Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1918, p. 2

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Save Worry. rec cag ore Your Furs We guarantee ydu against "loss by Fire, Theft and Moth Phone 489. Our Fur Van will call. John McKay, 149 to 157 Brock Street. J THE | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1918. a ---- AN AUSTRIAN MUST WORK ARRAIGNED BEFORE MAGES. TRATE FOR VAGRANCY. Two Wayward: Girls Given Sone Good Advice by Magistrate Fare rel Wheh They Pleaded Guilty to a Charge of Vagrancy. "Why dont you go to work?" asked Megisirdte Farrell of a middle-aged man, an Austriafd, who was arrajgned before him on Mon- day morning, charged = with vag- ragey. The Austrian simply smiled, and the efforts of the magistrate to gét him into some "useful odeupation" fad mo result, and the mocused. was sent to jail for a week on remand. The Austrian is the one who weft suddenly insane the other day, and claimed to have been responsible for the war. He said the Kaiser had nothing whatever to do with the war, and that he alone set off the fireworks. As he has recovered from his "spell," the police wanted hing to get busy, realizing the press- ing need for men in these days of war, but no sir! Nicholas, for that is his first name, would not make any promises. He and work evi- dently are strangers to each other. If he is found able to work le will be made to work, for in days of war no person must be idle. The Aus- trian worked one day at the logo- motive works and then threw up the sponge. } i ml Two young women came up in the House Cleaners Let us demonstrate to you the latest Cadillac Electric Cleaner with Automatic .re- volving dust. brush, for catch- ing lint and hairs, It is a wonderful cleaner, time and labor saver. Telephone 810. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. Telephone 819. HOUSE CLEAN- ING SUPPLIES We have everything you need to help you ¢lean house, We can also supply you with all kinds of cool and canned meats and to save your C. H. Pickering, peor and Meat Dealer ayd 492 Princess St. Phone 580. -_ TTTTT-- * Detached Brick Johnson Street. «+ 7 rooms, furnace, electricity, gas, sleep- ing porch, hardwood floors. $3,000 Frame, 6 room dwelling, stone foun- dation, cellar, lot ag foot frontage; garden, Riostlyp fone ed; stable.' "Me 531 350° oe Etats 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621.. ------ The ionic trosvasser i 'always on. the, defensive lest fis rights be infringed Joos. ie Perfect Eyesight is your best friend. Treat it right. Abuse it and it will forsake you. YOUR EYES may need the aid and com fort glasses will give. CONSULT US You owe them that much. Consultation free. woman's court. The charge against them was that of vagraney. One came to court om Saturday to be- friend the other, who. was accused of sefu.ing goods under false pre- tences from a Kingston shopkeeper, and was held as a prisoner on a charge of vagrawoy, and both were registered on the vagrancy. charge. Ww hen arrigned 'both entered a plea of "guilty," and as a result it. was unnecessary for Police Constable Samuel Arndel to go into the box and disclose a sordid story ecencerning the manner in which the wayward girls haye been carrying om, 'Maghsirate Farrell gave the girls some good sound advice, and it is to {be hoped that they will benefit by i, Late hours, with taxi drives with siramge men has had much to do in their downfall. Mrs. Smith, the police matron, was present and {méady to give the girls. a helping | hand, and they left the court room with her. DIED, A7 DAT 7. PORTLAND. ! | Late Chari Metcalfe, Pather of H. . Metcalfe, Kingston. morning of the death at Portland of Charles Metcalfe, aged eighty-five Years, a much-regpected resident of that place, and father of H, F. Met- calle, pringipal of the Kingston 'Business College. On Wednesday of lust week deceased suffered a PTT hha . PATRONS E | Owing t we have ou dis S000 AS We ex 'We now have a full sta service in the future. Central Garage Ed Walsh, Prop. 835. King St. VR -NOTICE TO OUR the scarcity. of help 1 in our repair Geparcmants and have unable to get the Work "of re. r men and assure prompt broken hip as the result of a fall, and the shock was too much for him, and he passed away on Monday darorning. The late Mr. Metedife was engag- od for many years as a farmer, but for some: years had lived a-retired lite. He was a member of the Me- fhodist church. . Deceased is surviv- 'ied by two daughters and two sens, Mrs, Harry Peters, of Portland; Mrs. Alexander Mclaren, of Chi- ago; W. H. Metcalle, of Portland; and HP. Metcalfe, of this city; also by several brothers and asister liv- ing in Broughton, Eng. Interment will take place at Elgin. H. F. Met- calfe left on Monday afternoon to At the ONEY kr aporated Peaches, Older... ,... ge sen oe ER Tn # Si ous es | 2 derle Ys ands 'How is Golden Lion Grocery Fa anc Clover In one pound sections, 25 cents each. Fresh California Prunes, nice and Juicy ... ... 10¢, 12}c, 15¢ Ib. , 24 lbs for 25¢ porated Apricots ... ... 5 : 1. W R MeRae&Co |_Golden Lion Grocery i ------------ Ape g EET attend the funeral. DID NOT LIKE THE JOB. * Police 'Constible "Miller Res gned After a Week's Service, The life of a police constable did not appeal to Frank Miller, one of the latest additions to Kingston's "finest." He banded in his resigna- tion, after serving for a week, and now there is a vacancy for the police commissioners to fill. It is um that Willtam Nicholson, who recently resignea from the force, -will receive the ap- pointment, Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ss Capacity houses greeted beth per- formances of "Uncle Tom's Cab" at the Grand Opera House on Satur~ day. The familiar play never fails to draw large crowds, and successive generations will look' upon it ag a story of perennial interest. Every available seat was gccupied for the production, and eonsiderable en- thusiasm prevailed, Two Operas Coming. Col. William Franklin Reilly, busi- ness manager of the Boston English |} {Opera Campany, is in the city m ements for his productic "Mar Reads. May 32nd. pr ow nted at the performance, with a special o-ches- 413 E21 i sit Wok reached the city on Monday | °'tizen "church, ing : at thé Grand Opera House on Wed- Bohemian Girl'™ ie, evening anal INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings In the Oity and Vieinity =What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Pianos to rent, C. W. Lindsay, Lad. Mis. A, G. M, Strowger will leave this week for Edmonton to visit her brofhér, K. A. Ross. Home grown asparagus and spin- ach 'at Carnovsky's, . The, adjourned meeting of the Board of Education has been called for Thursday night. W. Swaine, piano tuner, 100 Cler- gy street west, Orders left at Mc- Auley's, or 'phohe 564. Arrangements are being made for inspection of the cadets of Victoria school on Thursday night. Rev. BE. R. MeLean gave a most in- spiring sermon on "Mother's Day." on Sunday morning at Cooke's church, 2 Ald. John Litton is buildinga fine summer cottage st East View Park, on the St. Lawrence. It is very ar- istic. Some of evening the Sunday tended. The heavy showers kept the people at home. Mrs. Ross McRae, Brock street, went to Montreal to-day, having re- ceived" word of the death of her brother-in-law. J. W. Smith has taken out a per- mit for the erection of a double brick bungalow for William Reid on Nelson street north of Princess, . Mrs, Campbell, 235 Colborne street, Hospital in James Reid's motor am- bulince on Saturday night. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. Fully fifty per cent, more ground will be cultivated ip the city this year than there was a year ago in the interests of greater produetion. Miss Bessie Stewart, Collingwood street, is in Toronto, visiting ber aunt, Mrs, George A. Milne, and her sister, Miss Florence Stewart, nurse- in-training at Wellesley Hospital. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We earry two expert tuners and will assuré entire satis faction. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. The City Council this evening will again discuss the question of ap- pointing a fuel controller. Another is' mentioned in connection with the post, We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will al- low the six months' rental on pur- chase price, and arrange easy terms on balance. CC. W. Lindsay. Ltd. J. L. Haycoek, ex-M.P.P,, spent the week-and in the city. He is going to Ottawa, Tuesday, with the .deputa- tian of farmers who will protest against the conscription of farm la- A tar on the farm of Peter Bar- east of Cape Vincent, N.Y., burned to the ground on Thursday morning after it was struck by lightning, The loss is about $2,500. Fhe remains of the late Henry Haskins, who passed away in the General Hospital en Saturday after- nobn; at the age of sixty-five vears, ware transferred to Verona for inter- ment by § 8. Corbett. Prevost, Brook street, has recejv- 3 Some exceptional good values in and Men's ready-made suits, whlch he will sell at a reda price. His values in the order clothing de- partment cannot be surpasssed, Cape Vincent, N.Y., more than doubled its quota of §27.000 of Lib- erty bonds. More than $70,000 was rajsed. The pupils. of the high school subseribed to $900 worth of bonds, when they had expected to take only $500, Mother's Day ii Queen Street Methodist church was marked by a fair - attendance, in spite of 'the starm. A number of elderly ladies ware brought to the service in auto- mobiles loaned by menibers of the Rev. J. D: Ellis : pronched an: inspiring Sermon; i Eat less of foods made from wheat. -- Canada Food Board. The Hat Store" WATCH FOR THE DATE OF OUR | they church services were very poorly at- || was removed to the General] tholomew, about four miles south-| 00) into contatt with the girls and keep ipa tn SS -- Introduction To the Gump Family as they The Chicago Tribune. How That is the question. rocky road of Chester, for a few pages, is to laugh." In other words, weaken. Hy, MIN! SO? appear daily and originally in to be Can it be'done? of matrimony with happy though married? Travel the rough and Andy and Min, to say nothing and you'll find that after all "it it's a great life if Price 50c. : GS OF THE UNDERWORLD, hy Clém Yore. you don't Every poem is a little sermon or the text for a big sermon, written by a man who-was & police reporter for years, and has seen all the dregs of life he so powerfully portrays in his book. The ro- cital of these verses has held audiences breathless and drawn many an unbidden tear. No anthor before has taught lessons fh verse from the seamy side of life. Service, and a boo kthe boys After the 'style of will appreciate Price 60¢ Robt. W. The C ollege Book Store Open Nights. - boys at the front? WN NN NNN NNN EXQUISITE VY YY THE ALWAYS thao dhe ded de - Whose order comes frst, yours or the Ri BEAUTIFUL WEAVES, DAINTY COLORINGS: JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENT FROM THE REST Popiilar Pri ahahaha de did i ab be PATTERNS ahhh dd dh dh dd Ah A A A Ae Bd dds ddd hdd ahs dss sas BUSY STORE dd KINGSTON MAY HAVE Greal Need For Or One in Carry~ ing on Work Ameng Way~ ward Girls. The Board of Police Commission- ors have under consideration the! appointment of a woman constably, | whose duty it would be to look=after ward girls on the street. It is felt that there is great need for a woman io do work of this kind, but the trouble is in Securing a woman wha would be able to do the work she would be called upon to do, in aider that the service would be sat- isfactory. The case of the two girls before strate Farrell, on Monday morn- dng, 'on a charge of vagrancy, is ono that needs the attention of an woman le--a person who might come on them. he commissioners had the matter under consideration at a recent meet- ing, and while no action was taken, may make an appointment in tho near future. | A WOMAN CONSTABLE pore BUILDERS SUPPLIES woaoy | oy ii gid { See ux before purchasing. We can furnish all the ma- { terials from foundation to roof, including wood staves, iron | .. hoops, special doors, roof wine {1 dow, etc, Everything up to date. SANGLI & 00. x a EE dada dh hh 4 a 0 No gift could be more ac- ceptable to a Mason than a compass and square ring. This may be had in a great variety of designs, either in all gold or engraved stone styles, at 78-80 Brock Street. 3 b Tm TYYYTTYYYYYY TTY YT TTT YT YY YYYY | A New Brick Duel. Near Albert St, 7 rooms, Ek hot. water heating, electric 4 light, gas, hardwood floors, at the bargain price of $2050, A Brick Row On Pine Street) reals svae per year; for $4200, A rE Rideau street; 98 feet Trontage, for $800. i A Double I Bo pe ort year, ot, ren 82800, re 4 Ae a el

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