| The Daily British Whig [= BEAR \ - cmt en - YEAR 85: NO. »1 o - KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1918. LAST EDITION STRANGE RUMORS oun HoNbRED Huns! AN HUMBLE AND CONTRITE HE art | URGES MLIES HE SSORED NE. or sion] «| JAPAN READ Major Bishop Brought Down 0] of Nieppe Wood in Flan. On Sanday from the Atlantié to the. Pacific the churches will hold Fi P ers--rF reel pulse f= Intercessory services in accordance with the proclamation of the gov- ve Foe lanes Before emy Attacks. [| ernment setting aside that day as a day of repentgnce and humiliation Leaving Front. > before God, : ~} London, June 29.--The Canadian (Canadian Press Despatch) | London, June 29.---In their suc- For centuries we have dwelt under the specfal protection of Pro- ---- Associated Preds learns that Major cessful attack in Flanders east of | p ne pt B rf 3 Era] vidence and have grown from a tribal state to one'dT a mighty race. 4 ishop, Canada's premier _airman Nieppe wood yesterday the British | . Action Russia erensk Say Should ' 3 3 I Birt % The Mikado : Owing 0 --. Delay in Making 100E Toe than 400 prisoners. Two|] We have grown confident in the power of our material resources which in K J 2 and Phat, whe 24s the largest mum- oy mn wing Word From Another Attack. German field guns, in addition to | the Prophet Isaiah condemned. "Woe to them that go down to Egypt be Military to Combat Germans. any airman in fhe war, has return- machine guns and trefich mortars for help and stay on horses and trust in chariots because thédy are Se-- ed to England to take up an ap- pointment at the Air Ministry in the ---- : wr . iglien, also were . captured in this many, and in horsemen because they are strong; but they look not to 2 i MUST CARVE OUT VICTORY" Ch EE oo NOT INTERNE W ALESAKEREQUEST Freuch Jopulsed Attic ry fulfilled in the history of nations that forgot God, and the call to pray- dered by. Lord Weier, the Air Min- a Paris, Tone ao a tacks er is a reminder that the source of the Empire's strength in the past In RUSSIAN POLITICS, SAYS THE ister, at the special request of Sir WITH THE ARMIES HF HAS AT on the front south-west of Solssons was in our forefathers' recognition of God as the ruler and judge of FORMER PREMIER. Edwad emp, the yore as nd A MILLION JAPANESE WILL BE HIS DISPOSAL. for the purpose of ejecting the men. This day, then, must be one for prayer, and the dedication of all i ap should was sontiforad thai. Bish "* LET LOOSE. French from positions taken by them hearts to the prosecution of the war in the only way that the war ean All the Entente Should Take Part [where his eR on Wir A ------ As He Can Never Have More--Hin- oe Fhateqay Bight rs Tepaised be won: by submission to duty, by united effort, by the resignation of In Effort to Drive Out the Huns, | could be utilized to the hgst ad- Ten Million Japs Might be Available denburg Unable to Make Move| held intact, gccording to the state- personal advancement and by devotion oy gerscveraion in that Assisted by Russian Troops. vantage, sSpusjally - In i ection To Help in the Far East If Neces- Without Calculating the Cost. ment jssued by the War Office to- sphere in which we are called upon to serve. | London, June 29.--A special cor [yo pio. © en as a Any sary, __ With the British Armies in France, ay Spesation sth west Germany has been accumulfiyg offences against mankind that | respondent of the (Chronicle, giving |tion of the Canadian Air Force. Paris, June 29.--There is a strong June 29.--Hindenburg's delay in re- forty prisoners. . 