TTT est oats. sili stamens TET | Wins om ------------ HONORED THE OFGERSINGDENTS" OF THE DY -- THE LIFE UNDERWIUTERS DIN- LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF Jiine Ma aZlles ow oi $2 B ED AT FRONTENAC CIUB. GENERAL INTEREST. : Ee Dominion coer shering--he'| Happenings In the Gity and Vicinity 1 erican, McClures, Ainslee's. Peo le's, Short Dominion Officers Made Admir- ~What the Merchants Offer to the Cosmopolitan, Am : p ible Addresses--Association Aims | Readers of the Whig. Stories, Top Notch, Smith's, Adventure, Popular, Wide World, Ev- at High Ideals and Worthy Stand- Go-to-Church, May 26th, 2 ; 1 ective. os! 8 Kingston's temperature on Monday erybody 8, Metropolitan, Det C The local Lite Underwritéts' As-| Wes: Highest, 72; lowest, 50. Cia Popular Mechanics, Illustrated World, Popular Science, Wireless the Dob honored the president of & dra pa Pall tune, 109. Mc. Age, Physical Culture, Canadian Poultry Review. - : the Dominion wide organization, J. ty » . . . » . T. Wilson, Halifax, and the gentral Auloy's. oe OH 801. itie. asl Green Book, Picture Play, Photoplay, Classic, Motion Picture Seeretary, J. H. Castle Graham. To- street, returned from Toronto on Magazine. THE DAILY BRITISH wc, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1918. : : ronto, on their visit to Kingston on Monday . 4 2 3 4 Tuesday br re the Fron | Ha the Hime 1 ave yous Woman's Home Companion, Designer, Pictorial Review, Mod- 4 joy : : piano tuned. We carry two expert ri. s . . . : ; Were Maks ot iE. About the table tuners and will assure. entire stl ern Priscilla, McCall's, Fashion Review, Delineator. Save Worry. We guarantee you against Nero. Sanosates, and ax * guests | action, C. . Lindsay. Lid." © Snappy, Saucy, Smart Set, Breezy, Live. . loss by US. Golisnl dohason Wioss, Cooke, OY ness (he Fire and a Ent All The Song Hits From "LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP rs sid the Board of Trade. | Committee had before | far oT : : . Caters" soagar serves a' fine ade teraoon. font sini. and ak Wait Till the Cows Come Home, Come find Have a Swing ih : ime d. a1 ici 1 we wi you a : th fine spread ne canisious He on 140 of hr Ey Joy a Tou Tok lite Me, Melodyland, Sweetheart, Joan o rc, For the ory of the ; clusion. i purchasing Instrument we will al- Grand Old Flag. us ign ; ' { Elmer Woodman, president of the | low the Six months' reatal on pur- : -_e : z > ; Kingston body, was chairman, and chase price, and arrange easy terms 5 Phone 489, Our Fur Van will call. felicitiously introduced the toasts] on ve oweh a | any. 1ad e oO e e 00 ore ; and smartly and gracefully welcom- W. B. Howard, Gist ric passenger ) - ed the . visitors and guests. "The | agent of the C.P.R., and Mr. Murray, . : King" duly' honored was followed by | of the Dominion Express Company, Phone 919 Open Nights Phone 919 ; TI C a 'The Corporation," offered in excel. were Kingston visitors to-day. This 2 9 lent terms by exiMayor R. D. Sutaer- was Mr. Howard's first visit to Kings- land, and responded £0 by Mayor {ton a NEN arr . ~~ ~ a Masonic 149 to 157 Brock Street. Hughes In a concise and well con. Prevost, Brook strect, has recefv- EN YAY yAyyay 21 eo ceived speech, and by William Cooke, ed some exceptional good values in po \ president of the Board of Trade, in Boys' and Men's ready-made suits, happy form. Stephen Roughton pro- which he will séll at 2 reduced nrisa posed "The United States, Our Ally." | His 'values fn the order clothing de- in a rousing speech of Appreciation | partment cannot be surpasssed. of the loyalty and devotion of the We will rent You a piano, and at| $ + Americans, now that they were infend of Six months ir you feel like the war, WwW i 1 No gift could be more ace and of respect and esteem purchasing instrument we will al. ceptable to a Mason than a Colored Silk Skirts -- Pretty fancy stripes g J for the republic's representative in| low the six months' rental on pur- ouse Perfect Kingston. * Col. Johnson was enter- ohase price, and arrange easy terme 1 Compass and square ring. in navy and black: all sizes up to 28 taining in his brief reply, fo whieh on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. This may be had in a great waist band. Priced at $6.50 up. @ Bh | he acknowledged the kind things --r------ eaners Eyesight said of his country, and returned the ECLIPSED EVERYTHING. : Variety of designs, either in Taffeta and Duchesse Silk Dresses Hand- compliment by recalling the undy- all gold or engraved stone some designs in brown, black and navy Let us demonstrate to you ing fame of Britishers and Canadians 5 Rite Night of Pleasire in St the latest Cadillac = Electric is your best friend. Treat it yarns battle field and in the calmer George's Hall. styles, at S ith B mi ros. shades; sizes 16, 18, 34, 36, Specially priced at $15.00 up. with lomat| fg walks of life. : . v damt evi oe right. Altng x and twill M. G. Johnson, in effective words, On Tuesday night, at St, George's Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 'Taffeta Silk Suits -- Black or navy; sizes 16, 18, 36, 38. Beautiful garments, ing and badrs. It is a toasted the 'Life Underwriters' Ag- | Hall, the members of the A.Y.P.A.9 reasonably priced, $30.00, $35.00. y» time and sociation of Canada," an Organiza- | entertained returned soldiers from ( d H : la ser. Telephone 819, : YOUR EYES tion that had welded the field forces | Queen's, Ongwanada, and also men Ladies' Lisle Hose, in pretty shades of nig- : into a co-operating, forceful body, | from Fort Henry and the Naval Dar 3 Dol Co and had given standing and respect | lege. In the unavoidable absence o J. R. C. bbs & . : ; the president, Rev. Cecil Whaley, the ger brown, mid brown, Russian calf, grey, champagne, bronze, gold, pink, may need the aid and com. ! to the business. He eulogized the Oc, 59c¢ a pair. i REMODELED 41 Clarence Street. fort glasses will give. work of the president and the effi past president, Rev. T. W, Bucklee, Phone 700. cient and painstaking secretary. Pre-| presiaed, and games and music were W. F. GOURDIER sidents might come and go but all indulged in, after which, the acting CONSULT US hoped Secretary Graham would 80 | president, assisted by the able secre. ' on endlessly inspiring and develop- tary-treasurer, measured the whole You a tim tht mich. ing those engaged in life insurance | company, and much amusement was . Wonk. Secretary Graham and Pre- obtained, as well as adding the need- / sident Wilson spoke with force and ful to the coffers of the association. b * vigor about the aims of the associa- | At the conclusion 461 the measuring Je fine . boa, So give Do Else jo the | contests, the young people invited : | Public, to develop high eals and | their puests to partake of refresh- | Registered Optometrist, § standards in the field force, to edu- roi were sumptuously pro- 842 King St. cate the masses, to drive out under- vided by the yeung ladies, and, judg- bers of ent isting minimum age to fifteen Instead Sesser nit Fane Clover Some questions regarding Kings- | of sixteen years. T 3 : Ee ton men appear in Hansard of Mon- Announcement is made that Lieut - WwW. RE A - . day. dr, Casgrain afked about the| Col. L. W. Mulloy, instructor of mili- THE AL AYS BUSY S oO . 4 appointment of G. O. Alken to the tary history, left the staff on April A er) H NEY Biluaty appeal tribunal at Brockville 30th, : ; tas dal aa se AAA AAA AAA AAA uli a 1 : JA Stone Dwelling ] In one pound sections, 25 cents each. and elicited the reply that the ap- ------e i ah ------------ 2 three hu zg ts, om , i fo S Dee in street, Portsmouth, for Fresh California Prunes, nice and boiniment wag authorized by the re Fire Box Additions. PN poemes BUILDERS SUPPLIES i a ' 4 Juicy io... 10c, 1234c, 150 Ib.| Eistrar for the district, as there was| Onjer Armstrong announces that IN MARINE OIROLES. . 8850; $300 cash, balance on Evaporated hes, 2 Ibs for 25¢ a Sthes Hrackyille mag plyailable these new fire alarm boxes were in- men about} : time; possession at once. Evaporated Apricots ... ... 15c Ib. 0 generally yaluable, There! stalled on Wednesday: Na. 10, corn- Movements of Vessels In and About Sweet Cider ..... ... ... 40e gal. | Was no returned soldier on the list of fer of Brock and Bagot streets; No. Kingston Harbor, BARGAINS IN A Double Frame applicants. Aiken was suspended at| 25, Queen and Division: da a g- dhhdh Ig ais Beiabhadhrhd Ad 2 2 2 a : sonotable occupation. The Order is partook of them, After a most en- seeking to establish a professional loyable evening, which fairly eclipsed code of high methods, to demon- | =, previous affair of the kind, as far yyy strate life insurance on its beneficial as numbers were concerned, the sing- NOTICE TO OUR Sida and i ae, its slaimy aug ing of the National Anthem brougat PATRONS hy 2 ote delighted with Kingston, the proceeding toa close, i ts beauty and the cordiality of her 'OF . 