Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1918, p. 4

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} PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG, MONDAY, Mavs, 1918. » | THE 'BRITISH WHIG to- organize a company which shall vigorously to the Sali of democracy MAYNARD 18 RESIGNED. 85TH YEAR, ? pndertake the erection in Kingston of {and justice; the other is the fact a eertain number of moderately-siged | that the English-speaking peoples At Least a Week Before He Comes --------- : v tog i : g : aly residence This would go far to have been drawn much closer togeth-| to Penitentiary. p nN 4 ; es ér in mutual understanding and re-| : 1 at ta lara hetore } g meet the requirements of the day.f. ..& fRutiud uf i thay stood] It will be at Jast a week befor ; 4 . . Ty ant lots} spect and sympathy than they s i Lo M. Maynard, former 'bane man { » | per There 1s no lack of vagal 01s In the before vager of the Domindon Bank, leaves A x best residential sections of the eity, ---- -- - | Toronto for 'Portsmouth peniten- : npon which to build, » Undaunted France, {tiary to commence his five-year : . I 4 A tard ; he s . (Vancouver Sup.) term. e wil in Toronto Brantford has faced the Same probs] The Germans, with 100,000 shells, or polos ery St the a lem, but has taken steps to solve jtihave blown the heart out of Rheims] Pook meh. with whol he was asso : A r { or without unnecessary delay. ' A 'hold- bat with 100,000.400,000 Shey a POV and against whom he is to 2 ; ; A : ing company has just been organized] ?'®" !"¢ preRrL Ou a Salmo give evidence, ; 9 4 there, and thirty-five acres secured & ription Extraoidinary wg Officials who have talked tp May- a ! onscription ' { nar d since his sentence say he is - on which there will be erected one (Detroit. News) the! Perfectly resigned to his fate, and is 1 : f all the heads of natio hundred new homes, with all conven- hare il the dead a fal ons had | Satisfied that the sentence Imposed . : is a just one. His chief regret is that . iences, and at a minimum €ost Off 1h. offrontery ye iT IE |] io A Tan . « the effre ne ry 10 conscript the Diety | His family will suffer during his ab- $3,000 each. These houses will befor war purposes. | sence He 'has offered his services | Sl we Fo y sold at practieally cost plus carrying e Traitorous All o {to the bank to assist them in any ; he 2 --_ LC -- charges. Such a movement will mean| - il Ru ¥ way in sthaighteming out the books. : 8 = a great boom to the city and to the| Russia may not know it, but her| Teer p-- oT | 248 ; E Remembered His Arithmetic, | industries located there. In Welland |salvation is being worked out in| > Flanders and Picardy. The western, Another thing that will puzzle our but it will be a|English soldiers is money. One time a co-operative company is now erect- world will forgive, roric FP; Published Dally aud Semi-Weekly by ing fifty houses to meet the growing |; in dus i an American who was the worse for HE 3 W ong time forgetting. n » BRITS ey, |» BLISHING demand Kingston should not lag = drink was traveling in a railway car- behind . The development of the The Early Bird. jriage when the guard asked for his * a. Wier ha gre President sity is bel 3 lv Pata (Lomdon Advertiser) | ticket, a § A- Guile $ . Editor and jcity is being seriously: retarded hy Old Mother Hubbard went to the cup-. 'Got none! Lemme' 'lone!"" maun-¢§ Managing-Direotor. the lack of suitable houses, (board, jdered the yank. a Telephones: 43 EE Cr She wanted to quénch her thirst; | The guard took out his ticket Business OMCs ....coidierrreanes, THE POOL ROOM MENACE But when she got there the cupboard schedule. Edi 381 | Rooms ..oviiers 229 Rha 3 op og ' ind " . o eg h Eas 29 Dominion policenfen, on Friday yy {man had got there Art | arrive and six, please," he said 0 We always count it a pleasure to show our e old ma d { sely, oy . . © SUBSCRIFTION RATES night, fuided eleven pool rooms in | "Whazat?" queried the tipsey,one. y boys' clothes to parents who are just looking, Setanta | thon) "| Toromto, arresting = ninety-six men, The Tack of Men. . { "Five and six, please," repeated the £ She year: Selivaren en ety : 5 5.00 | of whom eighteen spent the night 'n (Buffalo Commercial) | guard. : i . ; One year, by mall to rural offices $2. 