4 call upon the Christian world to demonstrate that the valor of humility | Kerensky's views, says that in Ker- Three weeks ago Bishop took to belief here that Japanese interven~ sum'ng his west front offensive is In addition to this attack on the|| <is nobler than the valor of Odinism. Aré not all trué men that live, || ensky's opinion the Allied policy yrance a hand-picked fighting | tion in the Far B&st is. possible. Ja- mystifying Allied leaders, but is op-|front in the Soissons area the Ger- or ever lived, soldiers of the same army, enlisted under heaven's cap- | must take a clear line against the lage w rou. of whom a ee par pany it is understood, is perfectly casioning them no worry. Ouw, ability an sont Pong iif Jetachmienls taincy to do battle against the same enemy, the empire of darkness oteheviks. ay must not be re- | was equipped with the latest and willing to take action, provided she to stop a new drive increases propor-| jane on Bligny heights south-west of and wrong? | Rnenn 2 Sent (he | best British tiehting airplanes and |is formally asked to do so by the rest tionately as he holds hack. Rheims. The Italians drove off the Thus.are we enlisted till a rightecus peace be granted by a right- {on the contrary, they are the anti-| the Ir BO ne Hey Save Deen a Pf the Allies, : Astounding rumors are in circula-j Germans' thrust. eous God, and the awakening" of an international conscience responsive { thesis of both. Anti-Bolshevik feel- an extiordinary ie of enemy The attitude of Japan, it is gener- tion 'concerning Hindenburg"s rea- UNDEOHIVING GERMANS to the will of the King of Kings. May our prayers ascend in upison ing in Russia Is intense and Satver. machines. Bishop's record of boche |2lly thought, is that she is. ready to S008. There are stories of a strange } % : LRMANS. and receive the blessing of His favor in the hour of our need. [a ALi Sept sme 3 bart in elements alrplasies brought p down in aerial supply the necessary man-power, pro- new disease devastating whet@\divl- | Kuehlmann Set Up to Tell Them \.. J ing class. Somoat ois now yeachid 2 in vided the allies, including America, sions, thus necessitating postpone- { the Wruth. They have now little or no peasant | same basis as those of the late | Wii! furnish the equipment and other support, but the people cannot act|{ Baron von Ri¢hthofen, champion |material needed, which Japan her ment of the drive. Apparently the] London, June 29.--The West- against their rule the latt ; fouhdati or this Is ..| minstér Gazette. says: "The notion with the French, and peace forced 1 @ ors, as the laller German airman, who counted a [self fs udable to roduca, id A -- gh h 8 the pre-{ yt won (Kuehimann is a clumsy ! upon the Allies. They sald the hard tha hol une drtillery, the munitions, |double-seated machine as two vie- Interest is hs cetitred upon the valence of wha e Germans call speaker 'who Ihas [blundered into say- 3 8. By ard-| the railways, and so much of the |topes, Bishop's total would be well bd bis P est part of the drive would be be-| machinery of Government as still|iofer- the century mark. military forces the Kingdom of the "Flanders. grippe." {ing things which (he did not mean, : : : : or which were not authorized by his tween Montdidier and Chateau] #Xists. Moreever, they are disunit- On the morning of the day he re- | Rising Son can bring Into the war: This Is not serious and lists only i b h di ed, with no rallying centre, and the i a few , tho CO ed | Superiors, may be altogether is- Thierry, but that # would extend be- ' a ' : ceived orders to return to Englgnd.d . On this head available informa a days Bough accompanied missed. No foreign secretary in yond: $hat Thuit on both sides. Th Bolsheviks do their best to prevent quite unexpectedly by him, he went Yon is extremely scant as 3a hy ey! anybody from creating. one, by lout for one last flying dash at the YY ¥, no sometimes by a high fever. It is not| Germany would dream of making a believed that this is holding up|statement in public about military " sald that July would bring minor| wholesale suppression of liberty of | Huns, and before his return brought | OURtry has the exact nature of