Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jul 1918, p. 13

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. PAGE THIRTEEN -- AY, JULY 2, 1918. ATTACKED BY ABULL ... TIDINGS FROM ATHENS. ; e = NEWS FROM: THE DISTRICT - A Yarmer Had a Serious Time for a Accident to Aged Lady~--Death of. a + t eiivm-- \: 3 BR Relieve Your. NR does it by improving | : : ow Mito Nesorshariun ) ® } | CLIPPED FROM THR- WHICH Sydenham, June 28-<The tecent| Athens, June an Ransome Rheumatism | | MANY BRIGBT EXCHANGES. le a great funiprovement Brown, Addison road, hii leased the | and elimination --- I or 25c¢. ! ; 3, the crop . Alfalfa cutting is the {Judson house, Mill street. {R/| GULD YOU rick « postage Sta to learn more about coffee? SEAL BRAND COFFEE and how to make it? How to equal America's most famous chefs? Our booklet "Perfect Coffee-- Perfectly Made", tells you. It's free. Write for it, * 'Wn CHASE & SANBORN digestion, assimilation . he dh de the logical way. 'Halpenny has been con- to ro- cess of Nature's Remedy (NR Tab- MONTREAL The | order of the day among the tarmers, Mr, Case and the OMisses Ferrie In Frederick Peters had a narrow escape | and Wallace have been engaged 16 --Full of Interest to Wiany, ' . tacked . by a two-yeare -old bull. As Mr. . Halpénny and the Misses Allen a te et dc Se A AR - > B vid n x oq 8 p it . the bull us sed him pretty roughly for § Mr NR Today -- Relief or No Pay A tan as 6th Witet|3 While, having him down twice. He |®tipted the cadets presented him There are three vital processes of | rheumatic - ~polson 1s allows nts ane ShiH: et] sncceeded in getting to. the fence and | with & safety rafor and members of nd the elimination of the + i 4 \ lets) in so many cases where other | icraananidaue | adge No. ais, 19bp siiffering some from bruises inflicted | With a Wrist watch. 2 . Let anything interfere with these | medicines have falled. Thousands are | oo Co Avel memorial. day oBlye the bull's horns. The 'entrance to high school exam- processes. --let them be interrupted or using NR- Tablets every day and get- Sunday, 30th Inst. *y The funeral of the late Mrs. Mercy |iations and the lower school examin- mpropeir airvied on, and sickness g ting relief. Why pay five oF ten {7 MF and Mra. W, J, Wiggins, Nap- acey was held in St. Paul's Church [ations have been written upon and of some kind follows. ; for uncertain anee, 'are 10 oeeupy- i cottage ut on Monday. Deceased was eighty-|the &saminations for entrance to taining en ou gh to last twenty. { full nourishment from food and | that in tur of Shen smgany, dm. oe must bel Fou, mut {to, have taken 4. cottage at Presqu schools are all busy with examina- Brockville Collegiate Institute is pre- De ate) our. elimi Hotaelory benefit or 'cost you nie fap {8 Summ 11eftions." The last of the exams will be'|sidiag, "vy } Pita, io Funnel at Frankville July 4th. Sperry Snider is raising Registrations were largely made 2 on Friday of Mrs. Joseph Hanton, ali. windmill ten feet higher 50 the [during last week so that there was . n : Peis. "Einard Bak 5 sah. Boot wore opened In the high snd Drink Charm Tea if : » - uo To Reduce the High Cost of Living-¥y a package of Charm New Japan Tea at the vitality, -deoreises "the power of re- sistance to disensa and leads to the Country About Kingston Are Told out of the pasture field he was at-|staff, ¢duséd by the resignation of food, the extraction of nourishment Think of this. It explains the suc- | were married. Peters is able to be around. but is|%e faithfully assisted, presented him Tablets), cone tion means: falkirs to derive : Mr, aud Mrs, Ross Ostrom, Toron: dent of the village all her life. The |HuSbabd, M. 'A., prineipal of the matter which poisans the body, lowers | ¢o0 (he relief of rheu ma tism. St ver, reg a G amance fo oi roa longs fo the | 1iistes 'kidney and ol | Mr. 'and Mrs. Barl Phillips and fv Brief Form the Events last Monday. | While getting his cows | [Hl the vacancies on the high school human existence, --the digestion of | main in the body Hawley .and $thel Dixon: Trenton, 'getting away irom the animal. Mr |the Methodist chiirch where h> has box of Nature's ® i - ) 2 i : oor digeation and assimila *Bartlet's"" on the Bay, four years old, and had been a resi-|Bormal ave being written upon. A. J. means an accuniulation of waste And Nature's Remedy Is not proves, digestion, highly respected resident, - Boe igh and Proves the Biaog. bow Ba a PB buildings. Edward Barker is saw- | Booths were opened in the h Rheutinatium,--dtis to some Interfer- | whole system. Youll fed Hien jhe | family, Hamilton, are at Albury, Ont, ing shingles. Mrs, Schuyler Joynér {Puble schools. ence with the process of giimination, | person when you've taken NR Tablets spending a couple of wedks with her h returned from New Onfario. Mrs. Mrs, Gréer, London, under Gov- fallure to get of cértaln' body | a week, You've tried the expensive | father, E. Russell, 14s re ethiment appointment, addressed the poisons --eatinat "ba. 8 expected to yield | medicines and doctors, now make the ' Plight Lieut. Herbert R Ki Adam Davey has gone to Port Arthur he ' to any medicine t falls to Correct | real test. You'll get results-this & - ae L-110 visit her sister, Mrs, Montgomery. | Women's Institute on' the afternoon the Condition responsible for it. Could | Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) ® is fan. formerly a veported on thel "yo 0 po 0 Wortman has gone to |Of the 20th instant. Reeves Holmes @ny reasonable person expect td rid | sold, guaranteed -and recommended by rk ile Himes has been awarded|p. {Ui her parents. M¢, and and Ferguson weré in Brockville Ry S19. Mrs. J. R. McClain are in: Toronto. [last week for County Couneil. , himself of rheumatic pain as long as | your druggist. T. H. Sargent, Druggist, Kingston, Ont. On Junie 21st at Trenton, the mar-| Tir |b NFERATC I COA Foe) Parisn has returned from the : riage of Charles Eghert Brown, |. co oo hice at Boyee's Island | hospital fn Brockville, much fmprov- NR Tonight , Jownship of Sidney, fo: Miss Nelife on June 29th. Mrs. Parrott, Odessa, ed in hehlth, DeLong, took place, ~ Mrs, Gersh Yat d eighty- « bi 5 t her sister; Mrs. D. Roberts. TS, rsham Yates, age g IIS Rd Right The death tok place on June 19th is VILE her SCR PEE SB ROAETS Lew; shstatved a fall last week, frac- Get a 25: Box low price of '28c a half pound package. Adio dhs Athi uhhh irae h at 'Hastings of 'Mrs. Caleb Mallory, -{turing der hip. She had been doin x her mother, Mrs. Lahey. Mrs. Ro-|turing der hip B Colhotne, iil Gu vist to her sis- tand Heney 'and little son are here to, Wer bit for Red Cross work, being en-| foes. Charles Huycke, s|spend the vacation with her parents, (EUg#04t her tw hundred And eighth Couneil fixed the county rate vi Mr, and Me Lawitnte Mifeds vi of socks when the accident oe- ve : Grace and Florence Huffman, Mos-~] curred: Suwetve il: a 2 for enekal;, cow, spent a day with Mys. S. Hicks a phe body of the Jute Mes Jane triotic purposes } The . Methodist Sundaf school is] RO a. mouoenar as. ormerly John Morton, Melville, had the old|Vaving flower Sunday and also patri- uy a ee ars Wonsit Ners 2 liomestead buried on Friday last, | onc, day on Sunday, June 30th. St h he Pry bee - tent fo The contents on the first floor -were Paul's Church Biya fawn social on] Wat pt Th . x servi 4 saved. The place was of brick with a Wednesday evening. It was well at. [TOI he: . Juieta Meth atst frame extension, tended and a good programme was re son wired n Je Bete { Mr. amd Mrd. Dowgall Difigman|provided. Mr and Mrs. William u y the pastor, Rev ic. have 'arrived from thelr summer | Kennedy and Mr. and Me John Blake on Sunday the 23rf, Rev. T. J. I in Florida t ) td [attended a picnic at Zealand this week. ome in orida to spend the gov Vickery conducted the funeral ser- Black Kat Ready Rooting This is a superior roofing made up for ourselves, 80 we can guarantee it to be dur- able. 'Let us show you samples. One, Two and Three-Ply. Lemmon& Sons 187 Princess Street. 'born on Walle : There's no footwear that will give you as much real value for your money as WHITE CANVAS PUMPS OR SHOES Canvas High Shoes . $4.00 to $6.00 nvas Pumps with Rubber and Heels . .. .. $2.00 to $4.00 anvas High Shoes, Rubber . $2.00 to $5.00 1 fotth on his wheel. old summer time in the fooler breezds of Glen Island. Clarence Mercer, the sixteen: -year- old son of George Mércer, Port Hope, was seriously injured when the deliv- ery waggon of W. D, Stephens col- Hded with a train. John O'Neil, Picton, died on June 26th after a few weeks' lines.' He was sixty-eight years of age and Island. He was n prominent Methodist, A pretty wedding was solemnized on June 15th when Loretta, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Flood Brockville, was united in marriage to William Kennedy, Escott. A quiet wedding took. place Wed- besday 'at Brockville when Robert P. Buchanan, Toronta,. formerly . of Brockville, and Miss Onadell Bélway, Winchester, were united in marriage. Friends gathered at St. Vincent, de Paul's Roman Catholié' Church, eronto, on Monday last to witness. the marrriige of George Houle to 88 Mary: Burns, by 'the Rev, Father Har- tigan, George Reeves, rdoently of Réi- trew, an experienc®i. and capable newspaper man, has accepted a rea- ponsible position 'with the Organisa- tion of Resources Committee at To- ronto. 3 Mrs. R. Willis, Carleton Place, caught a pike opposite her cottage on the upper lake, that tipped the scales at 11% pounds. She was unable te Hit it into her haat and hag tg tow ft'to shore to land i hh Pte. Philip E. Tere. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Terty, Hilller, who resigned his school at the Burr neigh- borhood to enlist with the First Can- + adian Tank Battalion recently. went overseas, Robert Lumley who resides with his son, Thomas Lumley, Doxsee's, is ninety-one years of age and' works on the farm every day. He knocked off long enough to register in order that, the country might have the benefit pt his long experience, Willlam Baird, Carleton Place, 18 going about with a very decided limp at present.' Arlittle over a week ago hé stubbed one of his toes in his? home. The toé wis broken, He ls still able to atend his duties at the store, making the journey back and vi the Al During the past 169 | ecAllister farm on the 12th line Beckwith has chahged - hands, the purchaser being Mrs, Joseph Clark, Toronto. . Bolton €ulbertson, who has the property leased for. some time, wilkYemain on as tenant. Thers are about 50 acres in the farm, which is located on the edge of Carleton Place. Arete A NEW (HEESE FACTORY viees of the late Mrs, Horace Brown at her late residence; Elgin street. \raetory. M. visited Lanark on een a 1 the first mill used in axes "Hype: chopping more a and mal slower work t Canadign : May be Built at \ Counts. Yarkér, June 27.--Miss MaCauley "and 'her Mrs. Warner, spent ayehort time at James 'Warner's, Ruth Kingston, visited at heér home. The Benjamin (Company has im- ported three car loads of lumber. Mrs. (Dr.) Galbraith and daughter, Mary, visited friends here. M. C. Dunn and Bruce visited his moths fn-law, Mrs. Van [Euven.' William Dunn_has purchased. let car. closed. A lange number lawn goclal, .. which, -1$50. Mr. and "Mrs: 8." D. Babcock have gon & te Joshi toattend their | fealing of. sincere regret which: nus been expressed. not ouly by memburs a wedgdu fap the villmge are talk- of ilding a cheese) those of the other dempminations, is proof of the many friends he has Vary | made , futing his stay of - fourtesn i stron wo hs reson 'and A. A. Connolly 'have to, Camp. for the summer. ee and « ite, S {ater spent js da; Fad: - a | Hon rig pt is visiting her aroits at Ered, Deas, of totog spending his holidays parental yoof. ad emily, Tne har Tholidays. ents, Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Connolly. Stanley Freeman. R. B= Burgess is overseeing it. | sfifon; bout Yhe RUB "HOME FROM THE FRONT. denis Sergt. Cameron, Built First Mill ins ) France. Lanark, Jone 28. Sergeant James he bound 16. the tree. The siciy Cameron, of one of the Forestry Bat- a to Chief Phillips and he lafd talions on activeservice in Trance, {lan information 4 asalnat the two boys esday, tho were. re hed turned home last Cameron-enlisted in Ny . went to England, mgt hers his oe) n d cin the Ne built ot" T. an hy tor tial Two hundred men were 'in Rerpose. 'the itt had a ca- erat. 30.000 ay acity © eet per 1 bo og s Yicse cut chiefly in sight and ten ten feet lengths, and sawn into plank and dimension limber, shipped direct to the front: equipment was infe- rior in-many respects to that found | in most Canadian mills, but the men gat along as best they could 3nd and did very good work. es lumbermén were objects of much curiosity to the French folk -who carve in en see the C anucks at here in the French towns Wa domestic sqwmill, wh hobo ured lumber of a facturing 2s nt, but they they turied out only two thousand feet per d he tops of She trees fe con ¢ wen 0 oe Le rah any were s a old, heavy, clumsy | T Yarker if Talk|Deceased wis about eighty-five years : of age and leaves two sons. there pasded grandmother, | Thomas Bark, a farther of Temiper- ance Lake, about four miles from Miss Hilda Wart- | nere. man 'and iss [Elsie Hamilton, of | daughters ' survive, was a Methodist. BORRY TO LOSE REV. MR. CODE. | Meibers of North Augusta Parish His Removal a.Dew Chevro-| parish of North Augusta has been The teachers have 'gone 10 | tie sdene. Of numerous social gath- their respective homes sinte &cho0l | earings recently 4a Honor of the Rev. George Code and his family inthe aiténded the oceasion of his removal to . thé realized. over gation of Athens, to. which he: has Harold has burn po cured 'a position at Kitchener. Mrs: | §q time fa uwireal; are single ith ther par- has ren Falls Boga to reverse the order which Vivian Holland, Petértoro, 1s spend- | iyay 'did one day last week when. th ing the holidays with her paredts, Shay od col a Mr. and Mrs. 'A. 'A. Holland. ~The lyey new culvert has. Bach "started a on ADUOIE treet a Nmber of Indians' have been living for some tfme and! he acted to eh fof two months, Thefr se oh a tines wer he forest presetis =e - ~ | ove vountar Bn and, Dt. wf Keith Dean, Jate Dr. ii a i. BoE] Bt aronts, Cape and Mee. | eolm Van who has Thpon 1 ie Shem ae ay Amarican] Bong A a army oF Drosant present stationed at Jeffer- Yesterday after a Magering illness, away #n aged man, His widow, two 'sons and two In religion he Nonth -AMEWAS: . June: 29..Thé en appointed, and. the general the Anglican church; bat by do a Tree, Falls, y 2. Accord- 3 he. Mory Bn dealing with Jadiana used to catch them up to tree and! i Unless éss. the hero appared "Fash tr, kill all the I«dlans anded and save the viedim. it ned for a couple of Smith's freatéd a young Indian ay home is here. Tn a house 4 boy @dbout -twelve Frank two boys, |. Tank Jones and ed Patterson, Rant him {nlihe rk and tied him to a tree. That hom | is a EAR" Fleet Foot" and walk in the most attractive; most comfortable * and certainly the least expen- sive summer footwear you can put on, Wear "Fleet Foot" --nof only for evening but also for every day wear, There are styles for men, 'women and children--for all summer sports--for town wear, ! holiday west nd; Your dealer will help ou make the change fro: leather to Fleet Foot with pleasure and profit to yourself, for | "Fleet Foot™ costs so much less than leather that it isa real economy to wear thems: None genuine tinless Whmped 'SFLEET POOT" on the Sole. | The bes shoe dealers sll Feet Pook? | CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED RUBBER CO. Limited MEAD OFFICER Branches MONTREAL UE, 5s TED passing through the: for trial. They "and costs or. f+ Biss to Jane. ne mar- | Sok Te : tof, son «af the ang tor- {tion- Fra r. Mae- merly haar with the 1 "forces in France, officiat- bride was dressed in a khakikool, with eross fox the immediate relatives _ at the ceremony. Dr. 3 Jett for & motor trip and Que- ait ore ina they will I re Sons in the Service, "Pleton, gr 2.--Ralph VanDusen, L. Van n. Another son, Mal wort he. Beter The Service wohl ou rgLow tleplione accoubts == the accounts of which repeated efforts to collect must be made -- result n waste of time and labor. Most telephone users pay their bills prompily . and the labor and time of collecting them are 4 But some subscribers overlook their bills or neglect to pay them promptly, and the work of 9 The elimination of wiste in the Busines mesnedbetiet telop hone Serle

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