THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1918. . PAGE FIVE 2 4 * "Out of the High Rent District," OConnor's Ladies' Exclusive New Silk Suits The Latest New York Novelty Styles in all the fashionable shades of taffetas and silk poplins -- individual models, at moderate prices. See our race] nuiibers 1 in New York Coats Get our prices. We save you money. my T.J.0'Connor Higher up street but lower in price always. 260 Princess St. Telephone 800 'ON IMPORTANT WAR WORK NIGHT SIGHT @ It's at night time that most people find their eyesight failing. n your eyes do not give you. comfort for night reading it is a sign you need our help and glasses. We are equipped to give you satisfaction. J.J. STEWART, Opt.D. Opposite Post Office, OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST Kingston, Protect Your Furs Through the Summer Months Moth Bags, Camphor Balls, Cedar and Lavender Camphor, Keep out the Moths. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Sts. Telephone 41. Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! One or two doses ; ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach psia. 25 cents a package at all Dru or sent to any address pos , by the U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Boadway, N.Y. | {Emma Hunter, LANCE 'ORPORAL LE SATVAGE ENJOYING A REST, Was Gassed After "Several Months' service in France--Afterwards Engaged as Specialist On Photo- | graphic Work in Granville Hos- pital. Among the Kingstoniarns who have "have been doing their "bit" at the 'front, and who is pow at his Hone, 'enjoying a well-earned rest, is Lance- !Corporal Le Sauvage, of 214 Earl [sfreet, Lance-Corporal Le Sauvage served funder Col. A. E, Ross and has dis- tinguished service to his credit. Af- ter being in France for some time, he was sent back to England, suffering from gas, and was afterwards.put on x-ray work in England, and did splen- did work as a specialist in the photo- graphic department of the Granville Canadian Special Hospital, Rams- gate, Kent, which was bombarded by the Germans. Lance-Corporal Le Sauvage returned to Kingston on May 2nd and 'was given a warm wel- come by his many friends. Me was very glad to get the opportunity to return to his old home, The photographic department of the Granville, to which Lance-Corp- oral Le Sauvage was attached, is de- serving of special mention. A great amount of very important work is being done in the photographing of interesting and unusual cases for records and for illustrating lédtures. Ordinary pictures, lantern slides, en- largements, redugtions and re-pro- ductions of x-ray plates, in .mono- chrome and other colors, are turned out in large quantities, and Lance- Corporal IL.e Sauvage, who had charge of the department is certainly to be congratulated on the excellence of the result, o MONEY VOTED BY NURSES RED CROSS SOCIETY, MIiLI- TARY Y.M.CA, ETC. TO Miss Emma Hunter And Mrs. George Nicol Made Red Cross Life Mem- bers--Delegates to Canadian Nurses' Convention, The Nurses Alumnae Association of the Kingston General Hospital, at its meeting on Tuesday afternoon, made the following grants: $100 to the Kingston Red Cross Society; $100 to the Military Y.M.C.A.; $25 to she Salvation Army fund for sol- diers' huts; $256 to the W.C.T.U. fund for hot drinks for soldiers. It was also announced that 100 pairs of socks and 100 packages of cigarettes had been sent by the Association to Major H. E. Pense for men of the 21st Battalion. A supply of linen was also provided for the nurses residence. In connection with the grant of $100 to the Red Cross society, Miss seeretary-treasurer of the General Hospital, and Mrs. George Nicol, president of the Alum- nie Assoeiation, were "made Red Cross life members, and presented with life membership pins, Miss Florence Hiscock was ap- pointed as delegate to the Canadian National Association of Nurses' con- vention to be held in Toronto from June 4th to 8th. Mrs. F, Robinson will represent the Kingston Chapter of Nurses at this convention, IMPURE WATHR ON FARMS Department of Agriculture Planning to Better Conditions. The Ontario Department of Agri- culture will shortly launch an edu- 4 {cational campaign in the interest of improved water service upon the farms of the province. An investi- gation carried on for some time past "thas revealed the fact that a very "large percentage of Ontario farms are depending upon water that, {where not dangerously contaminated, ERT ST. LAWRENCE ALE AND PORTER A pleasant smile with every glass. Ring Phone 645 for a case. A. TYO, Agent, 473 Princes Street. , is decidedly impure. :Hood's cure constipation, billousness and all L iver Mls. Do not eripeor irritate, 25 Pills HHH Hi iy iH a | if = ||| =| | 1 | | Hl Just Arrived Neilson's Assorted lee Cream Bricks, assorted favors, CHILDREN'S AID SOcETY 2 REPORT. OF TMONTH'S WOERK | MADE BY INSPECTOR, Arrangements For Tag Day-~The Salvation Army Femple Has Been Given as Headquarters. The monthly meeting - of the Children's Aid Society 'was heid on | Tuesday dfternoon. Inspector Jack made a report on | his work. A boy from Hamilton, aged ten years, in the employ of al city merchant, was sent to ecoilect a bill, but failed to turn over the money. 