mili- operations. operations without submitting every meen efforts, one of which would take ed public meetings. : down five enemy machines. Upon 1ary preparations been 80 Success- wor f iit to the lhigher command 5 + 0d Brens 8 gly In favor of | hig return <b ully kept secret Ni Another misleading rumor fs that|%ord of it 'to & Rheims, in order to make the Ger-| A)jjeq military intervention, but it yr! $28 Jala, Sond ye le 3 Dora oi Japan. No {and obtaining their endorsement of i i : dissatisfaction is rampant in the Ger it down 'to the last letter. This 18 According to Statements Made By line stronger for the big drive. should be intervention of the Allies, | ang caught the bon the boat for England. |, to the number of effectives, and man army and that the high com- . i i . d t of 1H i If von. Kuehimann spoke as he It has now been two weeks 'since| 8nd not of any one Allied power. So mands are beginning to realize that IX Captured Germans. the Germans have done anything| That would not prevent some one HPIIIEEIII ISIE Ieee the Japanese Parliament is no bet- W wo aio (did, it was because jhe 'military -- ar Battienians ave less God in authorities desired him so to speak much except to hold the gains of the| Allied power, as Japan, from con- ter informed than the people them- Heve. but their discipline is such |@0d because they thought it neces- last two drives, and it may be sta-|tributing the bulk of effective. Its EX-(UZAR NICHOLAS : selves. that they still march mn . they are|Sary Ito break to the, German people ALLIED MORALE VERY HIGH ted that this delay is longer than had | character should be military to fit NOW REPORTED SAFE. %| j.r ti told to ¥ "1 WROR they arefihe news that the Speedy and de- been expected on this side. This de- that Bie Dorman, hot to inter- ; -- * apa ion from private sources ; . cigive victory, which a few weeks ---- lay may be due to exhaustion of the e ussian politics. ; (Candaian Press Despatch.) = | Which has been published here tends wong ird_ssplanation 1s that the ago they were themselves promising, | . Germans but that theory would not He is convinced the Russian Basile Switzerland. a 29. #|to show that, although 'at no time be BRfavorain fr amon man-| 18 mot now within their jgrasp. WHILE THE GERMANS ARE] dispose of the unlocated fifty divi- ua oe nh uy ake --Reports from the Russian #|were more than 500,000 men engag : 3 ht ted| 'The (Chancellor's explanations, TIRED OF THE WAR. sions. It might alse be due to pre- v- one Hie Ger |e Embassy in Berlin say Ex-Em- # "side war oousres. 1 personally . investigated], ,' iq; more he circulation" offi- : parations for the reported August at-| Mans out of their country. rar. choles 2 1 his family &] C0 OB the Japanese side in the 'war the lowlands and highlands of North. cially in meutral countrieg of Herr TH K « 4 tack ' > " Yo i mn kof : against Russia, there are now and \ y a'. Y 3 BD ck. are sate and we > Sry France. more adapted to bean Naumann's speech, which followed pi nemy ung ng On Taking In their plan to win the war this RUSSIANS WILL NEVER -* + have been since mobilization took i Vem » Yivon iKuehimann's, confirm this ex-| Rheims In July In Order (0 par before the American strength RECOGNIZE THE TREATY | #4508884 00 4584 Saaaasacsn blace at the beginning of the presst : Hindenbura's delay is due to in. | planation. The German people have Strengthen Their Line For the Big | becomes a dicisive factor next vear, ---- oe Jeagt 3.900, 830 he : (Kaiser's spee 8, R o actly amy, in mind the (Kaiser's speeches, loud drive. the Germans have now four more Kerensky Says Brest-Litovsk | SPEECH SHATTERS the first and second reserve and the finitely deeper reasons. Despite the a . ih Followed tho irr stom "ot | With the American Armies on the|months befors cold weather sets in.