Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 May 1918, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Em : THE BRITISH WHIG 85TH YEAR. NEW INCOME TAX. The following table shows the ef- fect of the proposed imc amend- ments, payable by married persons: Income Present Pi i 3.000 5,000 10.000 20,000 30,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 200,000 400,000 101,760 142,757 600,000 130,700 195,407 Married men Jin Kingston are ex- empted from the tax on the last in- come quoted. FUEL CONTROL. The City Council may change its tune before next fall and decide to appoint a fuel controller again. There are of course fuel regulations in force for the Dominion, but with- out municipal fuel control whe is going to enforce them? The Coun- ell would be well advised to have a controller on the job before next fall, for the shoe may pinch by that time. Kingston's Council is to be num- bered among the gquick-change ar- tists. One minute it almost wnani- mously decided a fuel controller was needed, and passed a resolution to appoint Mr. Nickle at a salary of $1,200 and give him ¢lerical assiot- ance. When Mr. Nickle refused, the aldermen disregarded the pleadings of the mayor, made a right-about- face and rescinded the motion on the minutes of last meeting deciding to appoint a fuel controller for ene year beginning the first of May. But we are living in strange times, and it is perhaps permissible for muni- cipal bodies to do strange things. The City Council must remember this however: The fuel question' 43] the most important matter that faces it this year. All other muni- cipal questions stand secondary to it. ' 393 i82 707 , 782 L007 607 9572 10,010 14,760 43,760 op ORE un | SE og "Dally and Semi-Weekly by ISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO, IAMITED, President r and Director. Edi Managin Telephones: Ome Same raine vo U3 vu B09 cease 292 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dadly Edition) y § year, delivered in city . r year, if paid in advance 5.00 year, by mail to Fura) offices $2.60 otha to Weck Stat. $2.50 year. by m ash $1.00 . $1.50 year to Un fbr ganas pro rata, ? MONTREAL, REPRESENTATIVE ~ R. Bruce O 123 r St, al REPRESENT ATT I 0g 05 Traders Bank Bldg. D 8ST. REPRESENTATIVE: 3 patra Ts Fifth Ave, New York L 12:0 Ass'n Bldg., Chicago to the Rditor are published only over ane sotaal name of the tached is one of the best: job offices In Canada. : The circulation-of THE BRITISH WHIG 1s authenticated by the ABvu 'Audit Bureau of Olreulations. es "Single tax movement strong," Says a headline. Incredible! Taxes come not, to-day, as single spies, but in battalions. FALSE THRIFT. There is a lot of difference betweeg! thrift and parismony, says an ex- change. Very true. Conservation does not mean patched clothes, nig- gardliness in diet and curtailment of all expenditures to the absolutely indispensable necessities, Thrift is essential, but not in the personal, penny-pinching way that many persons mistake for thrift. In war times, as always, we need amuse- ment, the broadening that comes with educational advantages, and some things that, because they are not necessary to life, are commonly called luxuries. Real conservation lies in the way of elimination of waste, the correc- tion of uneconomic **habits and a thorough investigation of costs. It is not so much doing without things we have been accustomed to having that counts, as it is living so efficient- ly that we will not have to do with- out them. False thrift--a mere curtailing of expendifures--saves nothing in the end. It merely disturbs the produc- ing and distributing industries of the country at a time when they are, at best, passing through an unprece- dented erisis. Postponed expenditures usually cost more in thé end. Liv- ing efficiently, cutting down waste, saving what was formerly spent with- out a fair return--that is real thrift. Thy British, since the capture of Bagdad, have introduced electri fighting in the city. Light as wel as liberty follows the flag. * Every little movement has a cos- tume all its own, if one can judge by the separate and distinct uni- forms worn by women war workers. The Oswego Palladium reports that people there saw Lake Ontario, sailing vessels, the city of Kingsten, ete., in a mirage last Saturday mornfag. Thus you see 'what. hap- pens to the citizens of a town which refuses to vote dry. : 2 "Women do not have much to do with the war," says New York Life. "They only bear the men who go out to fight, nurse the ones who are wrecked while there, live with the . ones who come back, and mourn for the ones wha do not." he Germans may have captured Kemingl Hill, but they won't rest very comfortably on its summit. British guns have the range of all these deserted positions, and it is safe to say that the Huns in, on or under them are being = smothered with high.explosive shells. The National Coal Association of ES '| parison 'with 3 Sd THE DAI LY BRITISH WHIG, THURS =i; MAY 2, 1918. amounted to $345.000,000, bringing i : the total war éxpenditure of Canada. | to the end of March, 1918, to $878.