200 oF Owing to the scarcity of help citizens. COURSE OF FOUR ¥ EARS, we hate been handicapped in Judge Lavell, in reply to WwW. J. at our repair department, and have Fair's highly eulogistic references of At the R.M.C. Ix Adv t. ed by. the been unable to get the work him, made a humors speech that 3 minandan out 4s sven as we expected. kept the table in roars of laughter, In his annual report on the work at We now have a full staff of re- He concluded with words of cheer to | the Royal Military College, Col. C. pair men and assure prompt ¥! ihe Underwriters, whose work was| N. Perreau states that the number service in the future. laudable and decidedly helpful. His| of gentlemen cadets in residence is Central Gara. e knowledge was that a vast number | seventy-six, and of these thirty-one 8! of men left only Iife insurance for | will be eligitle for commissions in Ed Walsh, Prop. thelr bereaved friends when < the July, 335 King St. dread summons came. A scheme to fix a pension for mem- | AAANANAAAADAAAIIANIAS DID) "Fhe Press" was remembered and | bers of the civil staff has been recog- os LEE a toi ' the National Anthem SUDg and a nized by the Militia Department and ay ost ' happy evening concluded. is receiving attention. The command- There in ho safer. mirer or At the ER ant says he still hopes that the col- more ble invest world, . NYY YY aang TWN yy ment in the AIKEN AND GILLESPIE, lege course will be made a four in * Set stead of a three-year one; This would mi ||. Golden Lion Grocery [me subjects of ions by. Mem- | necessitate the lowenay or ne Sid i hdd vx cutting and misrepresentation and ing from the empty dishes, spoke well to make insuring of lives a pleasant, for the appreciation of all those who " ville arrived I bei ie the Postsmouth penitentiary on the Rideau and River; No. 63, Arch and £ Tne oT eamer. le we bbs: LUMBER Dwelling {complaint of a convict that he haa} Deacon; No. 71, Union and Diyls om treal at 9.15 a.m. on Tues On Duterin_ St. for 4 : dae used unbecoming language to him sion. Other aaditivns to ue we oe Mon rea : Hg We have some small - odd A S lid B ick Dw. 1 | and bad pravemied him from per| this wear ols? om day, lots of Lumber, which we nro 0 rick Dwel- | hag ing work that another -guard| Wellington: No. oo ver and Bare. {_ M.T Co's Wulletin: The tug Mag-|]' his of limber, y old prices in § ling | had ordered him to do, nna | Ola arrived with two light barges order to clear them out and Mr. Proulx (asked questions with me from Prescott, and cleared with the] make room for fresh, new - i for Oswego; the! i . regard to Lieut.-Col. George H. Gil. | Practice coon barge Selkirk : from|§ Stock. They are good value, lespie and elicited the reply from the patriotion hn i atl ht rived. lignt. dock as the market is still rising. Minister of Militta that Col. Gillespie Food Board. for slight repairs; the tug Thomson bolds the appointment of organizer ve gs "Hl cloared with the bares Hamilton to ; Suite of 3 or 4 and inspector of eadet corps in mill . : clear Port Colborne: the tug 3 4 cating rooms tary district No. 3, and assists the "The Hat Store ond geal at ie trie; the tug the Liberal general staff officer and D.AA. and is bgt Jaurs Grace is aid barge. from Dental, Legal, QM.G. at district headquarters when ? i | ternoon, ag a chitectural Also large On Drock stroet Hot water hea be : i ill be tran- necessary: His pay a allowances ied Port Colborne, which w : ars $8.25 a day, und a amount x an 1] shipped into barges for Montreal: received by him since the date of hls y i ff The Government supply bo Sppointment on the 1st of April, . genteul is in pory. : 1oatipto 0th Apeil, 1918, was $15, WORK OF NEW GAS HOLDER 1s Proceeding Satisfactorily, Says En- © gineer Burnett, J] On Tuesday afternoon, the Utilities Commission had a conference wiih Frederick Burnett, Toronto gas plant neer, with regard to the new gas holder which is being, constructed here. Me Burpett said that ine con crete work was proceeding quite sat- isfactorily and he is satisfied that the] commission will get a good job dome. FRIDAY etter ® 8