4 ~~ PAGE POUR THE BRITISH WHIG \ S5TH YEAR, no such letter had been iness hours and that ecretary's times was 2 of as he liked. ng is beneath the ent, ance that written in the rest of his own tc Such petty dignity of par BACK TO THE FARM. . _ The "Back the Farm" move' ment has received considerable of an impetus as a direct result of the war. The farm help recruited from nearby towns and villages will play its part in the work of greater pro- Jduction, Moreover, most of these farm hands will work near their own homes, which means a greater guar- antee for steady increase of agrienl- tural resources than Tould be the case if a mobilized army of drafted workers were sent out in battalions over the country. wi oa What the present urgent demand for farm labor should do is to bet- ter local conditions, put town loafers to work, open to the farmer imme- diate sources of help upon which he Lean rely hereafter when need arises, and convinee a considerable portion of the population that 'back to the SUBSCRIPTION HATES farm" is one of the easiest and best Your, Seg Satan) 26.00 paying, hs well as at the present if pasd = 13 time one of the most patriotic, move- year, if in advance ..... to rural offices o| mefits man or boy can make, 1.00 1.50 States ,..... $1.60 three months pro rata, MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE R. Bruce Owen TORO to No dent v tor and Managing-Director. Telephonen: THE COURAGE THAT COUNTS. The brighest pages in the story of heroism that is being written in this war will not contain the exploits of masses of men rushing into battle. It will bear the records of individual lives. One such life was ended by a German firing squad somewhere in France the other day----the life of a French boy. Captured by a German patrol, this boy was commanded to tell whether there were any French troops arcund. His reply, as recorded by a writer for the Associated Press, was: "I know nothing: there are none here." ' Soon after that the Germans were attacked from ambush. The Cer- man commander asked the young captive of sixteen years if he had not known anything about the am- bush. The boy, "with. a iproud smile," declined to deny that he had known. Then he was stood up be- fore the firing squad, refusing to permit his eyes to be bandaged, and fell without a whimper or a groan. It is recorded by the Associated Press that the German commander said, in relating the incident: NERS i Ap il08 Traders Bank Bldg. PR NCDMTATES REPRESENTATIVE: = 0 up, ve, ow York FR Norurop, 1210 Ass'n Bldg., Chicago Letters to the Wditor are Saly over the actual name published of the Attached Is one of printing offices in Canad The clvenlation of THR BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABvu Adit Bureau of Ctrenlations. A England's difficulty is still Ive sand's opportunity. the Dest job a. General Kdrnilof! is again repori- €d dead. Some of these Russian | leaders appear to have as wany lives as a cat, Economy means money wisely saved. Thrift means money wisely spent. These are days when it is the duty of every man to practice both economy and thrift. The Canada Food Board » "vises "Infatuated boy; it was a pity to against the holding of banquets and sea such wasted courage." all meetings where refreshments are | 1 Wasted courage? served. Pink teas and church socials, No! 'In that boy, facing the firing we bid you a lingering farewell. squad with open eyes spoke: the The Huns Dave given up hope of & spirit of France; Spoke the soul of victory this year, ang now warn their peoples to prepare for a fifth winter of war. - They will ere long bé forced to-give up alk hopes of vie- tory. : ! boy, in language that speaks to the heart of humanity, proclaimed be- fore the firing squad that France cannot be conquered. AERIAL TRAFFIC "Mail by airplane" signalizes the advent of a new instrument of com- merce, The Hmit of eharges for aerial mail, established last week between New York, Washington and Philadelphia, was fixed at twenty-four cents per ounce, It is expensive service, but it is likely to become cheaper when the service is organized. In its organiz- ation and development thers will doubtless be used thousands of air- planes that will return from France. But until the war is over not many machines or fliers will be used to carry mall bags, Canada, the land of long distances, {offers exceptional opportunities for the development of aerial mail ser- vice. The day letter and night letter of the telegraph companies have pre- pted much of the field which the alr mail would occupy ¥f those tele- graphic services were not available. Still, documents cannot be sent by wire, and there are plenty of rush messages, personal or confidential, which cannot be entrusted to anyone to read, ! Sir mall will stimulate trade In ways in which we cannot now fore- See. Modern business has developed because of the constant improvement of modern transmission of intelli gence. Business transactions are only consummated after negotiations be- tween people a distance apart. What- ever facilitates and speeds those ne- |gotiations facilitates business. ~~ | Airplanes do mot to-day promise to he freight carriers; they