- 000,000 nal debt no The net stands at $1,200,0007000. The required io find erpmet nearly a dollars 16 provide Nill he 1 ar ¢ onsidering the Brith h naval raid {on Zeebrigge was So uninmportant Vand such a failure, according to Ber- i lin, it is strange that Wilhelm troub- i led td go and see the damage. milion for this year's expendHures Another feature nf budget whieh will find much favor in the country is the imposition of a tax | upon one-Half of the net earnings of the C.P.R. (This is expected tn) The source from which in the long yield a revenue of $70,000,000. In|run, all taxes must be paid in the pro summing up the taxation proposals | duct of the labor performed by the a . | people. Complicated instances of the of the government, Hon. Mr. Mac- | shitting of taxes may obscure but can- lean said: | not alter that fundamental fact. "We may safely look to the fut- | ure with courage and fortitude. | Happy are our conditions in com- | 1t is reported that the man select- those of the belliger-| eq to take the place of Mr. O'Connor ent countries of Europe. Armies do {as Cost of laving C Xmissonen Jas. Ont e ster sesses high academic qualifications Rot contend; fur Imasiery - upon oF | Yery good. But the chief qualifica~ Soil. Our undeveloped resources | p,q wijch Mr, O'Connor's successor are tremendous. Immigration has will require are ability to understand been temporarily arrested, but.the people's needs, a determinatio shortly after the war we shall re- | 0 satisfy these needs--and sufficient | courage tu boss a stenographer. the The People Pay. (Montreal Star) Netessary Qualifications, {Woodstock RBentinel Reviews) sume our growth of pre-war days, and our financial burdens shall not | then appear so onerous, We have | Bate Iresponsibiliti Ged has been with us,' says the Bs eNOrmous Pons io Kaiser, using in his latest speech the and we shall discharge them in the | customary formula implying that the manner hefitting our country, our | Creator of the universe is a kind of cause and our race. | military attache to the German Army. "The Futur f our £ | Doubtless Pharaoh was under the 1¢ future of our country, 8. me jmpression when the waters of well as the fate of civilization and. 4+the Red Sea opened and permitted his democratic institutions, will depend |army to pursue the fleeing Israelites. upon the result of this war, and no | i price is too high to pay for victory i (Toranto Star) The burden of la higher taxation| There is shown an utter disregard must fall upon the Canadian people. | Of all the we ib known facts of the case That one } . | | by those persistent and tiresome par- ut is one of the inevitable results | tizans. who harp on the anti-dread- of the war. No sacrifice will be | nought : (ttitude of the Liberals in counted too great if that sacrifice; 1913, when the real blunder was the helps to free the world from the |abandonment by the Conservatives in 4 fF tl "anadis AV Ys beastliness and brutality of 1911 of the Canadian naval pro the 10Lt mc. which, had it been taken Hun. The acting finance minister is vigorously pushed through | up and right; no price is too high to pay for | Waula have been enormous value to vietory. We are engaged in a just | and 'holy cause, and we must be | prepared to place our all upon the | altar of ouricountry's need. There Imo Consolidate With Chicago Herald can be no turning back to-day. We to Secure Franchise, must go on or perish. While wé, Chicago, April May 2.--Formal an- may regret the necessity that has|ROuncement is made that the Chicago made the . b | Herald, which for the last four years ae 8 new war 'budget impera- | has been under the control and edi- tive, 'we recognize that the urgent | torship of J. Keeley, has been sold demands of the finance department | to the Illinois Publishing Company, Sinee the opening of | | the official title of the Hearst publica- | tions in this city, Wm. Randolph Heart's The Kaiser and Pharaoh, (San Prancisco Bulletin) -- 5 BT 3 The Real Blunder. nfust be met. hostilities Canadians have met and | solved many onerous war problems. | Chicago Examiner, the transfer tak- This gives reason for confidence | ing place on Thursday. . Hearst's that t} | purchase of the Chicago Herald is ie new burdens now. imposed | | supposed to have been actuated by a | desire to eliminate a competitor in the morning newspaper field and at tm mtne | the same time to secure the Associ- A Danger Signal, | ated Press franchise for the Exam- {Phfladeiphia Record) | iner. The purchase price is not stated A few days ago the solicitous Kai-{ and no information on this point is ser expressed great anxiety over the| forthcoming. possibility that Holland would not The Hearst papers throughout the be able to maintain its neuntrality.