; : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1918. Woman Who | THE ACTIVITIES By JANE PHELPS bees Mme operatic " : " is] ¥ nas i "5 a i . er of the Army. $e | MRS. COLLINS IS ANGERED The organization of 'a Women's (| ) | CHAPTER CIV. aren't badly hurt?" I said as soon as; I owe Mrs. Sexton a lot," and Ijauxiliary police force is now being \ 00 A . : 1 closed the door after Mrs. Collins, [did. * It was because of my talk with|c i Wy "Naturally not!" she returned with |< 1en't there something I can do for [her that I was able to keep calm and 8 L . en illdisguised sneer when 1 sald you?' M dignified in my heart to heart con- , 3 that she would not be as concerned "Yes, . come here and give me a|]versation with George » . 7 over George as I w as, nor so sensi fyjse'" Really I had tried very hard to he SAT : tive to waiting in the crowded sta- kissed him fondly, running my [auwiet and undisturbed because of r ; Hen. ras k > i fingers through his hair. For once [Julia Collins' unwarranted intrusion. s 20a 1} oo 5 It was kind of you to bring Mr. I dared take liberties with him. ---That was what I called it. And! section : Howard home, and I appreciate it. "So you were worried?" as Mrs. Sexton had said I should, I]fence. I rang for tea, giving her no time tp "Worried! I was almost wild with | was reaping my reward. This epis- amswer. :# You see the hotel clerk anxiety. [ went down to the station, lode. more, perhaps than anything kept me informed, and said he would | but when I saw that crowd, all eaten [else which had happened made me FE W.GILETTCO.LTD see that he got up all right when the up with curiosity, 1 couldn't bear to|absolutely determined to leave noth- iA D Same MW. it : Stretensd the truth Stay. It seemed to me that my feel- |ing undone that would make nie what a little, but as it barmed no one I ¢ ing for you was teo wonderful to let | George wanted me to be. ave | TORONTO. CANADA not feel guilty. "1 was t00 nervous| nem all gape at me." | ing the for greater freedom for - 5 CR to remain where the public could For a moment George looked at We laughed and chatted over thefipa 1 Are Made ma New, WINN] LARRY. stare at me. /Then. too, I knew|n.e without saying anything. Then !dinner. Then, when we finished hel 7} 1 f tir ave final- | e * iGeorge would prefer I should not wait | with his lett arm he drew me to him. told me all about the accident. How], . ed : i EC Snow - Sunshine jthere--wouldr 't you George?" : (It was his right wrist that was|for a little time he had feared he{ sD ns, including engineering F. th a Most You did perfectly right dear," he sprained). would not be able to get out of the', + law, i returned just as Celeste brought the | of \ngorciand. dear! 1 shonld|burning car; how brave the men| ay no act figures are | Modern and Most Sanitary tea. I never let the hotel serve tes. Inrobably have felt-just the same had | Were. even those who were terribly nowy. i ia et 'F, : - -- Lt seemed so much more home-like {yoy heen on the train. When we are|barned. He Susned Jhore human, 1600 American Women are in mufition | . actory ts an anada 'Major-Gen. Henry A. Greene, re-|'0 have Celeste serve it. very much interested we do not care | Ore concerned for others than ever|f,ciories , J A dull flush eovered Mrs. Collins' I had known him te be. He was very \ : i # Cleanliness is the watchword:at McCormick's = cently relieved of command of the £ to take the public into our econ- 0 Mis owacki, 6 nt | + Gol Ninety-first U.S. national army divi-|face. 1 saw she was annoyed, angry. fidence." lovable in Ris softened mood, ia Lp | the building is pure white, bothtinside and out, sion, has heen assigned to command it raised my spirits immensely, To "No, indeed! and you don't think please let me call a doctor," Ij _'w © EE rican diploma st and is kept immaculately clean, thoroughly sani- * the Philippine department of the [think that a ttie country brec it was because 1 didn't care enough, | Urged, "you may 'be more seriously ah i ois tary and pe ectly ventila ed-throughou! nd all army, with the rank of brigadier- girl could annoy the lovely Julia, do you?" y did hurt than you think." 2 3 WOMet Fount ve rh i EA i ; : ) the wom celand have | employees--both men and women--are dressed in general. shake her poise, was to say the least, ony A and y Bat = . ela % ¢ . . encouraging. No, dear, 1 understand you bet-{ . «ng and if I had heen I should)®mbar ' BY ork, sar Ja spotless white uniforms. She left as soon as she had finish- [ter than you think." : - have been repaid by your anxiety for |!"¢iF men are in the Am an army. . For Women's Ailments 5 ed her tea. | thanked her again for For halt an hour we talked. The|,. It is warth the inconvenience hae ee sundred Ee a on } wor Sumicis Jersey Creamy Scan-are backed In sir . %i Drag st satisfying talk we ever had had a2 SOE de i an oh.) y her kindness, and expressed the hope | M08 . 