THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1918. ____ PAGE SIVEN pa OPERA |i HE 'GRAND LO IL : HOUSF | , | The P or HARE i LEnpamwmen mous { INCORPORATED 1855 ! At 2.30 pom, Continuous {and 7.30 pe. DA PE armane. BANK or TORONTO | iiaates Head Ofice - - + TORONTO. "The Desired Woman" A BIG "V* COMEDY SO CC ! Capital SAO. Reserved Funds, 96,555,306 {The Ee ahd Other Rn CONDENSED ADVENTISING RATES WANTED GENERAL Fa SALE . Thurs Ys .» Saturd y =r THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTR cove PIREOTORS: ] » » naerth le a word. Each con : . . : W. ¢ GOODERHAM, President. J. HENDERSON, Vice-President. { Polite Vaudeville Plsst tater Insertion thereafter, half-| WANTED To PURCHASE, SECO FOUND Metis. Ounce. 25c; three times $0e) WILLIAM STONE, JOHN MACDONALD, x: a BCLENART, | A Five-Reel Brady-Made Wond ¥ cent a word, Mivimam charge for hand typewriter. Box F, Whig. of one week, $1.00. LT.-COL, A. BB. GOODERHAM,; BRIG.-GEN. ¥. 8. MEIGHEN, 4 a 5 erpla) reion, 201 Mmene m---- > p : Es - RR A TNE MYLER, A H. CAMPBELL, MADGE EVANS in Socs ix 81) one memthy #3, OLD CARS WANTED, 30 MATTER PAIR oF Sous REED ; 1 - x THOS. ¥. HOW, General Manager. JOHN BR. LAME, Asst. Gen. Mgr. ' what condition, Call or write C. Sh Baa ane ke Yt AN AXMINSTER RUG, 12 X 13. APPLY D. C. GRANT, Chief nspeotor. { "Wanted A " i Lister, 59 Welllugton Street, or ons» ar ve ana fT 301 Earl streel. i ---- ingston, by ~caMin. . En . \ zr | 4 CE . » 'AD " 3 & at No. 1, Prime St v i: LONSEOME LUKE COMEDY HELP WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY, & OR 9 SQUARE PIANO IN FIRST CLASS | The Pathe News and Other Films. 3 -- - rooan house, furnished or unfur.} BICYCLE, NEAR CATARAQUL condition; good tone; cheap for | Matinee 10¢ Evening 10e; GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. nished. Apply Major Passy, Frona-| along the railway tracks Own- cash. Apply 76 Centre uireet. 2 Seat Reserved, Sc Extra Apply 252 King street. tenac Hetel * { er may have same by calling ! HEE >. Business men are offeved In this Bank the satlitactors banking sere vice provided by our complete facilities and extensive connections. at Whig Office and rovin BANKERS: SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS Property. : PTE {a r-moowsn mous ov stuane sv. A re i NEW YORK -Nagional Bank of Commerve. CHICAGO--First Naa ® ® 9 COOK, GOOD WAGES. APPLY Y, W. for cash or in part payment of new . bath and gloser ahd gas. Apply to Haaal Bask, LONDON, ENG. ~London Uity & Midiapd Bank, Limited. C. A, 196 Johnson St. Pianos and grafo s. C. W. Lind- FEARL STICK MIN ON 15TH OF J. R. Laidlaw, 348 Division St, i ! say, Limited, 121 Princesg street. June, on street 2 Owner reesei damn - 2 may have san y x PORTER TO MEET TRAINS. APPLY RENT SMALL OR MEDIUM s1z- | Street Railway Office. 10g =% FARM IMPLEMENTS ON THE ESTATR George B. McKay Manager. | Monda Tues Wed Chateau Belvidere, 141 'King bt, ed house or flat, 'occupation any : Of the late Samucl Kingston; cheap. Ys -y - tine up to middle of August. Re- PAIR OF PLIERS ON BROCK Apply to Mrs. A. Vanaistyne, 18 | ply, stating particulars, including . Btpeet. Owner may have Division street. 1 i MAIDS WANTED. APPLY THE MA- rental to Box 626, Whig Office. ame by aplying to J. W. Little Mary McAllister tron, Kingston General Hospital nin. = : Tones. Synod. Ye : ™ d 3 WE WANT 10 BUY ALL KINDS. OF | \ IN KENSINGTON AVI. SOLID PRESS. CHAMBERMMAID. ONE WHO UNDER. second-hand furniture, stoves, ' LE ER ed brick residence, lot 80 x 128 ; "pi stands waiting on fable. Apply heaters, clothes. etc. We also have FOUND SHNOLES ADY feel, with garage, 12 ft. x 20 ft. y . Pants Royal Hotel. two electric fans and everything Phone 1851w. ! : Aud in ihe Seeond hand jine for fale] Anyone finding anything and : A GENERAL SERVANT, MIDDLE Phono ap Xo: » NI0A8 }] = Wishing to reach the ae: may FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR Apply to ll fs do so by reporting (the fac 4 fishing, =o Frank W. Cooke, deny aged woman preferred, 2 Shor . to woers, 90 Barrie street, The Britisly Whig. The adver- rp A Ch C les Ray Mrs. H. Mooer Harris tisement will be printed in this Br Sireel, SPpasite Amer; OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED; DOES.