LS whi [Vemma] | he E | FREE ¢ 'Send name and address for new "Wartime Crokery" This book contains recipes chosen by the judges as the hest and most practical recipes submit- '; ted in our recest cash prize | competition. It is intended to | assist in the conservation of food and to effect savings in 1 7 a home cooking and baking, © Approved by Canada Pood Board §! ADDRESS g EW. Gillett. Co. Ltd. | TORONTO, CANADA CR __=& number of cxpert French girl munition workers have been brought to the United States to instruct both mn and ween in the manitions plants how to lead pawder into bags e American = medical forces abroad will soon be angmented by approximately fifty women 'physicians who will take over the fight against taberculosi: among the trosps eA --~ ae Packet of WILSON'S FLY PADS TH WS ARAN ANY CATCHER pists, Id ace AnAwhi Sight Healed By Cuticura SE : a 5 Jive Toiiged en thie sonstion ofthe first picide is an indispensable and cleanliness reign. Herpicide taps that ann ens the hair root r undreamed of before. : Cr f your face smarts after Shaving: appl a little H i | 4 By JANE PHELPS olan Who CHAPTER CX "Don't allow. yourself to beconie so excited, lear," Mre, Sexton said calmly "You are feverith now. 1 knqw it is hard to think out such a question, so vita} a thing quietly, but unless you do you will surely re- gret whatever decision you may make," Then she asked: "Are you positive that you no longer love your hushamd? Think carefully. You have much to make you happy." Fo my astonishment Mrs. Sexton had not once mentioned the right or wrong of what I purposed doing. 1 now know it was siniply her own clever way =f helping me to decide without attempting to bias me be- canfe of that 1 now realize per- fectly that most people would have at once spoken of that side of the question; would have made that the priucipal factor in the decision I had- to make. . "That is what I tried to decide last night. 1 love George very much at times, when he is nice to me, even just pleasant. But when for days he is fault-finding and critical; then added to that he is so attentive to another woman; and leaves me alone so offen--he scarcely ever spends an evening with me unless we are going out or are entertaining at home. But I wouldn't mind anything if he had acted as if he loved m¢ and" -- "Has hes never acted so?" Mrs. Sexton interrupted. Many Kind Acts Recalled. "Yes indeed!" I confessed quick- "You remember the taxi acel- , the theatre fire, and that time Newport when ¥ was nearly drowned. He surely must have lov- ed me a little to talk ag he did, to say the things he said." Sided '""Phat's something in his favor, isn't it? Now let ue see what other MRS. SEXTON CALMS HELEN things we can find. You have a beautiful home; all the money you need, lovely clothes, motor cars, ser- vant' i "But I'd rather be poor--poor as can be and be loved. But----" I hesi- tated "F--would ce -all those things you mentioned wi Merta:i. He may not be quite as Yich as George; but he could give me all those things.' "I 'Know dear, . We'll come him goon. Suppose we finish with Mr. Howard first," she patted my hand. 'Let me see~--oh yes, we had finished with ali the material bene- fits you have from him. Now tell me aren't there days at a time wien he Is thoughtful and kind, when he forgets to criticize, or when you give him no cause so that he can make no .complaint?" "Yes, ofteh. But that makes it all the harder. I think many times that it would. be easier to bear if he would always be crores and always find fault with me. It hurts so af- ter he has been nice." s "1 know. Then dear there is ant other thing you haven't thought of. As George Howard's wife you are respected, envied. If you leave him and go with Merton, you. will to surely be ostracized----not by every- one, but by the very people you would like to know, I am not sure, of coursé, I but I doubt if you could 'get a divorce save on some flimey pretext that would not deceive any- one. I do not believe your husband hag been untrue te you, Do you?" "I don't know! I wish I did." A Plain Question. "Would it make any difference if you did " "Ot course! tion." "A plain question rather. If you knew he had been true to you sinee What a funny ques- your marriage you would hesitate to .{ perhaps have bopne the rest leave him, ia that right?" "Yes---yes, I think if it had not been for my doubt of him I could better ~--Ris neglect and criticisms, hard as they have been." "And it you kmew he had been untae, 'you could more easily decide in Merton's favor?" "Why, of course! Naturally." My face flushed scarlet. No one, not even my mother, ever had talked to me of these things. "1 know the world, my dear, know it far better than you do. | do not for one moment believe that your husband has been actually un- true to you. He has known Julia Collins, and others, for years. His manner with them takes on a degree of intimacy that looks to mean more than it does. They call each other by their firsi names, they take liber- ties with each other, because of thelr friendship, that to you may look Hke a guilty Intimacy. But I would be very giow to think it was true Mr. Howard is a great stickler for convention. He has a beautiful young wife of whom he is very proud--I know," she added as I tried to'stop her, "I was not with you so long without findinz that out. He is proud of you, my dear. Your youth, your loveliness,' and I am sure he would be unhappy to lose you." I lopked at her in amazement That it would make George unhappy to have mg leave him I never had thought, "But why does he act so cares for me?" "We cannot alter people's natures very radically. Many people have uneven dispositions. 1° imagine he is one of those. Business or some other matter goes wrong, it upsets them, and they sore of take it out on the wife." . if he TALKING ~~------With Lorna Moon IT OVER ---- "Dear Lorna Moon: I wonder if you can help me. I'm afraid that I have lost my husband's Tove. He has not told me so, in fact he is more thoughtful for me than ever, but we have grown apart; also there is another woman, No, not the sort of. girl | for a pre sealp of dandrofl ul tresses, you if who usually makes the third in a tri- Bt angle--she is a nice. girl, young, pretty and clever. 