4 : of a sprained wrist to be such an'ob J : t t I ie | together--from my point of view.. I ject of interest," he laughed as he|itens to be cont ir the sol | original purity and crispness. Order a package to-day, 1 Dr. Martel's Female Pills have that if George ever had another ac- ! ) id e . C =H been ordered by physicians and sold cident she would be where she could told him how I cared for him; Bow 1 sald it, and patted my hand; else I BES. ; : : Sold Fresh Everywhere in Different Sized Packages. n by reliable Druggists everywhere bring him to me. resented the implic ation that I 4 might have thought he referred to| Beiore the end of next vear the : for over a quarter of a century, While I was talking 1 saw that Jet. And font I wanted ue Dioass Julia Collins, and her interest in|[American army will need 20.000 ad- don't accept a substitute, look of satisfaction, of pride or some- | Bim In everything. told hima all f pip, 1 nurses, it is estimated hy the thing of the sort cross George's face | this without in any way belittling my- surge general's department that he always wore when I had held |Self. A while back I should have! "I don't want yon to suffer, but-I estimated that three women Vives of munition workers at vari W caders iu government GN Ag MINN my own with another woman. talked very differently, should have |too, have been very happy." 1 paid, | : of the Can t Parhamen v ants thro in 1 country are { work ng sert the delay 3 sai begged him to love me, and prob-|as I bade him good night. He had|have introduced ) am of 1 d ; that r in pr f ffrage amend- e ably wept a little. As I left him to! gone to had immediately he finished | gris lat re § it 16 the war work of \ y 1 Dr, | Har 3 . speeding up on all legislation and a gir <Kirts over their bloomers it it mpering fe ursaainy Natura) Eo Catara- Heart to Heart. dress for our tete a tete dinner I sald! his dinner. getting result the street ; of Worken restore gray halr to its natural color "Oh, George, you are sure you 'aloud: (To be continued) eer - - - on 3 . A RR RnR min. or money refunded. Posbiively not. a eh Se Soni hh ih ih ov ithe Gort fh he ge US BRE GS SNA A . - - dye and non-injurtois. Price $1.00 a CEXLY On sale In Kingston by T. IH. Sargent, everything EXCEPT sweethearts. Druggist, Princess and Montreal Sts, They seem to think that the sweet- y A heart business is over, because they (/ , are married, when in fact, the really 4 4 gl y LEMON JUICE TALKING IT OVER [fii te Seon 121 and Ory TAKES OFF TAN With Lorna Moon Be pass of sysiyoey | S % ow (JAOES housewife, mother, part, and if you | must neglect one, don't let it be the sweetheart business," said the Mar- .mphasizing cool comfort, be- coming simplicity and service- ability. No matter what the Girls! Make bleaching lotion " ried Sweetheart with a knowing if skin is stinburned, : Married Sweethearts smile, season you will find that appro- . . 1 er 3 priate style in Georgina and tanned or freckled "Well the trouble with most wo-)and move time to telling your hus-| 77° g Onyx Shoes. Err Tr TT TT men is, that, when they have been |band the nice things you think of pied tod do Syueeze the juice of two lemons|married for.a few years, they cedse|him." into a bottle containing three ounces|altogether to be sweethearts and be- "Huh answered the Lady-Whose- old In of Orchard White, shake well, and|come wives, housewives, or mothers." Husband-Had-A-Grouch, "When | say you have ad quarter pint of the best 0 ug The speaker was nice things to my husband he prompt- age frackle, sunburn and tan lotion, and| § a happy wife and [ly asks me how mueh money I want." t Somblasian beautifler, at very, very s mother of fifty. Perhaps the. Husband-With-A- 8 © ly : We had been re-{Grouch had reason for his remark. Ee a BERRA Your gracer has the lemons and , marking how at-|Maybe he was only a "nice boy" i" . hi any drug store or toilet counter will] # GE tentive her hus- {when he was going to, be touched for oe supply three ounces of Orchard| § § band was, and [the price of an extra coat. What a {Continued from Page 3.) White for a few. tents. Massage this a how unattentivelmean way to dole out affection! _ Major Grant, principal of Upper sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, most husbands]. sie don' ¢| Canada College, Toronto, was pres- neek, arms and hands each day and were Some men don t get much out ofl oyeg with 5 magnificent silver cup see how freckles. sunburn, windburn, hi matrimony beyond an orderly house.|gt whe college by Colonel Hamilton and tan disappear and how. clear, ; That," she ans- land regular meals--and any. hotel Merritt on behalf of Lieut.-Col. soft and white the skin becomes. | § vered, "is mostly leould furnish that! He didn't marry Biren Capt. Donald Cameron, Major Yes! If is harmless. ' Bj the wife's fault. [for either of these things. He mar- Crawford Brown and Commodore : a A Most women set-irjed to get a permanent sweetheart. Aemilius Jarvis, 'all old boys. pasa tle so hard, after|yet most women when they marry . a marriage. So few [hecome housewives, cooks, mothers, Miss Myra Dyde, Ottawa, is with - women will flirt or pillars of society--anything' and | her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. with their husbands. You see men Dyde, Johnson street, for the holi- are lovers at heart a]l their lives. T days, . % They love romance... They will have [-- = | Ars. Norman Wormwith, Toronto, it It is really that, and nothing w I Baim Mr aud Mrs. W. H. Worm- else, that makes many serious busi- Gard with, lar] street. ness men flirt with their stenogra- ar en Bul etin Miss Emily Muekleston, Kingston, phers. Just the lack of loving non- Is staying with the Rev. Vivian and sense at home." i Mrs. Morgan in Ben Lomond avenue, "Oh that's all rignt," protested|] Practical Daily Guide For Va. || Toronto, the Mother of Pour aitiie- Tate, "but cant Lot and Backyard Gar- fahe Thagies i Tig as it's pretty hard to be loving and deners Enlisted in Great. ments, Bloor street east, ined pleasant after a day spent in dancing er Production Cam« Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Hanna, Ottawa around after children." * paign. and thelr visitors, are leaving this "Then DON'T dance round after i week on a motor trip to Brockville Sticly Fly |r aes Will probably be muchi] fsped by tie Canaan Fooa oasd [| a0d Kingaion, Sticky Fly er for you don't, Atten- ¢n the staff of the Dominion Mrs. Richardson, N dle. Sold by [tion spolls more children than ne- Experimental Farm. guest of Mrs. Keahleytale: Manors rs gverywhere. glect. Give less time to the children, Use "Em AlL street, London, Ont. Miss Helen Drury, Montreal, is ' Don't waste any of your the gnest of her sister, Mrs. 8. How- a FOR WOMEN S DISORDERS . Yegetables. Use what you can ard, in Halifax, 2 " DAYS ATHMENT "FREE Se AVS TRE ! x d can what you ean't Mr. and Mrs. Willi fel a - ; f cortaly refief for all disorders of women, It applied an ¥ . . : liam Arniel and ad {ito the suitering tissue. The dend Waste Matter br the You may think this superfiu- || Master Roscoe, and = Mrs. James n ew i er em remiss songested regiun iy expelled, giving ous advice after you have toil- ruse, Kingston, motored to Hamil i ® hel Sid physica) re- » row them, but it is a on to spend a few days. i ' vo : Hef; the blood vessels 'and nerves || ©d 10 & 1 Rev. Frederic . Gill, Arlingtor r are toned and strengthened and the fgot that through carelessness, M . gto. circulation fs rendered normal, as quantities of vegetables are a8s., is on a vacation and fs with this treatmem: is hased on strictly his sisters, Mrs. W. WH. Wormwith 5 - $5 : sclenitific principles, and acts on the J Wasted each year. i r actual Jocation of the disease it can. ' - The thing is, to use them one and tins Sa aH Earl a oham not help bast effect relief of all fo . of female troubles, including delay. Way or the other when their Hogs pl 0 street, have returned €d and painful menstruation, leu- | quality is 100 per cent. Re- Huom Ottawa, : iting of the womb, ete. member that it is very easy to Mr) Graham's ils Thy 7 ed 23 Por box, which is suffi- let them go too far and then. Hl bot and Dr. Chabot. M.P. t A ' \ to find that they are on the a 6 sent Free to } turn and you ean do nothing $e The bigger Comfort Soap bar for the Yemen who will send 1 sore with them. There in such Mrs. R. Bulger, who has heen same money is pretty good news in these : : 8 thing as eatching them just .}|YiSiting her sister, Mrs. J. P, Lappan, days of high at the right moment. One of Jj Lan for the past month, re- : Kingston on Tuesday. the greatest assets of a gardgy | MeNamea, Kingston, spent lies in having vegetables of i ns hs You colin [| alert ends Gensiovs | MY roe ano "Owing ortho sae hundveds of fasts making more les Edith Carruthe fanman) RRR ing to war hu ¢ tories are now i dies main Carruthers at anvan-t M8 gan iums, and the premiums still offered us are too far under C _Mr. and Mrs, Stoart Anderson snd] BN : a nd are certainly too high in price, to be good value for you. ~~ inom = cottvas 2 Bammer oie) MYC BEELER TEL "7 T= 13g we will. discontinue .preminine. the summer months, 5 until after the W Zs now 7 wm Er Ty Insist upon a "Blachford" product. Fashion plates of latest Georgina and Onyx styles mailed on request. > et Bite Crelusively By WD ~ Hlachford Schr acturing ©rypany 2 Sherbourne Street, Toronto Obtained through Canada's leading boot shops 0 ev o's