: teu . AT KINGSTON Beginning with a Monster Parade. Parade Starts from City Hall Market Place, 1 p.m. : GRAND BASEBALL MATCH, Cricket Field, 930 am. Red Sox and Athletics, -ORDER OF PARADE 1 Automobiles Containing Staff and Guests. 2-0, W.V.A. Band. 3--Members of First Contingent. 4 Members of 21st Battalion. 4---Vetgrans of the Somme. 6--Veterans of Vimy. 7--American Troops and Band. 8~Depot Battalion. ; . Veterans of Other Wars. * 9---=dutos cantaining Cripples. 10-~Decorated Automobiles. 11-Tank. Floats Beautifully Decorated and Representing the Following: 12--"What We Have We Hold." 13---~Manster Flag with 45 Children, " 13---"Miss Canada." 14----"Eiberty."" 15----"In Flanders Wields" 18---*Canada's Greatest Asset." 17--"All Gope Save Honor." 18--8t. Mary's Bugle Band. 18--"¥pres" containing 70 Children. 20~""Tommy's Friend." a Humanity's Sake. 2 Ald Dressing Hut" 23--""High Frequency." 24--""Comforts for Tommy." © Pom-Pom, : 25----"Vimy," containing 50 Children. 26---""A Helping Hand." 27--"Tractor."! 28--"Something Accomplished. 29--"Victory." : 30---"Tank." SPORTS -- FORTY EVENTS Valuable Prizes for Each. Event, Children's to relatives of Veterans Boys under 10 years (50 yards). s Boys, 10 to 15 years (50 yards). Girls under 10 yoars (60 yards): Qirls, 10 to 16 yoars (50 yards). . Ladies' Events Open to Nurses; V.A.D.'s, Seiativee of Veterans and members . of LONE 100 yard dash, 1.0.D.B. 100 yard Susi. Wives, Ete. 100 yard dash, nurses and V.A.D.'s. 440 yards, , team's of four. : of War, tang of ight, : ' Race Sing! es, Potato R for Ladies. BABY Show, up to 12 months old; from 12 months to 2 yeas; Lia rom 2 years to 3 years, Hospital Evgnts fo Patients of Hospitals and Convalescent Homes. 8, Mowat only. : R ace, 'Nurses as Jockeys. - Chair : a Note Re, Nurses and Patients. ; Flat Race; Etc. All flat events open to all men in uniform, veterans of Fenian Raid, ete. 100 yards dash. Ag 100 yard dash for married men over 35. £40 yard dash oi 5 Mile Relay, s of four. Fat man ¢ i Band race, : Obstacle race. ¢ Lr 100 yards, officers oniy. Bomb throwing (3 positions) Bayonet Fighting (teams of four), - Slow Bicycle Race. ; wae-mile bicycle race. High Jump. Long Jump. Ti : ! : Depo Batinion, A0C., AMO, AS.C. (mile relay, teams of Sooalour),: 3 fie hy : Tug Of War of eight 2 e Bes u Cousatoscents - Celebration " THE DAILY. BRITISH CAMDEN EAST /HERAL AS A PLACE WITH A PIOUS LOT OF PEOPLE. {Five Weddings Diwing the Past Month isi An Aviator Caretaker For C.N.R, Station. Camden Fast, June 26._Here are a few things about Camden Fast. In the first place the place has a pretty good lot of people for the place has three churches, Afiglican, Presbyter- fan and Methodist. We have two gen. erul stores, .one grocery and one furniture and bardware store, two blacksmiths, one btcher shop, cheese factory, cheese box factory, millinery shop, public school with two teachers, a grist mill, and we have also several retired gentlemen, who are doing their bit for greater production. There are also the Standard bank and a first class temperance hotel, to where you can get good meals. A party had the cheek to say you can tell the men who have the money y their outfit. If you see a man with a horse and buggy you can make up 'your mind that fellow has no money. The writer does not agree with that party for I know men who take pleasure in driving a good horse and could buy an automobile and pay = ie Le Smeg WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE. 29, 1918. of the: Methodist Church in apprecia-| tion of her services as organist Mr. and Mrs. George Halladay and Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Halladay To. tanto, are visitors at Austio Preston's. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Russell and Omer and Jean left for a trip to Manitoba on Monday porning via C NR. George Snider has received his hon. orable discharge from military head. quarters at Kingston, and is in town again, Mr. and Mrs. T. Danby, Brockville, and Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. Gale, New York State, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sexton Mes. C H. Jubyeand little Mary Elizabeth, Watersown, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lafleche. Miss Lillian Sheri dan ,Soperton, was the recent guest of Miss Vera Birch. Ronald, the in- fant son of Dr, and Mrs. Kelty, pass- ed away on Saturday, Jume 22nd. af. ter a great deal of suffering. Mrs S. H, Mott and Margaret and James, Toronto, have arrived fot the summer here. Craig Miner, New York, is a guest at the Watson House SUNBURY NEWS BUDGET. Accident to Denzil Dixon--Meeting Society. of Red Cross h Sunbury, June 25.---The frosts of the past week caused conslderable damage in some low-lying 'sections, but the effects would be somewhat counteracted by the rain. The pas- PAGE NINETEEN "Look for the trade mark dog on it" HIS MASTERS VOICE REG-AG DEPT " o Fish and Vegetables. These should be our warchwords. ~~Issued by the Canoda Food Board. for it. Others are driving automo- biles who might buggy, for they are like the fellow who bought a farm and said "I have bought a farm and all I have got to do it to pay for it." There have been five marriages here inside of . thirty days--pretty good for Camden East. Mrs. Alva Boulton died in Kings- ton hospital-on Thursday last. The (body was brought bome and the funeral services were condueted by Rev. Mr. Stocker. There was a large turnout at the funeral, : Bert Amey has repaired the old 'Warner Hotel and has made a fine réaidenge out. of it. He also put a new cement walk in' front of the hous) The C.N.R .Company has engaged a caretaker for the station in the per- son of Marshal Hinck. Guy' Gal- braith is gaining slowly. Mr. Stover Is also better. John Greenway of Winnipeg is visiting his mother for a few days. Miss Wilson, Napanee, i ¥ at Miss Martin's, Mrs. N. J. Gal breath is visiting friends in Toronte. George Paul, Vancouver, has been renewing * old acquaintances and while heré had a monument erected for his rather and mother, B. Calder of Manitoba, was here for a few weeks visiting friends. Miss Jessie Henderson returned home on Tues- day after visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson, The people had a fins treat on Tuesday morning. An airplane came down In Mr. Gehan's field and the men, women and children had the pleasure of seeing a- flying machine on the ground. On Wednesday morning at St. 'Luke's Thruch, Harold Hough 'of Wilton and Miss Aggie Robinson of this pla ere wedded by Rev. Mr. | Spencer, he church was beauti- fully decorated for the event. MALLORYTOWN METHODISTS. -------- Present Purse of Money to Retire ing Pastor and Witc Mallorytawn, June 25.--The con- tinuous cool and damp weather has greatly hintlered growth of crops in this section. The entrance pupils wrote om their egaminations in Brockville last week. Over: four hundred residents registered at this centre. Mrs. J. Spence and little toni, Charleston, are spending a few days the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Gibson. Mrs. Lancaster, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Burpham, C. E. Tennant and family motored to Ki on Sun- day to see their son, ,. Ollie Ten- nant, encamped at Barrietieid. Miss Caint nie am Sxshats, aintown, on { noon. An event took place s hod Puissna er Bird ng. when a n or of - ered to bid farewel and God-speed to Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford be- fore their deg at their services on the cirenit for the past four years. 35 3 Mr. and Mrs. Workman have moved to Brockville, : ockaat has on i @ mproyements are. Dade at the Union cheese ine or Ca Bu Soatiry [i paring it for the, new bank which fs to be ' a. there. » Wt ---- % better have a top+ benefitted. gold, Hearty good wishes follow the tures and meadows will be greatly Robert Dixon has installed a new milking machine. His dittle son, Denzil, met with a painful accident, While playing with a gum ft became accidentally discharged, the butlet passing through his foot. He is now in the Kingston Genera! Hospital. Mr. Dixon has the sympathy of all, as his wife is just recently home from the same institutioq, having been detained there by a broken ankle, sustained by falling on the sidewalk some time ago. The topic for the past few days was, "Have you registered?' The elficient staff of workers, composed of Deputy Registrar Miss Scott, Assistant Deputies Miss Finnegan, Mrs. Hugh Moreland, Rev: A. T Caswell and Messrs. ©. Ww. Lang- with, H. Shannon and A. McDonald, handled the work so capably that very little was left to be done on June 22nd. "Rchert Balls | has purchased a Chevrolet car. Ross Smith and Har- old Haffner have donned the khaki. Rots Dixon is home -from hospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Scarlatina has broken out in the home of William Moreland. It would be greatly to the interest of the public if quaran- tine' were strictly observed in such cases. School closes this whek. 'A successful meeting of the Red Cross Society was held at the home of Mr. H. J. foreland on Thursday afternoon. Twenty-five Poeumonia jackets were completed; a 10 cent tea was gerved by the hostess; re- ceipts, $4.50. : (Mr. and Mrs. M. Parks, of Picton, Were recent guests at W. Sloan's. Mrs. William Lynn continues to im- Prove, but very slowly. "MARRIED AT ARDOCH. - "he Bishop of Ontario Conducted the Ardoch, June 24--Atr St John's Church, at three o'clock Tuesday, June 11th, a marriage of considerable interest was solemnized by Bishop Bidwell, Kingston, assisted by. Rev, P Watson, Plevna, when Miss Hazel Hamilton. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, of this place, was vdited in the bonds of matrimony to Donald MacGregor of Myers' dave. The bride, who entered the church) leaning on the arm of her father, who gave her in 'marriage, was tastefully attired in a beautiful gown of white satin and silk embroidered net, also | wearing the customary veil and or- ange blossoms. e was attended by Miss Maud MacGregor, who was gowned in white silk. Roy Hamil. ton ably performed the duties of best | man, The wedding march was ren- dered by Mrs. G. Ostler. At. the close of the ceremony the bridal party proceeded to the home of the bride's parents ,where a dainty and bountiful repast was served to the relatives of the contracting parties: In the even. ing a large reception and dance was held, which was most heartily enjoy: ed hy the young people. The bride's going away suit was a handsome creation of navy blue worst- ed, with a white picture hat with large ostrich plume and touches of ON SALE TO-DAY The selections are s» timely ~--so0 melodious --so capi -at- ing that you'll enjoy every oneof 'them. . 90 cents for 18 inch double sided War Ballad Medley~Fox Trot, Pietro] 18466 1 Eclipse Medley-One-Step Piet o} . : 2 Soldifr's Day 'Geoffrey O'Hara | 18451 Parodies of the Camp Geoffrey O'Hara J Your Eips Are No Man's Land but Mine J > Can phell and Fur | 18470 Orpheus Quartet . ' # Our Country's In It Now i "12-ingh Purple Libel From the North, South, Eat and West 0 Two Charming Red Seal: Little Mother of Mine ° John McCormack 6477s Orpheus--Ballet Philadelphia Orchestra 74567 Ask to hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealer Write for free copy of our 620 page Musical Encyclo- pedia listing over 9000 "Hs Master's Voice" Records Harry Lauder 70120 | Berliner Gram-o-phone Co, vl MONTREAL LIMITED ; 5 Lenoir Street "His Master's Voice" Kingston Dealers F. W. COATES, 158 Princess Street : MAHOOD BROS., 113-115 'Princess Street. T. F. HARRISON CO., Limited, 229-237 Princess St. Don't Forget There sre no others! You cannot purchase these new 'His Master's Voice" Records at any but our authorized dealers. . 18152.690 Remember--There are no others young couple to their new hom» in Myers' Cave, where the groom is a prosperous young farmer. Many and costly. were the presents feceived by the bride, which went to show the high. esteem in which she is held. A goodly number of presents were re. TO LIVE AT SEELEY'S BAY. - A Wedding at Delta on Wednesday Delta, June 26.--A ve ty | place Welter ioe