80 | th f Lh The Irish bishops who are counsel- |" "Eleven," said the yank, 'Now L See O 7.50 Suits For Bo the cells. Many of the young men ur 1 O YS. One year, to United States $2. . JS . i ing resistance to conscription for Ire-| move along to ze next bov."--Boston One yout by me ah or who are evading military service are [13nd scarcely seem to realize that civ- | Transéript. Sizes 30 to 34. Norfolk or Reefer style, straight One yoar, if not paid ins to be found in pool rooms and re-|ilization and Christianity are trem-| 2 bl Que year, to United State $1.50 | staurants at a late hour of the | blidfg in the balance for lack of men. ! An Essay on the Duck knicker oy oomer, ix Sod thive months bro rida! night. In New York and other Am- A duck is a low, heavy-set bird. He MONTREAL REPRESENTATIVE Fin iti 3 ; : Compers' Statesmanship, [is a mighty poor singer, having a . . R. Bruce Owen: 3 Bt. Peter St, | €TICAN cities the authorities have (Mongreal Star) [hoarse voice, caused by getting so See Our-$9.00 Pinch Back and Belter Suits. TORONTO RIP HBSENTATIY B been very active in raiding such Mr. Comj has proved that the 4 ony frogs in. his throat. He likes . ; d d S; 2 33 UNITED STATES Sets hank. Bldg. places, and a surprisingly larga orgamised Norkes cap be a5 patriotic] the water and carries a toy balloon \ Fine cheviots and tweeds. 1zes 8 to . PR Northrup, 225 Fifth Ave, New York | number of young men have been] ®s 31¥ citizen without sacr E RIS iy his stomach to keep from sinking. : ¥.R.Northrup, 1510 Ass'n Bldg, Chicago » own peculiar rights as an industrial|, The duck has only two legs and they gathered in. Now 8 ¢ : Etre a Th ery ¢ : No the paol rooms | unit, The states manship of his policy {are so far back on his running gears j 0 8 to e are publish of some Canadian cities are yielding |as a labor leader in wartime is re-| h iv © a % 3 only over the actual name of the - ) § i : : mi Sts d { by nature that they come pretty near n writer up their quota. (What about the|to8Nnized in the 1 iited - States and f missing his body. Some ducks, when y x ol Kir ° : .. laboard and fits application to condi | they get big, have curls on their tails Aftached is one of the best job| P00! rooms off Kingston? Are their tions in Canada is welcome indeed. printing offices (n Canada. possibilities in is © sot BO 1 Pha antitt oF 5 ia, [and are called drakes. Drakes don't p 8 in this connection go-| The spirit of Canada's patriotic abort) have to set or hatch, but just loaf The circulation of THE Biren ing to be entirely disregarded? |men has been expressed from and : V he doieling . go swimming and eat everything WIG a aut ia Might we not go further and insist Platform all too seldom. since the|j "ciznt tT was to be a duck, I would / Audit Bure B ircalations. that, during the continuance of tha] "aT IOAN, eas rather be a drake.-- Detroit Journal, --- -- war at least, these places should be YOUNG LAD INJURED. * Seven Ages of Man Ey re STR What are you sacrificing for the closed? They serve no useful pur- ------ » First Age--Sees the Rarth. 3 FATTY, exer ace Was 'hen He Was Struck Sot 7a § ? : cause? pose, but, on the contrary, exert a| Face Was Cue W Second Age--Wants it. 3 : L harmful influence upon a certain by Automobile. Third Age--Decides to be satisfied, 51 % e Colle ate, a nr a While crossing Brincess street with half of it. Sizes 31 to 36 Th a iY . | class of young men 'wh the - r 3 'Congratulations to our neighbor o » y 8 to whom the na about five ¢ aloe k jon Saturday after- Fifth Age--Becomes still more mo- . Ing: city of Oswego, across the line. ("100 must turn for help in the day !noon a little boy, Herbert Barton, derate, $10 00 $12 00 $15 00 $16 50 $18.00 It oversubscribed the Third Liberty {Of trial. Our very existence, as alquas struck by an automobile. He | Sixth Age--Now content to possess ' I athe het Sibu {ree nation, is at stake to-day. Anv|Whs removed to the Hotel Dien in {a six feet by two feet strip of it. : and all things which interfere with | the Royal Air Force ambulance, Seventh Age--Gets that strip. r i EE . Bri « officl