Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1918, p. 3

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NEW HARNESS STORE We are now open for bus: ness, carrying a choice stock of Harness, Trunks, Valises, Brushes, Blankets, Whips, Ete. Also Automobile Tires, Repair work promptly attended to. Your. patronage solicited. H. Swaffield 76 Brock Street, eee | WATER GLASS Preserver Simple, Effective, ! ical Will keep eggs fresh and in the best of condition for one year. -- 20 CENTS Best's Phone one Drug Scare. 2018 SBE T WMS | SED HER. LIFE Superintendent's Wife Gains Thirty-One Pounds By Taking Tanlac. The following statement made re- cently by Mrs, Anuie Pasco, 57 Spa- dina avenue, Ottawa, is not only in- teresting, but altogether remarkable. "1 have not only gained thirty-one pounds by taking Tanlae, but I firmly believe ft has saved my life, and all who knew of my dreadful condition are astonished at my wonderful re- covery." Mrs. Pasco's husband Is superin- Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit. tings. Remodelling Buildings of all ny ESTIMATES 1" EXPERIENCE Address, 272 University Ave. tendent of the J. R. Booth Paper Pulp Mill I had been %othered withy stomach trouble off and on for about three years," she continued, 'but it was only during the past year," she con- tinued, "that my condition hecame so serious. 1 first noticed my appetite failing; everything seemed to saste the same to me, and I had no relish for food of any kind. Then I began to suffer from gas, sour stomach and indigestion after meals. I had ter- rible headaches and felt weak and sluggish all the time. No one will ever know 'how I suffered because I cannot describe it None of my friends or neighbors believed 1 would live three months, I had fallen off from one hundred and seventy pounds to one hundred and thirty-two, and got so weak 1 couldn't walk from the kitchen to the front door without holding on to something. 1 had to spend over half my time in bed, and was 80 ner- vous I was afraid to be left alone, and 1 could hardly sleep a wink ai night. I took so much medicine without getting relief I became dis- couraged and out of heart "Finally -I decided to try Tanlac as 1 had seen it recommended so highly, and before I (finished the first bottle I noticed a decided change in my feelings. My appetite soon got better, the nervousness and in- digestion began to disappear, and 1 could feel my strength returning. Then I began to regain my lost weight, and now 1 weigh one hundred NEN 4 $8th; ini to 5 p.m. volunteer registrars. REGISTRATION In order to help relieve the congestion on Registration Day, June 22nd, and as an accommodation to the public, we are open- ing our store for registration purposes every J day this week, commencing Tuesday, June i Registration hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 We will be glad 0 secure the help of | T. F. HARRISON CO. LTD | Phone 90. YY Ir rrrre 4 4 ' ' ¥ id Aiiaiaribiahdhd & 4 8 2 DAVIES' EAT FISH MORE FISH Finest Lake Whitefish fo "Ee Ew ae Smoked Haddies .. . ... and sixty-three pounds---.have actual gained thirty-one. pounds, 't had a touch of indigest| + trouble in six months. tite is fine, I cam eat just any- thing I want without the slightest discomfort afterwards, and my ner vousness is gone entirely. I am feel ing stronger and better than I have in years, and am doing all my house- work, I think it nothing but right that I should tell others about this wonderful medicine." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. In Plevna by Gilbert Ostler. In Battersea by C. 8. Clark. In Fernleigh by Brvin Martin. In Ardoch by M. J. Scullion. In Sharbot Lake by W. Y. Cannon. --ADVT. ORDAINED AND INDUCTED REV. H. V. WORKMAN IN A CHARGE AT WOLFE ISLAXD ---- Methodists Take Part in Ordination Service Held By Presbytery On Thursday----Newly-Inducted Minis. ter Has Bright Prospect For Frait- ful Ministry, According to agreement reached by the joint committees of the Meth- odist ang 'Presbyterian churches for co-operation and for the prevention Of unnecessary or undue overlapping in mission fields and receiving con- gregations which agreement had re- ceived the unanimous sanction of the Kingston District, and the Montreal conference of the Methodist Church, and of the Presbytery of Kingston, the supply of gospel ordinances on Wolfe Island was left to the Pres- bytery, On June 4th, a hearty and unani- mous call to H. V. Workman, .who had labored for some time as a stu- dent missionary, was sustained by the Presbytery of Kingston, and ar- rangements werd made for his ordin- ation and induction on the "crenoon of June 20th, The Presbytery met for the pur- pose appointed. Rev. J. D. Ellis, chairman of the district, and Rev. G. 8. Clendinnen, president of the conference, corresponding with the Presbytery, and taking part in the ordination service, Rev. Mr, Morrison, of Pittsburg, preached the ordination sermon, Rev. James Rattray of Tweed, Moderator of the Kingston Presbytery presided. Rev. J. W. Stephen addressed the newly ordained minister, and Rey, Messrs. Boyd and Ellis addressed the people. A good-sized congregation assembled and extended a hearty welcome to those who had visited the island for the solemn service. Rev, Mr. Workman has a bright prospect before him for a happy and fruitful ministry. He is a member of the graduating class of Queen's University this last term. NINE BOILS Kept Coming on Neck One After the Other Anyone who has ever suffered from hoils, knows how sick and miserable | they make you feel. When you think you are about cur- ed of one, anothér seems ready to take its place and prolong your wret- chedness. All the poulticing and laneing you may do will not cure them and stop more coming. Boils are simply bad blood burst- ing out, and the bad blood must he made pure before the boils disap- pear, Burdock Blood Bitters is the great- est blood purifier known. It cleanses AY, JUNE 21, 1918. PAGE THREE SPs ENDEAVORING TO PREVENT Prohs: Saturday, showery at first, then clearing. COUNTY POTATO DEAL GOING TO COURT TO DECIDE. Frontenac Council Asks Solicitors to Withhold Further Action Till It Considers Matter--Dr, Spankie's Plain Talk. - The Frontenac County Council is undecided whether 10 press the ac- tion entered by its Solicitors against those involved In the much-debated seed potato deal of the spring of 1917. W. F. Nickle, K.C., addressed the Council at its meeting on Thurs day a'ternoon and asked the mem- bers if they wished him to fight the actions for the recovery of the money the county treasury js short as the result of acting the Good Samaritan when there was a scarcity of seed po- fatoes over a year ago. It would cost money to take the actions into court and he could not say just how the suits would end. The cases were three in number: 1, Against the townships of Kingston, Portland and Pittsburg; 2. Against last year's reeves of those three townships; 3. Against the members of the Fron- tenac County Couneil who signed the round-robin for the purchase of the potatoes, Warden Reed stated that he had spent two days in trying to effect a settlemént of amounts due by the three townships, these amounts re- presenting the loss sustained by the county council in handling the po- tatoes for their benefit. His efforts, he sald, had failed, Dr. Spankie, the Wolfe Island reeve, who supplied potatoes to his municipality during the "famine' at $3.25 a bag when the "other fellows" were paying $4.30, made a fighting speech and declared that {if the townships in default did not pay up, the county council should certainly carry the dispute into court. Furth- ermore, something more than dollars and cents were at stake, There was a prineiple involved. Money had wrongfully been taken from the coun- ty treasury for the purchase of seed potatoes which the council had no right to purchase, and the people of Frontenac wanted to know if in the future something similar could occur, Dr. Spankie declared that tho money was voted for 'the purchase of the potatoes when it was acknowledged that something illegal was being done and when the price charged in Winni- peg for the potatoes was°exorbitant. He wanted to establish if the finances of the county ratepayers were safe when such a thing eotild occur. "1 don't care if it costs $8,000 to press the actions," declared the doc- tor. "I want that principle estabhsh- od and to place the responsibility where it belongs. The parties at the meeting which ratified the expendi- ture know the transaction was il- legal. The man who put the potato transaction on the council members was the member for this county, An-~ thony Rankin. He knew it was illegal and offered to seddre a special act to cover it. Now we. are asked to coun- tenance an illegdl transaction by those members. | Let them come up like men and pay the fiddler. Let them get together'@nd settle the mat- ter this very afternoon. It they do not, then I say 'full steam ahead' to our solicitor and let the chips fall where they may. First let us give the townships one mote chance to settle, and if they do not then let the legal proceedings go on." On. motion of Councillors Wensley and Halliday the Council decided to instruet Mr, Nickle to take no further proceedings in thease until it had an opportunity to further discuss the matter, Mr, Nickle said he hoped the Coun- cil would come to a decision shortly as the case could not be allowed to the system and removes every par- ticle of foul material from the blood, then never another boil comes and the cure is permanent. Mr. Geo. Ayers, 302 Gloucester St., Ottawa, Ont., writes: "I wish to tell you what I know about your won- derful Burdock Blood Bitters. In the spring I suppose my system needing a cleaning out, for I had nine boils come on my neck one after the other. [I quickly got a bottle of |B.B.B., and before it was half finish- od I felt a great change, and it cer- tainly put an end to my boils, other- wise I might have bad a lot more. I recommend B.B.B. to all I can, for I know it to be a great remedy." nn i ion Careless Shampooing Spoils The Hair If you want to keep your hair look- ing its best, be careful what you wash it with. Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that con- tains tqo much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruing it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut ofl (which Is pure and greaseless) and is better than anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough- ly. Simply moisten the hair with [{ water and rub it in. It makes an ab- undance of rich, creamy lather, | which rinses out easily, removing ev- ery particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil, The hair dries jauickly and evenly, and it leaves the : soft, and the hair fine and silky, lustrous, fluffy and easy to You can get mulstfied cocoanut oli [at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a fow ounces will supply Sery mem: i i drag now that it was entered. He would like to know the Council's de- cision within a week or two. Warden Reed replied that a decision would no doubt be reached within that time, The amounts owe on the potato deal are: ton, $947.81; Pittsburg, Portland, $549.33. A by-law was passed confirming the assessment equalization of the county. - The total assessment is $6,- 921,600 and the rate of taxation nine mills, an increase of one and a half mi}l over last year. This in- crease is due to patriotic and chari- table grants and to Kingston Collegi- ate Institute charges for Frontenac pupils. These road by-laws were read: For raising by debentures $42,200 for the good roads system: for rais- ing $14,505 for 'the county high- ways' system, including the suburban road area, the three townships Kings- $9059.28; Another by-law was read for thels raising of $62,293. for general coun- ty purposes.) These road grants were made: land, $50; Hinchinbrooke, $50; Kingston, $150; Kennebec, $50; Loughboro, $150; Olden, $50; Oso, $50; Pittsburg, i $100; Palmersto 5 $200; Clarendon, $50; Wolfe Island, $100; Portsmouth, $50; Indian Lake, | $500 on condition that the Counties Council of Lennox and Ad- | dington grants an equal amount, § Councillors Halliday and Truscott |] moved that the i ar | morni 25 | 8 { Councifior Kie asked that this || Barrie, $50; Bedford, $50; Howe Is- . iS and who kno wing well that for EERE ERR NEN ISAT URDAY A number of exceptionally attractive bargains will be offered ) EERE should prove most interesting to the many bargain wise women depend on Steacy's for their personal and household wants -- this store predominates. Clearance of ew York Suits 15 only silk and serge suits in this season's most attractive styles. These are quality merchandise at lowest possible prices A priced from $22.50 to $67.50 and must be cleared. Saturday, Less 33 1-3% We will have on special display our whole new stock of summer wearables ineludin Beach suits, gaberdine, linen and tub silk Palm suits, also new summer dresses in plain and fancy voiles, ginghams, etc., all moderately priced throughout. f " Lingerie Waists 15 doz. pretty styled wash silk and voile waists. Saturday 98¢ to $6 Wash Skirts : In great variety of styles and materials. Specially priced Saturday $1.19 up. ~ ( i, New Wash Middies 10 doz. of the famous 'Admiral' and 'Jack Tar' guaranteed fast colored middies, all white with colored collars. Sat. $1.19 10 Doz. Novelty Gingham Trimmed Middies, made of fine white cloth, in all sizes Saturday ... $1.48 J A. J Clearance Sale of Wash Goods 1000 yards of new summer voiles in stunning striped and check- ed colored patterns, on white grounds; all new wooks and worth 22¢ to 25c¢ per yard. Featuring Saturday 15¢ a Few Special Lines of Steacy's Reliable Merchandise Ladies' Vests. About 200 ""Cumfy Cut vests, sleeveless, special value. Saturday 35¢ 150 fine Egyptian cotton, bal- briggan vests and drawers. Saturday 75¢ Combinations year's price. 200 fine cotton lisle short ' sleeve combinations, at last Saturday 45¢ 150 silk lisle combinations, in full size; worth $1.00. Saturday 75¢ B® Boys' Jerseys | 150 boys' jerseys, for summer wear; short and long sleeves; all colors. All other trimmed hats in ors on display in our Silk Boot Hose 500 pair white silk boot hose, with double heel and toe and lisle garter top. Saturday 29¢ Silk Hose A splendid hose and comes in grey, champagne, navy, brown, black and white. Saturday 85¢ Black Silk 300 yards black pailette, full 36 in. wide and selling today at $1.75 per yard. Saturday $1.39 American P "Mill Ends" of fine American Percales, full yard wide and Se 2 to 1 Jards 5 3 Ra black and col- show room. :

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