seem rather to be suited only for mall and : service. And yet we ac- Sunday night's air raid in Eng- land resulted in the death of twenty Women and children and the wound- ing of seventy-six others: With the Hun 1t is clearly a case of "womon #nd children first." : sited The city property committee shows 'commendable enterprise in recom- mending to council an expenditure of $1,000 toward the repair of the falr grounds buildings. Manager Bushell encouraged the proposal by guaranteeing that the fair assoeia- tion would spend a like amount in : Improving the city's property. The - city council should not hesitate in endorsing the committee's action. St bi Senator William Denis has intro- duved & motion to the effect that the Hansard of the Senate be abolished dn the cause of economy. He poimes out that its publication costs" the country $53,000 a year, that the book Is never sen by the public, is rarely read by the editors of news- Dapers, i8 pot necessary and 15 aw A Justitiable waste of public money. Mids charge presents a rather stronx argument against the publication, "Merchandise to the waterways, 'Merchants to the railways." may have aerial 'the Jeanne d'Are, of 'William Tell. That |" Supled. ths, dictum Of Albert Cheval-| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22. 1918. NO UKRAINIAN | FOOD FOR HONS Supplies Promised the German Have Failed to Material. OFFIGALS RUSH TO KIEF TO TRY AND HASTEN SHIPMENT OF FOODSTUFFS TO BERLIN. New Cut in Rations--Morale of the People Is Steadily Weakening, It Is Admitted, London, May 22.--The Ukrainian food bubble has burst. Despatches from Amsterdam as well as semi-offi- cial news from Germany confirm pre- vious reports that the supplies the German people were assured would be furnished them following the peace treaty have failed to material- ize.. On the contrary, Ukrainian far- mers are refusing to sell grain to the Germans 'while the peasants' assem- blies have decided to burn and -des- troy all grain and other provisions rather than hand them over to the Germans, who they now consider en- emies. Practically the only supplies the Germans have been able to se- eure they have taken by force, while the poorer classes are thus deprived of their subsistence, are suffering p, That Germany is in Uk- rainian supplies is revealed by a semi- official despatcli from Berlin, stating that three officials of the Food Con- troller's Department have gone to Kielf to attempt to hasten the ship- ment of* foodstuffs) to Berlin, . The Lokal Anzeiger admits that both the grain and forage crops of Germany aré unfavorable and that the Govern- ment had been forced to depend upon Rumanian and Ukraine. Expecta- tions from both have been unrealized, especially In the kasé of Ukraine, as according to the Lokal Anzeiger only one-fourth of the expected amount of grain was secured up to the mid- dle al* April, of which two-thirds went to Austria. Up to the presént the terms of the Ukrainian treaty are practically entirely unfulfilled. The reason for Germany's strenvous ef- forts to secure food is to be found in the fact that unless new supplies are available before June 15th the Em- pire's bread rations will be reduced. The Government is fearful of the ef- fect upon the already pinched papu- lation of this additional hardship and is making every endeavor to avoid taking this step. Conditions are ex- ercisiug an effect upon the offensive d Western front according to in- forpfation from Germany. The mor- ( of the people Is steadily weak- ening and the German high command will strive to offest the depression cer- of hung needs of sole source from urgent duction in food on the batlle- tain to follow the by gaining 2a success field 'before June 15th. re ------------_ NEWS FROM HAMLIN, ALBERTA. School Still Closed as Teachers are Very Searce. Hamlin, Alberta, May 13.--The weather is very dry here and rain is needed badly. The farmers are nearly all through seeding and some grain is above ground. Sherman and Raymond = Huff made a Arp to Vegrevilie last week. Miss Gladys Franklin spent the day with Miss Doris Tillipaugh=. Wood- roe\Myers visited at John Franklin's, Arthur West bought a mare and colt from John Shapca last week. There are no prospects of the school opening yet. Teachers seem to be very scarce here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan motored from Vegre- ville yesterday to visit her brother, Uaaries Tilepaugh. Mrs. Fiynn and Mrs. West made a flving trip to Sacred Heart migsion on Friday last. Everybody has out fires burning their sloughs. Mr. McFarlane, of Lavoy, made a trip to his homestead here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Me- Farlane are working for a rancher at Lavoy. Niek Luzek's dance last week was well attended. Mrs. Dupee and daughter, of Montreal, are here on a visit at her daughter's, Mrs. Clairmont's. Chest- er Huff is home after spending the winter Jin a lumber camp west of Edmonton, Frank Glimps has bought a half section south of the river and intends selling his farm up here. The farmers are getting out poles for 'their new telephone line. | Mrs. Franklin is at Mrs. Flynn's. John Hokman spent Easter with his wife and family on their homestead. Peterboro Man Fell Dead. Peterboro, May 20. George J. Chalmers dropped dead at his home on Thursday evening His wife heard a heavy hud in an adjoining room, and rushing in found her hus- band lying Jead on the floor. Heart failure was the cause. He is surviv- ed by his widow, one sen, Alexander, of Newbury, Mich., and two sisters, Mrs. William Fair, of Toronto, and Mrs. William Armstrong, of Hamil- ton i Fully Exonerated. Cobourg, May 21.