Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1918, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FUESDAY. MAY 28, 1918. _. - . PAGE SEVEN G R A ND OPERA SO --- _--TGHG O11 yo TL INCORPORATED | HOUSE rer TO-NIGHT ople BANK or TORONTO ri 4 ve Ihe Leople's Forum i Bend Ol = (3 = omar, a CC me OS Aa IRR WT i Presents : i IA Marvelous Photoplay in 9 Reels Caplin), $3,000,480 Reserved Funds, 56,355,208 | of Kmpey's World Famous Book | coNDENSED ADVENTISING RATES HELP WANTED - ---- FOR SALE, DIRECTORS: : Shord con | GOOD WOMAN FOR THE DISH PAN. W. €, GOODERHAM, Presigunt it oh SAL SPERSON. Viee- sPiesident. aL re ah eh half Ary; Apply anglo-Amcrican 1 » FOUND THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, Cos? HN TR i. ENG ASSIS - a. » th (4 A oF 2 1 ia Cont a ward, Mumm charge forl COMPETENT WOMAN 1 PARCEL CONTAINING LADY'S on week, $100. or lmes Se; WiladAM STONE J LT.-COL A GOODERHAM, BRIG. AEN PF. §5. MBIG HEN, nse; , SOC T WM, 1 GEAR, © PAUL J, MYLBR, A. H. CAMPBELL he Ati on, pom Bey Bouse. Apply at once to and ou box wf poksh, lets THOS. ¥. HOW, General Manager, JOHN I. LAMB, Asst. Gen. Mgr. " MM. Wilson, 109 Guee sireei . CONGR osanter SRlui dy. FORD TOURING CAR, $200, SNAP FOR 1. C. GRANT, Chief nspector. With Sergeant 4 i whUCE Ray adve sume by Oni gitlek sale. Apply 218 University a cr HELP WANTED IE A RE ee] 'nm wis omee He . Ts : to fo to the country to work. Business men are offered in this Bank the satisfacior~ banking ser- Arthur Guy Empey - Family of two; no farm Work. FOUN GOOD PASTURE, WOOD AND MIN. vice provided by var vomplete facilities and extensise venmections, A COOK. APPLY ROYAL HOTEL, 342 Write, stating age and wages re-| nD ARTICLES ADVER eral farm; mineral sald to be cars fmt S---- -- . Supported by Lois Meredith and Princess street. quired to George Niles, R. I. No. 1, TISED FREE, boranduwm. © For particulars enquire k Wolfe Island, Ont of 8. Wiliams, 'Verona, Ont. James Morrison. ELDERLY WOMAN FOR SCRUBBING, | Anyone finding anything and wishing to reac the owner may SMALL SUMMER COTTAGE, FUR- NEW YORI. BANKERS: The Pathe News and Comedy Reels. Apply Rapdolph Hotel, . FABLES - e ea EW. YO Naflonal Bank of Commerce. CHICAGO--First Nae Prices--Matince 10¢ and 15¢. " - ne | AMAZING SELLER -- TU & 80 by reporting the facts to +a tional Bank. LONDON, ENG --london City & Midiand Bank Limited. Evening 10c. 15¢ and 35¢. ENGINEER POR TUG HAY STANTON, fit wash clothes spotlessly vican| The British Whig. The adver- es fo ouiqns and meter boat, gal : 2c, Apply 398 i'Tiagess Biroel. without rubbing. = Promise to Hsement will be printed in tows boc pet. Phone 2008. i > Quebec street. Phone 2008, » Seats Now On Sale, ---- A AMAL eTeam leit orders with ren conts wil bs ini | column free of oharge. eho afi ost se td FIREMAN "Oy MALY samples for four washing ake "Found articles" does n. fn GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN George B. McKay Manager. ' EN met BC dollar an hour, "Bradicy's Co. || elude fot "aoe? oar Bote EE RunsrHONOLA AND TEN MAIDY WANTED, APPLY Win Ma Brantford, Ont. ¢ ne These, if lost, may be ad. Terms, $5 cash, $1 per week. CW. MM wv a ft Ss : . tron, Kingston General Hospital. ertised for in the "Lost" column Lindsay, Limited, 131 1 Princoss St P------------------ CADILLAC TOURING CAR, IN | PER- LABORERS, STEADY EMPLOYMENT J tect shape; new tives, vhorough nut) NO hier ian, Apply Buret overhauled; four cly, five ASHEN ~ Mon., Tues., W ednesday Railway Office. gor, $150.00, 0 Mills, 396 A : HOUSEMAID, REFERENCE REQUIR- Barrie St ed. Apply to Mrs. Howard Folger 1 Emily street, W F LARGE NOUR OF PERFECT, ATH. mrathiim - oe -- lete and Princeton Bleycles on easy SMALL WHITE AND LIVER COLORED terms; alse bicycle accessories. We have several cottages on Garden Island to EW SMART STEADY J. Crothers Co. Limited. eter ae sium ta _11¥ Uni SIX ROOMED HOUSE ON STEPHEN spaniel, with collar marked G. T George Muller, Bieyele Store and let for the Summer season. Good ferry service, in y "When a Man Sees Red" VAN SMALL mann EM en street, 'with barn and stable, J359 ¥ 3 Li Phdb ERR E Reba dh HELP WANTED Bright, energetic indy house- to-house canvisser to sell Intest household patented Imvention, absolutely new, Every house wants it. $10 weekly, salary and comminsion. Must devote whole time. Three references. Wod Mop Company, Limited, 36 St. Peter Street, Montreal, Que. resis Ki chardso n; answers to name o Livery, 371 and 373 King St, er ale " , SERVANT Fon post office, store, ice and the best of fresh milk : GENERAL SOR) ANE oat Al | ; Sash oaired intereyt Also : WANTED GENERAL STRAYED. SE. Frloe 3ias0. | Apply Box J nion and Welling co. B every morning. Havak commer ? Ses SLAIN COOK, NO IN ; RS VG sue rlayakawa BUBEW in, WAS 30 a Wve. Bi] SOLDIRIS WIFE DESIRES ROO Two "0X COLTS INTO FRED HEN.| WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, SPRINGS, ec J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. in 1y BOX it. 8. vale ut Wag Ot and board with respectable family. | Ws farm on Bath Road, three Ts raat ot a Par ary i * wera 4 vy Box 208, W Office, 1 west of Colling' Bs Owner To Tie te . 16E | Phones: Office 8; residence 874. Oven Every Saturdsy Evening. The Honor of His Seed dR Spy Box 203, Whig Offi Z ay Have Fumie be apo roTaes gud low chairs, | Apply 160 Stuart "»" @ . : | street, House ¢ nd A around, TEAMING, PLOWING, CARTING 2 ._ and * bundy man_for of a op, ashes And al general > rk. I id TO LET SMALL MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE # Apply Dominion Textile Cor Cate Eaware . id 2% 348 hung ' Can be seen at Christie's Lake or Phone 722 Station, at R. W. Marks' boat " - Vengeance and the 3 araqui St. | Micw LARGE ROOMS, APPLY 202 house, "Red Cedar Villa, Christie's William street Lake, Ont. GREATER r : Woman" FH FURNISHED ROOM, WITH BOARD, | ALSO PRODUCTON Zi Am AA ser | Tee for old lady. "Apply Box 25-1, | FURNISHED ROOMS AND A TENOR SOLOIST FOR SYDENHAM Ww | roems for light house-keeping. Ap-| GALVANIZED . IRON MOTORCYCLE - 4 SEALED TENDERS ress 3 4 ita bh chuif, Aj 4 he ndersigned, and f Te Surees Muthu BUCH CROIE, AD" | ce tsi stains inissios . nettonen | 2 4 > xd H requires greater effort on your the Li signed, & ' ; 1 Pon hy ¥ oR 181i, 197 Queen Si, | SECOND-ILAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, | ply 386° Princess street, port abe Farage : Just the thing part, so that you may produce Ome." wil rece at th e Cry, for cash or in part payment of new | 5 n That : re th SAT nn Mo ; ! ith, pr tS ----_-------- pianos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind- | FURNISHED HOUSE, ALL i ROVE- oF 3) Ho hat marily the. dares ruc central location. G. A. Bate- Ron Studio, 93 Princess street our share toward fe until 4 pin, on - re ard eding our . " MOTORMEN, RETURNED SOLDIERS say, Limited, 121 Princess street i ments; rave boys in the trenches. We has, for the Sol Str uction ED ant : with necessary qualifications will I man, 67 Clarence St ean supply you with the neces. of Northumbreland, Province « y on les ednesda bo given proference. Apply Streot| wiz WANT 70 BUY ALL KINDS on | WE HAVE GOOD SECONL-HAND sary tario oy oy Railwa Ao \ Jecand hard, furniture, i stove Ro MS, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH futniture, buffets, chairs and ta- Plans and forms contract can 4 Xai Er EAG TREE kx 3 pi . heaters, clothes, ete. We also hs ere] ) K " - . SEEDS ser ans And, forms of contract can 2 FEATURES--2 GIRLS WANTED FOR LIGHT, PLEAS evoryihing in the seéond-hand | td, at. 27 Wellington = street Dien: vil Duy aii, kinds of furni. will ant work, Highest wages paid. line for sale. 8S. Shapiro, 45 Prin. | Apply at $1 Lower Union St. Princess street. Phone 1600. you put forth the neces. Ri sary effort? . tender obtained at this Dr partment, at Norma Talmadge Apply N. C. Poulson Co. 265 On- cess street. Phone 1237. HOAG'S Drug Stere the office of the District Engineer, a Sq td Building, 'Toronto, Ont.; and on in tario St, city, ! V WANTED, HEAVY TEAM FOR ROAD LIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, |, EASY TERMS, BIGHT-ROOMED Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. ator to ithe Rostmaster at Co-| 4 " S T ' A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH construction and ensrel we | all improvements; centrally locat- hoase barn. rrard p tree ns tendering are notified that Ghosts of Yesterday baby for two weeks. References about' mine camp. State "wai ed. Apply 243 Brock Street, small frais Fasen, St, trees, will not. be considered unless Also requ red Apply M Harold Da- desired ae Grassell] Chemical Apply on premises, 67 Livingston » on the pring 1 84 He » vi Stuart st . Co, Ltd, Flower Station, Oat os ; y ¢ AE WE a Francis X. Bushman vidi: -- AT EAST VIEW PARK, A COUPLE OF Ave. Bargain to quik buyer. ro stating their scoupatlons and COOR-GENERAL, LXF EHIKNCE AND | 4 MARRIED COUPLE TO SHARE Al summer ottages. Apply to J. D, SOME OF THIS BIGGEST ADVERTS and places of residence. In the case of references necessary, Apply after! seven.room furnished house with lad g Boyd, 108 Plue street, Kingston, ers today sometimes use a iittle firms, the actual signature, the nature Beverly Bayne 7.30 In the cvening to Mrs, ¥. H. by June 1s. Furnace, electric | ' ™ ad like _this A phone call or ¢ the occupation, and place of resi- Macnee 143 King St. West. ight; gas; phone; hardwood floor; | Sh AA > RE. CLE postal Will Dring you full pares : of each member of the firm must in - . . nice garden; or would rent twe | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN tioulars about this department yen "Th B " GENERAL SERVANT, WITH SOME rooms with use of kitchen, Apply and dry. McCann's Real Hstate British, Whig Publishing par Each tender must be accompanied by e rass Check x ee I ng, far, family Box Whig Ofc Agency, 86 Brock St. Phone 326 wo an accepted cheywe on a chartered COMEDY REELS Ap ply 160 Stuart street. . Phone 2 SAXON-SIX FIVE PASSENGER . N-SIX, SE condition first class, tires te tt Sms F h Cut "He e bank payable to the order of the Min- : ~~ ster of Public Works, equal to ten > a3 TU. ONS VACANT. ¢ ' a touring, es W IS per cont, (10%) of 'the amount of tho, i de SITUATI ANT, | RENT OR WOULD LEASE SMALL alnrost. new; McLaughlin: ohe-ton t 1 hich wil f £ th | e ing front lot, suitable for garage; west k B MOF Ob ender, which w be forfeited if the o o . { . ANTE "¢ Lb hr v 'or truck, 4 new tires; E " i A FIRST CLASS MAID FOR GENERAL | MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO SELL | end. Apply to Box CM, Whig passenger touring car, condition Ferns, palms, funeral deslgas, floral | parson tendering decline to enter into! ' , i 1 tra . ob de i hensework in town, ms washing Dr. Chase's Receipt Book and Office, ob ira Sprays, wedding honguets mane to ordsr (1 contract when called upon do 90, "Over 9 Jemsewurh Mm a ape Household Physician. Largest good, 4 new tires. Apply Davis Wages pasa. Mrs, Grace, Randolph sale of any book except the Bible Dry Dock Company. : 8 or fall to complate the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the . 2 : » ry . chet ' Hustel Food will win the war and Dr. 83 RIDEAU STRE HOU Ny F. J. JOHNSON, Florist he De eran LL { 'ommittee Chase's Book saves Food as well rooms. also bath roam anc attic:| eagse DOUBLE FAME, 6 ROOMS, ALL US Brock St, Phone 289, to Becept the lowest or any ti n e7 MEN WANTED, ROAD CONSTRUCS . Sy nis Sr comnissen. and A large back yard, Apply 47 Rldeku tmprovements; ; electric Ught, INC ; ol . rie Rea BOM: pyre RR LPO Es B gsireet, NOTE--Blut_ prints can be obtained Wednesday, May 29th, Heng experience Pr rans sale of 200 bouvks. ine oppor- : et : | 12500, DOUBLE FuAne, ALY, IM. $3.00 per day. La. . 3 3 3 tunity for returned soldiers No | Quemioal' Co. "lish, Flower Station, plo [SEVERAL = FURNISHED COTTAGES provements, hot water heating, Pa 's at the Department of Publle Works £8 wy depositing. an accepied bank che a m My i D0. , ox i" > . . perience necessary, for people]s a 2 atts, tue for the sum of $20. made payable pm. ont. aro anxious to get this well-known for rent; facing lake: good fish- electric Hghts, "rents for $31. bathing. Apply May Bell Autti Ad A 4 4 2 2 & to the order of the Minister of Dubble IN GW. VA, CLUB ROOMS D Work ro é ol A . by ' . eb 7 IKKEEPER US BE GOOD book, Write for terms and exclus- ing and 179 Wel se orist intendin § Be wit 3 eg _ the eiiérs - the ommitiee A BO RR aT . t ive territory. Edmanson, Bates & Marks, Christie's Lake, Ont, BRICK HOUSES, "Goon LOCATIONS -- By order 3 es writing preferred Apply in per- Fresh sut flowers dally; funeral designs : . €.'DESROC HERS arc requested to be present. gon or in own handwriting to 266 ant. TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- hed Princess street. b fed, or Dart of farnished | MIG--BRICK VENEER, 13 ROOMS, Turn shed all modern {mprovements; separate and wedding bouquets to order. Out retary. of town orders given special attention | Department of public Work, MACHINISTS, FITTERS, METAL PAT. DRESSMAKING house; gt Jy gunve - bath; electric light, stable: central . M STS, h» METAL PJ cars. Apply Box : Office. focation, Baap f for a quick buyer. Dttawa, May 22, 18 A i. ternmakers, handymen and labor- or || A GOOD SALMON BE Ein, Slay ord " 7 asti ne MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, ty -------------------------- Canadian Westinghouse Company, having resumed business, solicits | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | G. Y, PATENAY REAL ESTATE AND ry b 1 KINGSTON - CAPE Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. ; -- i -------------- orders for fall and Sinter work dry, airy rooms; your own loek and lan VINCENT FERRY Alien ou Ried avon BE cara ns dlirhen Jon copaen P C , , 2 Change of Time Effective May 15th. At 25¢'Per Tin. WANTED A TWO FURNISHED AND ONE UNFUR- Turnips, earrots, parsnips, po- Lv. Kingston, 7.00 am. and 1.15 pm. tntoes. Onlons, Cabbage. Quote nished room; suitable for Hght PHONOGRAPH housekeeping: centrally located Natoral tone, with volume ad- Ly. Cape Vineent, 5.40 a.m, and 4.30 Pont. quantity sad price. Parkhill & Pwo round trips dally, Sunday included, é¢ " Co. : FOWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. rate reasonable Apply Box 526 aptable to Inrge hall or onal A tsi itn € 8 s y 0 o y Shdedddddolob db bd chants Bank Buliding, cornet Whig Office, room, Simple filing system, TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN. writer, With Knowledge of tvpe- Co., Lid. Dr Chase Bldg., Toronto, $1000 to $9000; lots to select from. i dbp d Brock and Wellington Sts, Pawerful motor, automatic stop. Plasy wil makes of dise records. Book your order for he Cabinet Ne Luxe. In use but short time, A barguiu, 452 toes, vabhage. aud Celery Ask For It. : t| THE SOLDIERS' AID | fi" Sil iicsl,coiaens|| eek 8 Apply ) | telephone; in good Jocainy Be. Bas a f Box 24, Whig Office - Dia enone 348 Save Your LETTERS T0'IHE EDITOR | COMMISSION ec ahh daha A has been incorporated by the Province HIS DEPARTMENT 18 ALWAYS Addr Ad Co al 4 of Ontario for the ist! wr i « bp purpose of assisting i to retostate diséharged officers and End 10 hear from any ons thinking HAIR. MOLES, WARTS, PITHNARKY n 3 V 3 g ' p all growths an n em. Why Farm Help Is Non-Attainable. | men in civil life. Write or Phone us about pW shes oved permanently, with. Kingston, May, 28.