Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 May 1918, p. 7

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1918. . PAGE SEVEN G R A N D OPERA EA FG [Hm 2 TO-NIGHT The People's Foruin initia a LUI BANK or TORONTO | | amen er Boston English = SE ES CONDENSED ADV VERSING RATES INERAL WANTED GE) . FOR SALE. DIRECTORS: word. Each con 1 JN. THESE BOTTV W. OC, GOODERHAM, Presid J. HENDERSON, Vice-P ident First insertion, lc a i 3 ; - 2 WILLIAM STONE, JOHN MACDONALD, J. L. 'E NG, EHART, I secutive insertion Thcrentter, hat: | O15) hu ibid hi ANY or % FO D Wette. Onos, S50, te Tn To LT, -« {Ole A GOODERHAM BRIG.-GEN F. 8. MEIGHEN, i cent a word, Minlmus charge for Biturs, ¥y private buyer, jox C, 3 : oie Week, $1.00. ' ee es B0o; EAT PAUL J. MYLER, A. H. CAMPBELL, i one tnnestium. oer " hig. { SERV n EE BUTTON, OWNER THOS. i Meow, General Manager, JOHN R. LAMB, Asst. Gen. Mgr. { C4 $1; one mosis, y may have same by proving pro- PIANO, SQUARE, GOO : 7: E : : AY hay : by pro 3 D CONDITION Ax €, GRANT, Chief nspsctor, | ime lied by ress and Public the GENTLEMAN WISHES TO BUY CAM-{ Periy. 31 Whig Olen, chéap for cash. 67 Ean Street. : ier -------- ines nging Organization on Tour, ANTED eri. Werke Box G2. Whig Office, CHILD'S GOLD BANGLE ; + Business men are offered fn this Bank the satisfactor~ hanking ser iPr csenting in the 'nglish Language, w RISIAS Imtiouiarn, Ste owner anonda . Drug ! Puck ster Avi Fo Onive rity vice provided by our complete facilities. and extemal copnections. A FIRST CLASS GROOM. APPLY AT i ed ow ner may de Drug Sule sale, Apply 213 University assdiosiontinis B,J. Reid's. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS PY. tailing ai Whig Office - for cash or in part payment of new BOY'S JACKET ON STREET IN S09 PRINCESS ST, SECOND STOREY brick, and barn; log 110 fi. x 210 GIRLS WANTED AT ONCE AT IM. pianos and grafopolas. C. W. Lind- | Port t 4 BANKERS: Fh . be . > 8. Le orismouth, Saturday. Owner NEW YORK National Hank of Commerce, CHICAGO-First Nae . perial Laundry. say, Limited, 121 Princess street. | JAY have Sus by aby ms 2 fi. Apply on premises, AT SIMMONS BROS. PLUMBERS AP. | Porta hstalie; Town all, FIVE PASSEFYGER REO CAR, 17 WE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF TISmeuth, : model; sW.ranteed for one year, tonal Bank. LONDON, ENG.~London City & Midisud Bank, Limited. prentices and helpers, | second-hand furniture, stoves, | FOUND ARTICLES Owner Roing overseas, Apply 14 : TISED FREE, Plum street. 2 Geor e B M Man 8 BXPERIENCED DRIVER FOR FORD heaters, clothes, ete. We also have! g . cKay ager. car. Apply N. C. Polson & Co. Everyohing in . the second -hana| = : i ne for sale, 8. Shapiro, 45 Prin-| ANTIQUE (QUCH, COLONIAL DOOK Anyone funding anything and case, with glass doors; hall rack in n INCORPORATED 1855 RE TTT Ospital, 85,000,000 Reserved Funds, $6,555,308 A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- cess Street. Phone 1237. { orl aia Tory 'Rive wishing to rea he work. Apply 55 Clergy Street. go 0,51 reverting 2 Swher may with Alas glass mirror. Apply to ' 'C! Os e British hi The adver- Bax 200, Whig. in 5:8cts aid Bi Beches CHAMBERMAID AND KITCHEN wo SITUATIONS VACANT. } tisement will be 8 nies in this ---- ws - if ¢ Beenes man. © Apply Frontenge Hotel column free of oh MOTOR BOAT, 31 FEET LONG, 4% Brilliant Cast, Selected Chorus, Cr She THEN TER Sh | Mik AND WOMEN WANTED 16 aukri © arge. foot beam; spied 1 milena; a Special Orchestra Cap Re LE ! - N A? r IN WANTE oL | - v orge power. Cheap