Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jun 1918, p. 4

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THE DAIL WHIG fain b te their sullerings, it! able lo fix the lowest possible prices $ | 18, therefore, a matter of regret that! for commoditics--and to make low [ of the appeal tm "or at least small profits) to make due an- le through ing for tipe| » i manageable volume of A MOTHER SHIP. BOTH YEAR, -- ------ second best customer em ------ i ---- Lieut. BK. ¥. Carnegie Says That U- States, . deel the ---- Boat Menace His Been Conquer Journal, erican ' ed--Describes Dangers of Mine who advertise in PUBLIC OPINION ] Sweeping. i Watertown, Ny imes i actiarers 'anadian newspapers have - greatly ; n.2 g| wa foe < 4 z ' "1 believ: v I rerman sub- a -i relned ; about this situation, an eve at pete pi a ecent UTA | The Cana 1 market is capable of] Should Stir Their Fighting Blood. raid on Americas oe off the a 3 3 FE (Cliicago Herald) Ar 5 ul i . = = jerifl greater development along the Ireland ought t » another | New Jersey coast were supplied . Hi gril I * > game line quick look at Belgium and dismem- | either by a other ship or a large $ and jump into the|submarine similar to the Deutseh- i} 1 e EE ' \ bered Poland ; | FR ; Gananoque lost a good citizen |&aMe of beating Germany with more {1and," said Lieut. Roy P. Carnegie, | lirw 1 4 ie =] s b . zeal than ever, Roya! Canadian Navy Volunteer Re- and a capable official by the sudden -------- serves, to~dayduring nis visit to his grandmother, iMrs. (Martha L. Park- f rr death of Chief of Police Ryan. For Take Heart. (Toronto News) hurst, 224 Massey avenue. Lieut. thirty years he had served as chief This is no the foo despondency. | Carnegie recently = toturned from hE: 3 3 is on a two = See our $4.50 Panama Hat. ; : : SE police in the factory tows, fonder, oo, 7. 1 £ Heaven, the cause | overseas service and oo. " ing exceptionally "efficient service. of justice and humanity is going to | weeks' leave of absence. He left for - se chief of his abil-l emerge 'tri hant fr he Cape Vincent, where he went by / § Published Dally and Semi-Weekiy by A police chief of his outstanding abil-| emerge triumphant from the most W. . - . a YHE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHIN ; . ave olive - terrible of all military struggles. boat to Rockport, Ont., his home, - e BH Win r ty must have recelved numerous all military stn To wera iporty Ont. is home » cn See Our $2.50 Shirts, new designs in { ancy P.K.'s 2 calls to more remunerative and more Strange But True. before reporting at Halifax, Nova 3 . See our $2.50 Straw Hats, New Sailors. x . (Guelph Herald) n i Scotia, Canada. ing-Director, 28 calty g 3 Methodist parsonages in Hamilton : : ; ve = sre 5 but loyalty lo his home town Conference will go unfilled this Lieut. Carnegie is interested at a EE Telephones: out-weighed the claims of personal year owing to the scarcity of past- present in the Rockport Line, which PY » - : 2 advancement. A kindly, courteous, ors, while the [Angliean Diocese of owns the Mississquoi, the steamer -- PE Underwear Nain k, Balbrigg , Po As 92| competent official has been lost to Niagara, has more than sufficient. plying between Cape Vincent and A ~ by . hich he was a? Jf ) Knit Special value $1.25 per Suit. £0 Mies... rte Sent responsible positions in larger cen- 0 . he : : , How is 'tb $ Kingston, and of 'which SUBSCRIPTION RATES Gananoque by the passing away of mate before called into service. He Chief Ryan, The Greatest of These, Jas to served as mate under apt. i Ut IL ' 1 ] "00 RR A A en (New York Sun) : : Cendall, of the Thousand Islander. : aA . Lah 3 3 2.50 COMPLIMENTS THE JURY God |has granted us a splendid "Our work included patrolling, ||} 5 AV il i 3 Sport Shirts, Silk Co ars, special values One year, to U Pr heaton 2.60 victory and will help further.--Tho mine sweeping and scouting." he 100 LN al TIE 2 $1.50. b math cash »» $1.00 gated the deaths of two Kingstonians Kaiser. Hope 2 Schrecklichkel said, B i a transport i eon a i > pald lu advance $1.50 : i : Faith, iope 'and Schreck ichkeit, voyed the patrel boats swarm hi) . . - States ...... $1.80 last week, recommended that a gen- these three; but 'the greatest of | around like flies and the subs are (ALLE Silk Hose, Special value, $1.00 per parr. raza, eral educational campaign be started | these is Schrecklichkeit. not given a chanee to fire.a tube. One Hae Year, if paid in advance ..... {I Edition) year, delivered fn city ....... 