| "pon Yl HC Russia Into HUN DREAM CASTLES | territorial reserve, 1mm ter this first Moe arniy of the and Forsians. he, will ly told -dhe truth and. theve jo SOUFCos.- have been. recoived reportafhooted the idea Wat the American sory Tse AY orwaerts Sees to the reniice 4 or man tate the fact that the war nay belipat the Germa lan a ver rge | Would win the war next year, sayin! London, Sums 29.51 bear wits 4 § 9 H even with the arrival of released greatly proionged and that the great | a a ry TE Ameria Tal a ao idon, Jutls 30 = Doar will 'Thought'of Ing War. | yet served in the army fn prisoners from Russia. He must Col E TSIEN le ite way (o | Ad powerful offensive In August. It i Vi site _BrestLitovsk in the Field. but who are as physically able as the ali out victory or defeat with What Cictory is a stupendous shock aftor | Seems this plan for a great effort by | = with regard to the possible August [treaty, which hurled Russia into tae . men in'the active ranks, These con. - gv that his forces are dwind- Une hopes that have been encourag- | Germany is Known in the army as the| offensive, while it is true the Ger-| abyss of annihilation." said Alex- b The Hague "Huse 29.--7The Seelal; stitute at Japanese officers term od: - | Hindenburg plan, and all the army|mans have not recently used their|ander F. Kerensky, former minister | Democratic Vorwaerts is full of |the auxiliary reserve. ling, while the Allied troops are in- 3 J praise for von 'Kuehlmann's recent Behind these 3,000,000 1h t & = is bi full strength, the world knows that{of Russia, in an address at tha |P 8 recen . men there Tove eihaot olmable to make ot | CONFERENCE WITH + being fod with the Drgmise that!, |" t FNC ont fighting the" 'fullj labor conference. speech, and uses a big headline, fare in Japan more than 6,000,500 ad Caulating th toni Tr moance G. T. DIRECTORS | W!! bring peace with a complete| gi ongtn of the Allies has not been| M. Kerensky sald that Russia reading, "No End to the War by a |additional men or less able-bodled Hindenburg must play his hand ta Hun victory. For the 'present, the|used. The spirit of the Allied sol-| Was bending under German insults Mirhary Ducision It says that ig totally untrained men who may soon. All the stakes are on the American, French and British com-idlers is such us to meet willlagly any «nd bleeding at every pore, but still his ¥ - hott e Stimost import- fbe mobilized immediately if neces- table Premier Borden Joined Messrs. manders are neither believing or dis-} PIE test of strength the Germans may | 0Pposed the enemy invasion. guce, and is also pleased with the [sary. Detailed figures published by : Meighen And believing. th b _.., | make. The Italian success has con-| An important meeting of Russian SuZgestion of an exchange of ideas. fone of the Japanese reviews shows * Id elieving these reports, but await) inyted or has been a means to|diplomats will meet M. Kerensky (n 16 paper argues that these prin. | that of these 11,000,000 men at least PARIS. UNHARMED alder, ing further verification. bringing the morale of all the Allied | Paris. A. P. Iswolsky, the formor Ses were expressed with the {6,000,000 are either fully or partially : a0 . Si Four German prisoners examined | soldiers fo the top pitch. On the oth-| Russian foreign minister, and now "hancellor and the VicedChancelior | trained and at least 3,000,000 fully | Tondo June 29.