Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jul 1918, p. 9

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14 PAGES 152 Eremose i GAINED 28 POUNDS Improvement of Mrs. McCann Is Talk of Entire _. Neighborhood. 3 "My wife has actually - gained twenty-eight pounds by taking Tan- lac and her wonderful improvement is the talk of all-the neighborhood." was the remarkable statement made by John McCann of 197 Laval stPeet, Hull, recently. Mr. McCann has lived in Hull all his life and. 8 well kuown, "Yes: dir, I can say for wifaot, " fe continued, "my wife hasn't be en in such good * health before in seven years. She had been in a badly run down condition for about that long .and gradually got worse ig' spite of all she could do. She had no appe- tite, seldom ate any breakfast, and very little at any time. She a8 '80 nervous she couldn't sieep well, .and g0 weak she could hardly get about the hdiise, much less do any of her work. It seemed like she would al- most die at times with sick headache. She after had dizzy Spells and would get so sick and weak she would just have to give up and go to bed, She looked pale and sallow and had fal len off in weight from one hundred and 'twenty-eight pounds to one hun- dred dnd ten. * "IL. had seen Tanlac so highly re- commended that I finally got a bat- tle for her and 1 have never seen such a wonderful improvement in anyone. Soon after she commenced taking it she began to pick up and look better, 8he has taken five bottles -now, and she has not only gotten back to her old weight of one hundred and twenty-eight pounds, but she has ae- ' tually gone ten pounds above that, as she now weighs one hundred and thirty-eight. Her appetite is splendid and she's never bothered with ner- vous headaches or dizziness any 'more, She does all her house work besides takimg care of five children | and never complains of feeling tired. We are both simply delighted over the way Tanlae has built her up and we never miss 'a chance to boost it. Our neighbors have been astonished over the results and they all tell her she looks like a different person." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Plevna by Gilbert Ost- ler, in Battersea by C. 8. Clark, in Fernleigh by. Ervin Martin, in Ardoch by M. J. Scullion, In Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannon. : ~-ADVT, BIGAMIST SUICIDES, July 'ontronted| he had marvied two ago, James Ry Reid, aged Hy the eve of hif marriage to a loeal girl. Reid wis § returned soldier, and a mem- ber of the Dominion police force here. Je entered thé room of his su- perior; Inspector West, and saw his wife 'talking tg him. He returned outs ¢ and shot himself in the head. ; The police notified the girl who was to have married Reid, and she rushed to the headquarters and burst into the room where his body was -. lying. As she threatened to take her sown life; the police placed her under guard until she became calmer: : you'll need i scratches, knocks, blisters, shinburn, heat rash and bites, Ends 'pain and - heals so Quickly. peat - undland, when moved te Quebes he ong St. Mat] {secretary of "St. George's Society for heh Margarel McCarthy, {The service has a peculiar interest ithe course. Orangeman) from : eons, of of which hé was then a meni -- IRE DEATH 0) A B SHITH HE HAD BEEN ILL FOB SOME 'TIME PAST. Fog Sixty-five Years He Served A< An Anglican Chorister----He Was a tiberal and Ex-member of Board of Education, A Kindly old resident of Kingston passed away on Saturday nigh! in the person of Jaseph Alfred Bacon Smith, for nearly fifty years a well- known citizen. The late Mr, Smith had been in, poor health for some months, but:it has only been during tive past month that it was necessary ed signs of improvement, but he pass- ed away very suddenly on Saturday night at the home of is son, Ald. Norman A. Smith, on Afred street, Seventy-one years ago the late Mr. Smith was born i St. John's, Wew- foundland, of Devonshire parentage. It "was perhaps natural that, being reared in an atmosphere . adhering strictly to the religious tenets of the Auglican church, he would soon bes EY SMITH come closely connected with that or- ganization, . While still a boy of six years He took his place in the choir, and for nearly sixty-five years he had been a chorister in 'the Anglican chureh, At seven years of age he was admitted to full membership in the choir of 'the Cathed of St. John, Nawio hopes] "LATE J. A.B. thew's, the first: sdrpliced choir in that city. In 1870 the late Mr. Smith came to Kingston, and sgng in three of the city's choirs, later joining the gurpliced choir of St. George's cathe- dral when it wad, organized by the late Dean Smith. During his 'long period. of service, which is believed to have beéen surpassed by no elhoris- ter in the Dominion, and perhaps unique even among the old flapd, the late Mr, Smith seldom misséd a ser- vice of prayer and praise. Moreover, his Interests were not confined only hi the choir for he was many years; and was