'The magistrate reprimand- ed the merchant for hiring a boy «f that age when he should have been at school. The boy's aunt'was com- municated with and 'he was sent home to Hamiiton, where he will be sent to school. One of the girl wards was happily married to a 'well-to-do farmer. A mother applied to have hér boy committed to St. John's Industrial School, but after full investigation of the circumstances of the case she was persuaded to keep him at home and see that he attended school. He was reported to be a bright boy. Calls made, 124; office interviews, 80; letters received, 43; wards visit- ed outside the city, 46. Witliam Murray, chairman of the fag-day committee, reported that arrangements were well under way. Fully 125 helpers had been secured Ensign Smith, of the Salvation Army, and a member 'of the com- | mittee, has kindly granted the use! of the City Temple as héadquarters for the work on tag-day. Those nresent were Dr. A. W Righardson, William Graham, J. M.| Hughes, Dr. G. W. Bell, O. v. Bar| tele and William Murray. DIED FACING THE ENEMY, Athan O'Meara, Portland, Supreme Sacrifice. Made the | ALBAN OIMEARA Mr. and Mrs. Michael OMeara, received the sad news that their son, Alban, was killéd "in = action April 1st, "somewhere in France." Alban was only seventeen when le heard the call of his country' and domned the khaki on December 26th, 1916. He joined the 207th Bat- talion, Ottawa, and trained for a short while in that e¢ity. Later he was moved to Amherst, Nova Scotia, where he trained till May, 1917 He was then gent to England, whore he remained till last February, where he was transferred to the 3rd Tun- nelling Corps and proceeded to France. Alban "died facing the en- emmy," as General Currie said in his speech on the eve of the German of- fensive. "He will not die but step into immortality." The following letter from the chaplain of his corps @peaks a word of comfort to the loved ones at home: i 1 Franeé, April 2nd, 1918. My Dear Mrs. O'Meara: The sad mews will ere this have reached you officially of vour son, Alban's death, but I feel it my duty and. privilege to write you an un- official letter of sympathy and give you what added information I can. 'Alban was killed instantly by an enemy Sholloabiise in discharze of his duty the lime. He was one of our many brave lads that have laid down their lives in order that this world may be a better place to live in for those that follow us, and 1'for one believe they will not have i died in vain. {We buried Alban this morning in (military cemetery on the Ypres- nin road alongside of the many oes that have died--that we may free and 'uyn#fraid. His com= rs with cepts oo our sym- i etic to you and all circle. i itles, n Ottawa des) | says: In spite the desire of. the Government to the session to a close as speed- as possible, the House will not 'prorogue until the promised field day on titles have been held and the motion of W. F. Nickle, with its ac- companying amendment, has been of. Mru Nickle stated to-day that he has been promised that the adjourned debate on the subject : 'be resumed. ee Ee iy ord --T Ladies' Oxfords We have ust received black vici kid Oxfords with high Cuban and spool heels; also medium heels, $6.00 and $7.00. Mahogany calf Oxfords, high heels, $7.00. Mahogany calf Oxfqrds, Neolin soles, $6.00. We arg also showing many styles of pumps. Abernethy's Shoe Store : white ' > CAMPBELL'S POPULAR HATS Jaunty shapes, models that look smart and brisk. All made from materials that in- sure good wear as well as good looks. We sell ~ makes as such celebrated BORSALINO, CHRISTY, MALLORY, BUCKLEY, HORTON, Our display this spring es- tablishes a new mark for hat supremacy. $1.25 to $6.00 Campbell Bros. Kingston's Largest Hat Deal- ers. FF DELICIOUS PEANUT BUTTER 30c Per Lb. This peanut butter is made from carefully selected peanuts, ground to a smooth, creamy paste. It is rich and full in flavor. 'Henderson's Grocery " 50-61 Brock St. Phone 279. A square house to deal with. --_-- Give To Y. MCA Triangle Fund Thereby doing your bit, by helping to pro- for "our boys over there." ee {High-grade Living Room Furniture High grade does not necessarily mean high priced. Reid furniture is built to last a life-time, but the prices are very reasonable, Three-piece living room suites in best English tapestries, consisting of full size Chesterfield, roomy-arm chair and comfortable rocker to fit' every curve of your body. JAMES REID The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. Motor Funeral Car in Connection. nmin POSTAL INSURANCE This is important to All Merchants Wholesale or Retail Our Open Policy Covers your merchandise - In transit through the unregistered snd registered malls within Can- nda, the United States and New- foundiand. Besides covering yon against Fire and Theft, IT IS CHEAP, Let. us start you with a book of a ale Coupons, It coxts only 'RD. SUTHERLAND Corner Bagat. ang and Brock Sts. Office 77, Boramhes 1342. For the Boys at the Front CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use "Chocolate" Contains the Shocutnte, Milk and ugar, Prepared Instantly by Adding Belling Water Only, Neo Cooking or MIIk Required. For Sale By Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A , reliable medio 2 8 Beta fo thes. Ge ay ol Mcngtir- Ne, 1,81; 0. 2, $3; No. 8, er box. Sold. br . re 1 'ree oe a Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windser.) OE WHITE SHOES The Correct Footwear i a v The most popular shoe this spring will be WHITE CANVAS or BUCK in high cut lace patterns. We are showing all the new styles in this up-to-date footwear. White buckskin lace shoes made with = the new military heel, $10.00. While canvas high cat lace styles: both iam be, $450 $6.0: