-- Sree 44404 Told In E + 1 br bo . 4 % 1577 ealth A pvasstion tor restoring natural olor to gray of aded hair, for removing dandruff and as & Rairdress Is not & dye. Geuveroon sised bottles st alt read to Cae. Philo Hay Co, Newark, N. J, FIN et agi YY YY Keeley Jr. MLO.D.J. for inserting an engagement, mar | riage or reception announcement.) | . 8 aah Mrs, Fred. 2, Ottawa, fained at tea ti nor her sister. Mrs, G Franckiyn an Mrs. W. St. Pierrg Hughes. 5.3 '» Many been those enter i ' delightinl gi who supper pa week in hot taking part have ot Those people (and they [ are many) who dread the 1 b ordeal of an eye examin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made by us, it causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- | fence. And We Use No Drugs. WATER GLASS Preserver Simple, Effective, : Economical Will keep eggs fresh and in the best of condition for one year. 20 CENTS Best's Popular Drug Store. Phone 59, Branch 2018 p b- Keeley Jr., MO... 226 Princess Street b dua hh A 2 a 2 2 a Ariat. Aeneid Sherbrooke Btreet. Railway and Power company has had to meet the demands of its motormen and con- ductors for increased wages. FRESH Creamery BUTTER STELLA BRAND WHEY, Per Lb. .. .. .. COOKED MEATS FOR LUNCHEONS Roast Leg Pork, Roast Veal Loaf and Macaroni, Cooked Hams (Sugar Cured), Ham Bologna, Beef Bologna, Compressed Ham, Spiced Pork, Jellied Tongue, Jellied Beef, ed Hock, Ete., Etc. Sweet Pickled Shoulders, 32¢ per Ib. The Davies' Co: Linited Eh Phone 597. EVERYTHING TO FRESHEN AND BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME Attractive, denpiE Tapia and reading lawfps. We have a full range of colors, brown, sky, blue, old rose, pink, and gold. "A com. plete stock just arrived from one " New York's leading decorating uses. mm Floor covérings of all descrip. tions, Rugs, lnoleums, oilcloths, ete, at less than wholesale cost today. Repairing and upholstord y done, ne Victrolas and Victor Twilight i: PEPPEPEPVED LIOLIPLAPIREO EE | i (Notice---FHerearter; the Whig, in]. common with other papers all over| ij. Canada, will make a charge of 60c| | Wilson, Napanee. * fi his mother, ii Finch, on Monday. nenralgic endship," «which such large audiences ny fat every performance. i * *® » this afterno Miss McMa a "dansant her guest, ££ 5 0» informal affairs have week in honor of A aria MALY this rie' Waldron's guest, » = * J. R. Rogers and family are re- months in Kingston. Mrs. A. L. Ogilvie and children, Ottawa, will come to Kingston, where Major Ogilvie Is now station- King- d. Miss Constance Nesbitt, {aton, is visiting her sister, Miss Mary, in Toronto, en route to Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Carroll and lil daughter, Thelma, and sons, Lieut iW. J. Carroll, RF.C. and Cordon Carroll, Kingston, spent Wednesday the guests: of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. » D. H. MeMillan, Kingston, visited Mrs, E. R. McMillan, James Kane and little son, Kingston, are spending a Mrs. Joseph, ii couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. li and Mrs. William Corby, Gananoque. Miss Irene McCormack, Kingston, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. James E. Bishop, Gananoque. Miss Arlene Fitzgerald, Kingston, gpent the week-end with Miss Lot- tie Storring, Deseronto. - * » the West Mrs. Patton, who has been guest of Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, street, left to-day for her home Prescott. Miss Nell Fisken is expected from Toronto next week to be the guest of Mrs. K. L. Jones, King street. Miss Ethelwyn McGowan, who has heen spending' some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CG. A. Me- Gowan, Barrie street, returned to New York to-day. Mrs. E. H. Marvin, Syracuse, N.Y, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wo Skinner, Goré street. RO Eh Miss Florence Richmond, who has been spending some 'limp at Seneca "Falls, N.Y., will be with Mrs. Rich- mond and the Misses Richmond at "Raoseheath." their cottage near Gan- anoquey for the summer months. Mrs. Jack Fraser, Miss Mariorie Pense, Miss May and Miss Rose Rog- ers, Miss Mildred Lamb and Miss Mary Strange were the guests at a, pecommended Country Club on friends." high the Wediie H. tea at esday. B. Kenner, Stratford, spent a few days in town this week on his way to Ottawa. Mrs. J. Langley. is Petawawa, where she while Capt. Langley there. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kenny and their son, Bawli, Alta, have been vis- iting Mr, and Mrs. George Young in Long Beach, California. - -. - Mrs. R. W. Brigstocke, Wellington street, has returned from spending a few days in Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tandy and Miss Lettice Tandy, King street, have moved to their cottage on Wolie Is- land for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Vrooman were in town from Napanee fo ra few days this week. leaving® for will remain is in camp Miss Kathleen Saunders, Alice street, | has been spending a few days in To- ronto. CoN Miss Marjorie Hague is expected from Montreal for the dance at the Royal Military College next week, antl will he the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hague, University aves nae. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Newlands are now occupying their summer cottage at Wolfe Island, Mr. and Mrs. Hague. Montreal, were in town this week to see their son. Cadet Hague, of the R. M. C, Mrs. Marler, Montreal, who has heen spending the past week at the Chatean Belvidere, is returning home on Monday. hi Mrs. Rohert Fraser. who has heen the guest of Mrs, D. G. Laidlaw, Earl AAS AAA Attra A {OVERWORK PARALYSIS Doctors Said His Case Was Hopeless Could Not Walk or Write Speech Almost Gone--How i Cure Was' Hifected. St. Ann's Ont, May 25.--Paraly- sis is far more easily prevented than ured. For this reason it is only wise to be warned by i headache, nervous indigestion and pains and begin recon- wry Joseph, Montreal, who is Miss | in | is j Cross, when a Sp a 1 Derived Have Been Marvelous. : | A few weeks ago when James | Benson of 583 Runnymede Road, { Toronto, a returned veteran new em-'§ {turning to their summer home at!ployed by the Harris Abattoir Com |Rockport, after spending the winter pany, gave a testimonial, which was | priuted in this paper, telling how! Tanlne had relieved him of a serous; stomach trouble, if attracted wide spread attention. His wife, Mrs. Em- ma Benson, now not only corrobor- ates hia statement, but in the follow- ing story of her own experience, which she related a Jew days ago, tells of the benefits she has person- "A friend in need is a friend in- deed," said Mrs. Benson, "and that is| exactly what I think of this wonder ful of my neuralgia aud those awful headaches 1 used to suffer from so much. . "1 had been in a badly run-down cond'tion for a long time," she con- tinned, "and | Wad such terrible at- tacks of neuralgia and my head ach- ed so that T would just take to my bed and lie there in agony for as long as four-days at a time. qo0ing through with this awful experience just shattered my nervous system so that I would lay awake at night for hours before | then it wouldn't be a°sound, restful so wretched that 1 couldn't get a bit of my housework done till almost moon. Many a time when 1 would start to get out of bed I'd be so weak and nervous that I'd actually faint dead away.: I tell you what I was completely worn out and my life was simply one day of misery after another. "When I saw how Tanlae had re- lieved my husband of his stomach! trouble 1 decided to see if it would help me too, and I can truthfully say that the resuits have been simply marvelous, I have taken only three bottles so far and that terrible neu. ralgia is completely gone. 1 haven't had a headache since | started on Tanlac, my nerves are quietér and I sleep like a baby. That tired, worn- ont feeling has passed away and 1 am stronger and better in every way than 1 have been in a long time. My i husband and I both think so much eof Tanlac that we have made it our family - medicine and have already it to many of our feeling Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. Chown. In Plevna by Gilbert In Battersea by C. 8. Clark. In Fernleigh by Ervin Martin, In Ardoch by M. J. Seullion. In Shar- bot Lake by W. Y. Cannon. ~----ADVT, Ae Ra street, expects to return to Long | Beach, California, ealy next week. } Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanson and Miss Madeline Montreal, P. { Ostler, Hanson, have gone to their, summer home at St. Agathe. . i | M few days in Toronto with her daugh-| {ter, Miss Jessie Dickson, has gone on! ito Guelph, where she will be the] guest of Mrs. Taylor. Ss The Bishop of Montreal was thell} {guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Cal- {vin "Rutlands," during his stay in po ® * i Mrs. Frank Besmingham is enter- taining at a The Dansant this after noon, when her guests will be some of Miss Katie's and Miss Norah's friends and a number of cadets of the { Royal Military College. * - . : Cadet Hugh Nickle, of the R. M. C., ison of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C, Nickle, is leaving on Menday for Toronto, Royal Air iwhere he will join the Forces. Miss Mildred Horsey is spending a few weeks in Ottawa with Miss Amy Horsey. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Lothrop have returned from Ottawa, where they i were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J H. Byrne, Mrs. E. A. (laxton is again in her own home on [Lower Union street. Mrs, G. ley, of Woodstock, is visiting N Hughes, Divis Wallace, sister, y street, Misses Clara and Harrie) Iroquois, are visiting they Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Broc over the week-end. Mrs. Clarence E. Emperley, Win- nipeg. is visiting her pardnts, Mr, and ally derived from the use of Tanlac.|8 would doze off and|S sleep, but I'd get up-in the mornings | § rs. UC. T, Dickson, who spent aiB Mrs. W. J. Chapman. Le tt street. Mrs. Roy Peaker, Garrett street, Was returited from a short visit in Ottawa, Ea Miss Edith Stark, Gananoque, is with Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Barrie street, for the week-end. \ A Coming Event. ~~ a There will be 3 Musicale on gues ay ever next in enham Stree Senda nt mn aid of the Red se taking part will Mr darvey Chown, Mrs, i Mrs. > ss_Hatiner, Mss . Miss Marjorie Uglow, i Miss Lois McKelvey, A.B. 'Lothrop. } MAY 25, 1918. 10-NIGHT AT SIE A | STORE OPEN UNTIL 9.45 Tanlac éver since it relieved mes A List of Rousing Bargains That Should Crowd This Busy Store LADIES' COMBINATIONS 120 fine Swiss rib, cotton lisle combinations, with short sleeves; regular 75c values. Tonight .. .. ..... .. .. ... 45¢ MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR + 25 doz. fine balbriggan shirts and drawers, in sizes 34 to 42. : These are splendid value at 75¢ a garment, or $1.50 asuit. Tonight .. .. .. .. 65¢ or $1.25 a suit. BOYS' COTTON JERSEYS 10 doz. boys' short sleeved and long sleeve jerseys in a va- riety of plain and combination calor effects. Al sizes. Tonight... .. ... . .. .. CRN ee eae rise Be BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK 800 yards bleached table damask, full 60 inches wide; worth 75¢ a yard, in mill ends of 1} to 5 yards. Tonight . . . 50¢ LADIES' LISLE HOSE 1200 pair black, white and colored lisle hose; perfect fit- ting, with re-enforced garter top and double toe and heel; allsizes. Tonight ©... .... (viii... |." 38cand B0e SILK HOSE 110 pair black and white silk hose, with heavy lisle garter welt and double toe and heel, in sizes 8} to 9}. Reg. 75¢. Tonight . . Io Taos Bane, Be | Steacy's - Limited : A ANA AA AA awe Cee ee od ee ee eS rb ns Ae | A Square Real Estate We Have Many Other Houses and Building Lots For Sale. : At Office.