closely associat ed with all euhreh activities. On the 'Board of Education he represent. ed Ontario Ward for eight years, apd for the cause of Liberalism in the city he devoted much effort. Sak Deceased is Survived by one daughter, Mrs. G. L> .Marshall, of Syracuse, who has Toon with him for some weeks, also thrée son, Herbert J., of Chicago, and Sydeny C. and Ald. Norman A; of Kingston, "HISTORIC SH.VER SERVICE. Litigation Over Plate Presesited Sir 'Maghensie Bowell in Riel Uase. that three family oil paint ings and a service of silver valued at ame $1,100 should remain in pose ion of his daughter, Mrs. Evelyn fle she lived af. the family homestédd, after which it was to pass to his son, John Moore Bowell, 'and then to his namesake, Mackenzie Bowell, There is some doubt as to what bes tomes of the silver plate, and appli- cation it being made to Justice Rose for an interpretation of the will. as, according to the will, it was pre- sented to Sir 'Mackenzie Bowell, for «by. me while a [member of the House of Commons in the conduct of the javestigation, and in moving the. -expulsion-ef Louis Riel (the murderer of Scott, a brother {rom the House of Com- for him to 'be confined to his home. |; The week preceding his demise show-|' - {the ir Mackenzie Bowell died] The Baily KINGSTON. ONTARIO TUESDAY, JULY 2, NEATH OF RICHARD RINGER. Me Was a. Veteran of Picton; A Splendid Citizen, i n Tintes Rie Hi Ringer pasged away at! the home of his daughter, Mrs. John! A. Wallace, on' Jule 20th. Mr. The deceased was one of the oldest! here in 1849. land, and on coming to Canada lived for a few years at Perth and Smith's Falls. His first business venture in Picton was in partpership with the late Richard Hadden in a harness shop. Afterwards he went into part- nership with Lucius Hart in the car- riage-making business. This part- ship continued until the death of Hart, when Mr. Ringer continu- uslyess the firm had develop- Bix years ago Mr, Rigger was ap- pointed'® janitor of the post office building, a position he filled faithful ly up to. within a Jew weeks of his death. The flag on the post office buflding hung at half mast out of re- spect for the deceased. During his long and honorable ca- reer in Picton Mr. Ringer filled many positions of trust. He had been high school trustee, town councillor, church warden of St. Mary Magda- lene's church, and for many years he was treasurer for the local lodge of A.O0.U.W. when that institution was flourishing. Mr. Ringer was married in Picton' to Miss Emeline Babcock who predeceased him thir- teen years. His second marriage was with 'Mrs. Campney who is also de- ceased, The surviving members of his family are Mrs. George R. Hare, Picton; Mrs. Ida Hunt, who resided with her father; Mrs. Albert Seeds, Toronto; Mrs. John A. Wallace, Pic- ton; William A. Ringer, who is at present in Kansas; and Herbert J. Ringer, Picton, One son, Charles E. Ringer, has been dead some eight years, A sister, Mrs. William Bec- kett, resides in Picton. SOLIOQUY. To me this life is like a mask Silk-woven--yet 1 -daré not ask To take it off that 1 may peer Beyond the length of this dark year into the future which I pray, Wil fast bring forth a brighter day. For these are days of war and sin And only those who dwell within Their time, ¢an ever know the pain That's caused for hut a little gain Upon a world-wide battlefield. It seems the foe will never yield, And though we fight for Honor, Right, Their rule goes on, a rule of Might-- The Devil's 'might, perhaps you say Oh Wall we'll know on that bright ay Ring- ! er had been ill for about a month. | residents of the town, having located; He was born in Eng-| {the veterans' associations. Major the . UNVEILING OF A TABLET IN MEMORY OF THE LATE LIEUT. RODGIE STEWART. cd Ceremony at Chalmers Church on Sunday Morning--Major Wilson | Says Religion Alone Can Prevent War. ; A marble. tablet erected by his par- was. unveiled in Chalmers urch on Sunday morhing in mem- ory of the late Lieut, A. Rodgle Stew- art, Canadian Artillery, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, who was killed in action on' July 9th, 1917. There was a large cangregation pres- ent. In attendance were Col. J. 8. N. Leslie, inspector of artillery for East- ern Canada, Major Wotherspoon and Capt. Adams of the Rowal Military College staff, and representatives of Rev. R. J. Wilson, minister of Chal- mers, officiated, assisted by Rev. Dr. Macgillivary. After the singing of the National Anthemy and' with the congregation standing, Dr. Macgilli- vray, under whose ministry the de- cgised young artillery officer grew: to manhood, performed: the unveilffig ceremony amd pronounced a touech- ing eulogy upon the young man whe had given - his life for kis country, The Union Jack covering the tablet was drawn aside by Sergt-Major Set- terington, who was with Lieut. Stew- art when he was killed and who him- self was wounded in the same ac- tion, and has just recovered. The Sergeant-Major placed a cross over the