5:90 year, by mall to rural offices The coroner's Jury, which investi- If ithe wessel Should be torpedoed, as y a, y ny ng - A -------------- -. R MONTR REAL RE ENIATIVE Bt to impress upon the people the de ad Why? the number of vessels nearby 5 ade. BIBBYS FOR SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES a. 123 Bt. 8 ONTO REPRESENTATIVE ly danger of imbibing wood alcohol. aronto. Star) quate to take off the men. The l- oT NTE STATS Traders Bank Bldg. In © enti D the 7's ver Why are the Allied forces out- 3 { STATES REPRESENTATIVE. | 10 commenting upon the Jury's ver- y @a ten in a war that | 202 has been met and defeated in FB Northrup, £38 Fitth Ave. New York |dict the London Froe Pres. eears | numbarcl se Stas in a war that | Baraptan wert: AVS defeated in For Young Men and Men Who Stay Young has now 'been under way for nearly be a menace' . F.R Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bidg., Chica : : it Er =~ Bvery now and then a jury 1s gather ro, years? It would have been "The Huns throw out mines as : 1 Th Whi over The AGtrT are published ed together which departs from| better if ever {Allied country had fast as we ean aweep them wp 1 The Ritz-Carlton Suit e inton stereotyped verdicts and adds recom- dropped all else, gone into the war have known of the patrol to whieh $27 50 3 2 $20.00 . u ards re ralue Such ani in force, and ended it I was attached orking all day Attached is one of the best go | Werdations of real value, Such an -- ag Wor ad 3 ng offices in Canada. one inquired into the death of a King- T i Jlong from. five in ithe morning +o $28.50 : $22.50 Thorough. five at might, and when we finished 5 $30.00 $25.00 The Srenintion of ol BRITISH ston man, found that wood alcohol 3 , (Chicago Tribune) horoush | there was not a mine to be picked wHiG thentionted he had been drunk and recommended The Germans are yery thorough up.. The next morning at five in the v have t} ~ or ry ite bi ry 3 g . : . that the public be warned of the dan- They IRV thoroughly on ed the | go two or three miles of mine- civilized world into 4 single enemy. sweeping we have picked wu as : ~ ger, Not until they are thoroughly de-|° SH let ip F several ver eh feated will the world b come again | MANY as five and six mines. Searo or severa years, deaths from|feated wi ne iwor adh Sat lights were sweeping those waters Ii ' ' Men's and Boys' Wear Store PA ee te The Guelph Mercury discusses the . an a been | @ Place iof decent men and women to all night long and still the Huns | question, "Who Started the War?" | Wood alcohol drinking have live in : % : e . i 4 i - We are more interested fn learning common occurrences; every one has % 4 Planted those imines during that : 2 reg > ally _ short time. who is going to end it, and when. read of them in the daily press, yet| The Strong Arm of Labor. ao comparatively few are aware that Pos' Boston Globe) ; ' Er um : = 1 'or behind the effectiveness of | fet ary in the y iscay and g > bE this form of alcofiol is & deadly ofs- Eo nk SlivoR ia ebruary in the Bay of Biscay an Ontario is entirely dependent on aglry the anti-submarine measures is an- a U-boat picked her off. The 2 | 'WX were convoying @a vessel in the United States for its coal supply, |on and one which is not difficult tof other marine ally: the musical clink lor 49 men were saved to the last Every consumer should during the|Purchase. It is time for the govern-| of the cgulking-iron, the rattle of man, however. The sub did not Summer put in the maximum permit-| ment to make known the fact by an|the rivet machine. Not only are the come to the surface and we never advertising = campai hict yin] Allled navies beating the submarine, saw her. Even the Huns, however, ted, namely 70 per cent. of his nor-|® R Sampaigy ae wil put the shipyards of more than half | 50 beginning to admit that the U- reach everyone, and which will state ine world are working double shifts boat is losing its effectiveness with TNA A At A i rid TTY YY YY YY mal requirements, the truth simply and in language] to the same purpose. the precautions taken by the Allies. The Civic Employees' Union in To-| that cannot be misunderstood. | Ten 1 Bos For Old M Lieut, Carnegie "has seen five Tonto threatens a general strike un-| There is more temptatio -day tie Ashes For Old Man. , | Tuonths' active service. He was in | ' 8 9 Smpfation to-day Kitchener, June 10.--Henry | 1he Canadian navy one 'month be- | , 4 less the city council holds a special | than ever before for the man or WO-| Reeves, aged sixty, inmate of the fore being assighéd to service in ge Oven meeting and acceds to their demands. | man addicted to liquor to test wood| House of Refuge, who pleaded guilty European waters. He was 'engaged : 11a to a charge of assault against a girl, for the most part in operations near With Star Drilled Burners and Lar Se Is Winnipeg's unhappy experience to|aicohol, The favorite = intoxicants, 3 was sentenced by Magistrate Weir to Plysnouth and Davenport and once with Glass Door -- Complete $9.00. be repeated in Toronto? whiskey, brandy, gin, ete, are no Pea : YB r : tWo years in Portsmouth penitentiary during a mine-sweeping haul picked , bse easily obtained, and substitutes are and ten lashes after thirty days' in up eight Gerfiah imines. ' The latest rivet-driving record gaining in favor. Jamaica ginger is prison. The prisoner wept and pro- He is the soh of Mr. and Mrs. B U N T oy John 1A. Sarnegle of Rockport, Ont., | : goes to Belfast. In a 'nine-hour day on the prohibited lst, bit bay punt] mised he would not do & similar deed John Omir, a workman, drove 12,209 and wood alcohol can be bought and | @8ain, and has u umber cerlfioate. Phone 388 Hardware King St. rivets into a standard ship, using are intoxicating enough to satisty any| cam rer Sh over two and a half tons of metal. craving; the fact that they are dan. a From reliable seed houses, in oe A . bulk. America shipyards will have to speed BOroys in the extreme is overlooked. | $ package. and tf % e IN p up to beat John. The recommendation of the Kingston 1 1 aan tele Jose Firat Round; sat Sf B alo Also a tow Dutel bulbs, for Asm jury, if carried out, might be instru- inp ing ymes ~~ pEOpTE of Quebec Province lost at the one ing spring blossoming. 3 ' 4 The United Kingdom Placed 1 | mental in saving dogens of lives, { first Hine in the attack on the con- service during May nearly 200,000 which would justify the expense in- stitutionality of the provineial anti- ETOSS tons of new shipping, a large curred at any time, but especially , M treating law when Hustice Codetre : or d e % rej > 2 law increase over any previous month, when the conservation of human life OBEYING ORDERS oh judgment - dec dim, Fi . The threatened menace of the U-boat i$ so vital to the nations which are . The soldier's. told 'ch ahead. 'and ches, | the writ of prohibition brought by|Srydenfiam Lake, main line Canadian disappears in the presence of such a 4 / i ; © soldier's told to march a ead, and marches, » Cambridge Caf Northern Rallway, Ottawa to Toronto, being drained by the war. Prohibi- With unhalting tread. to meet his faté: he - doesn't | the owners of the Cambrid Be CRIS 10 | completely Traber: five bed-rooms, ; restrain prosecution from proceeding with large DRUG STORE performances, tionists Should be she first to protect] say, "Let's argue this; to me therd'd domething seems | comumodious lounge-room, Stone fire~piace, dining-room, kitchen, : a ss: lot's sit | before a police judge. ts those whose® lives the organized bar amiss; let's get it straight. Oh, colonel, let us sit| IR i cellars, duh "1 € The British minister of labor an- was said to be destroying down here, and thresh it out for half a year, its cons | kas cool ke four mudah over. } ASF Princess SL, = Phone 848 nounces that girls will be employed a8 g ' and pros; if you can prove your orders wise, you'll| ws ling" Real Estat Bfty feet frontage on the Inke, about ; g k as aviators in the flying corps. And i A a if Sg° me dike a yearling rise, and swat the foes. I have Thru ot june Adrertinios 18 fm iar pan ke Rat Ari A SHIT there 16.in 0 dn h SOME RETAIL PROBLEMS. i 5 some maps we both may scan, and if I should endorse, 0 Eh small that it is NOt. To- | Nove WHS lore and Hox ni lee house Are people In Canada who The merchant, in war times, is in your plan, I shall obey: but if I find your wires are| bered afterward at 1. No |™ith cold storage, large sing! denounce the government because : ! crossed, and if your plans should prove a frost, whY, | maxi red a Sorswary Ba t can | Anex, concrete walks, fine #t has-conscripted the manhood of the : maximum or minimum amount can fier from rockodrilied' ao the national service--not quite un- he bon ' then, good day! The soldie ps at; " eh ¢ country! der military routine, it is true, but He Foals vor Thome Soldior Joes Jat talk heats fie fixed in advance, pf Sou se. i for lauuches And skiff; one ecdn 3 with duties and obligations no more id lute, and goes where he is told to go, perhaps to face a that sould ba done, the nk - 4 ah Try it for Breakfast ! en st ete - § A > > B y k ? " There is a call for more nurses at| 0 be disregarded than are those of frenzied foe, ang Shoot a peut. And we old boys who, oblem to require any considera- home which charms on sight, We were fortunate in hav. the front. No Chnadian woman who | the Private in the ranks. os debt o prover 3 pi oh rind and pisht, it | tion whatever. The important fact ing a good supply of coffee on : He is-a civilian officer of the Washington oficial cron. ait We're 101d to 40, |ieYhat the resalt te cuem i the adver- hand when the duty was put on is trained for this work of mercy = 4 ; nd then obey. It is tising is reasonably adequate to sell our should 'to-day shirk her responsi- commisary department, whose mis- not ours to reason w 0 eut out p jong 4 3 and will continue bility, The appeal for help £ lok sion is to attend to the 'needs of the let us like soldiers play the game: it is enough that orders came from Uncle . . J and M ha s pp Pp from sie home folks--to gee that their me-{5am. They say to, me, "Cut out the wheat"; and this command I do not As a result of what is believed to wlneniins ava A oc and wounded Canadian soldiers cossary supplies ire. avallablo. 'ts meet with windy: spiel; 1 chew no cheap, disloyal rag; 1 merely take a bur-| have beén the torpedoing of the According to statistics published Blend v p lap bag, and buy corn meal They say 8 al, ch hospital ship Konningen Re-| in the Vienna Zeit 0.000 persons At P Lb 40c¢ Per . should meet with ready response, 3] them, and that they are protected in| that I may buy another bond; 1 soak the : ests from me | gentes the Rotterdam Lloyd Co. an. in Budapst are barefoot, owing to : . The Importation of luxuries into | the qualities of those supplies and in| rise; I spring no Wherefores and no whys, nounced suspension of service, the scarcity of shoes. for the present. Roasted on the Premises. Canada is to he iderabl fot-| the prices they must pay for them. . Sms pn OD tha wh wo cu sees]. He Ta oc fo Be pion. ; WALT MASON. '(NESNNRENNNSRNNRNNNRENERRNNSEEE Ground. Hose, 2 His store must stand as an effectual ~~ Jas. REDDEN & Co. well get along without luxuries. Isn't it about time that we realized |°heck upon any other merchant who , a ; that we are at war and that we must| Might be inclined to take advantage THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN --} ® : . Phones 20 and 900. be prepared to make unusual sacri-|Of changing market conditions by SN : By GENE BYRNES S demanding excessive profits. One " » nN é alivas we mo ' flees? vi 3 merchant of uanshakable moral ---- sien ns German troops are now sald to hel courage in any community could operating in Siberia. The serions- | Veto any general programme of pre- Hac - mo TTY TY YY 'Beas of the situation' in the far east|fittoering that might be entered up-~ . i 4 must be apparent to each of the Al-| om by rival merchants. Fortunately . WEHAVE A ; 4 Hed nations. According to the To-| merchants who have built up their IM AFRAID POP | SNEAKED . : klo correspondent of the London|stores through service, through en- Poo OUT THIS AFTERMOOM | on) as Los WITHOUT DOMG MAMMA'S LIMITED SUPPLY Daily Express, Japan is preparing tof terprise and through advertising are HAS LOST HIS take action, : » ns eager to guard their prestige and REA ERRANDS AND PLAYED 2 sec mi i future prosperity even to the point Po Ld AND WAS % \ The recent launching of an Ameri-| ot sacriticing their possible legiti- LATE FOR SUPPER! : : : i an ship twenty-seven days after the| mate profit in war times. For they PLEASE GIVE MEA | % There is no footwear that will give you as gm keel plates were laid was @ subject of} recognize that the burden placed up- LICKING | DESERVE IT] favorable and Widespread comment. {on the people is heavy, and that as : i much real value for your. money as 2 Britain, however, establishes another merchants they must carry their) BN ; Si | WHITE CANVAS PUMPS OR SHOES uw record. The controller-general of | part of it. i Few tnerchants will realize nor- mal, peace time profits for the fg y : # i : period of the war. Those who try| 4 ; &5 ' 1s Pumps . -. $3.00 to $6.00 to win excessive profits will go out ; ! A of 7 : i : : White Shoes - $4.00 to $6.00 Of business, never to re-enter it with BB - : ; : " : : Cs ny ss R I I prestige or credit. Those who : 3 ; the common good will build common good-will --and wil}

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