| United States are barred from the That sort of thing always means safe! Associated Press services except by aggression by Germany. No one else buying an existing papef already hold- shows any disposition to violate|ing the franchise. " Duteh neutrality. | dated with will not find us lacking either in| faith or performance, --vaiin amiss Estimate of chradter is sometimes Floating debts may sink a corpora-| formed on the size of the bank ac- tion, count. Rippling Rhymes HOME CHORES Of course you'll list to every yarn that speaks of siege and battle, but don't forget to paint the barn and feed the hogs and cattle. Anon you'll pause to criticise the latest war maneuver, but don't forget to swat the files and mind the rules of Hoover. We mustn't overlook the chores that keep the pulleys turning, because a distant cannon roars, and. battle- fires are burning. With me you will in gladness jump when Prussian strength seems dwindling, but don't forget to prime the pump and carry in some kind- the United States predicts another woal famine more gerious than that Of last winter. Ils effects will be felt in Canada. During the coming shimmer we should garner as large supply of wood as is possible to ride against an inevitable short- 'of coal next winter. " CANADA'S WAR BUDGET. In the absence of the Finance Minister, Sir Thomas White, the acting minister, Hon. A. K. Mac- lean; on Tuesday présanted the budget in the Mouse of Commons Its chief features may be summar- ized as follows: "The general customs {tariff re- mains unaltered. A ten per cent. tax has peen imposed on the selling price of automobiles, pianos, phono- graphs, ete. A specific tax of ten cents per pound on tea and of five cents per pound on coffee is expect: ed to yield about four millions of additional revenue. The excise tax on tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, manufactured from foreign leaf, are doubled, while the lduty on certain fereign temperance drinks ds in- creased from 25 per cent. to 40 per cent. 'The increase in income taxa- tion is perhaps the most important and' far-reaching. Details of this have heen given in our news eol- umns. The present profits tax has .| been extended to include companies, whether or not, Having a eapital of $25,000 3 more, in. stead of $50,000, as at present. The new 'companies effected py ithe act will contribute to the government twenty-tive per cent. of their pro- tits ,over 10 per cent. of invested The young men on the farms, of the of twenty to twenty-two, are mot to called up untfl after seed- time has passed. Their period of exemption is very short. When they re gone, should not the govern- ment conscript, for farm work, all 'those who are unfit for service at The fire loss in Ontario in 1917 reached the enormous total of $10,- '365,539, a higher rate of loss than py other province in the Dominion of any state in the American mnion. Sad to relate; most of this Joss can be attributed to careless : me drastic preventative 'measures should be adopted. capital. It will thus be seen that] ling. We have to keep things moving on in times of stress and panic, just as they moved before the dawn of warfare most titanic. Our sacret bulwarks we be- tray if we stand idly yawping, instead of raising greens and hay, and corn for future popping. Oh, come, let's plant our Burbank peas, and hoe the fra- A grant lettuce, then talk of scraps across the seas and ga ns that they will net us. Come, let us prune the hardy squash, remove the weeds and boulders, then wade around in gore, kerslosh, up to our waists and shomlders. We have fo feed the allied hosts, and stop Bill's submarining, 80 let us quit the hitching posts on which we have been . "A7INGS THAT NEVER HAPPON LV £ COME ON and will be consoli-|" --d Black Cheviots . See Bibbys Smart Overcoats, the Topper, Scotch Cheviots | WE ARE SHOWING AN UNUSUALLY SPLENDID RANGE OF $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $27.50 SUITS See Bibbys Tweed 'Raincoats, Trench Style . . See Bibbys Nobby Overcoats, the Chesterfield, Oxford Greys, $18.00 . $22.50 . $18.00 quantities, BUN Phone 388 "'Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE hssuomiss, Royal Insurance Bldg. ONTREAL ups J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. « Might Limit Them. (Ottawa Journat- Press) = Perhaps if a tax were on compan- ies according to their capitalization some financiers wouldn't be so am- bitious. Hardware Farms For Sale 50 acres, miles from Kingston, on good road: fair buildings: shout 30 nerves of good Inund under cultiva. Use Basic Slag FERTILIZER For Your Garden We can tell you about good results that were obtained by people who used it last season. Sold in large small TS or King St. tion, Price $2200, 100 meres, 11 miles from Kingston; fale buildings; well watered and fenced; Wood enough for fuel; nbout 50 ae res first class plow land. Price $4,000, 135 acres, well loeated; 75 seres good plow land; plenty of weed; bulld- ings alone worth the money, Price $2,000, on easy terms. : Possession of any of these farms. ean be had at once, I.J. LOCKHART Real Estate and Insurance, Kingston, Ont. aaah dit A A Aarne Drink Charm Tea | To Reduce the High Cost of Living try a package of Charm New Japan Tea at the low price of a half pound package. yyy 4 hath dr Ankara : 18F Princess St., Fresh Garden From reliable seed hues, in package and bulk. Also a few Dutch bulbs, for spring blossoming. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE Phone 343 PURE Maple Syrup 00 per Gallon. Now is the time to put it up for next winter's use. Jas. REDDEN & Co: - Phones 20 and 900. - Sadie Nob JCKEY LETS STING 2 1 PALD HEADED hy +5 SERENE EAE ugh thang pps 2 AERO AR RIEyyoaesal inten uy 0 Just Ar rived The New Reo Light Four | Phone 201. 'Can Now Be Seen At Boyd's Garage It is just the model that has been called for. a Ro mr pe irputscs anything vel turned out by the Reo © Calland look thier 'GEO. W. BOYD le. over before buying. 129 Brock se.

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