COOL OUTFITTING The vacation seasqn is here and we'd like to check you through to outing comfort without charging you an excess price. Palm Beach suits, flannel trousers, white duck trousers, khaki duck trousers, light weight lustre coats in dark and med- ium grey, black and fine black and white stripe. Soft shirts, and they're beauties: soft collars. Cool underwear, cosl hosiery, that's fine; cool underwear in a variety of styles. Panama and straw hats. : Cool everything to wear you can ask for, and all at cooling prices. Just come and see what's what before you go away. Livingston's Brock Street. If off your route, it pays to walk. | Military News The bugle band of St. Mary's school cadet corps will take part in the parade on July 1st. This band was organized and trained by the master 'bugler, Jobn Burns, of the 14th ' Regiment. * The enthusiasm and degree of proficiency attained re- flect credit on him, : Nursing Sister Annie Meclatyre, A.M.C., has been appointed to the On- tario Military Hospital, Cobourg, and ( Nursing Sister Dorothy Ethel Sheri dan, AM.C., has been appointed at Petawawa, a A united service is to be held at St. George's cathedral at 10 a.m. on Sunday for special intercession on be- half of the British Empire and her Allies and orders for a special church parade have been issued. Sergt.~Major Charles Goodwin, C. F.A., has been appointed lieutenant in the 75th Battery. Lieuts. John F. Gilmour and Wil- liam Douglas have been appointed to the 2nd Depot Battalion, E.O.R. Lieuts, C. H. Fulford and Albert H. Pratt, 'C.A.D.C., have been detail- ed for duty under the ADDS, M.D. No. 8. Lieut. A. R. MacLaren, CFA, has been struck off the strength of the C.E.F. in Canada and has been appointed to the R.F A, The headquarters baseball team will proceed to Barriefield camp on play their first league game against the C.A.D.C. team at 6.15 o'clock this evening, Major de la Plassey, R.C.E., has been detailed for duty in M.D. No. 3. He was a visitor at headquarters this week and will take up his duties shortly. A draft of 300 men left Kingston for thdwast last night, fm eal to the Pu The increase in the cost of food and other materials has thrown such a burden on the Orphans' Home that our expenditure has for some time and mow exceeds our income by $2,- 000. Those responsible for the ad- ministration of affairs are averse to making use of any part of our small endowment to meet the ordinary ex- penses, as if this were done it would mean a lessened revenue and deficit for the fyture. We, on behalf of this most deserving institution, to which in times be need, sapport has always been accorded, direct the at- tention of generous Kingstonians to our requirements, and urge, as } Special Holiday 1 dale Saturday Pretty Gingham Dresses, in the new plaids, $6.98 value for ... .. .. . $3.98 Dainty Muslin Dresses in new colors and styles. Regular $8.00 and $9.00. fox Wool Sweaters, in the popular shades: sold regular at $8, $9 and $10, for . . $5.75 '8 Only Pull Over Sweaters, in a variety of colors; $10 quality, for . . .. . .. $4.98 White Voile Waists, very new styles; sold ~ uwpto$3.50,for.. .. -. .. ... $L98 Muslin Blouses, in white and fancy colors, large assort- 1.98, for 4. ela | stripe styles, 98¢ Feat viv kb io 3 MRA ART Rey wlan wie ily "te ety Promptly as possible, assistance by way of subscriptions however small to be sent the treasurer. Directresses-- Mrs, Strachan, Miss Muckleston, Mrs. Clark. ¥ Treasurer--Mrs. Garrett, Secretaries--Mrs. Bibby, Mrs. H. Nickle. \ : : KINGSTON SOLDIER DEAD Gunner Lawrence Asselstine Died in Queen's Military Hospital. On Thursday afternoon the death jjoceurred in the Queen's Military Hospital of Gunner Lawrence As- selstine after an illness of many months' duration. The deceased was born in Kingston township twenty years ago, and when at Kingston Col- legiate Institute was one of the best rifle shots in the school,' He enlisted with the 720d Queen's Battery in March, 1916, but when he reached England he contracted Hodgins' dis- ease and was returned to Queen's Military Hospital in February, 1918. Since then he has declined rapidly. Burial with full military honers will be accorded on Saturday, m-------------- Ga To Work Tuesday. The employees of the Davis tan- nery are fo return to work on Tues- day. The committee interviewed the company Friday morning and all dif- ferences were amicably settled and reconciliation was completely effect- ed.' @ men are greatly pleased over the relief from the tension of the past week, and report that good feeling prevails on all sides. Bowling On Thursday. At Queen's bowling green. on Thursday night Skip Elliott defeated Skip Newman by 214-7, Skip Graham won from Skip Sparks by 12-10, Skip Wormwith from Skip Day by 11-10 and Skip Montgomery from Skip Jackson by 12-11, The list of the singles games has been posted and they will bYegin shortly, . At Napanee Dominion Day. The Havana Red Sox and Belleville Ontarios play ball. There is also a irge-mile motor cycle race for sol- in uniform---1st prize $25, Zud -- 2 At the Grand. Charming Madge Evans, "world's kiddie' star," added many € kindness that only a mother can give. The quest for this personage leads the little girl into any surprising ang interesting ad- ventures and Madge Evans in this Madge in this production is MacQuarrie who has been ¢ in many other pictures with this tiny film favorite. .It you want to see something real good be sure and be on hand to-night and see this super- ior offering. Besides this feature there was a Lonesnme Luke comedy an O, Henry story and the Pathe along with the well-known Raffles in" a novelty vaudeville act that was just the thing required to complete thig extraordinary enter- tainment. Don't forget that this bill will be repeated to-night and to- morrow only. At Griffin's, Appearing to signal advantage in ""M'Liss," Bret Harte's ideal of the Golden West of '49, Mary Pickford headlined a unique programme at Griffin's last night and will be shown to-night and Saturday. As "M'liss,"" this universal favorite has abundant opportunities for the display of her versatile genius. She is at her best a8 the harum-scarum child of the mines, the daughter of a drunken father to whom she paid the most devoted care, The object of ridicule wherever she went, the sport of the boys. and girls of Red Gulch, she had learned to take her own part, and in numerous scenes with these children sk demonstrates beyond question her fighting qualities. That "MM liss" will be a worthy successor to "Tess of | the Storm Country," in the hearts of "Our Mary's" admirers, therd can be| little doubt. The picture has been | produced upon an elaborate scale. | Another feature is George Walsh in a decidedly attractive play "'Brave| and Bold," which is sure to please| all admirers of this athletic star, ------------------ IN BARLY MORNING HOURS | i Thirteen-year-old Lad/Counting Mon. | ©y on Street Corner. } on Friday morning, Police Constable | William Nicholson was surprised to] see a lad standing on the corner of | Queen and Montreal streets, counting | money. The lad had in his possession | $3.58, made up of siiver and Soppers. He acted in a very suspicious man-| ner, and, when questioned, told so many dierent stories that Constable ffi Nicholson took him in oliarge., Later! i on the youngster confessed that he JH had stolen the money from a garage. | It was learned Friday morning that, the proprietor of the garage would | not prosecute and as a result it is likely the boy will be allowed to go. with a warning. ONGWANADA TENDERS Have Been Semt to Ottawa for Cons Sideration. Tenders for the extension to the Ongwanada Hospital were received, on Thursday and were all forwarded to the Department of Public Works for consideration. J. W. Power, architect, is the local representative of the Government. The work that will be begun now is the erection of hen this is finished and occupied 'others called for in the plan will built as required, as it was de- finitely ascertained that the labor required for such a large undertak- Ing was not available. Needless to are eagerly interested in the award. e------" DAILY MEMORANDUM See top of page 3, right hand eorner, for probabilities, ' BORN, GIBSON--On June 27th, 1818, to Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson, 85 William street, a daughter, MARRIED. June 26th, 1918, at the howe of ev. 'W. T. G. Brown, Murie} Payn- ter, youngest daughter of Mr. an Mrs. Richard Paynter, 113 Bey St, to Howard R. Smith, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs, T. « Smith, 191 Clergy street, : 4 Ofrs. Arthur As- ged 20 years, While on his beat at two o'clock | || just-ope of the proposed buildings. |} Say, a number of local contractors! |i} SMITH-PAYNTER--{Jn Kingston, on| {Hii Tey ol NG Of the wanted sheer materials in PRETTY FROCKS OF VOILE In delicate plain colors and flowered effects. BEAUTIFUL WHITE VOILE FROCKS Fashioned of fine sheer embroidered voiles. SMART AND YOUTHFUL GINGHAM FROCKS | In a number of striking designs, shown in plaids and checks. Each of the above models are cut on fashion's latest ideas and trimmed with the daintiest of collar and cuffs. Specially Priced Saturday at $3.00 up to $30.00. A' Remaikable Selling of 400 Sweaters Saturday At prices which are actually less than manufacturers present cost. A wonderfully attractive assortment, which includes practically every type of sweater that is new and fashion. able. : Women's and Misses' Sweaters of Shetland Wool. Spec- ial Saturday at $6.95 and up. Dainty Shetland Wool Pull Overs. Special Saturday at $5.95 and Up. at Handsome Silk Sweaters, Special Saturday $9.00 =: up. A Real BARGAINS IN SUMMER WASH F ABRICS 800. YARDS OF NEW PRINTED NOVELTY DRESS VOILES : In a wide choice of this season's very latest de- signs and colors. Special Value Saturday at 20c and 25¢ a Yard. 500 YARDS OF EXTRA FINE WHITE ris ENGLISH VOILE 3 - Full 36 inches wide. Special Bargain .. .. .. .. 30c a yard. Jobe Laidlaw & Son LIMITED. . selatine, a; Fineral, from his late resid Y street, Fri , oad alntan a eapectiully ends a neces respe: invited to, attend. hi REID r 138 | 2 Saturday afternoon at a SR------