_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1915. Tz Bs INCORPORATED OPERA SA TE --, » : : : HE " i" A Hi i SI . : 4 2.30 pum. Continuous 5 ys i] 9. A cr TQ |b aa] { The People's Forum BANK or TORON | MADGE EVANS, in { SENREEEERENNNRENEEENNN RRNA ANNNNENRERY Head Ofice - = « TORONTO, | "Wanted--A Mother" LONSHOMY LUKE COMEDY EG MAA ---- Capital, $5,000,060 Reserved Funds, 06,555,306 | The Pathe News and Other Films. eo VanSialNG ug : | Mon., Tues., and Wed, | co™0=xsep sove ict WANTED GENERAL DIRBCTORS | . . word. Baek | P olite Vaudeville Pi TO is thereatter, halt. | WANTED TO PURCHASE, SECOND FOUND m lets. "Cue i a tires Umes 89. f | W. ©, GOODERHAM, Preside, SON, Vice-President, secutive Insertion WITLJIAM STONE, + L ENGLEHART, cent & word, Minlmem charge for hand typewriter. Box F, Whig, SMALL BLACK PURSE CON. one week, §1 3 A Five Part HIPM Photoplay 17-COl. A. EB RH y A . F. 8. MEIGHEN, . 25es in one Insertion, th i. # { a < ps 5 : NEE AS 4 ¥ LiL, NELL SHIP AN, in 50e; six $1; one a', GRANOPHONE, IN GOOD CONDITION sining small sum of money; AN INDIAN MOTORCYCLE AND siDR WM. 1. GEAR, t A. H. CAMPBE THOS. F. HOW, General Manager, HN R. LAMB, Asst. Gen. Mgr. registration card. D.C, GRANT, Chiet nspector, 0 a fee, to Box 82, Ar. Apply 21 "C h £ he made and prie TAY have same by cating oi Car. Apply 231 Barrie street. avanaug! or the Ofte ° 32 L. Union St. i oo A T-ROOMED HOUSE ON STUART sv, | F " HELP WANTED OLD CARS WANTED, NO MATTER] VL EARL ST. BUNCH OF KEYS. bath and closet and gas. Apply to { orest ers 4 . what condition. Call or write 0.1 Dwar a tive same by call- J. R. Laidlaw, 248 Division Rt ny rl r t Street; . hi ce, - - A BIG "V" COMEDY GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. faster." 3¢ Wellington [| BUNCH OF KEVS ON WEST 37, The Pathe News and Other Reels. Apply 252 King street. " { Jear King 8t.' Owner may head Matinee 1 Evening 10¢; - ave same by ealling at tity k ~~ Whig Of- any sent 10c Reserved, Se Extra (DAY CLERK, GOOD WAGES PAID |... TO RENT OR BUY THIS office, : ny eserved, sid Apply Prince George Hotel " orm of 50 or 100 acres, with- PARCEL OF CHNILDW CLOTHS - in ten miles of Kingston. Apply! ing. placed in waggon by mis- HAWATIAY STERL GUITAR, HIGH - h 2 i take. Owner may have same Class instrument; cost $40 one GIRL TO WORK IN STORE; GOOD ih Jen miles of Kine : : 9 wages. Apply 238 Princess street. : - x WiiEPPlving to H. M. Scouten, month ago. Will sell for $25. 1s ton, nt, - 2 > ri An MAIDS WANTED, APPLY THE MA-|quooND.HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS | on UOhvee sRERT. A 8, Whig tron, Kingston General Hospital for cash or in part yment of new man's sweater coat. Owner pianos and grafo 8. C. W. Lind- may have same by applying at ONE AUVIOMOBILE, ALL IN GOOD . CHAMBERMMAID. ONE WHO UNDER. way, Limited, 131 Princess street. 180° Johnson street. running condition, with four fem urs n a stands waiting on table. Apply tirew' Trier pion A poth four. Bow £4 --E HOE Ll | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER Dock Co Appl ? e - WANTED - OLD FALSE TEETH, - ' AD - . GIRL. TO HELP IN DINING ROOM don't matter Af broken: I pay $3) TIED FREE t MARY PICKFORD and to do housework. Apply ¥43 to 320 hier set. Send by. parcel. post | FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR } . . " ' + King Street, and receive check by return mail Anyone finding anything and fishing, Bo to Frank W. Co." z in "M LISS" Te Po Plat Co mr--t-- F. Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, | wishing to reach the owner may 39 Clarence street, opposite Amapis ? MAID TO DO PLAIN COOKING OR Ma, | do 0 by reporting the facts to can Consulate, Ir y | Business men are offered In this Bank the sntisfactors hanking sere vice provided by eur complete facilities nnd extennive connections. 1 BANKERS: 1 NEW YORK--Nagious! Bunk of Commerce, CHICAGO--First Nao | | «+ viusal Bank. LONDON, ENG London City & Midiasd Bank, Limited. George B. McKay Manager. housework, References required. The British Whig. The adver- WwW, 3 Apply Mrs. Carson, 72 Barrie St. tisement will be printed in this George alsh, mn a a WE WANT 70 BUY ALL KINDS oF} WGN, C1 be print FIVE PASSENGER MAXWELL TOUR. C 1 ] f . h d b 1 E Vi "Brave and Bold" EXPERIENCED SROCBRY DRIVEN jacand-hand furniture, or - "Found articles" does not In- ing car, with three new Micheln or delivery. Apply to Li W. Mur- heaters, clothes, eto. Ve also { clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, tires. Car in perfect condition, Ap. omp ete y urnishe unga ow at ast ew phy, 55 Princess St. two electric fans and everything etc. These, if a, may be ad- ply 38 Collingwood street * in the second-hand line for sale. vertised 'or in the "Lost" column. Park, five miles from city. "The Eagle's Eye" SMART JUNIOR SALESMAN WANTED & Shanire 45 Princess street. | permanent; good wages. The Wm Phone 1287. | Na. CADILLAC TOURING CAR IN Al CON. A es en Se. = i For further particulars, ------ Davies Co. Limited, Princess St ---- | do = TE dition, For particulars drop r . line to R. Theriault, 14 Conces- - | GENERAL SERVANT, MIDDLE 5 FALSE TEETH WANTED; DOORS. | O08 i i, P 1254 The J K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. aged roman preferred: Avply to b¥ A if broken. We phy ofa 1 T EON Bie or _Phohe Be: © Mrs. H. Mooers, 90 Barrie street tual value. We pay cas or old} op MACDONALD PARK, PAIR OF Phones: OMce 68) residence 574, Open Every Saturday Evening, gold. silver and platinum, Send boy's eyeglasses. Will finder please | GOOD PASTURE, WOOD AND MIN. vem PAGE. & to us and receive cash by return] A t Newma Shaw's Store. eral farm: mineral sald to be - BOY ABOUT 17 YEARS OF AGE, GOOD mail. If price is not satisfactory! joave ut Sema in, & re boryndum. "For particulars enquire a TT . education, for general office work we will return teeth promptly | of 8. Willlam duc ! y 8, Verona, On > J Fresh Cut Flowers Thurs Fri. Saturday REBLY James - Richardson: &. Sons upon request. InternGLional| Au 10 LICENSE NO, 81710, IN CITY, ih ont. 3 ' Limited Teeth Co. 306 West 42nd St., New| or between city and Gananoque GREATER Ferns, palmy, funeral designs, foral : York, on Sunday. Finder kindly return oENUING GRAPHONOLA ah IE PRODUCTON 151 "Tato na ma a A: GIRL AROUT 18 YBARS: OLD 70 | mais i ine strat Terme, $5. cash, 31 por week: CB. | 4 : 8, -» The Girl With the Golden Smile take care 'of twp children, Apply TEACHERS WANTED ndgay, Limited, 121 Princess rist MADGE KENNEDY to Mrs, F. L. Brinkman, 163 Mont- . . » ' read street, | n NORMAL, FRAINED FROTESPANE ;. [rARSE on rh hr Bic, clea 3 ' " i RRR ea ras © teacher for School Section No, Ver p 3 OMS, WI ote and Princeton yi on easy "The Fair Pretender' |wvekens avo SORTERS ON FELD- Battersea. Apply C. 8. Clark, Sees FU NISL hodus, Wit an WIT. forme: also Glorcle scesssor a spar wanted. (Good wages, Apply retary, Byttersen, Ont. | ppy % : George Muller, Bloyele Store ang The Romance of a Beautiful Young Mr. Abrams, Foreman, Mica Pro. | FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO Livery, 371 and 373 King St. TO LET requires greater effort on your part, 50 that you may produce 118 Broek St, Phone 239, our share toward feeding our § | an ve boys in the t , We AEE ggg? ean supply you with the neces. b sary : Widow Who Never Had a Hasband, "ducts, Limited, Hartington, Ont. : ' ] Comedy and Topical Reels. Se ------------------------ A QUALIFIED TEACHER. PROTEST. | rooms for HEht Nouse-Keeping. Ap: ian SEEDS { Mati 10¢ Rveni 15¢ . ¢ ant, for 8. 