A Probs: Tuesdhy, fair. SET ; OF COD," SHE SAYS AIEEE ARAN E NEARER RRR NRE Mrs. Lawson Bays 1 Tarlac Over= ag Toit og Mo | e Ix nant sulted th Her Rca. | Months Standing. Totanto World's Ottawa Despatch | Night~Appeal For Housecleaning on 3 WwW. F. kie, Unionist member] While Boys Are at the Front. "Poditively, 1 Hsan't finished At Sydenham sires Methodist] first hottie of Tanlac before | During an exceptionally busy spring season we have . ulated 'W a considerable quantity of short ends of merchandise. Te clean these up in one day we have remarked them at from, one-third. to one-half of their regular prices. Sob Kinuston, created a semagtivn ii J.| satisfied from thie way I was . WARNING OF ¥.FNCLETO So AR OVER APPOINTMERTS BY X SM ALLIANCE our' Yok AT OTTAWA. DESTRUOTION .OF BUSINESS. | INDIGESTION AND: CONSTIPATION Quickly Relieved oy ina Rodsox, P.Q. "I suffered for fusuy years with terrible Indigestion and Constipation, A 'neighbor advised me to try "Frujt-a-tives". 1did so and to the surprise of my doctor, T began to improve and he advised me to go otf with "Fruit-a-tives. I consider thd® T'owe my fifa to "Fruit-a-tives" and I want to say to those who suffer from To gestion, Constipation tl aches -- "Frult-a-tives" illget ar An Ottawa Tady Appointed To King-| So Declared Rev, F. J, Oaten, of To- po ston. Post Office, But n Protest Re-' Tonto, Speaking in Sydenham { Street Methodist Church Sunday x ny the House of Commons Friday night, | ochitveh, onSudday aight, Rev, F. v in the course of 4 debdte upon the Oaten, PUD., of Toronto, made alproving that it wag just what i! 'I Government's bill to extend the Civil! strong appeal on behalf of the Do-| needed," Jala is, Annie Lawson, ol Service Act to the outside service. He! minion Alliance, and at the close of aking at pi alton avenue, Toronto declared in effect that the bill, if his address a collection was taken up a TL Yih Sin. be tek. month ienaeted, would be lable to deprive |in support of the work which is being ah el : og Beh ithe, | & member of parliament of all in-|¢arried on by the Aillancd. | Dus 1 of oo ith : ' % ' The speaker told an Interesting from a général run down condition Ji fuchife 11 Nis. own filling and Te {story of the campaign carried on byl and was feeling badly all the time, | the power of appoistingnt in a cen | ine Alliance, to suppress the liquer| I wag losing my appetite and got 80/ tritlizéd ring of depiity Wiriisters at) (oi "00 daslired that the Allianee| 1 eouldii't relish a thing I would eat Ottawa. He told of a Mrs. Narro-| gq out for the absolute destruction] and many a time all I could force! way, a stenographer in the public | ie the liquor traffic. down was a little tea ahi toast. 1 He stated the 2 works department, Yeing transferred | Alliance wag carrying on the work of | had an awful pain in my right side! anti I would get so nervous at times | gg v department and as- it rested with the to the postoffice depa | the people, and that I could hardly steep, - 00 a year job ip Kin to whether the campalgn 4 |sighed toa $1.1 1 year job in £-| people as to I Chcee ove of "I was getting in such bad shape CORINE GAUDRE 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial Size 256, At all dealers, GF. sak postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Stoll Postoflice. The transfer had | been made by the assistant deputy- I postmaster general, at the request of | the deputy minister of public works. | The Kingston postmaster seems to] THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting any in tery line, Ry of ou Joram an floors of is recelve prompt 49 Queen street. the carpen. on ail kinds $ Site hard tention. "Tey have béen anxious to oblige his offi-| cial superior, and his official superior | was not indisposed to grant a re quest coming from another deputy minister, No one, however, seems to | have consulted Mr. Nickle. | sThere was naturally some indigna- | tion arotised over the transaction am- ong other employes in the Kingston al OT Fresh daily, te. your "home, for 10 cents & gallon. A Hmited wm customers can. ié taken on nt present, and ¥ added as soon as suitable eonveyances are completed to A This water Hid" heen ox- amined at Queen's College and | found absolutely pve, , , . Dew "neglect, phone at onee antl make But hoe wt for prompt delivery, Phone 59 or 1056 of new of the to have sw. hring it in your lefs- help in this sine, is not to country to Call for ft at ure. Get the ar. 163 Hi hunted ll| ter-Gieneral, came to the red it ordered the lady clerk back postafice, antl perhaps, among the, i membérs of the Unionist-Conserva: | tive executive! At any rate, they all up Mr. Nickle end landed] upon him, to use his own phrase, "like a thousand of bricks." Mr. Nickle assured them that he knew no-| thing about dhe appdintment and straightway hutried off to the Capi tal. To use his own expression, he! was "hot eles through," and seems! to have spoken his mind with vigor] todthe'officials of the postoflice depart-| ment: Finally, Judge Doherty, min-| fateh of "Justice and acting Postmas- 'ue, He from | i Kingston to Ottawa, and peace reign fled onée more in the Limestone City. | Mr. Nickle, however, was net if through with the matigr. He tod advantage ot the debigie' to tell the He warned tony that he was aivng | them independent support ind would HH not stand tor the reign. of nepotism land intrigue which he thought might 1 follow the inauguration of civil ser; vice reform. He said he' was not fi making a threat, bue he. would not' fistand for officials at Ottawa destroy-| {ing the prestige of Unionist fuewmibers of parliament. No matter what t law mizht be He said that the people | t | |would hold the member for the pid-| ihg responsible for appointments made in the district. Mr. Nidkle onry voited in student form what seemed to be a well grounded opposition to the bill dong many of the old line Conserva- | tive members from Ontario. i A dN NAN Nl tt } pi Hi: fo ih { i | iba | Your Q "What Ht ment shall [rm The + i : he Aawers yu Sd 1 * buy?' That's, been your question. . And the Edi- son tone test has answer- led it. The tone test has proved that a instru: ment has been final lly perfected which . | creates the singer's Voie E | so faithfully that the hu-| 7 fil man ear i The ren dis- i compelled { debt by borrowing, {allowed to be earried on again. stated that at the present time, there i towed the solild be 8 suceess. serious things the question of tem- perance was an important one. { Foundations were heing laid and at a very great cost, Dr. Oaten told how the liquor traf- | fie had been a great drawback to the | progress of both €atada and Eng- land, and spoke of the measures tak- en to bring about a remedy. The economic losses throtfgh the drink | traffic were great. Money had been | squandered, and Canada had been to go into. very heavy "Our boys dare deing their "hit" overseas and we at home have some [housecle ing to de here," said Dr. Oaten. "A very good time to do this housecleaning is while the boys are jaway, The liquor has been wiped {out until a year after the war, and let us see to it that the traffic lis never It is is suffielent lignor stored away in Canada to supply the needs of all the hotels, shouldl they he opened again, for five years: We ae endeavoring to have this l{uor ymade into high explosives to help Kill the Germans. That is all It is.goed for, and I hope {we will be ablé ta succeed in our { plans, i HEAVY FOG TIED UP NAVIGATION ile |The Movements of Vessels Res ported Along the Water- front. A thick fog onthe lake and river interfered with navigation over thé i week-end. The fog horn has been working overtime, and many vessels "have 'beety tied up. Captains com« ing up the river stated that ft was ape of the worst trips for fog they ever experienced. AF. Co's. bulletin--The steamer India pagsed down with coal from Lake Erie for Montreal; the India barge Hamilton from Port | Dathouste, to Kingston with grain | for Montreal; ihe tug Laura Grace armived with the barge Hilda with eonl (from Oswego for Montreal] cleared with the one grain and one cont barge for Montreal, returned to | Kingston with two light barges and will clear with the barge Kingston 'for Oswego with the barges Nadine {and Pairhavett; he tug Magnolia is } due to arrive with two light barges | fon Presiestt amd. will elear with the barges Augustus and Labwing to load coal a Charlotte. The stéam: ers Simla and Advance passed up on Monday. morning Hght for Past {ol- borne for orders. ; o steamor. Westmount arrived at Pore Colborne Sunday wmeerning i a Phe steamer Windsor passed down 1 Sadi from Osweso for Montreal: te draslérs badlt of an inland oh 'were taken down Lor otedn ser: vice on Sunday. The steamer Belleville arrived from Monitead at 11,50 p.m. on Sat- |urday and cleared for Toronto at 1. Sh a.m. on Sunday. steamer City of Ottawa arriv- {ed from Toronto at 9 a.m. and { Cleated dr Montreal at 10,30 a.m. n en ante) steanier Waterlily aFTved rr nal at 3.50 p.m. on Bun- var ia in pory walling for the bo Hit before ing west. steamer City of Hamilton ar- rived from fread at § a.m. and cleaved tor Toronto at 8.15 naw. on 'Moudays, ei tn & Chaplain Franz J. Reinler, who was sefit back from Frames by Gene- : & afi | c aftobwards was statighed di Hawaii, fis been ben- ienced #0. a Jong, Sin. of prison Ho on: of disloyalty. - fchamon has Wun Appoint: henifo mhbton sue "Shor PMG. Tom grain from Porgy Witla. dosing the ei tit 36 in this a age to \ tool head, a strong ¥ nerves. rush and hustle, work ter lobe : egme unstrang, you system. Be- uy I at al pissin start at the least that 1 realized 1 must take something to fix me up, and hearing so much while. I have taken only three bot ties so far and it has certainly wie me a world of good. My my meals, that pdin in my side has | entirely disappeared and 1 feel better | in every way than I have in a long tine." There is no season of the year when Tanlae can be takeh to better advan- tage than right now. In the spring- time all mankind. after weathering the storms of winter, are in need of an upbullding tohife. 'Dhere is noth- ihg move invigorating to a run-down system than Tatilae. It will prove in- vitluable to persons who are suffering from the after affects of pneumonia, la grippe, catairh or _hranchial troubles, Tanlae 18 a powerful recon- siructive tonic and always produces most gratifying résults, Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P, Chown, fi, Plevna by Gilbert Ostler, in Battersea by U. B. Clark in Fern- leigh by Ervin Martin, in Ardoeh by M. J. Scullion, in Sharbot Lake by W, Y. Cannon, ~--~ADYVT, ACROSS SIBERIA. Effect of the Revolution Upon Asia. tic Russia. Although mich bis been writen of late 'about Rugdia under the reve- lutionary regime, we have had little first-hand news of conditions in Rus- sia's Asiatic. provinces. Louise de Wetter has written .an article en- titled "Across Sibe' a, Homeward Bound," which gives a.vivid personal Impression of the Sibérian journey in war time. Here are some of Mrs. de Wetter's comments: "Although fully provided with three huge hampers of food, not to mention the presents brought to the train by our kind friends, we decided to try the gining.car. It did not lack a piano, or discouraged-looking plants on every table, but the quality of the food placed 4afore us may be guessed at when 1 say that it was our only appearance in the ear. To reach if, we had to stagger through the entire train; for although the speed was such as to make a self-respecting freight train smile, the tracks were far from even, and we careenad drunkenly from side to side on our subsequent excursions to the bath~ room, There was a tub, and there was water, though tearful and woh. derful to behold, being a bright red: but at least it had the virtue of be- ing hot and of washing off some of the layers of gritty dust which cover- ed us from head to fool after a few days. 1 aetually took it off the. win- dow-sill with an after-dinner coffee spoon in the mornings, "These trips to and from the bath were interesting