for cash. Ap- pecial Orchestra Carried. fits, James Swift & Co. Ld. Dr. Chase's Receipt Book and] nae B3, articles Shes not in. ply 275 Wellington St. Household Physician. Largest | etc. These, if lost, may "be ad GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN [Ree CHILDREN § AID SOCIETY Beautiful Costumes and Scenery. Reduced Prices for Kingston: MAIDS WANTED. APPLY THE MA- sale of any book except the Bible! tron, Kingston General Hospital Food will Ww in the war and Dr. verised for In the "Lost" column. selections; your own choice, $30.65. Gime Bock batts Five Swen Tf Remi Ste BOW - Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. 25¢ 50c, 75¢c, $1, $1.50. T™WoO ELECTRICIANS, H.W, JHW. a8 lives. oY commission and al Se - we : . man Electric « A673 ncess St, iy dollar ctory Bond free with Seats a On Sale, Phone 441 sale of 200 books. Fite oppor-| LOST ' LARGE STOCK OF PERFECT, ATH. . ~ Fa . : tunity for returned soldiers. No! . lete and Princeton Ricy™es on sasy LABORERS, STEADY EMPLOYMENT experience neeessary, for people p------ os Sti terms; also bioyele accessories. until November 1st. Apply Street are anxious to get this well-known | SERVIC E BUTTON, LAST SATURDAY George Muller. Bicycle Store and i in Write for terms and exciuse| svening. Finder kindly return t Livery, 871 and 373 King St. MAID, REFE RENG E REQUIR- Co., Ltd, Dr. Chase Bldg. Toronto, | i i street, with barn and stable. $360 "GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- LEGAL ONE ¥ A wl Brock st t WALNLT BEDROOM SUITE, SPRINGS, ADR SOLOIST FOR SYDENHAM and anfleitor. Law office. T¥ Clat > . son street, 1 low chairs, 4 Radlwa Office. book. MAY 25TH, 1918 * Y Whig Ofce. Apply to Mrs. Howard Folger, Ont. { TO LET. cash required; balance interest at (nearly ive territory. Edmanson, Bates & bi ; " ; . SIX ROOMED HOUSE ON STEPHEN Because the sorrows of the little child | Mon., Tues., Wednesday My street - p---- rn br ct -------------- i i B%. Price 1550. Appl Box J Fjust touch your heart. ¥ 1 Joh t { FURNISHED ROOM, APPLY 228 Whig Rie? PRY 5 pply Mrs. Johnston, or. > Because you would net allow your own I heda Bara St. and Alwington Avenue rt F Bul ~ a A ---------------- B. UUNNINGHMAM, BARRISTER | TWO BRIGHT FURNISHED ROOMS rocking chair, lawn mower - and sitting room. Apply 240 John. | new), croquet set So maby's high Apply u 8 1 child to be ill-treated. in'T : Street Methodist Shurch choir, Ap- m he teh (Hin, 197 Queen ence street, Bar | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD. Because the Society is a légally consti- By a sore Apply Mrs. A, Tierney, a . tuted organization for the protection of Rose of Blood MAN TO DRIVE FORD CAR AFTER- FINANCIAL or hoy; Tae: 181 Earl Be MALL MOTOR BO hh (81Lik wages and experiehce Box 21, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST! 'rooms for light house-keeping, Ap- hidise, Red hi id von and evenings, ta camp. State cnlaren. FURNISHED ROOMS AND ALSO Station, at R.. W. Marks' Dont on 3 Also Wiig Office ment Society rated 1863 1 I 2 Cedar Villa, Christie's aly o rate 4 ly 396 rinces ¥ 4 a, 0 W. W. SANDS A JACK, Wallace Reid and MOTORMEN, RETURNED SOLDIERS President, W, F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-| mb incess street nt ' . . with necessary qualifications will ¢ . A. B. Ee FURNISHED HOUSE, ALL IMPROVE- rHOROE RHO} ISLAND & 11: e give eference. s ney uss mn city an nis; central docation. G. A. Bate- | THOROUGHBRED ODE SLAN Secretary. x Agent. Kathlyn Vy liam Pitway Gite nee. Apply Street , properties, mundoipal and aT Ea: Te ht A. Bate Red Sane. Pons . a rs n- -- county debentures; mortgages pur- ner to secure some good wWwirds at Collectors will meet at the Salvation GIRLS WANTED FOR LIGHT, PLEAS chased; Investment PLT for ROOMS, FL RNISHE DOR UNFURNISH. reasonable price, Kingston Poul. & 3 8 Al i FOR 1 . "AS. sale: deposits receive and ed, at 2 Wellington street. try Ass'n P.O Box 133. . Army Drill Hall, May 23rd, at 7.30 p.m. The Thing We Love" ant work. | Highest wages bald | ~~ estaliowed. R. C. Cartwright, man- | Abply at §1 Lower Union St. ; ; Apply N. C. Pols 20. 8% rence St. ngston ! And tario St, city. ; | FURNISHED HOUSE. 104 FRONTENAC | WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND A ---------------------------------- | t; available June lst, for three furniture, buffets, qhairs and ta. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE| ' nths. Apply at above address. bles: will buy ali kinds of furni. ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 ET -- 6" Vengeance and the EXPERIENCED GIRL PRESSFEEDER Fire Insurance Company, Available - 1 IRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; Princess street. Phone 1600. tor job or cylinder Bless; Also assets $61,187,215. In addition to Mr, Adams, which the policyholders have for i ; rents; centrally locat- AA NPY CLOTHING ON EASY girl to lear Apply &. Whig dub Dept security the uniimited Hability of iy 21s, Brock Bet | oni OF THE miGGEST ADVERT. ers today sometimes use 's little G thy property, insured at lowes' TERMS BYE 4 a a. Enea possible rates. Before renewing TWO OR THRER UNFURNISHED COOK-GENERAL, EXPERIENCE AND 5 , 11 ' old or giving new busines i ; centrs ocate ad like this. A phone eall or PRODUCTON or _ & £g siness get rooms; centrally Tocated: all im Re I bring you. full par Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, references necessary. Apply after rates fr Stra OV hh ™ e . po om range & Strange, provements. Apply 177 Pine street ficulars about this department requires greater effort on your part, so that yon may produce Gentlemen's Suits. and Overcoats, 7.30 in the evemng. to Mrs. F. H. ania om, Strange Macnee, 143 King Ht. West, : AT BAST VIEW PARK, A COUPLE OF British Whig Publishing Co. Your share toward feeding our brave boys in the trénches. We summer cottages. Apply to J. D, can supply you with the neces. N. Mor ris, 374 King St. Mon. Tues. Wednesday|} Gfeddoddde dobodilededdodoiolbib dd ddd DRESSMAKING | Boyd, 106 Pine street, Kingston, DESIRABLE 28-FT, MOTOR BOAT, 4 : newly painted and varnished, 20: SEEDS 3 Two saleswomen, With or . STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN ited ar : : % without expericuce, Apply John MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, ahd dry. McCann's Real Estate hp. Trenert engine, Bosch mag Will you put forth the neces. sary effort? THOMAS COPLEY 2--FEATUPES---2 : Ladin: &. Sun, having Sosumed business, solicits Agency, 36 Brock St. Phone 326 miles. A snap to quick buyer. Ap. > orders fo a an winter work or 621, x Telephone 987 ALICE BRADY Pests t tsi tre tttbtesttes OES 208 AHre hat eater. Wor ply GH. Cullen, cor. Alfred and wanting anything wone In the csrpem. Em ee Princess street, 3 SOME n TO RENT OR WOULD LEASE SMALL ne MEDICAL. front lot, suitable for garage; west] von' SIX, FIVE PASSENGER Branch Post Office. Kingston, Ont. RY Aahdodidhdhod 4 rosa atin ne. oy -- Einds "B h GENERAL SERVANT, Bid i ; vod as, P experience in dooking, for fami aiit rs a a D1 orders, oug. t and aid For" of three: no washing nor iraqi ? 