Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jul 1918, p. 2

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Ser? i ( In All Colors -- Red, White, Blue, Black, _ Silver, Cross -- Béautiful Summer Furs. John McKay, [FARMERS ARE INTERESTED THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1918. : > TT = IN THE FRONTENAC FARMERS i CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION. {Getting Credit From Banks to Carry on Business--A. E. Weller is Act- ing as Business Manager. ng of' the Frontenae i rs' Co-operative Association was held Tuesday evening af iCataraquil. ° Forty-four memoers Iw in attendance. J. L. F. Sproule, | president, occupied the chair. He | read 'the constitution of the associa- ition, which was chartered to buy farmers' equipment and supplies and ito sell farm produce such as grain, {hay, roots, stock, ete. He annonne- {ed that. arrangements had been; {made with the banks for credit to jearry on business which were satis | factory. The basis of this 'was a | capitalp, but not subscribed capital, {in the form of notes signed by each {| member of the club and deposited jas collateral. The explanation of the {use of the notes was quite satisfac- tory, and all the members present {signed them. { The meeting became a purely {business one. The members clearly {saw that by casting in their lot with jcach other they gould obtain what they required through the club |Breat. advantage, and the secretary, MT. Kiell, was kept Busy entering orders © which totalled over a car- load. a mee on W. Sirrett, 16cal agricultural Kingston's Reliable Pur House 149 and 157 Brock St. > os ted Perfect Eyesight is your best friend. Treat it right. Abuse it and it will : > forsake you. House Cleaners Let un demonstrate to you the latest Cadillac Electric Cleaner with Automatic .re- < te ug, Sy Yor, cach Tabor aver Felon bg Wo J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. - arenes rien, YOUR EYES may need the ald and come fort glasses will give, CONSULT US You owe them that much. Consultation free, 1.8 Asselsine DOS Meiitment Lette 4 - oh + a ---- -------------------- J.E. MULLEN, 158 Frestenac §t, Phone 1417 PY Vy NOTICE TO OUR | PATRONS ; } Owing to the scarcity of help L we have been handicapped in § p our repair department, and have been unable to get the work out as soom as we expected. We now have a fall staff of re. P pair mén and assure promj service in the future. Central Garage Walsh, Prop. iid a a 4 A ~ CLOTHING ON EASY 'Geutlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. Morris, 374 King St. Pe i] Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover 'HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy... ... 10e, 13%¢, 15¢ 1b. Evaporated Peaches, 2 Ibs for 25¢ Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15¢ Ib. Sweet Cider ... ... ... .. 40c gal. 1W.R.McRae&Co Golden Lion Grocery - 5 rooms, W. C., stone fou dation; good cellar; barn and garage. - rch or veranda, y Nip- Rugs in nine different | and Aerolux Porch | b | Ro along scientific | representative, gave valuable zdvice lines. A. E. Weller jconsented to act as business man- ager. The club has gotten down to brass tacks as a business organiza- | capable chairman. members {have already been. seeured. Some | farmers drove eighteen miles to be {present Tuesday night. Fifty STEPHENS-AULD NUPTIALS Front Road. On Saturday evening a pretty June wedding was performed by the Rev, D. A. Lough, pastor of Brook street church, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. to. tion, and Mr. Sproule proves a very | NCDENTS OF TIE DAY Happenings In the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to th Readers of the Whig. , Miss ¥vy Reld, Ottawa, 1s visiting Mrs. A. T. Camphell, Barrie street. Miss MacDonald, who underwent an gperation in the General Hospital a few days ago' ig recovering nicely. Dr. Ryan and J. J. Behan are in Toronto at a meeting 'of the execu- tive of the CIM.B.A. George ¥. Chown has arrived from a trip in the western provinces and is now in Montreal. ; IT you gdvertised that lost article promptly it was probably. returned to you---for most people are honest. The Portsmouth counell urges the peopl : of the villages . to get their coal urders im as soon as possible. The steamer Kingston passed down on her first trip to Prescott from Toronto on Tuesday morning. John Smith, 51 Chatham street, was removed to the General Hos- pital in 8. 8. Corbett's ambulance on 'Tuesday. . Now is the time to have your plano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- tastion, iS W. Lindsay, Limited. Mrs. M. G. Moon and two children have arrived home after spending the past two 'week's avith Mr. and Mrs. R. Moon, Centreville, 2 The trophy donated by L. T. Best to the Military Y Baseball League at Barriefield Camp is on exhibition in Kinnear & d'Esterre's window. Now is the tim to have your plano tuned, We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C. W. Lindsay.' Limited. Misses Connor, 171 Wayerly Street, Ottawa, are in Toronto at- tending the funeral of their brother, the late T." M. Connor, formerly -of Kingston. 5 Rent that furnished room---rent it without delay, and rent it at a fair {price to a desirable tenant. All pos- sible through the classified. E. Kincaid will put down part of & ceme" | walk on Centre street for | | ee [At the Bride's Home "Rose Cottage," { { Thomas Auld, Rose Cottage, Front roady when their eldest daughter Vio- let "Evelyn became the bride of Charles Burwell Stephens, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Sillas Stephens, Aurora. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked ve sweet in grey crepe de chene with grey georgette hat with coral tulle and rosebuds and carried a shower of sweetheart roses. Miss Grace Auld, sister of the bride, was brides- maid and wore white embroidered organdie with pink george™e hat and carried pink sweet peas. Guauer El- liott Irwin, of the Trench M tar Brigade, recently returned from France, was groomsman. The cere mony was performed in the draw- ing room under an arch of daisies, and the wedding march was played by Miss Pearl Nesbitt, During the signing of the register, Miss Grace Auld sang very sweetly "The Garden of My Heart." About twenty-five guests were present. In the dining rom the table was decorated with white streamers caught with orange blossoms. Thé grooms' gift to the bride was a cheque, to the brides- mald a pearl bar pin, and to the froomsman, gold links. Mr, and Mrs. Stephens will reside in Toronto. The groom is well known in the city, being In Science 18, Queen's Univer. Bity, Huff-Robinson Wedding. A pretty wedding took place in St. Luke's church, Camden East, on June 26th, when Miss 'Agnes Louise, eldest daughter of John A. and Mrs. Robinson, was united in marriage to Harold Walter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Huff, [Camden East, by the rector, Rev. Mr. Spencer. At 10.30 8.10. to ithe strains of the Wedding March; played by (Mrs. Spencer, the bride entered the church on the arm of her father, escorted by choir. "The young bride looked very Sweet gowned fin white minon with veil and orange blossoms and wear- ing the groom's gift, a beautiful sun- |: burst of pearls. She: carried a bou- que of roses and maiden hair fern. They were unattended. The church was tastefully decorated by the members of the choir, of which the contracting parties were members. The ceremony over the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous dinner was served. At 3 p.m, amidst show- ers of good wishes from a host of friends, who had {gathered to wish them "God speed mpon their journey through life," the young couple left for a trip to Ottawa and other 'points. On their return they will reside in (Camden East, where the EToom is a prosperous young farme er. The many beautiful and useful 8ifts recelved showed the esteem of which the bride and groom were held. Out of town guests were: Ww. H. Robinson and the Misses Robin. son's, Perth Road; Mrs. Henry Letch, Kingston: Mrs. Harry Leteh, Ottawa; Mrs. [J. [W. Connor, Master George and (Miss Helena, Kingston. ox Visiting His Mother, = C. Summerby, traffic clerk for the British Chemical Company of Tren er, who has been Hotel Dieu, but is Summerby was.af agent for the G.T.R. here. » quite ill in the convalescing." Mr. Shie at Boys' Balh each; men's Bal all sizes, S0c each; big 2ssortmen t) me shirts from $1.00 4 ; stock of ready made clothing. 5 Fg hey iE WHE Yoave Fe t many sty yles. and erful stfeet 30 p.m. and tat 1. at 2 pom. Fare, the full 'was chairman. {Chalmers church, spoke on 'Some ton, was iu the city seefng lis moth- §| 'one time freight f} ithe Portsmouth council. The old (plank from walks will be sold to villagers. | A car load of thrée guarter lump coal, bituminous, reached the city on Tuesday for the Board of Educa- The price in the schools is junder $8 a ton. |. The United Leather Workers' In- {ternational Union, branch 33, pass- ed a vote of thanks to the Kingston British Whig for the able and fair dealing with the tanners' ¥ { way of strike. | We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months ifs you feel lke purchasing instrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C, W. Lindsay, Limited. 'The Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. 'have about completed seyeral more [trawlers which will be sent to the (Atlantic Ocean for service in the near future. You can "make it pay" to answer and investigate classified ads-----and Ithere may be some in today's papor I that merit your attention. The classes of the Kingston Co- operative Summer School®were con- tinued on Wednesday morning. On Wednesday afternoon an automobile trip was made to Kingston Mills The Children's Aid Society held a meeting Tuesday afternoon. The port of Indpector Jack, who' gave the members information regarding the cases dealt with by the society. we will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel lke purchasing ihatrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. Tuesday night was heme mission night at the. Kingston Co-operative Summer School." Dean Coleman Rev. Dr. Wilson, of of Canada's Problems." Police Court Brevities. . . Edward: Bradley claimed he was not drunk, just "dopy' from the ef- fects of some lung remedy given him by a man named Henry Smith, The i case was gniarged:" The following paid automobile infractions: 'Stephen Roughton, $8.75; Isaa¢ Cohen, $5 and costs; F. B. Wart, $5 and costs. PNA on on iio, Sr iy "The Hat Store" fines for §i sonably well at the Christmas exam- 4 ] | } ence Huffman, Vera McDonald, Paul | Mavala 'Myrtle Storms, Dorothy} ! when the results of the Dieparimental: chief "item of business was the re-| Wa POLLYR + Just receivad a large The: Salt of the Earth--Mrs, Alfred Sedgwick. Flying for France--James McConnell. Men, Women and Guns--=Sapper, Paths of Glory=Irwin 8. Cobb, The Yellow Dove--i. Gibbs. ' The Girl from Alsace--Barton Stevenson, Séven Miles to Avden--Ruth Sawyer. People Like Thaf---Kate Langley Bosher. The Vindication--Harriet Comstock, * The Pirate of Panama--Williani Mol. Raine Bucky O'Connor--William Mcl. Raise, " Bunker Beam--Harry Leon Wilson, ~ Till the Clock Stops--J. J. Bell. oy THE GIRL FROM ALSACE { WE & & i, oe - seal, Bonros £ Srevenson Phone 919 Open Nights shipment of the Intest Books: Tike advantage of the old price, on sale for a few days, Now Sixty | Cents Each L| =5 | THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE | Re Phone 919 . A -------- ------------ ---- Ser Nm NW yyy WARY WY Our range of novelty dress materials is now at its best. Weaves, colors, designs and prices appeal to Ladies Who : i pd Care The stocks are melting away rapidly, go do not delay seeing the display. Pictorial Patterns pr haw <0 Jy ro Sou 'Newman & The Always Busy Store ee 4 A 4 . 1 Ah Anhui rb A dh dedioh a ha aa Ahad hd Vr as 7 SYDENHAM HIGH SCHOOL peeves BUILDERS SUPPLIES anrreny The Promotions And Prizes Announ- ced By Principal. : From Form L to Form Il.---Names} in alphabetical order in each division, Division I. (Over 75%): Grace Garrett, Allen Knapp, Lula MecMa- hon, Gladys Qrser. Division 11. (Over 669%): Richard Foxton, Mar- garet McKeeyer Leslie Patterson, Muriel Sigsworth, Lena Smith, Van Young. Division III, TOver 50%): Kathleen :Clow, Nina Cowdy, Carrie Davy, Hattie Ellerbeck, James Gar-| vin, Alléen Hogan, Agnes Leeman, Wilfred MacConnell, Hattie McKeey- er, Paul MiHer, 'Grace Phippen, Ray Vanluverg Ross Vanluven. See us before purchasing. We can furnish all the mae. terials from foundation to roof, incliiding wood staves, irom ' hoops, special doors, roof wine dow, etc. ' Everything up te date. Hor. ae Prizes, awarded op the year's The following are promoted on the S. ANGLIN & C0. ling that they must do rea- ; understanding * Wout Yaictory, Lumber Yards toe Bay and Wellington Streets, inations of Form II. Francis Shillington. 5 The following will be promoted hen they. have compléted their farm service as shown by certificates from the farmers employing them: Edith Caswell, Janes Judge, Claude MocRory, Russell Shultz. Mabel 8il- ver, Gertrude Thomas, Clayton 'Walk- : James O'Brien, From Form 11. to Middle School-- Hurcel "Babcock. Mabel Botting, Freeda Bower, Dora Campsall Car- maletta Darling, Bella Genge (hon- 'ours), 'Bibel Giles, Ida Harker, Flor- ther prometions may be made ns are announced, tions. Lower school Ls prize.} Allen Knapp; Te School--, "oR Rutledge. : fary £. O'Brien. $5.00 Clocks ° We have another guaranteed shipment of solid oak mantel clocks at the above price. 5 These are neat and plain and easily car- ed for. SMITH BROS. Jewelers. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Starr Phonographs 330 King Street. TV V VY YY vi 2 " JI tA Frame Dwelling } Barn and garden; in Ports. 5 P mouth, for $1100. 3 A Double Frame = "Dwelling On Chatham St., for $1600, k . ~ A Detached Frame Dwelling > On York St, with improve. ments and good yard, for $2100. 3 TY A Furnished Flat Central, $25.00 per month. 1 Furnished Houses E. W. Mullin & Sellers of Real ¥s Cor. Johnson and Division Phones S3OW. and 530 TT TTY YY Sta.

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