more of the adminis- trative departments, almost all its weetillgs are attended by the Minis ficials concerned. 'fhe majority of the sessions of the War Cabinet consist, therefore, of a series of meetings between mem- bers of the War Cabinet and those responsible for executive action ai whieh questions of poliey concegning those departments are discussed and settled. Questions of overlapping or conme 1 J 2 Dont EAT AUSE |T MY FINGERS i | termined and the general. lines of policy throughout every branch of-ihe British Cabinet Res, apasions of but under war pressure this bas changed, and directing Britain's share in the | reports as to the progress of the war ters and their chief departmental of- | wold x of acres Ipofiingston dinyriet, TJ. Lockhart, Meal Estate and Tunurance, Cinrence Street, ee -------- i re i. Carpenter and Builder 'W. R. BILLENNESS Spectalis kd b 2 tingw tee Satan ESTIMATES 1 Address, ulldings of =f . BXPER 272 Umiversity Ave, Try it for Breakfast i Oatario, 3 and Fit. TENCE Use i impo id cad chest. nut coke | for kitchert