--Premier Dor . itting next to Kuehl ined. By German Air Raid--Enemy Air- i Meigh Cal- | by Ameri Hi este er hand, it Is true beyond a shadow of | head - of the league of Russians Ng next to nuehlmann on the |traine lane. IA 1 to land den Joided Messrs. Melghen and ¢ ab ¥idmerican Officers yesterday .sep-{ bt hat the morale of a Mrge part| faithful to their country and her Guvernment bench, so that it is tol It is sald here Japan can furnish * er in a conferenc € a arately told the same story about the All h b @ assumed they are not Kuehl- fan expeditionary corps of between Canadian P Despatch) T > > pn ou 3 of the German army is poor, and es, which has been organized in : 4 1 a a y ¥ Barts, sadian J oi Despatch) ins Teunk directorate oa Thursdew. Jt August offensive. They all compared many divisiogs are vary Fe of the| Paris, and the ambassadors of the mank's Jeivatodopinjons, but those | 55 and 60 divisions of 18,600 men, hatmed by last Sights Garman Air on acrangement satisfactory to both-|it With the offensive of August, 1914, | war, and want it to end. Rerenshy 2Sousistration, at ath he er men, oy or pa or well yver 1.900.090 mon. raid. None of the bombs dropped "ti "KR. i= andor : Rave wats ome and Madrid will 'attend the » . - ; by several machines, which attempt- Dan EE as and sald resulls would be greater, conference. consulted, TREATMENT OF PRISONERS ed the penetration of the defences {p.m to carry out the Grand Trunk that Paris would be taken, the Amer- R. C. Maynard. of Boston, was sen- It is expected that a manifesto ible th X -- between 11.30 and 12.30 o'clock, | pyeific contract or accepizwhat the|!can army overwhelmed - together! tenced to two years in jail, FH be i yueq before Keransky goes Pan-Gesmane; on tho right dy Tue United States. and Gemiany To fell in the eity. » 0 America. 3 ¥ ave Conference. "0s ob the Garman aepianes ma | GOreTaOR. eleres to bu aie rE ronmy. |Et oun wile a dt amie Bat | pom pa apc tovk part in lay night's air vie hind x N S ashington, June 29.---Germany The Grand Trunk direciors feel them it means the shattering of has accepted the invitation of tha raid on Paris was compelled to land that: the com sav. . A : company should. be relev their a tiles." fe ee EE i | "Over the Top" Program |» ous, sme rm 55 ion -" eras, Swiariand. tor outer "_and-the Genman Mie. One of the bility and reimbursed to some extent aviators 'was killed. His two com- Lo '}, S10 OROUMAG (0 30M SER Toronto, June z%.--So far this ence on Aug. 5th with an American panions were taken prisoners. orn line. or thal tne Governments year there have been few forest delegation on the subject of the ex- . » i fires in the province, and those tuat change and treatment of prisoners. take over both roads, not on a valul- SUNDAY, JUNE 30TH. have occurred have been of a very . ' i ANT. ation, but ona coffsiderable per-4 , Prisoners Promoted. CALLS AUSTRIAN ' PARLIAME) centage of the investment. Church parade to St.' George's Cathedral. Fall in at club rooms at Eling on ur, However, Sho GOOD ADVANCES 1 ikicer June 29.--Arrangements : We 3 5 Emperor Charles Refuses to Accept pp ansr tun shoulder the Srand 4.30 am. Marshall, Capt. J. Edwards, M.C. Mines has taken good care to be pre- have been made whereby Canadian : . s i '{the Grand Trunk will considerably GRAND RECEPTION AMERICAN TROOPS pared. . ; i) officers Sho are prisoners in Ger- {Canadian ye tch > 'y i i or a rpose of coping with : man ot dons am ny Prens x A pOTOE nioderate the value placed on the 9 p.m, Folger's Dock and City Hall. Receplion Committee, Advisory, fires Man Done eo E> th -- fa will nets, promotion Charles of Austria has refused to [Parent company. Council, Honorary President, President G.W.V.A. as follows: {Brig.-Gen. (pa nuen country, the department sa captain. As promotion In their accept the resignation of the Aus- T. D. R Hemming, C.M.G., Commandant C. N. Perreau, C.M.G., His Wor-| has purchased this year 65 canoes, French and British Have battalion falls to them by seniority trian Premier, Dr. Von Seydler, and {GERMANY TO DEMAND ship the Mayor, W. F. Nickle, KC, M.P., Lieut.-Col. A. B. Cunningham, |100 tents, five portable fire pumps.| Gone Forward at Two [they will in future receive it. has summoned the Austrian Parha- COMPLETE CONTROL 3... ¢ : p five boats placed on Georgian Bay, Capt. McDowell, V.C., Brockvill g.-Gen. G. 8. Maunsell, Lieut, L, J. Dyte as well as the American Con- . , ville, ment to meet on July 16th, accord- Lake Wahnapitae, Lake Nipissing, Important | Points. receives his majority and is attach- ing to an Exchange Telegraph de- Of the Austrian Ar Army Owing to sul, Mr. Johnson, ; 5 J Metagami River, and Lake Abitibi, ed to a training camp in England. spatch, which states that Vienna my Sw = MONDAY, JULY 18T. - five motor-trucks . stationed at (Canadian Pross Despatch newspapers have publisheél® an auto- = Matheson, Eaglehart, Gowganda,| Paris, June 29. French troops Named as Austrian Premier. graph fetter Jom, the Jmpsror to Yi ' 2 BASEBALL GAMES 2 1,000 Veterans, 1,000. Port Arthur, and Dryden. ir southwest of Solssons on the front] Amsterdam, June 29.--Vienna Seydler to this e . EL -- can ekly run t i £ od Cou : Washington, June 29.--Complete| 9.30 and 2.30. 310 Sammon 399. ing a og he Suttagent of four and a half miles captured. Joopatan a at Minor { THIS GERMANS 10 AID control of the Austrian armies will] 9.30--Cricket Field: Havana Red probally prevent anything lfke the | German positions and at some points] Agriculture, and an Intimate friend be demanded by Germany as a re<|goy of Watertown vs. Athletics, First SPORTS Qisaster of three years ago. advanced their Hue one and & quar-|of Emperor Charles, p t The Stastinalists a eetoring Order [Sil Brash Austrian defeat alonk lyn thygws by st. €. Nickle, caught 2.30 Fair Grands, 2.30. to Seize Crops, [ter miles. 1,060 prisaners have been be the next Premifer of Austria, tn by R. J. Bushel. The Richardson 45 Events, 45: Woshaeot June 29.--Otticial | thus far counted, Sgenenty Bfgn' You Seyler: Pros De 2H Yor Italian Embassy here to-day stated. bmn iti aclonion Hike rman | The attitude of the German press | Chapter 1.0.D.E. will soll tags, Children's Events. cablegrams received stated that 3 Killed in Champagne. and the German people toward Aus-| 230. pair Ground: ASC. +s Ladies" Events : be still further reduced British Also Advance. Paris, June 29. Count Giibert tory [tria as a result of her failure to Dentals. ' bee. VB y b (Canadian Press Des pan) De Lafayette who was serving as overwhelm the Italians is declared First ball to be thrown by . Hospital Events, : 4 foodstuffs | London, June 2§.---B troops f cergeant in. e French ' artoiary i [thes The Germans intimate that Gun, «Hemming, caught by W. F. Flat Races, etc. 41 fo reliev Ty Sask o Hope foxest_ on 2 threo. was killed during foe Hghuing ln ustriang were mater - | Nickle, . i « . ¥ apg-a-nall m T van Champa ed by their Allies in advance of the \ : Us J Jupot-mat, roby. ory line fo a depth of nearly one mile. | gig ie ai Exhibitions including 8. M. Mor- ; ov- | Three hundred prisoners and ma- | hag met death in the war. ~t (proposed offensive with reserves, 22 FLOATS 22 ¢ a" : 544 of the G.G: Foot Guards, aypert quis ? t SHCEWIS Wekp faker. i vast number of men at hig disposal, : : which followed the first stages of . A score of prisoners insisted the war ~--thus number is as fixed as the ie western offensive. . [To be sud- [Marne June -29.--From severally 14 he over in threes months, They « \ i Ie For claiming to be married, Pte. Vorwarets comments on '"'the vis- Suns and supplies. alan autnorisies interpret 2 To be judged at Court House stops SWordsmanship. " " " at 12 noon. Judges: Gen. Hemm There will be a presentation of de- : Advance On ; . 3 Joen | Gen. Maunsell, Mr. Nickle, Mrs. Hem. cOrations by the G.0.C. Corfu. Roto ar ' Austiia Asks ing, . Mrs, Maunsell, Mra, Nickle and Rp. Think Divorce Legal. Asiago Spain To Start n. Mrs. Meighon, Prof. ; ; : ; importan inflic : : Ww. i in = ang wl decision regarding the gra ing of prisoners. : _ Peace A MANTIONA TIGHTWAD. A AR. visional 'f inde ee 2 the Suprama Co : Londen, June 24. --A Hine ie ee ie I bse Guests : ; Hoa une oy The: Rad : Bri de Ma) G 3. Baw leq 8. Consul and an. Am- M.C. i