--The inquest, Dr. George H. Ferris presiding, em- panelled here to inquire into the circumstances of the death of John Pachard, the late toll-kecper at the gate west of this town on the (Co bourg-Port Hope road, fully exoner- ated Arnold J. Plankett, of this town, the driver of the ear, from all negligence or blame. f Thin Footing. First Hobo--We won't get thing there, Horace, they look poor as church mice. Second Weary---Yes, | know; say all they married on was church carpet. any- as they the Horses for. Slaughter. ' Zurich, May . 22.--Horséd sldughter were sold on the Vienna market on Tuesday at the unprece- dented price of from £75 to £100 sterling. Rippling Rhymes . fighting. by Uncle Sam subpoenaed. Let down the bars! heqnay score three hundredweight, MAN POWER They're 'talking now years have numbered. fifty, and hope springs in my breast again, the prospects now seem nifty. this beastly war is dome, fool rules will go a-skiting, and royal gents who weigh a ton may go and do some They've barred me out because I'm fat and | deaf and broken winded: and rules responsible for' that I hope will be rescinded. into the game, Apollos were demanded; "We do not want the old or lame'--the officers were candid. 'No man is fit to chase the Hun unless he's like Narcissus," And so I dropped my sword and gun and went home 'They're mighty choice," said Jane, "my lad, to turn down 'beefy writers: but wait a while, and they'll be glad to get such deadly fighters." And now it seems that Jane was right; the growing thrifty, and he . gives his age as fifty. bald, the spavined and the sweended, will from thie paths of peace paths of peace I care no hoot, 1 burn with martial ardor; 1 long to slay the kraut fed Teut, and confiscate his larder. Let every skate who wants to fight go fighting, though as I do At this writing! to the missus. * of drafting men whose Before When first we broke sergeant's admits a gent may fight who And pretty soon thesfat and called, Po le THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN a a GENE BYRNES | : for = | } { Kingston's One Price Store Men's and Boys' Wear Here's a Model that "Goes Double" Among Good Dressers A truly very smart garment is illustra- ted here. It's the Buckwood, a two-button, double breaster young men's model that also is bound to be popular among men of more mature years. Carefully tailored by men trained to produce workmanship of : the very best. $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50 Bibbys WHERE SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES COME FROM i i It will pay you to do so. Stations, Phone 388 -------- it pion sb Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specialising Store Fronts sad ¥Vig- tings, Removeiiing k Duiitings of all 4 nn ESTIMATES 8 EXPERIENCE . Address, 272 University Ave. A NP AAA tsi Wy For the Hoys at the Front CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk and Sugar, Prepared Instant) by Adding Holling Water Only, Ne Cook! Mk Meguired. . > For Bale By D. Couper Phone 78 841-3 Princess St. a urea Ad Ah a a YY YY Apap siadiuuaiuiadiadiadh A dh ahh na ad a aed Now is the Time to Start Spraying with a | Spraym Used by We have a book on Spraying free for asking. BUNT?'S Hardware otor Government Experimental King St. oles Farms For Sale 50 meres, 9 miles from Kingston, on good road; falr bulldings; nbont 36 fneres of good land under eultiva. tion. Price $2200. 100 seres, 11 miles from Kingston; fair Vy e spring 18F Princess St., Fresh Garden From le S00 ds Also a few Dutch bulbs, for blossoming. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE Phone 848 bpildings; well watered and f ood enough for fuel; about 50 ne. 2 res Brut clans plow land. Price $4,000, 135 meres, well located: 75 scres good plow Inud; plenty of wood; bulld- Ings nlone worth the money, Price 000, on easy terms, Possession of any of these farms can be had st once. I.J. LOCKHART Real Eatate and Insurance, Kingston, Ont. Robin LL Comparison of Composition of Two Food 3 Materials: Wheat Oats vi 40.6 » 13.2 wan aise IT Carbohydrates 2287 : 3.8 Water, .. wey mmo ay En The Popular New War Biscuit Made From the Big Rich Oats Ce Wheat flour must be coi served. new biscuits, . Every bite is mellow. A wealth Just the proper balance. Hood Be sure to try these a of favor. 4 for the Roasted on = Ground Try it for Breakfast ! We were fortunate in hav. ing a good sapply of coffee on hand when the duty was put on and will continue to sell our Java and Mocha Blend At 40c Per Lb. Premises. be ia Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990. i TV TT " TTT YY TTTTTTYY TT TeYY TeTTvYYYYYY OF y wv WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY