Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 May 1918, p. 9

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YEAR 85. NO. 122 16 PAGES i The Baily British Whi ------ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1918 PAGES 4-16 SECOND SECTION WORK ~6F THE YMCA WAR DEMANDS HAVE RECON- STITUTED THE INSTITUTION, Thousands of Soldiers Have Found a Home Influence in the Big Red Building on Princess Street--F. J. MADE IN CANADA With the soldiers be is a great favor- ite, and they have beer at all time: | welcome visitors to the institution, i Mr. Wilson is ably assisted by Sam- | uel, Lilley, who has been boys' work | sceretary for several years. Both have labored strenuously for the suc-| cess of the mstitution, and that they | have been successful is shown by the | mierest that is felt by the men ja the city in the welfare of the ¥. M. C. A -- SE Wilson is Master of the Mansion. No more spontaneous endorsation of the splendid work of the Y. M. C. A. has been given in Canada than the contribution of over $4.000000 to the Red Triangle fund recently when the objective aimed at was only $2, 225000. It was a praciical testimony of the appreciation of the Canadian eople for the interest that the Red riangle organizations at the battie- frofits have taken in the sons of Can- ada who have gone forth to fight the battles for the Empire and Humanity. In press and pulpit the deeds of the Y. M. C. A workers in the dug-outs near the front line, in the rest camps. and in the hospitals were recounted, and the story of the heroism of these men, who glory in ministering to their comrades in sickness and in health, was an inspiration to those in' quieter walks of life, The devotion | ) to their task of caring for some one: 1 immer Iy Canadian lad, and their efforts tolopen to all soldiers, and a pleasant bring a home influence to him have game of billiards in stimulating envi- been emulated in Canada. ronment or dominocs or checkers were HE buying of children's shoes is a difficult problem for parents 'these days. We believe you will want to know some of the impor- tant facts that we can tell you on this subject. So far as your own boots and shoes are concerned--that 1s, shoes for men 'and women --you know that-advanced prices are necessary. This situation has been accepted as inevitable, HAHN 2 Make it a point to buy good shoes for your chil- dren--shoes of sterling quality, and be assured that a good shoe cannot be made except at a reasonable price, everything considered. Bat when it comes to paving advanced prices for children's 10¢s, some parents are apt to regard that as a different ier. » As a matter of fact, while there is less material in a child's shoe than in an adult's, they cost almost as much to m boy's shoe costs as much today as did 'hie father's a few years ago. And this is a condi We make thousands of pairs of children's shoes a year. They are made ina factory where extreme care is taken in the selection of materials, where the grade of workmanship is high, and under manufacturing conditions of the greatest efficiency and economy. tlefront to the homes in Cahada Ke. sense of God as the Father and men as brothers is more deeply graft- ed mto the souls of many soldiers than | might be considered probable, and] the Y. M. C. A. has fostered this ai- trwistic spirit throughout. i Roman Catholicism and Protestant- | iS to many are no longer is Wpatible, but hoth are parts of greater religion than either--the reli gion arising from the congcioustess | of the divine in the soul of man. { tion which it ET is not possible to avoid. i 1 ou Hit F.forts 10 for children at low prices because 1] ! practical. fi $ are dren's shoes, are n In Ames Holden McCready shoes you get full value, and it is nd: possible to get the same value for less money. fll Suppose vou ive your de » 10 demand children's shoes from Hit $ current two years ago; he in i 4 Mr. Wison has pronounced views on the {ature of the association as al whole, and his observations have come largely as a result of conversa-| tions with returncd soldiers, who in| % the course of heart to heart talks have! \ : I shown that they have brouphi back al I) 4 0 ae certain feeling from the front which | i OW DE 3: 2 is common to their comrades. i or i pe The narrow sectarianism wliich has | Danis NO ALS sometimes embittered and antagonized! Bs the workers in the same cause--the | 4 preaching of the gospel of Christian- EW.GILLETT CO.ITD tv to every omne--is to be modified: | q The thousands of men who have TORONTO yCANADA faced death in No Man's Land come | back with a certain realization that | WINNIPEG MONTREAL - above all there is a 'Great Being to! whom they may turn for succor when in distress It is the consciousness! of a Providential Being that holds | their lives in His hands. The men who have never uttered a prayer be- fore call upon the mnseen Master for strength and comfort in the moments | of danger. and chey invoke the aid of | the Almighty Such men do not In the less comspicubus sphere of [favorite pastimes of the khaki boys. ] recognize the nafrowness of a secta- | duty the Y, M. C. A, in Cagada has|<here was a constant demand for | Tian creed. but the universal ommpo- | looked after the soldiers since the be- | checkers during the evening, and] tence of a loving Father. | ginning of the war, and in every city some strent games were recorded at the rant the Y. M. C A. acts as and town where there is a branch of | The plunge was freely used by the | the church for the soldiers. and natu. | the association the soldiers regard it} soldiers, and it proved a boon to the | ally enough the same spirit prevails | as their social centre. lads as they came from the camp or | Mel of all ereeds partake of the samc | F. J. Wilson, general secretary of | from the barracks As many as 12,-|Denefits. and a discernible community | the focal Y. M .C. A. and master of [000 men were accommodated during | ©! feeling develops through the Y, M. | the big red mansion on Princess one year. The men came individually A. whichis carried from the | street, was seen in his office recently, lor in groups, and even parades under is and in his quiet and unassuming way fan officer were not infrequent occur- he told of the wonderful' work that | rences. Soap and towels were sup had been accomplished in Kingston. plied at a merely nominal sum, and It was a marvellous story, and citizens | the appreciation of this privilege of have probably no idea of what has ithe baths has been unbounded been done for the soldiers. And so it happened that while the Like every other institution, the|boys who were preparing to do their Y. M. C. A. has been affected by the | hit were taking advantage of the war, Being an association primarily | privileges of the Y. M. C. A. others for the Fung man, the demands of | whohkad been to the battlefront were war withdrew from active member- | returniig. They had seen the splen- wo Supplyv-a:theaper shoe, one which he could sell for less make possible. The result ctory, because to cheapen a to mect an tern pressure on the manufacturer to «The next time you have occasion to buy children's shoes, ask your dealer to show you shoes branded A.HM. Perhaps your children are wearing these shoes now-~but the next time, as a matter of value and economy, look for the A.H.M. stamped on the sole. Bl i ship many thousands of the best-|did work of the Red Triangle across THe diver diy of red 'tae : spirited men in the Dominion. Hither | the séas. and on their return they nat- I. he 5 ve rides ol di may Hane | and thither the call of war urged lurally turned to the Y M. C. A At j2way. but the mn hid ny ot Same i them, but whether in their home town every port of debarkation the Y. M.|7% Hment 1s geram io. Fema ang or atthe other side of the Dominion |[C A. has an officer, and each return- i : i guns ave coasse Pe Foar fro or across the sea, the uniform of the [ing soldier is given a ticket which he be Wr 4 ire nave returnec fo their King was a badge of welcome at the [ean present to the general secretary a the VM. €. A has been | We the entistcat Increasing dail 0 ine ¥ M G3. Where he js located, the religious centre at the front, so at | y # sing daily vs introduces Mm to the secre } the very Feason fo believe | and with the entrance into Kingston, Itary, and he is gianted a ticket giving a ap sory hoviiin | which is the headquarters of Military [hint privileges in the institution' for pat Te io ii sexe as ape t District No. 3, of hundreds and thou. | six manths. De EE he ae # ot Hoshi a fae sands of men from the surrounding} At the local ¥. M. C. A. hundreds | their EE tl pai, hot he writ country, the Y. M. C. A, felt' 'that of returned soldiers 'have presented hoy at a iy a at press wl something must be done for the boys! their cards and have purtaken of the : be 2H possible a ih Se oe who were away from home, = Invita-|advantaves offered to them, = Any a A a a Eisar: tions were extended to battalion: com. | service in| the power of the officials |" an) are ore . ed th eo If of manders to Have the men in their {has been rendered. even to the check- id an ih 10 it of their charge 'use bf the YVoM. Ccrbing of parcels and vatughtes © "Mr, ih a te : easing ours Jsesult, almost since the be-| Wilson stated that While the soldiers: pe At) e ¥Y. MC. A act asa the war the institution has | were in the baths they usually! feft| it vr the chirtches Sa radeship and enjoyment | their money and watches ail "oth: its DR ANEnatioh the ETS OeIAtioN has $. ¢ér precious possessions at | thel!'? : paighy INE Ee A A visit on almost evening would Feffice. Thousands of dhllars' worth heen rachet an duxiliary 04 the Shureh. show scores of soldiers spending their | of trinkets and rings and watches tas a ly : o . fri it ~ an Chis: spate hours in the spacious' rooms. {well "as money. have been checked, Ninn ho ca Non oe Toot Aho: hi the riting rooms were set aside and|and since the beginning of the 'war eh he the ig ty Sund y little jogs to the memory that there[not five cents has heen Jost or miss Soy hey M.A NT Ee hh iid were loved ones at home waiting pa-|taid, . i hy home and there he will al- tiently for a letter-from the boy whol = Of recent month, with the scar re fied au' uplifting atmosphere had gone" were set up. "Have youlcity of hotel accommodation, large where in the quiet of the evening the written to mother to-day?" or "How | numbers of foldiers have been com- men. may gather: and. re-tell 'the old about a letter for home?" or some oth- ling ta the *Y" in the hope that dor- tales the aE a days in the ser- er such inseription- met the eve of [iitaries are located there. There is vice of King and-cogntry 3 the soldier as he entered the room.|x great need for dormitories where te 0 8 a2 The Y. M .C. A. knew that somelmen cian secure lodgings at a mode- boys when they had leit home sel-frate rate; and it is the fond dream of dom thought to write a few lines. The "the officials that some day sleeping people left behind were not forgotten, apartments will be erected. In spite utsfor many a young man the writ- Loi this deficiency, however, the offi- ing of a letter was comparable infcers at the Y. M,C. A. have been do- ity and tediousness to the hard [ing all that is possible for the soldiers, day's drill in the boiling sun. Never- Lodgings have heen secured for the theless, the little signs that were men through the aid of the officials, placed in the room brought to mind | aithough Mr. Wilson stated that there the familiar face of mother or dad opfwas a surpgising lack of houses where the little sister who were so proud 46 | aceommod®ion for transient visitors the absent member of the household, | contd be secured. and a short letter to the folks was! That the efforts of the association usually the result, ~~ | : haye been appreciated is gvineed by Paper and ink were supplied gratis | many appreciative remarks that have to the soldiers, and it is & noteworthy | Leen made and By letiers" that have fact that during the year 4917 over | heen written from men in France: Mr. 2B,000 sherts of paper and 18.000 eu- | Wilsou is an enthusiastic. worker for velopes were supplied to the soldiers | the association, and is held in high inthe Y. M. CA rooms. Nor was|esteem hy the large numbers of eiti- it an extraordinary year, for during fzens. with whom he comes in con- tact . Always he retains the respect the summer when there were 'eleven of the young men, although there is no happier comygade in the association, thousand troops at Barticfield the antity of weiting paper and enve- lopes supplied was huge. The Y. M, | He has kept tht association in excel Co A. also acted as a distributing cen] lent condition, and has the entire con- tre for the soldiers' nail, and thou- | fidence of the Board of Directors. : of letters have been forwarded | Tiveless in his 'efforts. he has intro. duced many new ideas into the activi ties of the association, and has en- sa thused the membership of the "¥. money than conditions would be most upsatisf shoe beyond a certain point, just in order impossible price, is wasteful. Such a shoe cannot give the wear it should. AMES HOLDEN McCREADY ""Choemakers to the Nation" HH BH HARA LONTRZAL The Best Medicine a 3 his "clean-up" campaign to John- i : - " . 2 For Little Ouse Freckle-Face son street. What? : There is no medicine for little ones Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots, : : The SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD o equal Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mild but thorough lax. How to Remove Easily. Also the Cheapest! -- are &uarantee of a reliable dealer, that ative; pleasant to take; do not gripe, and never fall to relieve the little it will fot cost you a penny unleds it EDDY S removes the freckles; while if it does give 'you a clear complexion the ex-! be 9 pense is trifling. ' one of constipation, indigestion, colic, Simply get an ounce of Othine or any of the other minor aliments. Concerning them, Mrs. Jos. Monzer- double strength-~from any druggist and d few applications should show olle, Eel River Ridge, N.B., writes: "1 believe Baby's Own Tablets are the finest medicine for little ones 1 you how easy it is. to rid yourself of the Howmely freckles and get a beauti- ful complexion. Rarely is more than have ever used. From my own ex- parience | would reer mmend every one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the mother to keep a ', x on hand." The Tablets are sald Ly medicine dealers double. strength Othine - as. this strength is sold under guarantee of of by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. . Williams' Medicine Co., money back if . it fails to remove \ freckles. oe : I : e Time to Plan Your As soon as possible, the earlier the better, get vour plans com- plete for Juiting ina new and satisfactory Hot Water Heating Syste, itects and Builders and Sanitary : the comfort of Canadian duri secured by having If cleanliness is next to godliness, Kingston cannot be in the Sedom- Gomorrah class, | | Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, The merchants do not want Gove! to try a remedy for freckles with the ernment fish to sell at the risk of loss. Three and a hall cents is a pretty narrow -margin to be sure With whiskey selling on the streets at five dollars a bottle, the people are Hkely to keep sober. That's the la- teat street quotation given the Lamp man, who is assured that the price will be ten dollars a bottle by the e the snow flies. A ton of coal nd a bottle of booze will then be about equal in value, THE TOWN WATCHMAN. One secret of success Is to keep on | your own. : y S80 judges have to be paid bonuser to keep them out of temptation. The rest of us have to keep out of it without being bonused, -- Bafest because they are impre tion which renders the stick "dea extinguished -- Cheapest, because there are more perfect matches to the. sized box than'in any other box op the market. . War time economy and your own good sense, will urge the ascessity of buying none but KDDY'S MATCHES. nated with a chemical solu- " immediately the match ts dpb the Y. M. C. A. to their own- 8, ~ : The privileges of the "Y" were How does thal Montreal judge arrive at the conclusion that boxing is not & useful occupation? He must admit that at any rate boxing is a useful art, rn CR Talking shout wills. the Lampman

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