|] {sement will De printe . 7 : oT 2 SE- . A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE n't matter if broken. We pay ae- "Found articles" goes not in- : . in . . " . " Me ply: Mra. J , cor. A . > Completely furnished bungalow at East View| "The Family Skeleton alos stroat and AlNIEIen. Ave. gold "aiiver 3nd "platinum. Send|| Gude lost dogs catiic. horses, [leon PASTURE, Woob AND MIN. gold . silver and platinum. ete. These, if lost, may be ad- eral farm: mineral said to be caps P 1 1 Te * 3 : HIT to us and receive cash by return iso in the "Lost™ cc 4, . ark, five miles from city. A YOUNG GIRL TO ne » nH HNL. mail. If price is not satisfactory vertised for in the "Lost" column, borungdum. For particulars enquire . dren: one who soy ig 5 haat Whig we will return teeth promptly J) of 8. Willlams, Verona, Ont, For further particulars. Diaterred. Apply Box 2%06, Whis( on ronment amie woes 3 ar natio Teeth Co. 305 West 42nd St, New GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN " p J T York ple atic ; yo vn choice 5 The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Mon. T Wed i Er a LB aRaYED Torna. $5. cash: 1 por week: '0B. 74. on., ues., ay ary, Baits . tL Phones: Office 85; residence ¥ Open Every Saturday Eveaing. . Clark, Sec- Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St Brinn, | : | rye ee ------------------------------------ ONTO THE PREMISES OF CLAIR Meeks, lot twenty, tenth con. of | ONE SAXON-SIX FIVE.PASSENGER " township of Portland, one brawn touring car. § cyl. motor, 1917 mare 'with white left hind foot, model, in excellent condition. Cheap small star in head, wearing halter for quick sale. Apply Davis Dry A coasting TVS. A CF ap ; > ; UCKERS AND SORTERS ON FELD- FIVE-ACT METRO WONDERPLAY |[M pir wonted. Good Wages, Apply I 1] W Mr. Abrams, eman, Mica Pro- MAY ALLISON duets, Limited, Hartington, Ont. and shade trees. Reply to Box without lead. Owner can have Dock " x - ritho a rer © : OC 'ompany, Ferns, palms, foneral designs, fora) IN TEAMS WANTED FOR HAULING 2, British Whig, same by proving property and pay- pany -- sprays, wedding bouquets made to order "Soci 1 H it " feldspar from mine to track ing expensies. Clair Meeks, R. R. + . 1a ypocrites Would make contract for season. [ $4dadddidab ddd dt dtst dos No. 1, Bedrock. LARGE STOCK OF PERFECT, ATH. J JOHNSON Florist 5 p Abily Afr. Abiams, Foreman Mica lete and Princeton Bicycles on easy o Ve 9 SYDNEY DREW COMEDY Paeducts, Limited, Hartington, POSITION WANTED terms: also bicycle accessories ' . )$ N h i . George Muller, Bicycle Store and 118 Brock St. Phone 239, SCREEN TELEGRAM AND OTHER LOST OR STOLEN Livery, 871 and 373 King St, REEL brave boys in the trenches. We hr s STEWARD WANTS POSITION. EX- MATINEE 10e. EVENING 18¢ perienced cook; country club pre- can supply you with the neces KI GSTON - CAPE -r INCENT FERRY SEEDS v ferred. Box 6i{, Whig Office. [| WOULD THE PARTY WHO WAS SpEN | WE HAVE GOOD SRECONL-HAND 8 Ohange of Time Effective May 15th, taking the bicycle from Richard- furniture, buffets. chairs and ta. sary ort 7. AS pom. SR -" r He inetan, 90 a and a om boait), foreman, caretaker, or shm- Two pleasant rooms and wood hoard with a private family wanted by a Indy for the sum mer. House must have veranda ee t GREATER ; PRODUCTON , weed itl to requires greater effort on your part, so that you may produce b "your share toward feeding our deb Steaey"s require two sales- Iadien; experienced preferred. Apply between 9.30 and 11 am. Steacy's Limited, Aural a a a PPP AS TIMEKEEPER, PUR (LAKE T0 LET SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. STENOGRAPHER wil GOOD RE. son's dock, please return and save bles: will ali kinda of Sur. LY. Cape Vincent, 9.40 a Har position of trust, by returned or" ioday sometimes use & Titls ferences, desires osition in the further uble, ture And stoves, 0 city. Apply Hox BG Whig Offic a Le rouble > Princess street. 