"PAGE THREE. ° THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1918. ° = | -_ a . - a T SEER IE WN SA AL jis Told In ound Twilight SION ON THE AISNE. : Has Never Found Anything In | SPREE EIP EFPIA bE 04S (Notice--Hereafter, the Wiz. in Canada orf England to Equal Tanlac. clnes, both fu this ceolniry ang jp COMmMOn with other papers all over : ia ia 8 g il I oh » Eh England, andl just want {o say right Canada, yi Wake 2 ~chatge of sie here and vow that § have never found for : inset ting ah Shgap ment, wars auything to equal Tanlac* said Wil-i "880 or Iecepfot-Asfounceament. Lam Thwaites, wid resides at 9 Cam- | : hg 3 'rspoon a Mrs ] eron Place, 'Toronto. | Mrs. Wotherspc nd Mrs. Ingpen . . o 2 fwere in charge of the tea at the | have had stomach trouble of the Country Club on Saturday when some continued, "and during tbat time pit Hix sghests Miss os Bridge OK wis a constant sifterer. Before Hicks, Mrs. R. R. Carr-Hakris, Mrs. came to Canada, eleven years'ago, 1 . N. 3. Leslie, Miss: Afleen and Miss was treated in some of tue bes, yos- Rose Rogers, Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick, |g pitals in Eupgland, aod have tried e¥~ Miss Gwendolyn and Miss Doris. Fol. eryjhing | ever heard of. And ever op Miss Edith Carruthers Miss siuce 1 have been over here I have oon McKay, Miss Ethel Kent, Miss been trying to get rid of my trouble, iy, on rot Hemuniing, Miss Eleanor but It seemed like the more | tried | py clan © Miss Gwenueth Merrick and the worse | got, My stomach was in t BRADY others : such a bad condition that in thel . ; month of February aloné | was off ITO Wy WOK Wore than two weeks, 'sironr" entertained af a children's and I can verity this by my te | ry | Tuesday . afternoon in li book. My appetite was all gone, ang '1onor of the birthday of her son, |i I bad 'slmost forgotten whac it was bya gter Wilfred. 110 sit down and enjoy a good hearty | meal; and suffer! ne ene except | those who have gone through tue same ordeal knows. 1 couldn t eat a bite of breaklast and you can im- ugine how 1 felt, One morning I re- ported for work, Lut found I was just Bo weak and "all in' that it was im-| possible Lor. me to-de-auything and | it was two weeks before I was able' to gO back to work. At lunch time I'ppt for ner home in Toronto, would 'eat a few moutbfulls, but ev- Mrs. W. H. Gates, who has been efything would turn agains: me and {spending the past week with Mrs. Me- A suffered agony from gas, bloating Calg, Johnston street, has left for To- and pain. 1 couldn't sleep on account lronto where she will spend a few of my misery aud would get up in the days before leaving for her home in mornings feeling half dead. | Albertsville, Wis, "Now this is only a partial descrip- | Mr, and Mrs. R. M, Chase, Mack tion of the way | suffered during "street, have gone to Muskoka to taose eighteen years. 1t would take spend vacation time, ! {oo long to tell it all. My colos was |, Miss Macie Bowyer, Winnipeg, is sallow and unbealthy looking, I lost {visiting with Mr, and Mrs, N. Me. nearly thirty pounds in weight and Cate, Johnson street, had no life or energy about me, I had 3 tuken medicine unut I was sick and | Misg Edith Sears, Cherry street, is tired of it, but one nigh{ while down spending the holidays at Odessa. town, I happened to see some Tanlac! Miss Jessie Babcock, Earl street, fu the drug store window, so 1 went is visiting her parents in Odessa, in and bought a bottle, and told the! Mrs. T. J. MacAvelia and Master clerk if it didn't help me he would George, Brock street, left an Tues- Well, sir, be-iday to visit in Brantford and Hamil- 8. oderately warm. p. - Probs: Thursday, fine and. 4 RENEE ENE NAN EENENER ARE ANN "= Attractive Wearable for Holiday Wear . We have ready a most complete showing of the latest and most authentic New York Heroic Resistance in Keeping Back German Forces Until All . the Bridges Were Blown Up With the British Armies Fielth July 2 During the €rérman vance on the Aisne on Mi: British d hard an full story of énemy ha heard some details by the 8th Division, ex lish' regiments, in the "4 have taken aM kinds nf medi! whi I Heid the worst sort for eighteen years," he whacl 1 from Craocnne to Berry-au-Bac of Rheims They were forced back hy superior from the trenches north of the Aisne drenched with gas, assailed with tanks and at- tacked comstantly by greatly superior forces nf infantry, 'vet they succeeded in delaying the Gerinan assault at some places and the record of their ordeal reveals many splendid incidents of heroism and sacrifice. Mere hawd- fuls »i men fought until they were killed or