-- (To the Edi- EMPLOYMENT, a trle. fo help you. Out sefr; 30 years' experience. Di COAL CUSTOMERS Brock street Methodist Sunday tor): = Before the advent of present We cordially invite the co-operation Throat na" Dna Nase, t hi 1s : : Please Notice 1 COAL CO. : on er Hol rv » LAY Snth, inflated prices (say ahogt Jo years of the public In the Important. work of Bagot sting i ! y v { ners had no difficulty in| securing employment for soldiers who n ald of the MHbrary. ago), farmers h culty Jecuring cmployment, for, saidiers wh LEGAL ? A ------ ou I best of f hel Coal Sales will be for Phone 155. a1 335 por month. At that thm farm |*oFVice © : -- Cash Only. REEVE ; . produce was sclling at about the fol- VOCATIONAL TRAINING. -- T0 CONTRACTORS lowing figures: Classes for! the vocational re-educa. | Jb, CUNNINGHAM, BAREISTSR Nerve Specialist Hay, $4.00 per ton, tion of soldiers who have been so dis- + ance street va T 078. of axperience enables me w y Tenders are avited 1 Santalla~ Oats, 35c per bushel. abled as to prevent them from. resum- HOness- BOOTH & CO, F h Kh b Son wt additionni Tavators neeomme Potatoes, 25¢ per bushel. vided tres of Gout Sand i wtih, Tene FINANCIAL us. u" state by Phone 133. res ubar qation in Tui Sei apovements Butter, 16¢ 1b. | . support of the saldier and bls deed. 15 Onriton Street, Torents, and Colleginte Institute for. the Board Eggs, 10c.a dozen. ants A Heo pid 1 - ox i ned . of Education, Kingston. While the present prices are; To Pather ATCT a 3. gue we FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. Oranges Plans and speelfientions now ready Hay, £16 per ton. cw ye | MAY be oblaitned from WoW President W. 7. ice Re Ha, % for inspection. Tenders wanted before Oats, $1.00 per bushel, ET peTinignicny of Fauention, 1 cor resident, AiR Th: MEDICAL. oney issued on city and . Grape-F rut ' Monday, June 3rd, at noon. Lowest or| Potatoes, $1.00 per bushel. auy tender mot necessarily accepted. Butter, 60¢ Ib. RELIEF FUND, farm properties, municipal and IDR. HOWARD HAS REMOVED mis eouanty debentures; mortgages pur. office from 217 University avenue Ripe Tomatoes BE 50c dozen T ARTHUR ELLIS, A 1 E88, oc . Dowations for the assistance of sol- . e Ontario rout | Cocoanut Ofer, 165 King St. 1 0% Aveliteet. | yp other words the gelling price of |diers' families in tempbrary distress Shased, "_investinént thine, aE a St unual, | 10%, farm produce is now about four times! Will be thankpally received and ack- est allowed, R. OC. Cartwright, man. § and Whitefish, Fresh i Pure Maple Suse, QUE EN' S UNIVERSITY asmuck as ftwasihen. CL Crier ot the Commiemon | Ren. 57 Clarence St. Kingsion aL : ; Salmon, Had- $1ll i ¥ a DENT : > Hali | Low o farm help ($25.00), the Sarmer] Head , - . = x but and } Fresh uce, Groen would require to raise and 0 LIVERIOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | A. HE. KNAPP, PRINCESS Cod. Daily oo | ML di al | bushels oats (or any other produce in 23 paaton Branch: Fire Insarance Sm Tats street, ! | the same proportion), but to-day he which ihe policyholders have for | DR, Sapuox © ni DENTIST, : : | wauld bnly reguire to raise and sel) Bra, SE riaers have ; ¢ Princess and = Wellin ton : 25 bushels to pay this $25.00. dita, Shy. property, Insured ar Jowewt| | strotia Thee on. i J. R.B. b Hat to do this he our Cpanel, 3 member, toe, that to do on $ 4 ge, RE ] only require to plough, sow, harrow, ; : en ar dn n 3 Oat ay ay Fen, br 4 cultivate, reap, bind, thresh and bag Sheebrpbeh r a. Agents one 348. 254 Montreal St. "Phone io FAMMLARAVAY the output of ope ase quarter of, land RE PLO gain of p HE Ax horers piven Pursuant to -- 'chould Joseive ope Minted. Ea me rons having any gl i ee Sion the City rx asatin, oft of about the sec-

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