'Phone 1600. ---- Two round trips daily, Z, . EXPERIENCED FARM HAND, MAR- ™ ! ad lke thi A s RIENCE v nan, 1st conti t. 3% YORrS sere . ; > e 5. phone oall or Pr A cr At 25¢ Per Tin. Condanongent, 3% years ser-| URNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR WITH. Postal will bring you full par: ied, for July 1st, Wages $60 per ic > aie, " 3 V HOAG'S Store nih ree house; wood; garden commercial cuca or Enel tound out board. Apply 204 King St. ticulars about this department { planted; use of cow. Apply J, D briety, integrity and atrict atten. British Whig Publishing Co. Ports- ! Morris, Le Moines Poin{, tion to business is nr fred rant Ar -- . i Branch Post Office. ' , Yhon 08, 1-4, a* input Juited and 8p- | NIOELY FURNISHED FRONT BED- Kingston, Ont. é£ ) . mouth, Ont. Phone 11 R precited. FjnEston oe Teinity room, bath and electric light. Ap- | $2680, DOUBLE FRAME, § ROOMS, ALL BRIGHT, ENERGETIC LADIES DESIR- oh y Dox 322, Ug Office, ply 41 Division street. improvements; electric light. . "rh r ur . wssl yf 2 C. Lyons, of Patrick Lyons & gur of taking up fhe profession o AN ARLES . cK ar 100 Anaad A AR AA & Son, dealers in wool, on, Raleeha le anlish a Ah FINANCIAL STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN So Aa, 4 B SEATIO skins, etc, wishes to announce Ask For It. Margaret Dunnett, Iistriet Wary Te ns. ped is a -- AA that the business will be ear- Ki Sanizor, 290 'Wellington street, | pRONTRNAC LOAN AND INVES] -- - as - HMI0-DRICK VENEER, 12 ROOMS, ried on as usual under the Kingston, ment Society; incorporated 1863 : &ll modern tmprovements; separate President, W. FP. Nickle, K.C.;: vice- | AT EAST VIEW PARK, A COUPLE OF bath; electric light, stable; central ' S same name. The firm will ' ¥ H ~ president, A B. Cunningham Sumnrer cottages, Apply to J. D. -- WwW. tts baht . continue to buy the above lines nr Honey issued on city ana Boyd, R.R. No. 1. Pittsburgh, Ont. SHSO--FRAME HOUSE, ROOMS, orist and will pay highest market arm properties, municipal and Nm---- rood lot. wey 10 men want 3 county debentures; mortgages pur G. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE AND rooms; nice location 179 Wellington St. Shased.. Javestment bonds fo: [1 IRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, S1S00-NEW PR AME HOUSE : posits receive i . v : cat. Ap 3 SIX Fresh cut flowers daily; funeral denigne 8 Market Street permanent and est allowed. R, ¢ Cartwright. an an hy 253 Brock oa ahd wadding | Sudueis to Seder. Phone 1036w. d k ts ager, 87 Clarence St. Kingston, 3 lbacsiniinn : TUESDAY 25TH | steady employment; STORAGE FOR FURNITURE: OUEAN Insurance, §7 Clarence Bt. King. ¥ ' o d wa g es to LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE And dry. McOann's Real Estate ston, : Meeting of those interested in floats g£0 as Agency. 86 Brock St. Phone 326 rise at 7.30 pam. Full attendance re- steady, reliable men. on DRESSMAKING quested for final instructions. . Apply A. Davis & JHURSDAY, 27TH Son, Ltd., Kingston Fire Insurance Company, Avaflable assets $61,187,215. In addition to Shien she Po aiden have for rity ® unlimited Hability of FURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR Shy proverty. Ingured at lowest Hight housekeeping: centrally lo- | MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, 4 ig ag nant qe Lonewing cated, all conveniences. Apply Box having resumed business, solicits ares ng usiness get 208, Whig Office. orders for fall and winter work, meet at 7 pan, Mass meeting at 8 rom Strange & Strange, -- Addrens 202 Aifred strest. ie "Over Tanner Agents. Phone 336. pm. All taking part in "Over the ye STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, Top" must attend, tnt esis BOARD fe. airy rooms; your own lock and PERSONAL =. ¥." Frost's y Storage, Queen street. Phone 526; res. 98s LIQUOR SUPPLY IS LOW. SACHERS WAVER AQ SUPPL TEACHERS WANTED FIRST CLASS BOARD. APPLY MRS. - A. Tierney, 151 Earl Bireet . Ebi _ wm 1 VING- A QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST- FOUR MED HOUSE, #1 LIVIN 2 ant, for 8S. 8& No, Bb, Hinchinbrooke, ston Ave, Rood yard: possession + In one week James Rigney, offi- duties to commence Sept. 2nd. Ap- ARCHITECT Julx 1st. Yor further tmfurmation J clal liquor vendor for this distriet, ply to Geo. A. Smith, Parham, stat- matteo aii hs A Higire Grocers, 310 King Bagot strest. expects to be ready to fill orders for ne ary and experience and|pownn a sow, ARCHITROTS, WRR liquor. The su y will be bro t , : chants Bask Bulidi J 1 The supply be: brought Brock and Wellington Sts, = [ONE FURNISHED ROOM, DOWN = to the city, and as one citizen re stairs: also ope up-stairs: light DR. need careful attention. That's m irked, "We'll all be down to meet housekeeping if desired: terms rea. REEVE why you should consult our it." A doctor's order will be ne-| LEGAL sonable. Apply 282 Johnson St. Yours of enable cessary to procure even a few corner Division. to treat difficult cases $ ounces of the liquor. " fully. Call, or state case OPTOMETRIST Just at present there is a decided ; As > IuuAN, oi ARR SERA HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATED, CON- ter. by lack of liquor in the city. The drug \ ence street. taping eight rooms, furnace, eleée- 18 Carlton Street, Torente, But Official Vendor Rigney Will Soon Have a Supply. We are eye-sight specialists of stores have not laid in a sufficient EE ent 1000 Aor long experience. supply because of the establishment ply by Phone 1448J. a g of the official vendor's place of - . . DENTAL Ta . business here, and persons have had . : . { Cheaper Than Lard. FRIS DEPARTME/T 18 ALWAYS to apply to a number of druggists Better and : R.J.R er befofe they have been able to have Order at United Grocery. The an cara eaY "ad an A. B. KNAPP, OFFICE, 388 PRINCE a8 Mau'f'g. Opticians and thelr physicians' prescriptions ful-|f © Lettuce, Unions, Radish, 4 re age un_sbout strest. Phone $53. ES 0 Asparagus, Strawberries Fruit & Candy Store [|| ¥e'hbc iy ps -- win Eg Optometrists 210 Division St. Phtme 54s 132 Princess street. i : DR. GORDON ©. D ENTITY, a J Major Cited ¥or Bravery. Rhubarb, Pineapples and To. F ruits and Candy corner Princess Wotton ron! PIANO TUNING. streets. Phone 1878 Oyster Bay, N.Y., June 25----Major m Theoaore Roosevelt, jr, has been Com eck 2%. Ai Jou wane Shstee, wea cited for bravery in the battle of for Sy canily, cull in nnd see us, [[|JOSEPH HODGE WiLL BE AWAY | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. . Carrying Coal Cantigny, according to word receiv- for we always keep very tii July 5th. Leave all ord tists, 159 Well COAL CUSTOMERS ! of : o to-day by Col. Roosevelt. The UNITED GROCERY choicest in stock, ie den a McAuloy's Book Store. orders Say i ded oral a 1 Important Notice chlonel was informed that Major livery to all parts of the city, The public are hereby notified Roosevelt insisted on attacking with 188 Princess St. m= x : - Please Notice | \ that for the future we canmot his battalion all through the = ads BEN LEE, Mgr, bod Princess st 'Staeone 273. | er wi nasal wakes Yi vance after he had boen ses erely Coal Sales will be for |] nit fitter iets [Homes -- To Cash Only, PEELS U3 ¥o SARE THIS ANC WHERE AUSTRIANS ARE PENNED IN ON WEST BANK OF PIAVE NOUNCEMENT, _ Phone 133, call' ES" = ES ------ » % =e 758 a ; ass And if you can do something well you can find the chance to . . J) J gf 2 Ge ! do It. 'But if you are not looking so much for & "job as for ' ) ry ONTEIS LLU = Er AN OPPORTUNITY, advertise. ke your want clear to the man who cau offer you what you seek.