surrounded; and those who came back only gave ground when thé Germans penetrated ¥ar foward the rear and tore away their flanks be yond repair, pumber Prescription Service At Best's stores is second to none. T it is appreciated is amply proven bv the number of Aoctors who send their preserip- tions here and by the hundreds of satisfied customers, ; 4 Both at the main store and at the Branch a qualified drug- gist is always on the job, wait- _ Ing to compound medicine whi¢h may mean life or death, "This service means long, Weary 'hours and careful, try- ing watchfulness, and it is | really up to you to take advan- tage of it and take all your doc | tors' orders to "Best's." The "Best" Drug Stores . (pen Sundays. 121 Princess St. Branch: 414 Princess St. TTT May Try Schemes in Austria. Paris, July' 3.,--According to un- official advices reachive Paris, Leon Troteky, Foreign Minister of the Bolshevik Goveriifhent in Russia, is in Vienna, travelling incognito. The object of his visit §s not known, al- though it is surmised that he may styled summer wearables, suitable for every » * Mrs. I. W. Murphy, Sydenham occasion, and priced so they are bound to make instant appeal to all thrifty women. - * * < N Mrs. 'R. 0. Sweezy was hostess at 3 . . {the Bridge Club on Tuesday. Bathing Suits o . . . In wool jersey knit. and lustre. Priced from $2.50 up. J ip Summer Frocks Gingham, Beach Cloth, Voile and Muslin, 34 Bridges Over Aisne. Priced from $3.50 up. Theére were 34 bridges: over the Aisné amd its tributary, the Miette, which crossed the 8th division front at right. angles just west of Berry-au- Bac. All of them were 1 save | The usual tea was held at the jyacht Club this afternoon, % Silk and Palm Beach Suits, N ovelty Skirts and Silk Dresses The greatest and smartest showing of high- grade novelties in town at popular prices -- all of Dame Fashion's latest style caprices, that you will enjoy seeing. og Mrs. J. J. Burton, who has been spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. Gates, Alfred streef, has of wood the principal erassing at the latter vil- lage on the north bank, which was a stout structure. It was impossible to destroy all these hridges, and the Ger= mans were able to throw large forces across those which remained intact ineluding one at Berry-au-Bac. There was the usual dense early in the morning of May 27th when the battle began, and it was intensified by smoke of the preparatory hombardment which began soon after midnight, The 8th division was pounded by a formid- able concentration of trench mortars and alternately gases, covered-hy high explosives. When the German -infan- try attacked at four o'clock it was im- possible to see more than 50 yards, and 20 minutes later the right brigade division was forced to fall back. All the troops resisted with the + 'White Wash Middies ° In plain white and white with colored and gingham collars and cuffs. * Priced from 08¢ up, for women and children. White Wash Skirts A broad assortment of stunning . news styled wash skirts, embracing every late style feature; priced from $1.19 up. fog - " * | : Steacy's - Limited be taking a hand in tthe geueral po- litical situation in Austria, whevs conditions are reported ready for a revolt. greatest: stubbornness, hut they were charged 'by tanks that came upon them suddenly through the fog. and the enemy kept pouring through lit surely hear from me, fore 1 Aug tell it was doing me good. . oo taken four bottles now, and, to make for Boston, where he will visit t hed that first bottkd I could ton I haye' Dr. H. E. Day left on Saturday he Ne + ~ RL ing like a new man, - 1 haven't miss. (Mrs. F. M: Cobb and 8 ed a day's work since 1 began taking Lilian, Tweed, are visiting Mr it and 1 am getting stronger and ber- Mey ip E. Cobb, 64 Lower ter a4l the time, { have a fine appe- | Street, : : Ing to réach the bridge and establish | fle, eat just anything I want and | Miss Jagie Daniel Tn: - to blow up the bridges and establish | ever have a touch of indigestion, | US Ser ie wrs. Ruabert Ir- a new line. and breakfast is now one . of my | yg LUErLy Street. ' J heartiest meals. My skin is clearing' Miss Minnie Revell, Clergy street, ana . ig visiting friends in Verona. up, my weight is increasing all the Williatn Dunnett left on Tuesday 4 time and the boys all tell me I'm for Plainville to visit old friend looking like a different person. I can | °F i. 0.v\a' bd triends. hardly find words to express my gra- titude for what it has done for me and 'I wouldn't begrudge paying ten dollars a bottle for it. It anyone would like to talk with me personally 1 will be only too glad to tell them' about the wonderful results I have gotten from Tanlae." Tanlac 15 sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. In Plevna by Gilbert Ostler. In Battersea by C, S. Clark, In Ferleigh by Wrvin Martin. In Ar- {dock by M. J. Scullion. 