Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1918, p. 9

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a DEE ---------- YBAR 85. NO. 136 PAGES 9-12 g Che Baily KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, British Whig | ONY 12 Pages SECOND SECTION JUNE . 12, 1918 : Face Nothing But Running Sores FROM ZEMA No rest day or night for those af- flicted with that terrible skin disease, eczema, or, as it is often called, salt rheum, With its unbearable burning, ftch- ing, torturing day and night, relief is gladly welcomed. There is no remedy like Burdock Blood Bitters for giving relief to such sufferers; no other remedy has done, or can do so much for those who are almost driven to distraction with the terrible torture. Apply it externally and it takes out the sting- ing, itching and burning, and pro- motes a healthy healing. Take it internally and it gets at the source of the disease in the blood, and completely and perman- ently drives it out of the system. Miss Mary V. Chambers, Anagance Ridge, :N.B. writes. "1 used Burdock Blood Bitters for eczema. I had it when an infant, but it left me. Two years ago it came back. I used doe- tors' medicine, but it did good only while I used it. At last my face was nothing but a running sore. I saw in the paper what B.B.B. did for peo- ple. I took it, and today I am free from that terrible disease. - Manufactured only by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. . Pr Fr EC y 4 YY Feed Your Poultry Purina Baby Chick Feed. Purina Chicken Chowder Purina Scratch Feed. More Eggs and Sturdy Chicks. For Sale By D. 841-8 Princess Street. Phone 76. adhd Aho A > b TTT Ry hhh A A A 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 hd dh 4 a Don't Take Risks strong, your liver active, and bow r care to keep them so. These organs dre important to your health. Keep them in order with If your stomach is els regular, take Of oron, stim needless suffering, MIGHT PROVE TOMB OF HON Feeling of Confidence in AbtY of Aled Army to Defend Pari. ATTEMPT ON IT UNLIKELY GERMANS WOULD EXHAUST THEMSELVES IN EFFORTS ---- Paris Well Defended by Forests--A Most Powerful Plain Against An Ene emy From the North and North east, Paris, June 12.---Day by day the feeling of confidence in the possi- bility of the allied army being able to defend Paris against any effort the Germans may make is growing ir volume. It is curious to those of us who were here all through the critical period of 1914, when the boche army got to within fifteen miles of the 'city walls, and troops poured in from four and six miles out, to note that at present, in spite of the recent repeated important progress made by the enemy, there is an entire absence of those signs of, panic. which characterized the week or ten days immediately before CASTORIA For Infants and Children \ In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of | fortify the system and Stevenson Phone 53 & Hunter 85-87 Princess St. the battle of the Marne, It is tally! realized now that any Question of, the surrender of the city is'fiot to be thought of, . ' No Fear of Result. Under the vigorous hand of Clem-' encgau all the necessary prepara- tions are being made to make Paris a kernel of resistance of the allied armies, and there are no signs what- 4 sult will be, t "Paris 1s defended," says one, writer; "it would be for the German army a gigantic Verdun. Before the to consist of a million men, could exhaust itself even more qu'ckly than before Verdun. This city can be de- fended by a minimum loss for us, while the enemy would pay dearly for every foot gained. Paris, if di- rectly attacked, might in a f w weeks prove the tombd of the German army, while the allied armies will do all that possibly can be done to save her from humiliation, They will not dare to attempt the effort, Defended By Forests, The Petit Parisien point out the Importance of the fact that Paris is 50 well defended by forests, and re- calls that this is the only kind of ground which still preserves its de- fensive importance. The German of- fensive in April, it notes, died out when it reached the Nieppe Forest and Carlepont Wood. The forest- covered heights of Monte de Choisy and Villers-Cotterets Forest have so far proved insurmountable obstacles in the latest German advance, "A forest," says the same paper, 'now constitutes the only sufficiently extensive and impenetrable camou- flage, especially at this season, for the movement and assemblage of ever of any fear as to what the re- J Paris front a German army, were it | { Howard THE LATE DR. KENNEDY. He Was a Man of High Attain. ments, It is with the sincerest rocord the death of Dr. Alexander Kennedy, on May 17th, at Amherst Island, in his sixty-fourth year. was the oldest son of the late Dr. Roderick Kennedy, who practiced medicine for many years in Bath. His mother was a daughter of Gov- ernor McTavish, of the Hudson's Bay Company. He was born at Bath on une 28th, 1854, and received his early education in the Academy there under the care of that well known educationalist, the late Dr. McGregor, Almonte. Later he attended lectures at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston, and in due time graduated from Queen's Univer- sity. After spending a term at St. Thomas' Hospital, London, he re- turned to Canada and went to Ann Arbor, Mich., where he was associat- ed for a time with the late Dr. Mc- Lean, a surgeon of continental fame, who had studied under Syms and Lis- ter, and who was a ploneet on this continent in introducing their meth ods of antisceptic surgery. On Jan. 1st 1878, Dr. Kennedy married Miss Ida, daughter of the late Edward Howard, of Bath. Their family consists of two sons, the Rev. Kennedy, B.D.,, of Cincin- nati, Ohio, and Sergt. Roderick, now in Jace with the U, 8. army. Mrs. Kerfhedy died several years ago. Dr. Kennedy had the instincts of a soldier from his earliest years, and held a certificate from the old Mill- tary School at Kingston. He was a member of the 47th Battalion, and could tell many anecdotes of old camping days with his comrades. At the outbreak of the Norwest Rebel- lion he at once offered his services. He hurried to the front and was plac- ed in charge of the Field Hospital at Battleford. He was present at- the troops which cannot be rendered nu- gatory by aerial reconnafssance, This wide stretch of forest country, and the capital, constitutes a most powerful plain against an enemy coming from the north and north- east." 25 LAGE STEAMERS WITH AMERICAN TROOPS A Glad Sight In the Mersey, Writes a Merchant of Liverpool. -- Simcoe, June 12.--Senator Me- Call has very courteously permitted the publication of the following ex- tract from a letter received recently from a Liverpool merchant, and dated May 16th, while the first Ger- man drive was slowing down: "Kt would have gladdened your heart to have seen the Mersey this morning. I counted 25 large steam- ers (there must have been more, as they extended far out to sea, and it 'was hazy), all swarming with troops from your side. The town is gay with the Stars and Stripes fly- ing from every masthead on public and private buildings, and the popu-~ lace are heantfly acclaiming the new arrivals as they march through the town to their temporary quarters." ------------ JAPANESE T NOT YET ON THEIR WAY But Harbin poets Early In= tervention y Them in ; Manchuria. Harbin, Manchuria, June 12.--Al- though it has been reported that Gen. Semenoff, commander of the forces operating against the Bolshe- viki in Siberia, is hourly in expecta- tion of Japanese troops to support him, there is no confirmation that these troops actually are on the way. It has been learned, however, that strong recommendations have been made by the diplomatic corps for the immediate intervention of the Jap- anese in the face of the growing Ger- man menace. These recommenda- tions have been forwarded to the Governments of the respective diplo- mats, including the Washington gov~ ernment, " BOTHA IS CONFIDENT. Liisi God Never Desérted Righteous : Cause, He Asserts, Estcourts, Natal, South Africa, June 12.--¥n an address here Gen. Botha said that South Africa would be unworthy of its free constitution it it did not recognize the call in be- half of the Allied cause. "To-day the Allies are fighting odds," he said, "but I believe in God and He never allows a § cause to fail. Even Paris fall we will not cease, because 'we cannot surrender our faith, our freedom." (Cheers.) Gen. Botha urged all fit to imme- diately enlist. He also dwelt on thed success of the scheme of obtaining ~~ recruits by substitutes | had first attended to his own wound- which lies between the present front! ©d men, he did all he could for those battle of Cut Knife, After the battle was over, when he of the enemy's wounded who were brought in. He often spoke of the courage and endurance of those mis- guided men. One Indian brave, who had a large splinter of shrapnel lodg- ed in his body, was informed that it must be removed. The surgeon regret ! Hel was about to administer the anaes- thetic when the wounded man, al- though suffering much, secornfully refused, saying "Me No Squaw." So the doctor applied his foreeps, and although a strong pull was required yet the Indian proved to be indeed "brave" and stood the ordeal withut a groan, Dr. Kennedy offered his services during the Boer war, and again at the beginning of the present world war was very anxious to go to the front, but age was against him, and younger an had the preference. It was for him, however, a source of proud satisfaction in his last days that he had a son there standing for freedom and justice, Dr. Kennedy was a man of more than ordinary ability. Thanks to the solid groundwork laid at Queen's, he was a good anatomist and had a clear and accurate knowledge of the pro- perties of medicine. He was con- sidered an expert in diagnosis. ¥or- ty years ago, during an outbreak of smallpox of a very maligant type oa Amherst Island, when but a young practitioner, he rendered efficient service which is still remembered by the older inhabitants, He jwas kind, sympathetic and ate tentive to his patients, and would sit up a whole night watching and nursing a critical case. Though not what he called a sportsman, yet he loved to go with his dog and gun off to the woods for a ramble or take his boat and go for a morning's fishing in the bay. There were few who could excel him sailing or rowing a boat, His funeral took place on Sun- day afternoon and was largely at- tended. His pastor, the Rew. C. 'Dixon, conducted the service and spoke appropriate words. It was his wish to be buried in Glenwood ceme- tery, and there his body rests under the spreading breaches of a maple tree near to where the writer has often heard him naming the constel- lations and speaking of the magni- tude and wonder if those heavenly bodies, for the doctor took a deep interest in that oMest of sciences-- Astronomy. COMBAT SISN FEINERS. Seventy-five Thousand, New York New York, June 12.---Seventy-five thousand New York Irishmen have Joined in a nation-wide movement to combat the tactics of the Sinn Fein- ers, who, led by such men as Jere miah A. O'Leary and John Devoy, have attempted to identify the agita- tion for the freedom of Ireland with anti-British propaganda in this coun- try. The movement is being carried York, 624 Madison avenue, which has filiated with in Am- erica, Ireland, Canada and Australia. Death of Noted : June 12. Senator 'Arrige | nce the. meatiesl oe and 'Boito, poet, on by the United Irish League of New | Trot, 106 branches in New York, and is af-| d leagues loca N 8, SERIES NUMBER 4 re CANADA REGISTRATION BOARD 1918 : CARD:FOR MALES YEAR 170 BE FILLED IN BY DEPUTY REGISTRAR tas) 2 RURAL DELIVERY OR POST ofFict TOWN OR CITY PROVINCE 3. Race? Speak English (E) or French (F) 2 5. If not a British subject, to what country do you owe allegiance ? 7. How many children under 16 years ? 9.. If registered under Military Service Aa nt is your serial number ? STREEY ano 2 ? Dale gf Birth? Country of Birth ? (4, 'British subject? Bypirth? By Naturalization? 1 naturalized, Which year? What place ? 6. Single (3), Married (M), Widows (W), or divorced (D) ? } - 8. Physical dissbilities, If any? . " 10Y(a) Present (it any) 2 os - (0) Wat Is YOU TOQUIAT DOCUDRLION Pree tssnsersseasnin 2th \ 7(c) What other work can you do well 2... -- to To TT 1131,an employee, state employer's name - CR) cinemas isnniisbabbasisen eter - Nature of busi Add : £8 OS Ba i national crisis, b your present occupation to some other for which a 1210s ny i if the De cored goad Da bod y? (W a ens return daily ? (b) Away from home ? $0 13.32): Were you brought up on 8 farm? Until what age? gv @) Have you worked on farm? How long ? (0) Are you retired farmer? (d) Can you handie horses? . - Drive tractors ? Use farm machinery ? (0) Are you willing to do farm work ? Where? During what periods ? Gi affirms that'l have verified the above answers and that they are true . ip n, Stora of Bogan WProcedure: of Registration On June 22nd every person residing in Canada; male or female; British or alien, of sixteen years or over, must attend one of the 'registration{booths located in his or her district, and there observe\the procedure explained below. } 'Where to. Register 4» Every person Tequifed to register has the privilege of registering at any of the public places provided for that purpose. The location of all such places will be specified in proclamations posted con- spicuously, ™ In Cities and Towns, many of these places will be open for registration pur. poses prior to Registration day. Where such arrangements are made, the local papers will supply full information. Large industrial and business concefns are being asked to provide facilities for regis- tering their employees. Where they do so business will not be interfered with, and employees will suffer no loss of time. 4 y How toiRegister The procedure:of; registration is simple. The questions upon the registration card can be answered very easily, but they ,must_be answered truthfully and fully, The card showntin'the illustration is a facsimile of , the registration card for males. An advertisement showing the card for females appears fn another paper. Study the questions carefully will be able t6 answer) them' promptly when registering. If you have anyspecial qualification, or feel that yous, services would be more beneficial to the country in some other line of work, say so, While all are compelled to register on Registration Day, it is not contems plated by the Government to force the sick, feeble and aged to turn out. If such persons will notify the Registrar prior to June 22nd of their inability to attend ata place of registration, an effort will be made to register them at home, provided the request is reasonable and Justified, . Remember the Day--June 22nd --Remember the Hours--7 a.m. to 10 pum: ¥ Register early and get your Certificate for your own protection, lssued by authority of Canada Registration' Board of BR trars----V. Braceland, 258 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario. Supetimenvent rg . REGISTRARS: For Kingston District--Lieut.-Col. W. G. Anglin, M.D., Kingston, Ont, For Frontenac District--William Burton, Harrowsmith, Ont. 5 For Lennox and Addington District--David Hiram Preston, K.C., Napanee, Ont. For Renfrew South District--John L. Harvey, Arnprior, Ont. For Renfrew North District-- Alex. Morris, Pembroke, Ont. For Lanark District----Wilson McCue, Smith's Falls, Ont, For Leeds District--~W. B. Carroll KIC., Gananoque, Ont. em Seven Delightful New Biscuits ROBIN HOOD CORN MEAL J SNA HELP IN CONSERV- OATMEAL GEMS | ING WHEAT FLOUR, FATS, CANE SUGAR. Has Returned to France. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoselton, Bath, have received word from their som, Albert, that he returned to France for the second time on May 16th and has joined the 2nd Battalion. Pte. Hoselton went overseas in 1915 with the 39th Battalion. He says in his letter: "I am glad I am going back. We have a lot to go through, hard times and good times, but we will go with a good heart, for it is the ones we have left behind that we go for. You have no need to worry about me for 1 have been there before and kmow what to look forward to and am satisfied to go." . Dancing Masters' Unit. . Chicago, June 12.---'"The French " the "Camouflage Waltz," and the "'Cantonment Canter" have isplaced the gavotte, the e and the old-fas te, it declared the many - ri Master, nal 8' played were the "War Stamp ai "were the "War a the "Airplane . : "damn masters | TRENTON """"|ROB ROY Which Conform with the Food Board Regulations. of 'American soldiers

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