grave of his commander. Major Wilson, in an impressive dis- course, calling the people to prayer and supplication that peace might soon come and victory in the cause of right, said that three great horrors had faced the world--famine, pestil- ence and war. Commerce had tri- umphed over famine and science over pestilence, but neither commerce nor science could prevent war. Religion only could overcome war, hecause it touched the heart of man, § SOLDIERS AT CHURCH. A Special Service Af St. George's Cathedral. A- service of intercession was held in St. George's Cathedral on Sunday at ten o'clock in accordance with the proclamation of the Government, In Distriet Orders issued on Friday all Protestant soldiers were required to parade there with their respective units. 'There was a special service for. soldiers. The following units were in the parade: General Maun- sell and H.Q. Staft, 1st Depot Battal ion, E.OR., from fiald camp under, command of Major Green, 3rd Depot Battalion, 0.G.R.; from Fort When all ease * Then earth shall pass away And Heaven alone shal stand Victorious, free------r The Temple of Eternity, > Formas 4 --VERNA SAUNDERS. DISOBEYED 'SILENT POLICEMAN' S---- lady Driving Auto "Will Be Summons ed Before Magistrate. Even the "silent policemen™ are not able to' make some auto drivers keep to the right: A lady driver made the wrong turn at the corner of Brock and Wellington street, where the first "silent policeman" was put on duty, but she ignored his appeal to keep to the right, and as a result will have to walk the carpet at the police. court. The lady was also minus her 1918 marker, and this means that she will have two charges to face. On Saturday afternoom, . several more "silent policemen" were put in position by the City Engineer. It is the 'general opinion 'that the instal- lation Of these . signs will be the means of curtailing the number of dccidents and infractions of the bys laws at street corners; . .Tried'to Attack Governor, J Sarnia, Oat, July 2.--Fred West- over, London, in jail awaiting trans- er to Kingston whence he will serve two years for stealing an autpmobile and a bike, made an 'effort to break jail... He nad two large stones. hid- den in the cell and a good sized club in a sock. When Governor Dodd went into the cell Westover tried to strike him with a"stone. Governor Dodd was too quick and Westover the reached: for the élub. The jail governor landed a blow on West over's jaw which laid him out so badly that a doctor had to be called. He was taken to Kingston to-day. ¥ din - William B. Grey, for years a dent of Carleton Place, died at the Sask., on June i born May 24th, 1 home of his son-Robert, at Maryfield, | Mir. Grey was}, Sauve, C.AS.C.; under command of Lieut. Askwith; JInstructional" Cadre, under command 'of: Q.M. Sergt-Major. Dryden, N.C.0's; and men from" the HQ. Stan at the Armouries, Great Wir Veterans under command; of Lieut. Dyte, G/W.V.A. band and: 8al- vation Army band, Capt. Edwards was brigade major, The service was appropriate: Dean Starr "preached an excellent sermon willich . appealed 'particularly to sol- diers. He took for his text verses 16- 19, 1I. Chronicles XI. King David longed for a drink of water from the well at the gate of Bethlehem, which was enclosed by the Philistine garris- on. Three of his men broke through, obtained water from. the well and brought it to the king, but he would not drink of it but poured it out to the Lord, saying "God forbid that I should do this thing. Shall I drink put their lives in jeopardy?" AT PRINCESS SHIR STRERT CHURCH, Rev, JA Waddell Commenced His Pastorate on Sunday. ¢ "Rev; J. A pastorate at Princess street Method- ist church on Sunday. The annual Flower Day was observed at the morning service, when a bright and helpful service was held. Addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Waddell, Rev. 'Mr. Pierce and Rev, Mr, Shortt. In addition to the addresses, there was a programme of music and reeita- tions. . Rev. Mr. Waddell preached in the evening. The attendance was gooil at 'both the services, and the new pastor made a most favorable impression on the members of the 'edngregation, to the ' majority of whoth he is no stranger. He Is an excellent speaker, a hard "worker in the varipus church organizations, es. with the hearty support of all the Jmembars, whieh h He is Sure to receive onlan -and well it the efty. ©, fish 3 of Majer fune were 141,147, co the blood of these men that havelers' Association, addelt commenced hisjthe pecially in the Sunday school, and| {larly auspicious circumstances, It . {adult congregation was most encour- 4 PAGES 9:14 1918 SLACKER IN FRANCE p POSED . AS WOMAN By Sentra; Two French iris Try to Enter the 4 Army. Paris, July 3.----Henri Baillerot has a strong penchant for yellow; in fach, he was yellow, as the Ameri¢ans ise the word, S80 he tired of horizon blue, and coming to Paris on leave, hid his uni- in a yellow kimono. It was thus he was found, living under the name of Mille Rose Bary. The police say he made a pretty girl, By contrast, there is the case of two girls from Grenoble who attir- ed themselves as poilus and tried to get to the Italian front. They almost. got away with it, which proves. again, Parisian jour: pals, remark, that woman Is man's superior. War Tidings. An Exchange Telegraph despatch from Moscow says German troops have occupled TifMs, the largest city in the Caucasus district, _ In the second of two attempted midnight airplane ralds - on the French capital the Germans succeed- ed in droppig several bombs in the suburbs, . A Havas despateh from Basel says in an Allied raid on Mannheim on Saturday the force killed five and! injured fourteen persons and caused severe property damage. In 'operations on the Marne front, south of the River Oureq, on Sunday night the French succeeded in im- proving their positions near Passy- en-Valois. German counter-attacks near. Mosloy, were répulsed, - The French also captured a 'Uerman strong point southwest of Seolssons. An official statement records Ger- nxn artillery activity between Albert and Arras and in the Flanders sec. tors, Ttalian forces, supported by Allied! troops, captured Monte di val Bella Saturday with 800 prisoners/and sub- sequently Yepulsed all counter-ats tacks, British repulsed local attack Sun- day near Merris. German artillery showed great activity on the ¥land ers front. Premier Wekerle caused a sensa- tion in the Hungarian Parliament on Saturday -in admitting that the Aus- tro-Hungarian casualties' in the re- cent Plave battle were oveér one hun- dred thousand. «Premier Clemenceau ivisited. the Italian froops in the region of Rheims, Hs congratulated them on their fin rale and 'brilliant suc- cess, British casualties for she monty of y cal . In a sharp attack 'Safurday night] French troops advanced their Hues 800 yards on a front of fwo miles and capturdd the crest. of a ridge be- twee Rosley and Pussy Valofs. Near ly. 800 prisoners' were taken. A big Russian battleship and sev- eral destroyers' were sunk ih the] Black Sea during rioting ahd mutiny. ka Germans now control the"Bal- ance of the Russian Bluck Sea-fleet. RE-ADJUSTING BANK CREDITS. Loans to be Made 'to. Farmers--Es- sential to Production. Montreal, July 2.--*It is clear that if the war requirements of the Gov- ernment are to be financed without undue expansion of banking credits," says a circular issued from the presi- dent's officé of the Canadian Bank- "not only must there be some peduction of existing credits, but there will have to be ap plied a rigid check upon the further expansion of eredit in direction not clearly 'essential for the prosecution hecessary.comfort.of the peaple." The specific ways of conserving credit are left to the judgment of the}. bank managers. In general ter.ns, however, Mr. Pease urges that loans for productive purposes; particularly loans to in¢rease produetion on the farm, mast have the right of way, A line must be drawn between essen- tial and nonsessential industries, and all manufacturers must be urged to carry as small inventories as pos The payment of large dividends is de- precated, 3 WAS WELL RECEIVED, A New Pastor Begins Ministry on Flower Day. > "Rev, D. A. Lough, the new pastor at Brick- street Methodist church, commenced his ministry in the eity on Sunday morning under particu- was Flower Sunday; and a large aging, - A number of pleasing choruses by a specially chosen choir of girls as well as recitations by. Miss Do eorge In a short form in a closet and attired himsalf} ; EST'D 1873 SECOND SECTION THE I + STANDARD. BANK OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE ~ TORONTO ' This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT eat every Branch. 235 .-- KINGSTON BRANCH, J. F. ROWLAND, Manages A Sending Money to Soldiers Those who hive friends or relatives at the front, may wish to send money, but possibly do not krew the best way todoso, . . If time permi convenient meth the safest and most of making remittances abroad is the Bank Money Order or Draft, as issued by The Merchants Bank. If, however, it is necessary to send money without delay, the Bank will arrange this Fy Cable Transfer, THE MERCHANTS BANK ) Head Office : Montreal, OF CANADA a. E. HAGUE, KINGSTON BRANCH, Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. Estgblished 1864, Manager. WE BUY AND SELL WAR LOAN ISSUES Bongard Ryerson & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS AND COTTON . Private wires to New York, C hicago, Toronto! Mon- 20Bag0tBL. - oi mil treal. Phone 1728 "Your Income is 'exempt from Dorvsiion Income Tax if invested i in ry Yield 5.54 to 5.62% . According to Maturity. Obtainable in amounts as low as $50.. - Wood, Gundy & Company - Montreal Canadian Pacific yc Bung ot Toronto of the 'war and for the health and|: All Styles, Finishes, Best Selection in the City to Choose From. RJ RED. * Leading Undertaker Phone 57: DOCTORS ~ FAILED T0 HELP

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