Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1918, p. 8

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4 ¥ i i | | | | | Suitable Uniforms for Officers Can be secured only from tailors, experi- enced in making army clothing. Livingston has an international reputa- tion for making military uniforms that meet the standard regulations. We have riot only outfitted a very large percentage of the officers in number three district, but are regularly supplying uni- forms for officers in the other districts. In every Livingston made uniform we guarantee there is fit, comfort and effect, and the best materials obtainable reason- ably priced. ~All military accessories -- Fox's No. | Spiral Puttees, Sam Brown Belts, Shirts, Ties, Etc., Etc... Aquascutum Trench Coats. Livingstons If off our route it pays to walk. Last minute orders from the On- tario Registrar have been received by the exemption appeal tribunais giving absolute direction to exempt for the present all class B men of 20, 21 or 22 years of age. The order | stated that the military request te reconsider these appeals was there- with withdrawn, apd that the exemp tions be allowed to stand. iCapt. Frank Mooney, in command of the 75th Battery, was advanced to a captaincy * recently. He was {overseas with the first contingent, was severely gassed and returned home alter shree years' service. A new chaplain service is about to be organized for the different military districts throughout Can- ada. Plans are undér consideration at Ottawa whereby every distriet will have a permanent statf of chap- lains to look after the spiritual needs of the soldiers in each district. Fifty chaplains from all denominations are now being selected by Ottawa. Lieut. iRowbotham, Royal Flying Corps, was on Monday received at the Queen's Military Hospital. He had a fall a few days ago at the Deseronto' Camp, sustaining fracture of the left arm and left leg. His condition is reported to be satisfae- tory. Field-Marshal Haig's latest special mentions for valuable services in- clude Capt. F. F, Carr Harris, Capt, A. L. Lockwood and Capt. A. F. Ma- iege. Capt. M. H. Reynolds, A. NkC,, is detailed temporarily as eye, ear and throat specialist at St. Luke's Hos- pital, Ottawa. A Nursing Sister M. Birtles is de- tailed as acting watron of the Mowat Memorial Tuberculosis Hospital. Nursing Sister H.'8. Duff, A. MC, is taken om the strength -of Queen's Military Hospital. Lieut.«Col. J. W. Shillington, A. M. C., is struck off the strength of the A.M.C. -. Lieut.«Col. Mowbray, C.A.P.C., London, was a visitor at the armour- ies yesterday. Capt. R. G. W. Travers, of 39th Battalion, was & visitor at the armouries to-day Major A. W. Gray, 105th Bat- talion, visited the armouries to-day. Lieuts. W. Campion, G. E. Dingle, IM. W. MacDowelt have "completed their conducting duties and returned to Canada. Lieut.4Col. Harry Genet, D.S.0., late W.O.R.D., is detailed for duty temporarily as A.A.G. in administra- tion MUD. No. 3, vice Col. Ogflvie. Lieuts, C. A. Davidson, R. Yuill, A. A. McKay, HW. Wagner and J. - ash Fabrics for Summer _ Fine voiles and muslins in the newest and most stylish patterns, checks, plaids, stripes, floral and other new designs, includ- ing many novelties not shown elsewhere; | warranted fast colors, and attractively pric- | ed from 20¢TO75¢A YARD. 'White Goods for Skirts ~ Alarge variety of piques, reppes, Indian head, gab: dine, crepes, spots and check and vo a a a i P. Watson have been appointed to the Engineer Depot, Brockville. (Aleut. D. 1. Bennett has been transferred from the 1st Depot Bat- talion to the 3rd Battalion, C.G.R. dient. W. H. Marsden, M.C DXC.M., late of the 38th Battalion; has been appointed captain in the 2nd Depot Battalion. Leave of absence on compassionate grounds, as provided in the recent regulation calling all non-exempted young men to the colors is not grant- wm ed except In cases where it is shown that direct hardship and suffering would ensue. These cases are very few. Many applications have been made, but their requests could not 'be granted. THE MINING SCHOOL , ~~ WILL REMAIN OPEN Official Denial That the Faculty Of Applied Science Would Close. For some time reports have been in circulation, based apparently om excellent authority, that the faculty of applied science at Queen's Uni- versity would not be re-opened next session owing to the largely dimin- ished attendance that is anticipated. Principal R. Bruce Taylor was manifestly surprised on Tuesday i morning when he was questioned re- 'garding the matter. He denied the rumor absolutely, and stated that me the matter had not even been dis- cussed. He stated that an attend- ji ance of about fifty students would _ present, and that there was no reason to believe that the mining school would be closed. Given: & Mili Mrs. Ingledew received word this THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ] vely, all of the Royal Military Col-'! 1 At Griffin's patrons of = high-class photoplays, who appreciate an ex- ceptionally = attractive = programme assembled at this theatre last even ing and viewed with unabatéd interest] the great William Farnum at his' best in his newest production, en- titled, ""When'a Man Sees Red." Tui picture (ds. ongaf the. strong a most StPiki LE cently produced, and the acting of Willian Farnum authentic. apd memorable. The story tellg the tragedy of a man's soul, rile 'terribléness ot A ns hate. 'The death ggles of Sutton, Numerous staged between two humans. - Thisils a picture running the gamut of hu- the audience last night, was the cele- brated Japanese acter, Sessue Haya- kawa in "The Honor of His House," a story which illustrates the gradual development of a daring and unscru- pulous outcast, hesitating between the demands of youth and the call of the blood who is reformed through self-sacrifice. It teaches a lesson of value to mankind. See these two splendid pictures at Griffin's to-day and to-morrow. Polo Defies Death. Lashed to a mad horse dashing to certain death, Eddie Polo gives an exhibition of iron nerve never before attempted in moving pictures, It is flashed before your astonished eyes in one episode of "The Bull's Eye." You see also dainty Vivean Reid in the | fastest action seen on the screen in | years. Take the whole family and | see every bit of this wonder photo play serial at the King Edward to- night ahd Wednesday. Usual admis- sion, Barbers Quit' Early. At a meeting of the Barbers' Un- ion, on Monday might, the motion to close at 7 p.m. daily, with the excep- tion of Saturday, when ten o'clock | the will be the hour, 'was put through. | This, of course, only applies to the | men, the bosses having the privilege i of remaining an hour later. It means | that no person coming to the barber shop after seven ' o'clock will be ! served, | Believe Barn Was Fired. { Fire destroyed a barn owned by Edward Barber, Perth Road, togeth- | &r with a quantity of furniture which | was stored in it, Incendiarism is ' suspected, as an auto was near the | place when the fire broke out and-it | quickly 'left for. the city. Near the gate a. khaki handkerchief, with a number, was found, and it may prove a clue, .. f A. Mallory Shaw; assistant in- spector of taxation for the disiriet of Kingston, left Tuesday afternoon for Brockville to take charge of the work of the Department of Finance {in donneéction with the War Income | Act of 1917. 3 : # i °C. M. Hamilton, chief clerk in the office of the district repre- sentative, has gone fa Ottawa on business. ¥pliigs PALLY MEMORANDUM | Bee top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities. Sacred recital, &t Luke's Thyrsday, May 30th, §. pm. . Recital, Sydenham Street Church Sunday School 'room: stiver offering for Red Cioss, 8.15 pm' church, i BORN; WIBLOH-4n Kingston, on May 27th, 1918, to Capt. and Mrs, J. H. Welch, a daughter, DIED BOYLE--At Railton, on May Mary Boyle, widow of the Peter Boyle, aged [6 years. Funeral from her late residence to St Patrick's ehurch, Railton, at ten o' ock on Wedncsday morning for a solemn requiem mass for the happy repose of her soul Interment at Rallton cewmero:ry. | Toronto papers please copy. CLARKE--Died in Gilenvale, | L2Tth, 1018, John Olarke, years. Funeral from his late residence, Wed- .30 25th; oh May aged 74 nesday, at cemetery. | and the mosttsensational fight ever i man @ : vAnpther feature} which Prod Riera ap r with H#l late HH pam. to Cataragui igh Friends and acquaintances respsctfuliy |i invited so attend. GRIMSHAW--On Wolfe Island on May 27th, 1918, William W, Grimshaw, ag 74 years. Funeral from his late resience. Wolfe i Island, at 1 o'clock, to Presbyterian » urch, [| s and acquaintances respectfully | ten to attend. MeKenzie--At Lorne Island, Ploisburih, on Thesday, May: 88th, 1918, Mrs. 1 Graham - MoKenzle, aged i8 years, Funeral Thursday mornicg at 16 o'clock to Cataranui cemetery. (Please omit flowers), LYONS--At his home. 146 Ovdmance street, on May 28h, 1918, Patrick Lyons, aged 82 years. Funeral will take place on Thursday morning, May 30th, leaving house at 8.45 o'clock, for St. Mary's Oa. thedral, where a solemn Juienm mass will be sung for the repose otha soul. All friends ond ae ntances are invited to atiend. Kindly omit flowers. pel : Rochester, N.Y. aml Watertown, N.Y. rs pleave copy. RAYSON-Wied of oi about March fiat, Humphrey Ronald Haat 22 cahre oniv pra i TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1918. a Extraordinary Offerings Wednesday At Laidlaw's in Fashionable Tre £ TF In a glorious commingling of weaves and colors. that marks this wonderful showing of new sam- ner fabrics with values unequalled. oy Each Item in This List isMarkesd Far Below Today's Market Price. Beautiful Voiles In gingham, flowered and striped designs, in a complete and wonderful showing of fine sheer voiles on light or dark grounds in very pretty ging- ham checks, and smart stripes, also dainty floral designs. 27 to 40 inches wide. Our price Wednesray, 25¢ a yard and up. DELIGHTFUL DUNGARIE WASHABLE - Ginghams For tub fracks the ever-reliable zephyr ging- ham will be in great demand this season. Perhaps 'no other wash material is so fashionable and ad- mirably suited for women's or misses' dainty frocks; suits or skirts and children's wear. And such a host of alluring designs and colorings for every style of garment to choose from. In widths from 27 to 36 inches. Our Price Wednesday, 20c a Yard and Up. AND HERE ARE WHITE WASH FABRICS, ALL SPECIAL VALUES WEDNESDAY Lovely Sheer White Voiles for Dainty Summer Dresses or Blouses, 72 to 36 inches wide. Our price Wednesday, ; cw ooo 30a yard and up. . White Corded Pi ues, White Corded Repps, White Indian Heads, White Gabardines, in qualities and values most exceptional. ":F £ 3 ; a ---------------- ---- ro -- A AS EER

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