8nd. Apply to Bex CM. Whig touring, condition first class, tires yp Also Apply 160 Stuart street. Phone |pR. HOWARD HAS REMOVED MIS Almas? Jew, MeLaughlin one-ten 1535 . - eo bares on > SI 64 2 51 oN ruck, new re office from 317 University avenuol STONE HOUSE, 63 RIDEAU STREET, 8 passenger touring ar, condition 10 Queen street. a arora: | EMMY WEHLEN -- Em . . to 122 Wellington street. Phone rooms; miso bathroom and attie; > . i GENERAL SERVANT, number same as usual, 130L large back yard. Apply 47 Rideau Bad res. Apply Davis 2 : : EE mma treet. . Fhe Shel Gatie™ Hor Fire the evenings after seven, * ARCHITECT THREE NICE BRIGHT UNFURNISH. F . of se serengyr--No x ai; COMEDY REELS A. P. Knight, Alice Street. ed rooms, suitable for couple FARMS! Jones. ec Acnes fyi. x without. children. Apply 113 Pat- the balance 1s pasture land. Frame By SN vo. 3, $5 per box a id ne ERtBout POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, WER- Yiek: street, house with seven rooms. Barn, 3a X 45 feet, Stalls for 12 head of i A $, METAL PAT. chants Bank Bulldl ants n ullding, cornerisrv . . TREN SEVERAL FURNISHED COTTAGES X 43 feat, Stalls. fou 23 head of My pamphlat. Address: . | ternmakers, nandyiien and labor. THE COOK MEDICINE CO. : ers. Good wages, steady ork. Brock and Wellington Sta. for rent; facing lake; good fish- th outbubldings.. An orchard Yoytinghouss, Comany, ing and bathing. Apply May Bell anda 'drilled Wer 85 feet deep. « TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) A G( MW D A ( ) Canadian $ 0 3 S LM N Limited, Hamilton, Ontario. 'f Barks, Christie's Lake. Ont and a 'drilled well. $5 fest des N. a : : ou n : A Price $5500.00. Should more land Fresh Cut Flowers| ~~ ramon WOULD ®1KE A RELIABLE WOMAN aii hy Co COR TOE Riko pees Sum Io and | bo teotref mn CA sal you Lis hr d Fam of two: nb arm wor » : . arms adjoining e © y Ro, Setar Soe omsez, tori | § Lake Ontario Trout At 25¢ Per Tin. WATE oo Ba ana vases re | ATR, Moves, wana mutmmamus| kkey. "rrosty (iy Slomes Ep | SS EOIN Shey, 56 Boe Be w and Whitefish Fresh quired to George Niles, R. R. No. 1. ishes removed permanently, with. : . Phone 68. » Fl JOHNSON, Florist : Had » Rl Eee, FEET ti Sat Aodets | wi A ~ er J Eye, Ear, ose EB to hear frem any one thinkin : Sea S#lmon, Had- é¢ FOR sWBLTER TOWN, CAPABLE| Throa: 'and' Skin Enactatior, 300] SF Cusine clasaified" "advertising | 126%, DOUBLE FRAME, € ROOMS, ALL 115 Brock St. Phone 230, * rl or woman in small family for Bagot strest. Write or Phone us about it. We improvements; electric light, 1 ' d k, Halibut and 2 eral housekeeping; good plain \ way be able to help you. British HR | cook. Apply, stating wages and Whig Pub. Co. . $2800, DOUBLE FRAME, ALL IM. KINGSTON - CAPE Cod. A references. Mrs. 8S. B. Wright, semsnm provements, hot water heailag, VINCENT FERRY 4 : k For It. Delo: ont > N electric Hghts, rents for $31.00, DENTAL -- 4 . SALESLADIES WANTED, wiTH DR. REEVE -. BRICK HOUSES, GOOD LOCATIONS ' experience in Nerve § A BE. KNAPP. orricE, 288 PRINCESS $1900 to $9000; lots to select from, : b Change of Time Effective May 15th, D . = Fi } C three or four years orien pecialist general store, ary 2. per rs x " Ly, Kingston, 700 sam. and LIS pm. Eg -- week to start. Apply, stating re- to e228, of, SXberience anables ine street. Thon 653, $4200--BRICK VENEER, 12 ROOMS, all modern improvements; separate ™ ferences and experience to J. Riub- fully. Cail, or state case b . y let- DR. GORDON C. DEWA DENTIST, 3 > R, bath: electric Hight, stable: central A NIN Sit Ft iP Pg tt Lv, Cape Vincent, 9.40 mam. and 4.30 p.m. x Vi s | Two round trips daily, Su included. 