PAGE TWELVE Sa ot HWHIG SATURDAS DRAFT NCHENSES : 9 : : i oH : on Ie an the y more are 1 hei es nd BRAKE IN INSPECTION part of a car that should be in" A-1 AUTO REGISTRATION MICHELIN TIRE HINTS. : VALUE OF MOTOR CAR| 7, 7,200 ioe he ox RE an : condition, and of the proper size, IN CANADA GROWS MOVEMENT STARTED 5 tho brakes KX thom Iaws Lan oe The Proper Care »f Spare Tubes are > . be passed, the object of w st Described. Auto bile Proving Its Value in ¢ t > 1 w il manner of An Important A As Stopping safeguard motorists and pedestrians, More Than 285,000 Cars Are]. 2 utomo g : Ea Sle y ¥ top , % . Thus the! - Glaring Headlights, Says but if the brakes are-not right, acei- Owned in. the Dominion Mr. Chown, of E. Chown & Son, To Business Men And Far- 1 ie ical cars wi i attoniobile i I ing the fume-} Robert Gray. 1 dents are bound to happen.' This Year. > local selling agent for the Michelin mers Alike. ' s more and Wore n sticeaivs as ftion of 01 3 ear and | -- 8 "This plan is right in line with Tire Company, says that the average ¥ the drain on lable labor: fremth leasnr 8 Hi tor wel Syecdas th bringin ont the pro- [the ideas of Gray<Dort engineers Lal motorist has learned. by experience a vities and + contres becomes | are y ponsidering in bullding | nat suppression of ring head- | who have insisted on brakes of larg- In 1914 Canada registered 61.058 | to take proper gare of the mechan- Fangio évidence. that the auto-lop oo oo a resull the drafi- th & ort--to make it sturdy [lights hub turned gitention' to the [er size than has been previously [awtomobiles. By 1918 the regisira- [iI of his car, but he too often ne- mobile is playing a eremt parc indy La n- o the arty. | a spendable yet light dnd eas necessity of imaifgurating a nove. | thought - necessary for light cars, [tions climbed to 118,388. The next |glocts his tires Ordinary care ace} solving the problem of labor scarcity | 4 r words mobile hae | to handle even hy women drivers: nient to prevent ihe possibility of }thus giving a greater margin of | year ghey nearly doubled again, and |e0rded spare casing® and fubes is. is supplied by the requests received "discave in these days 3 eso] Faceidents. dite to jnipertectly adjust- | safety ind dependability." in 1917 came through with 199,000 | good insurance, and "will save the at she Lirdy Port taetony frou deal k (SC ne or the "short (ula That] MANY USED OARS SOLD Lod oF defective bon : ni aad registrations. In 1418, estimates | Motorist both cash and trouble and £ that shipments he speed dally saves thousands of hoes of Eo pa Aa | Prominent automo police and Fuel Feed Troubles. Robert Gray, president of the Gray- |& few suggestions, therefore, regard. "These requests," sags Robt] on ine Without: Noticably Affoeting Sale of f insurance fen throushout America | While driving along a country road | Dort Motors, Limited, the registra- | ing. the proper care of = tires may mE! oF Kg touivhny, " ont New Automobiles. Ihave given their approval to such a [a local driver of a car suddenly felt {tion will probably reach the figure benefit. the reader. = "come 'particularly from dealers in "Oar inv fons _ontinied ; > sitiof 0f the new tax of | movement. Althonsh no compul- | that the motor was not running and of 285,000. For examp's, never carry spare farming communities, and they show | Me. "Gray, sé the fact that The impositio DF - 1i ox of ; 8ory legiskation has been yet pro- |its actions were such as to make him "For many reasons," says Mr. [tubes unprotected in the tool BOX r T ET ple ver cent op tiple a ¢ in. posed to compel inspection, the idea | believe that the fuel tank was empty. |(iray, "these figures ure interesting, | they are almost certain to egme in motor cars has had ue a cond h nr has had the endorsement of promine | The car was fitted with a large tank [hut their chief significance lies in | contact with sharp tools and: per- greasing the sales t wal Seeoh Sng { ent officials such as Arthur Woods, |8t the rear and a vacuum tank under|the fact that they fully establish the | haps greasy rags, or other greasy cis. It ja stated tha Just as Han, { former police commissioner of New |the hood behind the radiator. Anj|present position of the motor car as | articles, all of which are deadly en- fnew ears are heiug sold Rg sya, ha York City. examination showed that there was!one of the prime factors in the eco- | emies to rubber, | that the trans Of used cars are) "rhe plan of the movement 15 to gasoline in the tank, although very|nomie lite of the present day. With | = Exposure to strong light = and } much nore. numeraus, fo. ask every motorist and truck owner | little, The float chamber cover ofthe growing scarcity of help. due to | varying degrees of temperature is { Atithe present time there Is 8 "p00 "nic brakes inspected by |the carburetor was empty. In order]the drafting of men Inte the army, also injurious to robber, robbing it great demaud SOF used cars in good authorized inspectars at the begin-}to get fuel to the vacuum tank, the|the saving of time effected by the |of its elasticity and making it brittle. { conditiom, as there Is no tax on he... of tne seasan and at frequent | driver forced air into the main tank|automobile is of vital importance. Tt | Always carry Spare tubes in. the | sale of such automobiles, and many: oars thereafter. An ial fwith his breath, placing his mouth in-{ appeals strongly both to business | water-proof cloth bags supplied by | young men who have been called 10, (or aiid ho devised to be d {to the tank opening and pressing hard [men and farmers. [ believe that the [all accessory dealers for this pur- | the colors have disposed of the Irion the car showing the date ast [so as to prevent air escapage. The|automobile's service in saving time | pose. pears. { inspection. vacuum tank soon became filled and {that is doubly precious under war Motorists sombtimes try to avoid { - Some dealers report there has ew] yy commenting on this mov ement the car was driven for some distance | conditions is one of the chief canses | trouble by carrying spare tubes In | er been such a good market for used! pn. bert Gray, president of t! '- | before the performance had to be re-|{that make possible the huge con-|the original cardboard boxes. Jolt~. | cars, and that they can dispose of all, port Motors, Limited. hatha peated. This was done until a supply | sumption. <. | ing 18 sure to cause tubes to chafe that they can get. The imposition | gyg. station was reached. "xureaer proof of this," adds Mr. |against the more or less rough inner of an extra tax of ten per cent. above! 'py my mind, She plan to has en Gray, "Mes in the fact that the ten- | sides of the boxes, eventually weak- the"import duty taxes has frightened | inspection of brakes at certain: in- The first object of the movement | dency these days is more and more | ening the tubes by wearing away the some would-be j / and as a tervals is along the right lines is to have all brakes inspec ye- | to the light dependable and eco-|rubber. Unless inner tubes are to { consequence a used car in good con-| raat, I haveoften won the | fore the touring season opens. This | nomical car which is the truly effi- | be stored in the garage they should { dition has usually been purchased in-| necessity of having brak as | will decrease the accidents due to |cient time saver ¢ithin the [always be faken from the original . u | stead of the new auto. The dealers not ifeorporated in the motor laws | faulty or improperly adjusted brak- scope of any farmer's or business | boxes and JB! aced in the tube bags It doesn't cost much to drive the Ith state, however, that new cars have # ago, beeanse if there i8 One es man's purse.' already described. Overland Model 90. #1 | not been displaced on- the marker "a - . y rime - - - er md {and that 1s inmbers are | heing That's one of the five reasons w hy SI HIME i sold in spite the taxes. the sale of Overlands in Canada i i doubled last year, {Britain Mobilizes Motor Cars. 5 The Board of Trade has made the| The other four reasons are that { following 'announcement' regarding | this light Overland Four his every Patrol. Control. Department Tort % 2 : advantage of 'appearuice, peor" JIE | (oo wmune ot moter spit Moons The Quality Goes Clear Through : 2 ance, comfort and service. 3 {dom: : : Phe issue of a license will be sub- | Buy an Overland and speed up. i {ject to the condition that the licensee . ! 8 ; : ail boli himself, or his paid driver, | , It will help in winning the war, ! {and his motor ¢ar or cars at the dis-| . # SHEE il of the military authorities for 4 i : -------- 36 the A It ; abl 4 a wii A with their in the event of a nationg* emer- Sonic HE | Tie particular emergency" con- The boulevard is the motor is co-ordinated to the highest Price fe mpl ite db L this o nulorsement is that . . * o 3. {which would he caused by the invas. car-manufacturer's paradise. degree. Each does its work Local Dealers Overland Sales [re ppt eIRdo fhvas on o ren : Rou is, JUHI, Lin sod sp:ov pat he Tmamuisiorans] | But the average road too often quictly; unnoticed, but efficient Dist. } 4 ly of whotér vehicles! tno districts ars ' . . . Arthur, W. H. © aliaghan, I , mili fe Toad world he Er Ee is his undoing. ; snd reliable, by Gray-Dort design Ph Willys-Overland, Linuted § : The War Office proposes to direc an ray- ort coachn~-pul mn Willys Knight wed Ones Ses and Ligh prt ag ROUNS aR of lr : We cannot always ride on have added great comfort to he ' gid | tied to ascertain the number of motor J boulevards, but we can build to gre & Head Office and Works, Wess Toronta, Ontaria t vehiclon us available in a county A - ican. the Me oe Onty performance of this car. All this Lorgantmation. omer Cori HHH "the grim exactions of the average : " ost of tno tea oat sawanen ant fll} + road, and be sure the boulevard ~~ You g€t In a thrifty car, a car of Dutrmars is pickedk "and eaten as a will not find us wanting. Gray OW upkeep and of low first cost | ; "Port has done just that -- built And the result of it all is the Gray- Dort as you can buy it today --- a better car, this 'car to the average road. built to the average road and able to serve The Gray-Dort motor. is well there; a light car of unusual quality and brimming with value. amply powerful for the load it The new Gray-Dore embodies sll the good features that won carries." It is quiet, smooth, mm sues for fome meds, 'The {cinder motoring simple. It does not get out of fog The Srp Es upholstery i order. Iti gives long service. sven thismoder =e Be lint al busy have been The Gray-Dort chassis is extra = ficrineen touring car is $1125; fhe hoas-pass: strong, extra safe. Every part Hin fein ie i et Ee sel | ys wey. Boyds The Ford Saves the Hay and Oats | EEE ty fio #@ Gar the Horses Eat CoE Ee tr arage BAS been timated that ive a of fand ars uired to maintain 3 : one horse for a year, and tosges same five Toduifed tn produce . | Liege : Dealers in Every Locality _ nearly enough food for two I If Se.000. Canadian farmers each 1 : ; r one horse with a Ford, be added to the : fs fy sizes of Too supply und enough xios fo made available to A 00,000 people. | plied c what a t sopvioe this sidan to tha ons allie present re Furnes Tum th. ul of ond Brodueed on fe lm wen srr ot lls te cc eq for Susther uctive work, The Ford travels si on to an run a an amt remarks pte