Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1918, p. 13

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- Se __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. JUNE 22,1918. -- PAGE THIRTEEN -- in FIGHTING WITH GAS. » cogs Ess, IT A rp HEROIC BRITISH DEEDS i ett LL a BEE 0 TTL rp ir [4 I ean "| Germans Show Fiendish Ingenuity In \ La pie "eo J 7 g < WERE ACCOMPLISHED ON THE This Sort of Warfare, 3 ITALIAN BATTLEFRONT, Gas warfare is as yet In its in- faney. It has already revolutionized The British Occupy, Under General military methods almost as com Plumer. ¥ 3 pletely as did the invention of gun y the Oval-shaped Chain of powder, and doubles i ob Lp: Hills Which Hinge the Austrian £0 an enormous and very horrible Offensive. development pefore the present cen- allan Headquarters, June 20. tury comes to an end. i Montello, the: oval-shaped chain of This wer may be finished thal hills which hinge the Austrian offen- | chemical laboratory. The po:gon ga #ive, has been occupied for several] problem is aceupying the attention | months the British, who came ta] of thousands of skilled chemists all italy under General Plumer, A {over the world. With eager he British division occupied the South-| fulness they are trying to find 2a } western ridges of the Asiago plateau, | that is extremely deadly, yor odor. | with the French on their right. less and colorless, so that it may '» | The British, after reconquering | neither smelled nor seen. ! : the advanced positions, momentarily What they seek is the invisibls | a 5 abandoned on Saturday morning | death -- a gag that will poison the g 8k Vi with a view of strengthening the | air, yet 'give no warning of its pres- | ' 1 SIPPY LS line, not only resisted all Austrian | ence. Whole armies may be destroy ll 4 attempts, but brilliantly counter- at- | ed by it without even knowing. that tacked in a fashion that caused an| they are in danger. let a chemist Itallan superior officer to remark: | discover such a gas, and the war is i. pox areislamming the gates of | won. Italy a the face of the invader." To serve satisfactorily for "clouds" . tachment of British cyclists | a gas must be heavier than air, and Accomplished hercic deeds. They | must meet certain other definite re were changing position, and moving | quirements. Hence it comes about alonig @& sunken road parallel to the | that only two, chlorine and phosgene, front. Suddenly they ran into a have been found available for (his vastly superior Austrian contingent | purpose. But where gas shells are barring the way. Instead of fleeing, | concerned, the whole domain of ar- they dismounted and advanced with ganic chemistry is opened up. fixed bayonets. Simultaneously the Any poisonous compound that is Austrians were ordered to charge, | desolvable into vapor by heat may be and the two waves of bayonets clash- used for loading a gas shell -- the ed. A terrific fight ensued, but the | uid or solid being transfermed into splendid physique and undaunted £as by the explosion of a charge of courage of the British cyclists prov- T.N.T. which (with a fuse) the shell ed too much for the Austrians, who carries, There is no dependence up- fled, discarding their rifles, the Brit-l on a favoring wind, and the lethal ish pursuing and capturing many vapor is Hberated just where it is rifles and prisoners. likely to do the most damage, One of the most successful fea- Gas shells ordinarily weigh only tures of the organization of the six pounds, and a veritable storm of Italiah army consists in the wise themi>may be thrown from a few bat- distribution and rapid handling of teries of sn «Jl quick-firing guns. At reserves, which is illusirated by the Cambrai, in this way, the Germs brilliant feat on the British sector, soon filled a wood so full of pois and Is further testified to by the vapor (not knowing that the Pr splendid Anglo-lizlian comaraderie. had vacated it) that human beings The British defenders of a certain could not have long survived thére, position wer: ordered to retire, with even with the protection of pas a view to straightening the salient masks. A small detachment was left on the It. will be understood, then, why it crest of a~ hill. 8,000 feet high, to is that to-day, in the new warfare, cover the withdrawal. The Aus. gas shells are playing a vastly move trians, who immediately perceived important