Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jun 1918, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JUNE . 14, 1918. 3 "Out of the High Rent District," OComnor's Ladies' Exclusive Saturday Specials ! .98c. Boys' New York Wash Suits Correct late styles in plain white and fancy striped fast washing materials; afl ages, 2 years to 10 years. 59c. Boys' Tapeless Blouses No draw strings to break, in white, blue and fancy stripes; ages 6 years to 15 years, $2.98 Sample Silk Waists In fancy striped silk and crepe de chenes. Very newest styles, 98c. White Duck Skirts Neat belted styles, with pockets; button trimmed; 98c. 10 Doz. New Middies For girls, misses and ladies, Plain white and fancy col- $1.98 Trimmed Hats 26 only stylish ready-to-wear hats for present wear. Every hat néw this season and sold regular up to 85.75; navy, black, sand, gold, purple, ete. Panama hats at clearing prices. Child. 'ren's hats at sale io prices, See our new models in silk suits, $15. 00 up See our big range of sweaters and sweater coats. See the values in new summer dresses. 'SEE OUR WINDOW FOR BARGAINS T.J.O Connor 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 Higher up street but lower i in price always. All the sizes to 44. all sizes ® NIGHT SIGHT It's at night time that most people find their eyesight failing. It your eyes do not give you comfort for night reading it is a sigh you need our help and We are e quipped to give yon satisfaction. J. J STEWART, Opt.D. OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Opposite Post Office, Kingston. NN YY Keep a SNAP RECORD | of the GW.V.A. Celebration | Use ANSCO FILMS and Jet us print your snaps on CYKO PAPER. Sargen TTY YY YY YY HEALTH OF THE SCHOLARS CALLS FOR EXPENDITURE oF $16,000 AT CENTRAL SCHOOL. Board of Education Will Ask Civie Finance Committee For Money to Put Two Basement Rocms in Tit Condition for the Pupils. d of Education met on ight, passed quite a large 3, and adjourned for gree Fonglon ry means no meetings during #t 'unless at the call [ the chairman. The Board took action in a most important matter, that of placing the rooms in the basement of Central school in a better condition from a sanitary standpoint, wand also to better the lavatory conditions. The matter has deen much discugsed from time to time, and the Board feels that in the interests of: the health of the children, 'which is al- ways the first matter to receive the attention of the trustees, that there is need for an expenditure of mofiey. { For this reason it was decided, motion of Trustees Macnee and glin, that the Board approve of an expenditure not exceeding 1316,000 for the necessary lavatory and sani- tary improvements in the two rooms of the basement of Central school; and that the management com- niittee be instructed to wait on the finance committee of the City iCoun- cit and ask for the amounipof money mentioned to meet the gad me In the meantime the property com- mittee will secure all the necessary information for the management committee to present to the civie finance committee. All the schools are at present filled, and it is a case of making the present accommoda- tion fill the bill, but it looks as if Kingston will very soon fhave to have another new school. On the recommendation of the property committee, tenders for the work on repairs to 'Central school building, recently damaged by fire, were accepted as follows, the total expenditure being $2,119: ICarpen- tering work, Mr. Buliness, $790; tinsmithing, Elliott (Bros., $565; painting, Savage & 'Co., $764. These recommendations of the property committee were also ad- opted:* That the resignation of 8. H. Wil- son, caretaker of Victoria school, be accepted, and that Thomas Bonner be appointed at a salary of $1,000 a year, the same as was received by his predecessor. That your com- mittee be authorized 'to purchase a supply of fuel for the coming sea- son whenever a favorable opportun- ity occurs. on Discussion Over Account. There was some discussion over an account passed on. the recom- mendation of the finance committee for the sum of $185.95 to George A. Payne. The money was paid for shingling the house of the caretak- er «af the 'Collegiate Institute Trustee Lemmon started We dis- cussion. [He said he did not wag to object to the account itself, bu regarded this as an easy way of letting out work, and thought that the Board should call for tenders for any special work of this kind. He advocated an amendment in the by-laws calling for such work to be done by tender. Trustee Godwin said that any job over '$25 should be by tender. He thought this would be the best way, as otherwise it might be taking too much money out of 'the Board. Trustee Anglin 'pointed out that Mr. Payne had been doing