\ _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDN "PAGE SIX ONESDAY, JULY 3, 1918. . nL : . SWOLFE ISLAND NEWS Farmers Haye Or siiiei=Rbcire Cheap Binder" Twine. ; Wolte Island, July 2.--Rev. Mr, Leech held a successful lawn party The steamer be ea special trip : 2 1 and carried 'a large fy 2 : 3 \ ' people from the city : my hand was ol We Locate the Buyer and Satisfy the Seller. occasion. Re p-- rc a a Mrs. Workntan thelr new manse tleman since his has endeared hlself So a a - NEWS FROM THE DTH DLIPPED FROM THE WHIGS | MANY BRIGHT RXCHANGES, | v the Long Sault rapids | for the ocea "{ number of The Salvation Ar the ground for the Rev Mr and have ved--into The coming will . ' received of the hone: Office 08. Res. Phone, 874 Byron Bar been Yhicago of David 1 of the late "Alex. Burdett oct dett, § 3 Pem Ti © Farm Landy and PP Real Estate Business - Sellers ile igation wil likely be held reverend oke regarding the origin of nere nop A | at in Briet Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told will of Interest to Many. On Jupe 26th Miss Lily Flora Renshaw war united in marriage to Percy Odell Pltiey; both of Belle ville, William Ch. rlestwwosth Thursday on the front of Thurlow, at the age of eighty five years. He was a farmer and unmarried, © | Miss M. Wallace, B.A., Iroquols, has been appointed master in wod- erng and English at the Athens High Hehiool at $1,000 a year. A porcupine was killed on steeet,. Belleville on Thursday. It was a full grown specimen, with spines or quills about two inches long. : Ba There gre twenty-five canning fac- tories in Prince Edward, and the claim i$ made that half the canned goods produced in Canada are put up in that ounty, a + Father Kelly, CSS.R,, will died on Forin 's conflagration and the hig {Union Hook. Mills a few last week fire the ago \ 2 body of Sergt. Trench, of the Petawawa Camp, drowndéd on June 1st while crossing the Upper Lake in a motor hoat during a storm, was found and terment, . Wiliam Pearce, Years of age, who resided about a niile west of Athens, passed away quite suddenly Priday. While work- ing in garden he was stricken with paralysis. Messrs. Kehoe and Slattery, Pem- broke, whose gents' furnishing stock was bruend in the recent fire, have purchased the boot and shoe busi ness of Thompson, Sly & Co., and have taken over the stock, : On June 25th Rev. L. E. Davis, Brockville, united in marriage Miss Lillian Pear]! Fox, serond youngest at about eighty Wi his daughter of Willlam C. Fox, Brock- ville, to Joseph Edward Hutt, son of Joseph Hutt, also of Broekville. There passed away in Athens on sent 10 New York for ia to 'his people Mr. Allinson O'Brien's Louse, John Dee property fs erectin~ a residence. pleted it will be one of the most dp-to-date on the island James Conly "is erecting a cemmodions barn. Jehn Abbot had & barn rais- ing bee last week. A branch of the organization |. known the United Farmeps of Canada been established here. Over one hundred farmers have siened so far I'hey have secured and disposed of three tons of No. 1 binding twiné to the society at twenty-nine /cents a ponnd. 3 A large consignment of horses were ahipped from the city on Sat- urday by way of the island to Cape Vincent. Hay nromises to be a very short' crop. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Miss Jessie were guests at the Auld<Stevenson wedding in Porth- mouth en Saturday evening. Jauiés Ryan, of the Montreal Grand Semin- ary, is home 'for his holidays. has moved into Miss known as the late Herbert Leakey When com- as lias islanders Clty Insurance roperty Bought and Sold Municipal Bonds . and Financial "Agents J. K. Carroll "Agency 56 Brock Street, : Kingston, Ont., July 3rd, 1918. Mr. High Rent Payer, City. Dear Sir:-- "i . The rents in Kingston have been steadily climbing for sometime and no doubt will go still higher, therefore, it would be a wise move on vour part, if vou do not al- ready own your own home, to make a start now. You do. not have to wait until you have a large amount of money to do: so. % . A large coatingent of went to Napanee yesterday for the races, A goodly number also at- tended the picnic at [Brophy's 'Point The stone crushing outfit have laid off work until after harvest. ' Mrs, Alexander MdLaren suffered from R Sight stroke ut puraivsie recently, This property is located in the west end of the city, ddjoining Rideau Ward. but jis considerably Improved. ? . poy. . T x h : rio" the fastest growing ward in th city, -and only one block from Princess street, Harrowsmith Hippenings, { Harrowsmith, Jul 1.---A large 3 c : gp Oy LY 2 Remember, these pricg include graded streeis with + #5 foot boulevards. and number attended the celebration in . ~ ae . ; Kingston to-day. . The stage driver, shade trees thirty feet apart. I'he 'properly is ideal for building purposes and for gardening, . assume the rectorship of the institu- tion of Qur Lady of Perpetual Help, located on the Prescott road east of 'Broekville. Mrs. Joseph died on Friday, years. Her husband a family of five daughter. Friday an aged , resident, William Mott, about 85 years of age. De- ceased -had been in ill health for the past few ytirs. He had been a re- sident of Athens for over 50 years. After an illness of some duration at the age of sixty-five xears; Mrs. Joseph Hantom, a well known resi- t an Yelleville ohn J dent of Frankville, passed away on On, Saturday ot Beles. Joh | ty: at the estionte of bor som d £34413, Tag re he A. anton. ho , > . =f.ean, Roslin, { . Miss Margaret Alict Mel.tan, Ros at] A pretty wedding-took place in St. Homa ; Francis de Sales Church, Smith's lomasinirg, . 4 1 *g¢ | Falls, on Tuesday, when Kathleen tty WwW yas held at St R184 ay, atic vi reuy Redding was Cape Vine Marguerite, youngest daughter of Mr an N.Y, Monday when Mrs. Es-|and Mrs. Thomas Powell, was united tele Blum became the 'wife of Tho- i Jartiage to Roy Davis, Smith's x, ap am rv "alls, snl : was Gere, S rane, NY enteon. eld- Word was received in Smith's Falls ost san of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dailey, f on Tuesday of the death of Albert p Er, drowned Thursday | Jarvis, Montreal, son of Mrs. James Morrisburg, was His death was due to an au- He was on the A widow and two We offer for sale lots in "Dovercourt'" for $150 te $225 a lot. with a cash pay- ment of $15 and the balance in monthly instalments of $8 until the full amount has been paid. . : : - x Potvin, Brockville, aged forty-seven survives, also gons and one W. Britton, finds it quite 'necessary to make two trips to the city some daya. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Buck in the loss of their little son, who died on Pri- day last after only a few days' ill- ness. The funeral services were held at the houses on Sunday after noon. Mr. Howard and his bride "have arrived home from their trip and are getting settled in thelr new home. Miss Muriel Stewart, of Albert Col- lege, Belleville, is spending her holi- days at home with her parents, Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Stewart. Mrs. Clar- ence Copp ig visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George BBoyce., Mrs. C. Rutledge is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. M. Shibley. Dr. 'Alfred Lockhart and family, Mr. and Mrs. B, Cook and Miss Beu- lah Gallagher, all of Toronto, motor-. ed down on Saturday to i friends. 'olte Island News. Wolfef Island, July 1,---Mrs. Me- If you are thrifty progressive and want to practice economy, now is the time to make a start by buying one of these lots and: do as ethers are doing. The will to own your own home, the wish to be independent are powerful helping forces, and Hose who have them strongly developed find the fight for a home half won at the . start, 7 Jarvis, tomobhile accident C.F. BR. staff, SONS survive The three young men recently or- dained to the priesthood for Pem- broke diocese have been given ap- pointments, Rev, Joseph Gravelle to Pembroke, Rev. T, J. Holly to Egan- ville and Rev. J. Sullivan as assistant {at Renfrew. Rev, J. Harripeton, as- sistant at Renfrew for the past two months, returns to Brudenell, : The Carleton Place Herald Is sixty-nine years of age and for thirty- five years has been in the possession of W. H, and S. J. Allen. The last named died three years ago. His brother, W. H., has all these years been at the helm as editor, and from appearance to-day he is good for many more years of activity. Success "to the Herald. It will eost you nothing to investigate and we will be only too pleased to give you all possible information and show you the propertytat any timé you wish. Yours very truly, J HK Carroll Slpeney, "DO IT NOW." Cormick/ Detroit, is vigiting at H. Leakey's. Mrs. Howard Abbott was taken' to Kingston on Friday in Retd's wmbulance to the General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Amo, Watertown, 'N.Y., and thelr twa children metored 'here to visit the latter. parents. Howard McReady had a successful bee raising a bent 1G his barn on Saturday. Mrs J. MoGrath and her two children are visiting relatives here. H Leaky has completed the cellar of his naw dwelling house. Mrs. A. Garlock, Cape. -Vineent; is visiting her par~ ents here. John Abbott aad a sue- cessful bee raising a cow and horse barn. 'William -Allinson, jr. has re- signed his position as lighthouse keeper at Brophy's Point. "Mack" McDonald has been, appointed his steady, his duties to commence on the first of July. Mrs. John Me- Kenna, N.Y:, and her two children are visiting at James McKenna's. ------ A A A A A ROUGH AND DRESSED [MBER For All Kinds of Building and Repair Work, : Beaver Board and Roofing. : __Allan's Lumber Yard Phone 1042. Yard: Victoria Street. Branch Yard: Place d'Armes. oso ron RED CROSS WORK. Reports ¥rom the Oates wid Ilatter- »ea Bocleties, : Oates. July 1.<At the last medt- ing of ates unit of Loughbor) Red ('Cross Soclely a resolution of regret 'wig pussed at the resignation of Miss Nora Staley as president, who ieaves jn a short time Zor-Tarento to take » com:se in the Hehool of Do- mestic Science. A mew president, Mrs. Albert = Koen, was appoln'ed. An account 'was given by the scere- tary, Mrs. Jobn: Koen, of the amount of Red Cross work done dur- Ing the past tive months, which was as follows: 91 suits pyjamas,' 108 stretcher caps, 11 kimonas, 62 day shirts, 9 quilts, 2 pair socks, besides donations of 16 suits pyjamas and 36stretcher caps, which were pur- chased from 'proceeds of a tea given during Easter week at the home of Mrs. John Johnston. Battersea, July + 2.--Report of Battersea Red Cross from Jan. 1st to June lst, 1918: Fat is tuel for the fighters; Ts HIS name is a mark of quality and service ! in the piano world. It is your assarance of getting your money's worth, first of all in the actual purchase of 4 Plano or Player: Plano, and more than your money's woith in service] In and aftér buying your instrament. Rave t--Canads Food Board. and. ~ For Batteries, Spark Plugs, Coils, Auto a "Lamps and Motor Boat Supplies; Spark Coil Repairing, and Ei orvthing Electrical, ; a, t : A man's crookedness often gets him into financial straits. CASTORIA For Infants and Children ' fg, 5'367 Pt ues, trom msetings, : 139.33; Halliday Electric Co. | in Clistions na <oneerts, $138 = Phone 94; "Cor. Princess and King Sts. | Always bears of T Expentiture--$144.99; Triangle ORTY years ago, when the firm of OC. W, F Lindsay, Limited, was founded, a high " standard-of exepllence in the production of - the Lindsay Piano Was established. The same high standard is rigorously "maintained today; lence the ever-increasing popularity of Lindsay Fund, $25; total, $169.39; leaying Planos/and Playor-Planos. a balance on hand of $46.89. Work done by society--9 suite of T 'pyjamas, 21 night shirts, 46 dress . ings, 25 T bandages, 27 abdominal : THE price of the Lindsay Planos and Player-Planos is the lowest possible con- sistent with high quality, and represents a minimum of profit. The 'great vol- ume of sales is depénded upon for qir dividends, not the immediate profit of "bandages, 20 handkerchiefs, 1 pillow each individual sale. Before buyipg vour new instrument make it your business to 'cover, 56 towels, 28 bed pads, 16 see and hear the Lindsay Pianos and Player-Pianos. 'We invite comparison, confident pair socks snd 42 boxes to the boys in our ability to prive the superiority of the Lindsay instruments over all other makes overseas. of the game class, - a f : re 4 at ' Outlet Occurrences. July 1.--The crops aré looking well in this Jocality. There Is a great © scarcity of strawberries around here this year. Mr. and Mra. W. G. Vanderburg, Warburton, and | Miss Katie Johnston, Sand Bay, ) to Bruckville on Friday to the Sanday school convention. Ver- Jt Cross and family and George Ph. 121 Princess Street, Kingston. ONE PRICE ONLY--CASH OR CREDIT I Er d to Athens on Sunday 10 the revival services. Mrs. G. A. ¢ ley, Athens, Is visiting her | many friends in this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mvs. Hungerford, Lansdowne, motored here on Sunday afternoon. W. G. Johnston spent Mr..and Mrs. t, spent Fri- of |