part than gas elouds. Vir- thie operation, f#isd "to overwhelm tually all bombardments are with the detachment, but the latter al- mixed projectiles, some gas and oth- though almost completely surround- ers not, which are marked with ed and outnumbered ten fold, suc- crosses of different colors for ready A eg AA A. AEA ceeded in holding the enemy at bay. recognition, the arilllerymen being The commander of an Alpini de- provided 'with programs for firing EC 5 = tachuient on the left of the British them. FR KLE detachment decided on his own in- Gas shells are not used for bar- ) t . BAR hs ion £2 S| EE $07 7 7 3 8 owt de So ve me The SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD ars. € question was whe er | gets---say, for example, a field howit- | move Them With Othine--Double the Alpini would be able to arrive zer occupying a pit with an overhead itrength, ® : Also the Cheapest! --- are in time to find: the defenders alive. cover. Only a direct hit will put the This proparation. for the remov: ; The commander of the Alpini said: gun out of business, but gas will] .; peooti 8 cossful i We would be too late if any but enter the gun-pit it shells burst near pl Sruckiss 1 hanally | os Satu) in the British bulldogs. were defending | perhaps killing some of the gun- |1.o.uirut complexion that it' 1s sold » C the position and if any but the Ai ners, but at least compelling them to |; any druggist under guarantes to Hoes, Rakes, Sprinkle ans, DE Tasis Nail tains lo thelr don masks, This lowers the rate of refund the money if it fails. P 5 B D th é ; ? »" rescue, 8 Ita Pp 1016" | the howitzer's fire; for, with masks |' % hi rout freckle let 1 G A ' upon dashed forward and were re- the Te lare; work at a dis- |, Don't hide your Jracklos und 2 aris reen, CCO ug ea ceived by the British with cheers for] ogc or, i 1.8e, an puny Ema Sorts trie i \ Ha, rhe dustrians wore to (aken | "CIE 1p (nye the target is o HONE thei: Even tho fit tow appli Arsenate of Lead. Give Us a Cal { aback by this unexpected onslaught crossroads, when there is always | A108 should show a wonderful in Safest bocause they are Impregnnted with a chemical solu " a Li A rovement, some of the lighter freck- Le $4 " that they wavered, whereupon the more or less convusion when supplies pr a a ye, He Hop which Tender the stick "dead" immediately tho match fs commander. of the Britian Sejach and ammunition are being transport. he k the driESist forthe ment leaped to the top of the french ed to the front. A few well-placed gas : rongth Othind is this eImmon OILS * Cheapest, because tnere sre more pérfact matches to the tri ns or forced to withdraw in shells, especially at night, the range [that is on the money-back guar- sized box than in any other box on the market, fee of the attack both in the front having hash Ageeriained In the day- lantee. War time economy and a own gond senus, will urge the : Ss. will thiow eversthing into dis- 12000 |, A ~ 187 Pri necessity of buying none butMEDDY'S MATCHES. rincess Street. i and on the Hank, = order, incidentally impeding the work Turkey sets up the claim that the by compelling the men to put on their ohtire. naval and mercantile fost of 1 3 masks, Russia in the Black Seca ghould be Curing Skin Troubles The first poison shells were used at ag A5 or Serine the Somme by the Germans in 1916, | turned over to se co RA Ar i ea These Are Always Due To Bad Blood | and since then they have exhibited a : Which Must Be Enriched and most devilish ingenuity in developing Purified. new kinds of pias Jor loading Such } projectiles. They have been experi- So many people, both men and wo. mented with a "sneezing gas' which men suffer from skin troubles, such Induces sternutative spasms of such as eczema, blotches, pimples and irri. a that a man can hardly keep $ations that a word of advice is neces. his mask on y sary. 8 a great mistake for those] | § I no suffering from trembles of this kind von iayyear shells? (allot her Han ne olnto mear themselves with greasy from coal tar, and which, in the ordi- Ofntments . Often they could not do nary kind, are so powerful that one : 4 fhything worse, for the grease clogs pars of Ho vapor bn 1000 000 cf or Wie: WY i : OF the pores of the troubled skin and alr is enotgh to make a We He I / 2 4 v the condition becomes actually worse, man almost helpless with weeping. | |S $E | (7% p : : When there are pimples or erup- | yo sort of stuff, however, is mild ; on! it RA e southing Sort Soon es econo wich he mierda | RE na Supreme over all for Summer Use to allay the irritation, hut of course garlic which has ne immediate ef- Cd / : hi ; ' Lh / : . .- » : . . that doss ot Safe the tmable. SKin{ fect on the eyes except a slight irri 5 A y HV EVER light your "pack"--there is no holiday complete without D Co rom a mpure ow ro : a . . . . condition of the blood and will von. Sation dm A rrorn hours Mave | A A aliey Music. As in your other equipment, let it be that most worth-while-- Hue eantil the blood ds 'thoroughly | Marking inflamed and even blistered. emg (AY it the Pathephone. For here, in small compass, is comprised the musical pulled. 14 well Juown tat be These symptoms are acompaied ny ! EB ye 4 wealth of the world vi ected Lintense pain, with profuse disc argeg g - : ve = Es : : the best resiilts in many forms of from the nose, coughing and som 1 RFS, The same points of superiority that have placed the Pathephone in the finest drawing- Shin Steorders ad blemishes. use Ames yomiting. first d ph 8 4% A r rooms make it the choice par excellence for summer use. You need carry no "needles," 3 3 8 ustard wes was first used by the . a. - Te Path & make new, rich blood, andl this new Germans at Ypres, in July, 1917. 2 gh] 24380 5 nor Change Shem Sanstaatly, nor Jock Shem vainly the Jathé i blood attacks the impurities that Afterward, at Nieuport, they fired no y i z Permanent apphire ball replaces them, never wears records, an give Has 0 skin troubles and dis-| fewer than 50,000 shells loaded with 7 he vr adds 407 to the tone value. Its careful ¢ perses them. - Dr. Willams' Pink/| the abominable stuff in a single y : 2 the Pathephone best able to withstand dampness and rough usage. the pure skin disorders from within Algh -Philkleiphia Public Ledger. eh Its perfect'mechanism gives no truuble--requires no expert atten. the system---the only sure way. 'Mrs. REA: \ . b y Le W. Ritchie, Parkbeg, Sask., says: | Bavarians Resent Allied Bomb'nz. i " =. tion, . It plays all records, "Two years ago I was attacked with] Tie increasing damage to German Ly . On placid lake--by evening camp fire--for the carefree summer dance--your Seuss wn me hands. [tried almost |lives and property by ailied bombs . We Z every need St mved is Met by the Pathephone, through ashe Records. Itis ove ng that was advised, he cause of a recent stormy ros- p Ss a vacation adjunc at will give more solid enjoyment than any other one The trowbe: was Bowing wore Ns 38 oh the the Bavarian {ower Houses, Av if item. It will furnish richer music in wider range than any other instrument-- sulted a doctor and took his' treat- | when several deputies brought in in. 3 nT itis an ever-willing, never-failing source of enjoyment that will well repay the Ww Went fer some time with no better{terpsilations demanding that the | © \ ; thought that made it one pf yous party. resul By this time my hands were | Government take stops for the in- 4 : \ } 5 he ; mas of sores and 1 Vegan to des-|demnification of those whosa propar- 2. ; : fi oi. Sent fos Phe Puta Colston uss Jb eas pair of finding a cure. A friend ty bad been destroyed or damaged. 1 i tains siimbific ex on of exchusive 2 advised me to try Dr. Wil-|. One of these intorpellations de- 5 } A ar + Pathe methods of recording and vepro- Hams' Pink Pills, and I decided to|elares: "Does the Government know | SEEN © SRRadiL]l 2 BE Pmich Inferring chats on do 80. Alter using two boxes 1 could that the population of. Bavaria, and = hi ew an : -| especially of the Palatinate. fs sun-! EREN : : a, ARrAYEmIONL, And 1 got 4 fur jected an raids which are becom- EE , HH THE PATHE FRERES PHONOGRAPH co. OF CANADA, LIMITED wc oan bE = REEE = FR TE = iT be REE = CARE REE RT rc TT ar supply. 1 used altogether aight % boxes by which time every trace ofling more and mor. frequent, and is 5 the eczema had disappeared and there | suffering especially severe material SN SA ve 4-6-8 Clifford St., Toronto has not been a single symptom of|10sses? What does the Government 2 = ? En trouble since that time. | gladly | intend to do in order to indemnify | i a recommend Dr. W those affected? Lately the mumber | Sully 2 ie 2 rf $ of this kind of attacks by a aviators on ci 7

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