= $45.0 : We have a few Massey High Grade Bicycles left at this price. Get yours now before they go higher. Near- ly everything has gone up in price more than the good old ~The indispensable article that saves your time, your shoe leather and your pocket book. Come in Today TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 Princess St. Phone 529 "The Home of the Brunswick" - "H ~» 0 American bookmakers are. giving § to © against Chicago ahd 'Beston in the American Loague pennant race. "Barbers trim the Bluebirds." Sport headline. Here's Letting it was a close shave for the "Birds. ~-- Tommie Burns is the latest to gual ffy as boxing instructor to American troops. He recently enlisted at San Francisco, and will be given charge of some camp school, Mercy! Ty Cobb is out of the charmed circle in the American League batting averages, Pretty soon though, the Georgian peach will commence to slug them. "Homerun" Baker has been doing some great slashing for the New York Yankees, He is Tatting .3566, and has been largely responsible for the snap the Yanks have shown of late. : Trainer Henry MoDaniel claims Sun Briar could easily have won the Kentucky Derby if Owner Kilmer had allowed him to start the colt, And Richard T. Wilson says a bad start beat Campfire in the Paumonok at Jamaica. Albis all! ' -- Old Koenig and Campfire will clash next month in the Toboggan Handi cap at Belmont Park. Owner Wilson A A AN st ANNAN AARROW OLLARS' FOR SPRING CASCO-2Va in. CLYDE-2Vs1n A ere Nr tPA Nai i scl HIRE Ses SYSTEM LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH 81ST, Tralng will leave and arrive at Ci Station, Foot of Johnson Street, West. Live, City Arr. City vs +1220 8m, 87 3.10 a.m, Mail .. Express , .. Local .. ., B45am. Intern'! Ltd. 1.20 p.m. Mall . .. .. 3.00 p.m, Goth Mall . ., .. Lé0am. Express . ., 3.10a.m. Ma 4 a. a, p. p. Ct a. a, Pp. » mw mn m mt 217 3.52 12.52 2.20 7.31 © «ee oa BAS Pom y 4 Nos. 1, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily. Other 'trains aatly except Sunday. Direct route to 'Toronto, Peterboro Hamilton, Buffalo, * London, Detrolf " MONUMENTS! of Scotch and Granites, Vermont Marble. The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. B97 Princess Btreet. Telephone 198) Mn vp er ree TY YY YY YY YY YY TRY VY YY | 5c. Poet Cigar 5c. EL Look for SUK Thread on Tp of Kach Olgar. | 5. OBERNDORFFER, Maker , Kingston. hk daha he worsted suitings, Indigo blue (Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal Otiawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John 'Halifax, Boston' and New York. For oman accommodation. Hokets snd 1811 oher information, apply vk E Hanley, Agent, Agency Por a1 oceans Steamship lines. Open day and.nigh er on Re a sm cso iis LTA Passenger Service BETWEEN Halifax and Bristol Money remitinuces made by mall on cable. Apply to Local Agents or The Limited, i Retford Co, Swonih 56 Kine Si. Kast, Toronto, be 2 | declares Campfire can and will turn the tables. Albert Cadette, former defence player of tho Montreal National La- crosses Club, who went overseas last year, has been wounded in France. He wis g lieutenant, a passed about golf by those who ktiow nothing ahout the game, Let the embryo try to hit a golf ball for the first time muna his respect for the game will increase g hundredfold. An outfielder named Reynolds of Dallas was kicked from his team be- canse his legs felt too lazy te run after a ball twice in succession. His baseball career may ve summed up in threp words: 'Hired; tired, fired." According to Cincinnati eritics Lee Magee and Lena Blackburn are play- ing brillant ball around the keystone sack. Here is another Phair of base- ball stars, who were formerly book- ed for the discard. Americans wonder why baseball is not popular in England, and English- men are amazed that cricket is not the national pastime of America. Both games have their merits, bu: you cannot persuade a real baseball player or a real cricketer to that. Hughie Jennings declared that he had five pitchers, who would make all the other clubs sit up and take Notice. Meanwhile the once terrible Tigers are floundering around in the American League cellar. MORE SPORT; LESS DRILL. * British Army Authorities Endeavor to Reduce Training Period. The London Sportsman says: The military authorities have deo- cided to effect some most important alterations in the methods of train- ing our troops, which will be de- veloped to a far greater extent than hitherto on athletic lines, with a lesser amount of the formalities of drill. This must indeed be a so¥ry blow to some of the writers in certain newspapers, who 'have seemingly gone out of their way to give the cold shoulder to indulgence in sport in war-time, whilst the record of what has been taking place has been on a scale' approaching vanishing point. May one express the hope that 'they will 'have the courage to acknowledge the falsity of their position and mend thelr ways Box- ing, choss-count'y running, and oth- er athletics, wrestling and football, will 'be prominent items in the new curiewlum, and "#t is anticipated that thereby the period necessary for ¥ecuring fighting fitness will be matebtally reduced. 