1C oria y a I abt, Ont. fou - > os : . corner Princess and Welling a 18 Curltom Street, Toremts, Streets. Phone 1678. ston focation, Snap fc or a quick buyer. A ------ eens $1,000-Y0U CAN WAKE IT IN YOUR coilnty with our "7 in I" Combina- i ---------------------------------- DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN-|G. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE AND tion Cooker. One silesman banks tists, 158 Wellington street, uver insurance. §1 Clarence St. King: @ ' $383.55 the first month. Another : Excurs 10Nn agent sells 17 in the first two hours. Carnovsky's, Phone 348. son. Others cleaning wp $10 daily. 'No capital necessary. Goods supplied : ' : = - Freak ent flowers dally} funcrat designe 5 t sliable on time, A ~~ ra ae ei een ese | | Save Your tory. oeat of town orders given. apecint Attention, \ Co 1 bination Products Co. Foster, = | G1 R LS 4 : 4 : 4 4 4 4 E 4 4 4 4 ] 4 r 4 4 AndArhahrAsrharrrhaheAia Adar ak Boat Leaves 7 am. and 145 pm. a EMERGENT MEETING EMERGE! MEETING Announcement ! ! wi Tn pare? Lent, nd i The brethren of Cataraqul Lodge, THE SOWARDS a " # No. 4 A. Rn a M., are fiereby Sut % moned to attend an eamergen ny eL~ ing to be Meld ai Masonic Hail on With or without experience, on Sewing and Having purchased fa § coal COAL CO = : Thursday, May 23rd, at 2 p.m, (sharp) and wood business : . or Department of Matiways and Casals. | 207, TF PUFROSe Of SUEOGINE hes knitting machines; light work; highest Hrethren of Sister Lodges ar. gorliilly es id while learning. 2 ~ from the Frontenac Lum- P hone 155. rN {ONTARIO SE DAWRENCE, CANALS, invited to attend. ber and Coal Company, ( emete NOTICE 10 CONTRACTORS HL A. GRAHAM, Sebrctary We are now working on war orders and 4 SEALED TENDERS, addressed to . ill be de b hi I ki ht you, wi oing your bti while working he undersigned and marked "Tender we will still continue to | ceed ' ached "Feu a Covered. has will leave Godkin's [Tor Rebullding Lower Entrance' Pier, Socs us. Apply New 23377 will be received at this handle wood and Scran- : Loe coal COAL CUSTOMERS Livery, 200 Princess St, for Catar- ifs until 12 oraloch noon on Wednes- ® aqui Cemetery daily, except Monday [day. June 5th, . P and Saturday, at 2 pam. Sharp. Fare] Plans a tons and form of fo odes ri Notice ! 35 cents return. Phone 316. contract ty be entered into oa Seen a oft: and after this date at office | Pepa t of Rallways n Canals ONTARID ST. BAWRBNCE CANALS tats ~ |0F Ane CRieE Engineer of the' Depari- ment of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, Ca oil be for |usuace oF prisoneRs [GEL Sts Sem oe Only. : DISGRACE TO NATURE [3% rai be STICE Te ON : ; : A Copies and specifications BEALED TENDERS, addressed to the BOOTH & CO. . bai Endersighed and marked "Tender for by i - y | " ¢ p Rebullding Lower Entrance Pier. L Ra Sa on fi + bona. tide No. 35.7 will be received at this o : - i ow refunded fhe re-funtti i3 o'clock neon on Wednesday, - i 3 y ] : 1 ¢ Lon iy 5. 1918 : i cheque of Plaws, ¢ifations and form of eon- met bo after this : and i Canal Sita: nd a . fret: # of the, Su perintemndi Eagin- o Lawrence ana. Corn- he rite Sete 1h "the | wa ou + Gath pg abtatned trom ror The a | of the Tespoat ve Zntmuciore me um fide um of Twat 1s Fn ted. 3 ehecur thus sent In will be we tive contractor: Becepied,

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