8. No, §, Hinchinbrooke, | . > WER HAVE Goon SRECONL.- SAND § [Matinee VENINg 15CcIAN ASSISTANT TO HELP WITH duties to commence Sept. Ind. AB | gros ee furniture, Dufers, chetve ASN Will you put forth the neces. [ A Pi housework and care of children ply to Geo. A. Smith, Parham, stat- and dry bullding. Apply E. E. bles: will uy ai nds of eff Apply Orphans' Home, between the ing salary and experience aha Wathen, 141 Neloon Street. ture and stoves, J. m sary effort? « EBook Vout, order Joe Sota hours of § a.ni. to 10°&.m., or 5 p.m, bic ITY repr A Pincess street Phone § , 1 Yen, . Pants. sy W V A to 7 pm |timsy CLASS ROOMS AND. HOARD; : ] : JANC all improvements; centrally locét- 55 ACRES, ALL GOOD LAN Ww HOAG'S Store y ® * . ® | COMPETENT W OMAN TO DO HOUSE. FINANCIAL ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. watéred, 2nd concession i ELL work for family in country village: town, one mile from: station, 24% a nt ' i ; ' " b will pay good wages. Apply stat- miles from Bath, For further pars Branch Powe Office. Friendshi S All officers, N.C.O.'s and ing wages wanted to J. W. Shier. | FRONTENAC LOAN AND VENT |svomAar rom FUR FYURE, LIAN dculars apply Sirs. Nellie: Doyle, Omt, h, GROCERY bp ment Soclety;: incorporated nd dry. McCann's Box 23, Bat : . o 9 to Es men taking part in "Over Jr, Box 42, Tamworth, Ont. President, w. b. Nickle, K.C.; vice- Agency, 86 Brock St. Phone 338 a i » . : resident or "" : > » A NT LIN oney issued city ARR Aaa} 810 Division St. Phone 545 the Top are : requested TEAMS JUANTED ron HAULING hone properties. munioiphl and) STORAGE FOR FURNIFORE, OLEAN SOME or nan _NiuGusy ARvanhige : arsssiiiiirrrrrrsiiiiisssd [80 be at the Fair Grounds| Wii at, mine soon | ne Ives ages pur. fA hry, Cosme: Jour sn losk 4nd 1g this. A gail era . * Apply Me. Abrams, Foreman Mica a i Pp w brin you 3 4 » : > i a ite received and inter: eet ; res. 7.30 o'clock Friday night| _ Products. thie furtimaton Nowed. He C. Garcwright, man. | USSR street." Prone 526 Heulars about Hue" departs - ager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. ® & Publishing Co, N ™ Final R<h 1 : ; na [nearsal. EXPERIENCED FARM HAND, MAR- ONE FURNISHED ROOM, DOWN The ried. for July 1st, Wages $50 per n Atairs;: also one up-staire. light Ing. you WANT WARM WINTERS, G.W V.A month; free house: wood: garden | LIVERPOOL, LONHON AND GLOBE houstheeping Jf des Ted; lems Fehe cool Summers, 10 snow or Ipe, tree ' . « Yo A, planted: use of cow. Apply J. I. Fire Insurance Company, Available sonal ne. hbly 282 Johnson St, Crops @ Year, New fhodern hi 0 Fruit & Candy Store Morris, Le Moines Peint, Ports. assnts $61,187,215, ad Sarner Division, room house, all conveniences, sey GS, 4 Fruits and Candy 7 sity" if / 1 i 8 tole Hight: fev Rent: $30.00 per ul BOARD, possible rates. Before renewing * AEiuseasion. Sept: 10th. A Sirculor sud Hhoton jax. 14. Shafp- month, Ont. Phone 1108, R 1-4 Acres rich land. Tncome $3000 pe When you want choles, seae j 0 4 . onth - » old or giving new business get) Bh h ven, 4 i ¥ Somitble fruits, or fresh home A GOOD SALMON FIRST CLASS BOARD, APPLY MRS. rates from Rtrange & Strange! by Phone 1448. 3 - 2 the work. rite for dentripf ich the policyholders have foi . - . HOUSE: CENTRALLY. LOCATED, CON. p Arty othe, uniimited HABINLY of taining 'eight: rooms, furnace, elec. year. One A Or Womkn oah go anndy, call found see us, ~ = for 'Wa miware. Herm aaant i Wi A. Tierney, 151 Earl street, Agents. Phone DEPARTMEAT 18 ALWAYS | ( RE choleest 1D stock, 0 hear from any one thinking classified advertising. SMALL TUG des r livery to ol) naris of the eity, ; . LEGAL of ARCHITECT . a. Writ Ph bout 1 At 25¢ P er Tin, max bg able to Prvthgrainy Britian Length, 42 ft., 6 in; beam, 18 0, a ens 8 Bs 278, - Princess Wing Sahn . : POWER & SON, ARCHITE MER. B., UUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER ft, 10 in, nin A Boiler pressure, 110 Ibs., sine 99 ghants Bank Building, oorner and solicitor. Law office, 78 Clar. "R AINBOW Brock and Wellington Sts, * ouce street, A FRAT AT THIRTY DOLLARS AND gle cylinder engine, 10 in. x one at fifteen dollars per month 10 in. Equipped with pony re (heated) in the building known as Lit. A A Suint's Rest, Simcoe street. Tele- pump, life boat, fire apparatus EW UCTION S LE phone BE. C, Gildersiseve, at 430, or and electric light. Price Saturday, 20th June, 10.80 o'clock, 'caretaker Yacht Club, $4500.00. Apply to Box €27, Whig Office. i need careful attention. That's why you should consult our : Ask For It. Market Square, Household furniture, pictures, TO RENT ; i " OF TOMETRIST 3 - H O S h . books and Athor, grijcles J fe are eye-sl 8] 8 0 oy ; " FM, y + Auctioneer. IRNISHFE sam FERTILIZERS FOR G00D CROP TEL KINGSTON CAPE |. Leite nh To "Bk | wor Seve TRANS ¢ eu ais LOCATIONY R.J R Wastes Obtained In Utilization of Ati | 't¢ British American Hotel VINCENT FERRY - | PHRGONAL E1500 to, #0000; Sots to setect Taam er Plant Products May Be Mads | Cor, King and Clarence of Nttective Mag. 10x HI0BRICK VENEER, 13 ROOMS, on we Mawr. Opticians "ang ---- Streets. hangs. of Tima a Are Pe AM AMM blew | Bal Crectric Hane seal amis) - * Lv. Kingston, 7.00 a.m: asd 1 68 removed 3 -- * x Cape Viscen out Sear; 30 years' experience. Dr S1050-FRAME HOUSE, & ROOMS, od lot, ts 182 Street. Since fertilizers are used as food First Cless Accommodation for A ke, Bre, oR Noss, go Skin Bpeciall Prices Reduced Ne for plants it will follow that plants, Travellers. Sorin ro and = Commodious, Comfortable Rooms Bagot street . id and particularly certain parts of Management: Salvation Army. : . a of ron aR JovaE, ay On All Kinds. i . plants, may serve as fertilizers for a -- ; ia -- : Eat Fish and Save Bacon. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. new crop. This fact has long beén Wo 4. sareman nest moran D 3 oy Te Sulating recognized, and the wastes obtained In ' i Insurance, 87 Clsrende 8t., doe of strengih--No. 1 $1: the utilization of all plant products 2% 3 AT ay therefore be ound of Bor feu: COKE ORDERS 5 Yow piicis on wa | i on rece . zer use. one a plan pecial low prices on roasts es $ Rds THE COOK MEDICINE adn ----e Anows 48 Sottouseet ual, ob- NY ; Chae oat of all Rn oe a -- TORONTO, ONT. (Farmorly Windsor. cotton- . 1 al hand, } KNAPP PRINCESS ] seed: oll, constitiite the largest stugle A N reshy gorse Delivery min ou missin otrest EAST TIC, : sodrce of nitrogenous material used . a -- mE Tis : = DR. GORDON. O. DEW. y Onl Si le Ton aned for thie parsorr yy entity stk || The James Sowards Charles Quicl 3 sorner Pringhes 4x wae y ing bY 800,000 tons annually, Coal C Phone 1192) 112 Clergy St. having resu business, solicits DRS, nT a wan. | 0. C. Lyons, of Patrick Lyon & lers T g of this kind, together with certain ant. Phone 155, ; Harte Son Altres sitet" eo. Rov Son, dealers in wool, skins, ete, wis ' for Coal Until == : COAL CusTOMERS Take a look at the &Yerings. sdvertised in. this newspaper which appeal to you. It will be an in isting experience, and You'll learn sometping wbout property and pro y values. Sou Wight sven find fhe Blase Joye had = mind for a Jang me for a home«-some t ns you've carr! in your mental vision. Foote, Gaal £ Ze Fol 1 iE ii if 5 . ia dee oasis