1 venture to" think that 'Such 4 military age as way be 'utilized un- der fhe 'new Man-Powsr Bill will, like 'those Who Yolunteeted, or wers called 'up th thé past, be found all the nlbre feady' 'for séfvice if they have "been" able fo continue of late their "fdigence 'in sport instead of dropping it thi'dugh the clubs with #hiek 'they were 'connected having "closed down," in some instances because it seemed to he the proper thing"to do; or It was said to be so. That oul Anlerican Allies are fully alive to thé value of athletics One often heats impolite remarks] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1915. your friends are enjoy- ing Gillette shaves that are quicker, cleaner or more comfortable than your's, it's just because you haven't caught--as they have--the simple knack of using it. For the Gillette Safety Razor packs a real, good shave for every man that grows a beard! Hold each new blade under really hot water to remove the oil film which protects its edges from the slightest trace of rust. Then shave with the ANGLE STROKE. Don't use the - Gillette hoe fashion--hold it diagonally, so that the blade slides across the hairs at an angle--the way you have ordinary razor to make it shave at all. to handle an Held in this way, and used with a swift, easy stroke, the Gillette makes light of the stiffest beard that grows. Try your Gillette this way--give it a chance--and enjoy the way it makes good! GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, Office and Factory: 65-73 St. Alexander Street, Montreal. ; ast in 'comuection" with army training his been '$howh by the appeal by the Y. M. C. A. for coaches, while the authorities are supplying foot- balls to their various camps in the USA. because they consider that indulgence in tat game is a valu-~ able asset in the praparation for military fitness, and at the same me a comparatively inexpensive means. mbt ai HAVE NO FUTURE, This is the Plea Made by Baseball Players, b Something has gone, wrong with the works of organized baseball--mnot seriods, perhaps, but just the same a rough spot 'in the works. ; A few days ago AL Mbmaux, star pitcher of 4 few short seasons ago, packed his kit and strolled to Boston, v here: he, had bien giveli a position in a shipfard. *h to look out for my future," Al sad Two days later the word was pags. ed out: that George Mogridge, a very fair left-hander. mefmber of the Yan. kee 'hurling' staff, had been offered a position in the Bethlehem steel mills, whereShe would be required to pitch about one ball game a week. but would be given an opportunity to learn a good trade. ~~ George said he was about ready to leave the Yanks Hand accept the Bethlehem offer. "I have to look out for my future" was George's explanation, wMogridge has a wife and two chil- dren. amaux is not married, but his engagement has been announced. * The trouble is that the minor leagues are pe g out in some localities, while in others salaries bave been {cut to such an extent that the t attractive to mien re IN STH Where Leadership Includes Size HE first DOMINION Tire was made in February, 1914, In just four years we have become the largest manufacturers and distributors of CANADIAN-MADE TIRES in Canada. WHY? For four reasons. FIRST--because DOMINION Tires are GOOD Tires. SECOND--- because there is a DOMINION Tire for every car. THIRD--because every DOMINION Tire is made in Canada, in Canadian factories, by Canadian workmerf, FOURTH---becauses our many branches throughout Canada from coast to coast enable dealers to replenish their stocks tires without delay and disappointment to their customers. No matter what car You drive, or where you drive it youll find the best tire for'it in DOMINION Tires: "NOBBY" "DOMINION CORD" "CHAIN "DOMINION" "GROOVED" Lo YPLAIN" DOMINION Tires are sold by the beat Canadian dealers. ufacturers of M and Truck Tires, Automobile HE emmaorion veto a Yok Sess Ante : HEAD OFFICES: MONTREAL, Branches in the largest cities throughout Canada of CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED RUBBER 0. LIMITED mm