81 am fifteen years older than she, gand I was never VERY prett y. Their work brings Bh them together a A £reat deal. If there i8 anything more than friendship between them, | don't believe either he or she sought it deliberately. I cannot believe that my 'husband is unfaithful but I DO believe that he loves this girl, and ; T HAT and transform Nhsigh: and will certainly find it iii and promo From My Mail Box. I hive reason fo believe that .she loyes him, ~ "We have children and I love my husband. What an: I to do? 1 can- not go on pretending that I do not know, and yet 1 have not the cour- age to speak." Dear Little 'Woman: Your fears may be well founded, but 1 think that they are only based on the imagin- ings of an over sensitive najure that lives too much within itself. One can imagine ANY calamity is upon one when the imagination gets full rein. It is. brave and' sensible of You to admit that the girl is nices so few women would have the justite to do that under like circumstances (al- Ways provided of course that there ARE any circumstances). Cupid is such a wayward little fel- low---it seems to me sometimes that he shoots hig arrows Just for the lark of mixing things up a bit. But--if I were you I would try to put that suspicion away altogether. Put it re- I air of refinement, that illusive charm which beautiful hair gives is now within the reach of every woman. = paral ion that woild actually stop falling hair, applicatiofwill abolulely o requisite of every household es health, vigor and lus- solutely out of your mind and then begin to look instead for things that unruly hair into lus- ly gonvince vou. oying itching o (To be Continued.) ny my Iproye that your husband still loves {you more than all else. Remember that the WIFE ALWAYS wins, the other woman loses whether she wins or not. Deep in his heart, no mat- ter how he may wander, a man re- vers the mother of his children: the other woman no matter how nice she may be always seems less good in comparison, and that is only ONE of the penalties the other woman must suffer for loving "not wisely. You must keep silent; it is only safe to mention suspicions when you KNOW there is nothing to be sus- picious about. Become a little more attentive to your toilet, and arrange to have a room of your own, but do that very tactfully, mention the heat, etc. Become a little more mysteri- ous tthat is the only advantage she has over you---SHE can be mysteri- ous about her toilet, prettiness does- n't count for much and her youth is & drawback for her). You have a dozen advantag . over her-- your husband can enjoy your society without feeling guilty (nice men don't like to feel guilty). You know the things he likes anf e¢an make him comfortable--take an in- terest----a Sympathetic and kindly h.- terest in his work. Then you have the children--Why! Everything is on your side. Start the fight today and in a few months you will be laughing a a vanished ghost of your imagina- tion. Sd ddd Shall TIPTTTITPIOS Told In Twilight : * + 0» (Continued from Page 3.) Mrs Norman Wormwjth, alter over a week's visit with Land Mrs. W, H, Wormwith, Earl street, returned to Toronto on Friday. » Miss Louise Whish, Clergy street, spent a few days at camp at Varty Lake with relatives, ° Rev. Frederic Gill, after two Weeks' stay in Kingston with his. sis- ters, Mrs. W. H, Wormwith and Miss Gill, Zar! strest, will go on to Toron- to on Tubeday. Mrs. W, St. Pierre Hughes, Otta- wa, has gone up to lo, where she. visits her son-in-law and daugh- Pe Cat and Mrs. Growski, _ Miss Gwynneth CarrHarris, Otta- ~ left on Thursday for Bathurst, Miss Kate Fraser, Ottawa, is with ber sisters at their home on Barrie street. . a 3 Mrs. Adthur Neish, New-York, is In the city with her brother, Joseph at the Country Club this afternoon. Mrs. Walsh, who has been visiting | her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Brown, Barrie strect, returned to Brampton to-day. ~~ Mrs. George Graham, Belleville, has been spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. James Hamilton, Sydenham street. - - - Mr. and Mrs. E..J. Rees and their family, Bagot street, have moved to their summer cottage at Dead Man's ¥. Miss Houst:: and Miss Houston, Ottawa, who were the guests of Mrs. R. W. Rayson, University avenue, re- turned to their home pon Wednesday. On Tuesday Miss Going, Earl street, entertained informally 2% the tea hour in their honor, Miss Millie Ferris, Albert street, has been senpding this week with Jes, H. E. Richardson, at Wolfe Is and, : in handling in Brooklyn The success obtained all marital difficulties since Miss Helen P.. McCormick has appointed assistant district attorney has surprised legal circles in that city. GRAY HAIR Dr, Tremaln's Natural Hair Reatora- tive, used as directed, is guaranteed to restore gray hair to its natural color or money refunded Positively not a dye and non<injurfous. Price $1.00 On sale in Kingston by T, H. Sargent, Druggist, Princess and Montreal Stn, --------_ EOERERBRRLEEEBLERER Canada Food The McCormick Manufacturin GENERAL OFFICES AND FACTORY, LOND Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, LOO GOO00009, Board Licen The tender leaves -- catefully picked and more carefully pre pared---impart that same charm to your cup of Japan Tea as to -. the sacre Japan. _ tea "ceremonial of Japan Tea carries 3 government guarantee of purity. "Tea purifies the Blood. > and cheers the heart", ~Ten Rhyne, 8th Centary. Women home teachers are being employed in San Francisco, Los An- geles and Fresno to conduct Am- ericanization work in the home of the foreign population. The first western woman to enlist in the navy fs Miss Nina Conley of Arkansas, who crossed the country three times before being accepted, are made from Government Standard T lour and with the regulations of the Canada Food Sold by Leading Merchants Everywhere BRANCH WARTHOUSES St rm For Wamen's Ailments Dr. Martel's Female Pills have been ordered by physicians and sold by reliable Druggista everywhere g Co., Limited ON, CANADA Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port Arthur, St. Join, N.B, for over a quarter of a century, don't accept a substitute. rey ~ MCormicks V Jersey Cream Sodas - in accordance % : 3 : 3 + ¥ 7 BOOS LLELBT ses 11-003 and 14-166.