hott} | whidh was nearby, and his injuries ---------- In order to save food, 3 tain is |Our efficiency as a fighting partner | were attended ito by Dr. A. W. Me- Now is the Time For Painting, going to get rid of two million dogs. | of the Alles must be swept aside, Carthy. It was thought for a time Why not use the best, also the Food, peace and public health would | harmless as it may have been in the |{hat there was a slight fracture of | most economical paint. ae be vastly conserved by reducing the |days of 'peace. These are stérn the Sitnis besides same cuts on the | Advise us of your requirement by Now is the Time-to Start Spraying with a 3 3 this a t » number of useless dogs in Canada. times, and stern measures must be the case fortunatel 8 Was not [mailing the attached coupon | ---- adopted. : ER TRS A i Some of the organized opposition ¥ arian | . . . Faced by the pressing necessity of praymo 0 N 4 Purchased Coal and Wood Business. : securing more food to lessen dan- > Loan by almost 50 per cent. to Lloyd-George might be traced WAR DEBTS. adwick & r cently A. Chadwick & Son, who. re © | gerous unrest at home, Germany is 1t will pay you to do so. Used by Government Experimental back to his unforgiven conquest of Tabulation of figures as to the |purchased the coal and wood busi- < PS reas A Dad iy : enfording a new icy of r PSS a > ping e p 8 x the House of Wonds dn 1909 and | vewly ereated war debts of the na- [ness from the F rontenac Lumber ft f Trrdliind Jaffe of Filles. Stations. We have a book on Spraying free for asking. and Coal Co., have received a cargo N 1911.. Democracy owes him no|tions show that the total is now the Ukrainian republic into an. al- A ap ot a lions, Of this sum about $72,000,-faccepting orders for The new black rod for the Cana. one-time farmer boy is now do-| 000,000 represents the debts of the | Private owners' previous. yearly ref. Parliament will be p : King ' ; o resented to St. ing all the buying for the United | Allted mations, leaving nearly $40 Juiroments. 2 This Baw he Sir Robert Borden in London, as the Phone 388 Hardware 4 States army. = Hats olf to Colonel| 000,000,000 to the Central Powers. | ang £- Highgeibey west. ~They solicit | gift of the United Kingdom branch 3 Samuel McRoberts and the little red | The expenses of the Allies are also your patronage and promise the |Of the Empire Parliamentary Associa. From reliable seed houses, in | school house which gave him his probably increasing more rapidly | public the very best of service. tion. Wo &'s Phosphodine. i start in life. To-day he is spending | than those of the enemy. Thus it is 7.6 Great English Phesghotize, Also a few Dutch bulbs, for J £ Tones and invigorates the who spring blossoming, 4 2 : : of coal and are now fin a position to : grudge for this action. @ver one hundred and eleven hil- wale lance with Russia for mutual re- 9 i : : : Bocent business for Jyosent delivers, sistance against the Hohenzollerns. S ds NilHots i dollars in the cause of eins ie early twice as much to necvous stern, Bakes new pid : 3 0 3 3 i ol ing, 8 Nervo Ye : Sk the Hun as he is spending - : : Debiity, Mental and B Frain Werey. De In his attack. If it costs ten times dency, loss of TOY, lotto. " 50 acres, § miles from Kingston, on| § The manager of a bank in Toron- : ot: Heart, Faili a dem. emoryy, Price $1 per box, six good road; fair bulldings; about 20 ] as mueH it must and will be done. for $5. One will plecue, sux will oure. Pod by ail to has just been sentenced to serve i or plese, si id by ail acres of good land under ecultiva~ five years ih the provincial pend Sunadu's War debt shows that, this BEE mht ct mr Tr. THE WOOD | om Price 32300, tary for tall poh ops _ Rel country has not been backward in - . €0., TORONTO, OFT, (Fosmorly Windsor) | 100 merenyi11 mites from Kingston: falr 3 : 0 , "| providing money, as well as men; in buildings; well watered and fenced; y 1 bank. ols Peculutions began as ur ng tight for freedom. In times of THE HEAVYWEIGHTS : LL DRUG STORE y + but he was peace our annual expenditure for Fred Fulton is a bruiser great, as large and - ' 118% ae well Jocateds 75. ncren 18F Princess St, (Phono 843 4 <4 successful in fooling the auditors for | jerence was $10,000,000. This has| lf 3 : stately as an Alp; he's 'whipped full many a beefy I An Patedl 75 ores mood considerably over two years. The grown to $300,000,000 a year. or skate, who hoped to bear away his scalp. He says ings mione worth the money, Price \ cause of justice might be better well on to $1 000 400 3 : A he'll harvest Willard's pelt, and change that fighter's $2,000, on easy terms. served by having the auditors share 0 31,0, 8 GAY, ! name to Pance, and bear away the champeen's belt; I Insurance Company Possession of any of these farms can with him some of the punishment special war appropriation of $50,- 4 wonder why he's not in France? This Willard is a FIRE INSURANC, be had at ounce. oe © 1000,000 was woted at the special X mighty 'min, Who take some whipping, 1 suppose; he A Ins RANCE yo va 4 DEPUTY M : parliamentary session of 1914, a se- - made the smoke an also ran, and has a kick in all his freau Office. Royal Insurance Bldg. Deputy ministers Ottawa may| 0nd of $100,000,000 ai the sousion || WESRRSY blows. 'don't believe hei Jose io Fred, unless by rRECY J. QUIN behave themselves and not go tres-|©f 1915, a third of $2560,000,000 at tl wort I. A Pdr Lodhi men are of Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto PURE passing upop the rights of members|the session of 1916, and a fourth of heroic build, they're perfect fighters when they're fit: W. H. GODWIN & SONS Real Fatate and Insnranee., of Parliament by maki ivil Ser.|$500,000,000 in (February, 1917. and it is said they both are filled with forty kinds of AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. " .- : 3 bg © SF 5 And they will meet, some day, 1 ween, . " : Ma le S p Roi Fup AV x v it. vice appointments in constituencies] OUr Peaple have subscribed about pep and gr " ) ; 4 3 ; to fight, with pomp and circumstance, for packages of after the exposure and warning by|$1:000,000,000 to four domestic war good 10AE greon; 1 wonder why these sot In Foante, : y Sarpentar and Builder ~W. F. Nickle is the House last Friday| 0808. The contributions to patri- 4 I've heard of Willard's wondrous:reach, how he can « IX. : > night. It appears that a certain de-|©t¢, Red (Cross and other war time |hif around a block; and I should judge, from Fulton's speech, that he can AAPAAA Specializing Store Fronts and Fit- $2.00 per Gallon. Now is the time to put it up puty minister, with the assistance of| [U0d8 Must amount to hundreds of | Scrap as well as talk. Until they've fought they'll spiel and yell, and red ohare CATARRH kei tags. ling Bulldisgs of all another, "succeeded. in. placi thousands of dollars. hot arguments advance; if they can fight so wildly well, I wonder why the ESTIMATES on EXPERIENCE : & pacing a wo. they're not in France. Address, 273 University Ave. for next winter's use. Jas. REDDEN & Co. man clerk, who could not be accom- During the past week the Military 4 : MASON. modated at Ottawa, in the Kingston Thc. Sot out 80 be $2,350. : <. «»=WALT postoffice, but when a protest was ria Tiangle fund. Tie CAPSULES ™ i firs he Sod SL ie i re "| THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN auounss|| SPECIAL BAR. Frans 2 sd 0 there are so mawy evil servants| three days over $3,000,000 was se. : { GAINS For This : floating around the eapital that work) CVred. There seems to be mo Hinit ie Beware of F : fii cannot be found for them, the sur.| 0 the givings of our people when 1 Week At plus should ith little ge-|the cause is worthy. It ds a hopeful ' lay. And he tet gawitn 1 tn gs and healthy sign. And ot our people - / - UNITED GROCERY : . it can truly be said, that where their gh g . farmers® butter. | treasure 1s thare will their heart be : : : S00 10%. Sarmers' butter, at dle algo, For of a surety their heart is 6 _{'with the Canadian boys in France, Whatever further sacrifices are de- manded, one can now be sure that { A the Canadians at home will make ; ; To_PICK AN ALL them gladly and generously, STAR NINE: 4 |e oo Toe cri, Way. 8 + (Detroit Free 2 Those Britons fight Best > i their backs Asaifat the wall, *th TTT TTTY YY YY YY YY hhh dhl aa ha

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