repair work around the schools for the Board for years, and ithe property Jcommitte in getting him to do this work had just been following out the custom pursued for many years. Trustee (Craig said Mr. Payne's work had always been most satis- factory. Trustee Mills said he agreed with what Trustee Lemmon had said. If it twas deemed necessary, he wotlid be agreeable to have tendets asked for. However, in this *case the Board could ask to see an itemized account, and if the charge was an excessive one, and further, if the matter was brought &t of Mr. Payne he fol Ee. make it all right. he felt it would be a good move for the Board to have a motion calling for work to cost over a certain amount to be done by tender. Later on Trustee Mills gave notice of motion that in future "tenders be asked for on any special work call: ing for an expenditure of more than $5 " 3 Trustee Anglin remarked that he would be opposed to any such mo- tion. He said at the least the amount should be placed at $100. He would not want to be chairman of a committee and limited to $50, tin hese dave of high prices $50 would not go very far with a com mittee on any piece of work. Money For Red Oross, The children in the schools are cer- tainly doing their "bit" in the way of helping on the work of the Red Cross Society. Every month Secretary Macdonald has a most encouraging report to make concerning the work the scholars are doing. He reported LL that daring May the the public schools contribut- ile in on 0 1 for Red Cross purposes. : on ion of Trustees Macnee andr Mite oo was decided that the Board! | would adjourn for the months of] {July and August. If a An-| Queen's University, in appreciation of the resolution of thanks extended to hum by the board in the offering of prizes 'in the recent general know- ledge test. Dr. Taylor sald he in- tended to conduct a similiar examin- ation again next year, A letter was received from Mrs. Robert Meek in appreciation of the board's resolution ui sympathy in her recent Hopeaye ment. City Clerk Sands notified the board that J. B. Cooke bad been appointed a member of the board, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Ro- hert Meek. Health of the Children, Miss Jean McCallum, school nurse, made some" important recommenda- tions in her report. She submitted a report on the convention she recently attended in Toronto, at which the great need of nurses in the rural dis- tricts a8 well as in the cities, was pointed out. She referred to the good brought about by open air class room, and. asked that the board;| wheén it had under consideration the erection of a new school, make pro- vision for an open air class room, Miss MecCallum also pointed out that the time was not far distant when the board would be ealled upon to provide dental treatafent for ehil- ured who could not secure it. She also asked that the sanitary condi- tion of the two rooms in the base- mént of Central school be given con- siderition, The chairman referred to the mat-| ter of dental treatment for the chil-| dren, and gave it ah his opinion, that! the time had arrived for the board | to provide free dental clinics, He| thought that some arrangements) might be madé with: the Kingston | Dental Association along these lines. | He suggested that the 'management| committee look 'into the matter, and} the chairman of this committee, | Trustee Mills, stated that he vegard-| ed it as most 'important, and that his] committee would take it up. ; | Other Reports, | Inspector J. Russel Stuart submit- | i ted his report on the school attend- ance for May, which showed the fol! lowing: Grade classes, enrollment, | 2,471; average attendance, 2,233; kindergartens, enrollment, 227; av-! erage, 168; Orphans' Home, enroll-| ment, 36; average, 35. 1 The report of Principal E, O. Sliter on the attendance at the Col- legiate Institute for May, showed the! following: Enrollment, 414; aver-| age atendanee, 354. | The chairman, J. M. Farrell, pre-| sided at the meeting, and also present | were Trustees Anglin, Bateman, | Campbell, Craig, Godwin, Lemmon, | Macdonald, Macnee, Metcalfe, Min-| nes, Monk, Mills, McLean and Saw-| yer. | EREEEERRENEE. ---- i ------------------------ Men's Low Shoes "The Real Summer Shoe" 'Men's low shoes in brown and mahog- any calf -- leather and neolin soles, $6.00 and $7.00. Men's black kid, $7. "The Above Three Lines Are Most Popular." HEMRBNZEREREENEE Abernethy' s Shoe Store E er] OO High-grade \ithomiriire High grade does not necessarily mean, high priced, Reid furniture is built to last a life-time, but the prices are very reasonable. Three-piece living room suites in best English tapestries, consisting of full size Chesterfield, roomy arm chair and comfortable rocker to fit every curve of your body. ' A Becomiaz New Straw for You The men who straws in our store this season do so because they know they go out with the satisfied feeling that they have got exactly what buy their coma Married In Canterbury, N.B. The marriage was solemnizéd, oni June 11th, at Canterbury, N.B., of! Helena H. HaMan, youngest daugh- ter of Archibald Hattan, Pembroke | street, to William Graham, of Van-| Buren, Me. Mrs. Hattan is a former | Kingston young lady, but has resided | for the past few years in Ottawa and' Toronto, where she hasimany friends; | whose kind wishes! wil follow her to her new home. Mrs. > Hattan fs al sister to Mrs. E. Kane and Mrs. Ralph Adsit, of this city. | they want in style, quality and price. Men's straw sailors, 81.50 up. Men's Soft Straws, 50c¢ ap. Men's Panama Hats, $3.50 up. Ladies' Panama Hats, $2.50 up. Children's Straw Hats, 30c¢ up. New Silkk Caps, 75¢ up. CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers. meses) JAMES REID The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. Motor Funeral Car in Connection. UE TY hh de dh Sh Sh ob 0 46 co of VICTORY LOAN TO INVESTORS KINGSTON EVENTS 25 YEARE AGO. o Owing to .the later season, the spring wheat will not be a good crop. Fall wheat, oats and barley will turn out well. The Kingston Cantons trip to Os- wego was a most successful one, Bananas are plentiful at 30c per dozen. i ws Paipitation of the Heart and Nerve Troubles WERE CURED RY attention (regularly or intermittently, palpitate he would {and throb, skip beats, beat fast for At the same time (a time, then so slow as to seem al- I yin a perfect state of health, thanks special meet. | ff Is necessary, it will be called oy Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. When the heart begins to beat ir most to stop, it causes great anxiety and alarm and the least excitement or exertion seems to affect it. Many people are kept in a state of morbid fear of doath, become weak, worn and miserable through this un- natural action of the heart, To all safferers (rom heart troubles we would advise the use of Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, which by their action in strengthening the heart and regulating the beat re- move all the distressing conditions, and impart vigor snd vitality to the system, Mrs. Thomas Davidson, Mount 'Brydges, Ont., writes: "I have been a great sufferer in the y.'4 with nerve troubles and palpitat on of the heart. I tried several.remedies, but without any good results, My son came in one day and advised je to take Milburn"s Hearf and Nerve Pills. After using one and a half boxes, I am fully recovered, and am to your valuable medicine." Price B0c a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co. Limited, To- CITY of CALGARY 1% Gold Debentures Due 1st June, 192% Interest payable Ist June and Ist December Denominntions, $500, £1,000, Principal May Be Registered. Price 100 and Interest We have many other attractive issues, yielding good returns. R. D. SUTHERLAND Insurance, Real Esinte, Bonds Bagot & Brock Sts, Patriotic Investment Still holds first place as a In small or large amounts, for short or long terms, Price 9014 7, and accrued interest. Et W. H. Godwin & Son Insurance and Real Estate, 39 Brock St. Phone 424 WODEHOUSE'S He p ho Sah VA Wy Wh BOYS' SUITS We have a big assortment of Boys' Suits, strongly made, lat. est designs and priced vight, Bee our specials at $6, $7.50, $10, and $12. No better value anywhere in the city. Also Balbriggan Underwear, Rocks, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ete. ISAAC ZACKS | \: ~~ 1 4 4 4 4 4 LVIN FAVS USE POULTRY License No, R-TH8, Feed your baby chicks Wode- house's Baby Chick Food, and watch them grow. Price, 30 cents for pkge. For Sale at Henderson's : Grocery || "~~ 59-61 Brock St. The © English Demed, Tones and english the wh or em, makes pew Blood Debitity, Mental antl Broth Wore. Seapon HY Energy, potniation 7 the Fail Memory. Price siz or $5. One will ey PEt ol uggists or mailed in ir phy. on receint of co. New pamphlet mailed (rec. TRE REbicing coo TORONTO, (Formorty Windsor.) - E Aerie dh wie stmt i For Your Convenience Step in when pass | ing and sign up your|| Registration Card -- ARDWAR plete line of Hanson Refrigera- §} tors, famous for quality through- of well seasofied hardwood, and Priced out, finely varnished, compact economical in use of ice, from $13.50 ap. Lawn Mowers--Only a fow of the reliable Brockville make left, priced from $6.75 up. 3 sich Grade Lawn Hose w= Halt i inch, complete with couplings and tiamps, 50 feet lengths, $7.60 and up. Now. Partoction and Puritan Ol Cook Stoves give perfect satis- faction, are safe and convenient, | i) Refrigerators--We have a com.

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