in other ways. We were foreed to climb over sleeping praise of Tanlac T decided to try it a! anette |B has pieked up so that I now relish allio E "mn 5 wafriors - lying upon the corridor floors their battle-stained sheepskin coats giving the indescribable and awful odors, and their guns and ae- | coutrements lying beside them, stum- | bling bloeks for the unwary. Woe unio.any ene who accidentally feil over-a loaded gun, "Those who were awake when we | passed seemed to recognize in our | forced smiles a feeble attempt to be | friendly, and after a few days we be: #an to hod, and they fo hold the doors open for us as we by. "The. mights were really térfor-rig- den; Awakened from a fitful sleep by tening to the They were intent upon boarding the train, and Jrustrating the at- tempts of # conductors to keep them off. Batters upon the 8i ot the crs with thelr riffebutts, osc ing on the windows with their fists, they shrieked maledictions upon those within the train. Most of all they reviled the soldiers who, faithful to our trust in them, refuséd to let them enter our car. ined 13 life ro indders a ; bed up the le from. os. 0 to he roofs of id "lace snd slacks void ihe coveted vont he: ors, which, 4 stacks, dot the roots ie Suit around one of these, a man: I at east Sou ofr as the train # sudden Jolting stop, we il lay lis- | howliag mobs outside. | ig DRESS GOODS SILKS LININGS VELVETS LACES TRIMMINGS RIBBONS ODDS OF NECK- WEAR ODDS OF HOSIERY LINENS SHEETINGS TOWELLINGS a COTTONS PRINTS GINGHAMS SHIRTINGS CURTAIN NETS MADRAS CRETONNES At 33 1-3 to 50% Less ular Prices Reg Steacy's - Limited HERERNERE NE. DA ENEENEEEENNENEENERRRSNNERRRSENNSE Amina ia i, i nA RRA ss ---------------- COAL CUSTOMERS Please Notice I Coal Sales will be for : » For the Boys at the Front CHOCOLATTA Ohocolate" Coma titr the C Betiiaed) Milk and Prepared Tastantly hy Adding Bolliag Water Only, No Cookl: Mik Required. Par Sate By .D. Couper 341.3 Privcess St ANAAANNRIADANNIIN LI icone RES =uhmatines =dr YSUr OF ix Ee If the German submarines still continue to destroy British ship- ping at the present rate the addition Of conerete to the materials out of which seagoing eraft ean be buils witl i | susbis the allies to build new ships ter. than the German 'subnrarines rv Siok old ships. Transfer of 1 000,000 totis of EVERYTHING TO HOME rein me" Ve es un pi es A come plete stock just . IT Tie Floor coverings of all descrip. tiohs. Rugs, Hinolonits, ollcloths, ett., at less than wholesale cost today. Repairing and | upholstering promptly done. Victrolas and: Victer Records and White Sewing Yass 3 | Duteh shipping and the success of the concrete ship venturé will stand as mighty events in the history of this war. These events mean the defeat of Germany's submarine campaign; The defeat of (Germany's submarine campaign means the absolute defeat of Germany, meester ---------- Houses of Rock Salt. In the Libyan Degert stands the town of 'Biwall, which has been re- stored to Egyptian control '48 a re- sult of the defeat of the Semsussi, in a district of much historical interest. At Siwah was gituated the temple of Zeus Ammon, to Which Alexander the "Great male his Tamous pilgrim age in 331 B.C. when be is supposed to have een acknowledged there as the san of Ammon: What actually passed botween Alexander pid the priests was fever kaown, but thatihe [SHR satisWed Ix ahinwn by the munin- wh Bits he made #0 the temple. the preseststime Siwahli is +n -- of tggreat Berber nr Libyan Luce "The pec ple still $peak their An- ant moiner. (ongue cud possess dis inetive dud curious custows, perhaps fe wost peeuliar ¢f Which is tue sgregalion of unifuitied youths ano. soph ho : of, a hill spr. wall, abd pre ken road. The b To Catform with the Canada Food Bod Regu ~ We would like you Hous. try Robin Hood, ones, and feel sure you e Jou 1 like it, "and have the satisfac, tion of knowing you aré again ing to conserve WY ioat Flour, Cane Sugar, Ani al and v ats 'This Biscuit is most paltable, v very y nourishing and satisfying,