'In Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannon. a Ta BUT THE MEMBERS NOT PLEAS. ED AT MODE OF OPERATION Of tthe Property Comumittee---Ite- commendations Were Vetoed and Later Endorsed as No More Money Was In Sight. The Board' of Education at its meeting - on Tuéaday afterndon awarded tenders foi school improve~ ments to the value of $11,000, but not before there was much diseus- sion over the way the property com- wmitte had handled the detalls. The report of the committee read: 1.=~That the tender of McKelvey & Birch for the plumbing, carpen- tering, tinsmithing, - painting and mason work In connection with the itaprovement of the lavatories in Victoria, Sydenham, Louise and 5 Contral #¢hools be accepted at $6, 67. : Women Among Pirates,' Tokio, July 8.--8ix women are among a band of inland sea pirates recently arrested by gendarmes. It is expected that the entire number of the group of fifty pirates will be taken iuto custody 'soon. tle gaps in the line working around behind in 'the usual fashion, which gave no option but to come back. By half-past six the remnants of the troops around Berry-au-Bac-were try Adaughtewn and Union NY YY NINN NEW LAWN MOWERS ARE COSTLY. Get your old one sharpened, re- paired or refitted at moderate cost, Parts supplied for all standard machines, . John M. Patrick 149 Sydenham Street. "Phone 2056J, b b p 1 p Mrs. Hamilton 'Mackerras and her three sons are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richardson at their cottage at Wolfe Island. Mrs. Kennéth Maclaren and her children have returned to Ottawa af- ter <pending the past month at Lakefield, Que. 3 Miss Eleanor Minnes left on Mon= day for Toromto, where she will take a course at Toronto University. Miss Mildred Lamb has returned from Ottawa. UP-TO-DATE BEDROOM FURNITURE A large stock of up-to-date designs to choose from, in mahogany, walnut and ivory and grey enamels. ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS It. is unwise' to keep - Papers and other valuables in a house or office. oo eposit Boxes in _ the vaults of this Bank may be rented at a moderate charge, === A.J. Macdonell, Manager, Kingston Branch. rink Charm Tea To Reduce the High Cost of Living try a edna Gh or ow To he low price of 28c a haif pound package. ar be the guest of her aunt, Mrs, W. 8. B. Henry, Dr. and Mrs. W, T. Connell spent the week-end in Spencerville. Mrs. Campbell Laidlaw and her three children, Ottawa, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Maedonaell, Uni- versity Avenue, . * VY * Miss Rose Rogers, Barrie street, is leaving on Saturday for Sher brocke, Que., where she will ba the guest of Mrs. Penhale. Miss Mary Macphail left on Mon- day for Toronto to take a special course at Toronto University. Mrs. M.A. Whelan, Westport, was a Kingston visitor. y Mrs. (Dr) George Cooke, Lloyd- minster, Sask. Is visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Cooke, Union street. Dr. Reamon, Woodstock, has been visiting Dr. T, J. H. Coleman, '"Rose- Hawn" . . » Mr. and Mrs. G.--¥.-Chown; Sunni- side," have returned from thelr west- ern trip. Miss Muckleston, Calgary, is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Major Miss Edna Booth is the gudst of and Mrs. Jack Cochrane, Ottawa. her sister, Miss Marion Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Holden, Mon-|- Mrs. David Walker a Aer two real, have gone up to thelr summer sons, Toronto, are visith Mr. and home at Lake Manitou, the Lauren- Mrs. B. W. Robertson, Earl street. tians, where they will be joined la- Miss Nora Martin, Clergy street, ter by ¢heir son, Hastie, at present in| left for Toronto today to be the Kingston, » guest of Mr. and Mrs, 'Arthur Martin, Rev. J. Cooper. Antliff, has left Montreal for Winnipeg, where he ex- £8 2 > 4 pects 10 remain withyhis son, William Mrs. George Grabam 'has returned to her home in Belleville, Antliff, wntil the end of August. i ¥ Son Miss Jessie Dickson, of the Toronto General Hospital, is visiting Miss 1. - Dr. and Mrs, R. 8. Minnes and fam- Denn, Stoney Lake. Miss 'Edith Street, who Is Mrs. ily, Ottawa, will leave next week for Charles Askwith's guest, is return Tadousac, : Mrs. Henry P, Smith and son; Ger-] ir} ing to her ome in Ottawa at the end of the week. ; ald, left on Wednesday hy C.P.R. for Mrs. T. A." Davidson has returned a trip to Western Canada and Wyom- ing, 128.4. They expect to Tematn] until September, sag after a two weeks' visft with hor Misses Allie and Olive and Master {sister, Mrs. M. BH Spafford, Chs-vy Oliver Burton have left for their| Valley. : home in Toronto after spending the| Miss Evelyn Turcott 'caught the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. MeCaig|bride's bouquet at the Stephens- ni om We have a lasge stock of springs and mdtfresies on band, very reasonably priced. --Adyt. . oo. Mrs. Turner, Winnipeg (formerly Miss Kathleen Drennen, Kingston), is visiting her sister, Mvs. H. A. Christmas, at her summer home at Lae Marois, Que, Miss Laura Staples the summer with Mrs. Dead Man's Bay. Mr. and Mrs, R. PF. Segsyorth, Mr. and Mrs, . Drummond anid Missy -Drummond motored from Toronto and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street. . * Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Robertson, Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson and Mrs. Thomas Slater motored to Watkins' Glen, N.Y, for the holiday. WR Sag Pillows--a good quality 3 to sell at $8.50, $4.50 and Vietrolas and Victor Records . A large stock on hand. T. F. HARRISON CO.,; LTD ~ Phone0. is spending J. Leslie at 2 a - ~ pr p p p Arahat dh deh dd = You Will Need Your Panama Warm Weather makes everyone think of Cool Headwear. Bring us your Pariama or 2.--That the tender of Elliott aia Bros. for the plumbing in connec- nmin | HOW With the change of the Collegi- * ate Institute lavatory system be ae- : cepted ad $4,385. That the tender of Simmons Bros, for putting additional black- board - accommodation. in six public schools and supplying all material be accepted at $1,500, ® The Wwembers by a vote of Sto 4 refu 0 accept the first and third clauses, as the committee, after one tenderer had rejected accepting a contract as there was a mistake in iis figures, did not follow' tiht gene- ral procedure of giving tthe contract to. the naxt fowest tenderer; but eall- ed for new tenders, not by advertise- ment as in the original notification, but by asking contractors to submit figures. The mujority felt that that procedure was uufair. But after the' clauses were rejected the dilem- ma arose wnat to do? The council Bad granted . $13,000 foi. cértain the deputation wailing om it rely the figures given by the cominittes dh hahahah ha dah de dh nha ds 2mm. am Straw Hat. We will make it lock new. Panamas and straw hats cleaned, bleached LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY = New York Hat Cleaning Co HISAR ~ This new biscuit made from whole wheat flour, It has a nice nutty 8avor. Properly baked, fe Very attractive both in color ne "See our window for the latest and best lines of fine boots and shoes for summer, Prices from $6.00 to $9.00. Sd We still have a few pair of sizes per of the wheat kernel, sais Try Them. them to the hu and family, Johnson sireet. Anld wedding. : . x. Mrs, W. E. Jackson, Syracuse, Mrs. Frank' Phillips and. Miss Jen-[N.Y., is spending a month with her nie Phillips, Johnson street, returned | parents, Mt. and Mrs. James Gowan, from Toronto on Wednesday. Princess street. © ee + Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Minnes and| Ara. > sheir family left to-day for Old Orch- Ars. F H per, Brownsburg ard, Maine. .. £. H. Hooper, B ' Miss Eva sticharaban haw retarneaf Ue, io the seat of Mr. ana ir Ee a eiwat Robertson, Mont-| BAF. W. H. Mack, Petawawa real, fs the guest of Mr. and : LS. Onin 1 Spending a few dara Jeave hE M. Robertson. Sydenbam str 'Miss J Laura = Wright, Johnson Miss Florence. Reid is = expected |trogt, nas returned home after Yisit- irom New York this week . ling in New York during the pas: six y Mrs. Joward Taylor at her summer igooke TL v Hy the nan was of oj the ptottage at Tremont Pagk. "karl Bowen has returnéd to To- cil would not be willing to give | - Mr.and Mrs. J. W. ronto. alter atieading the Stepliers- ie. additional amount. He regretted {Spent the week d wedding © Ua et ge he B found itseir { Mrs. B. & of Fal : Charles A. Ma'omey| | Barrie: street. acrow- -- Miss Carmel Donohue, Week ond ot the te 4 8 - | at the latrer hedie, "Riverside, .. "Mr. dnd . Mrs. Sillas hens, Aurora, Tere In town for the, Ste. | (Continued on Page 10.) Bais r & 4 Thy re EE Stertn Caused Damage. "ldimage 16" iNe liznts Peterbuoro, Torey Damage. 'the {aamaze at over 35.000. worst sturios in years padied over [vice also suffered. ths Jocality Sunday evening. "The we i rainfall exceeded thres inches and | United States troopi" win more Aliage was dane. The [ground and prisovers in the fight- SION estimate the ling 'vu Tuesday, : and re (3,