Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Apr 1918, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 191s. ein Meta ---- em deni in\the parson of Mrs. William ! A RECEPTION AT BATTERSEAfsss. omnia 3 id 2 | 18th inst. \at the homa-of her sister Ve, 14 WORLDS Miss Cursgn, of the village, at the | { 4 TO PTE. BERT HARPLEY, IN.|tige age of seventy-seven years. Tha | VALIDED FROM FRANCE. deceased, whose Lome was at 1da | Hall, had been in failing health for | : Deaths of, Thomas Sands, Aged [2 long time, and ast : fall it was | TE Ca deemed advisable to bring her here, | Ninety, and Mrs, William Rikad, where she wou'd be Bearer medics! Aged Seventy-Seven. treatment and the tetidér nursing of 24.~-0n Wed Battersea, April two sisters, The deceased was a nesday, the 17th inst., a public re- daughter of the late William Cursén, | ception was held in the Orange Hall {and is survived by her hushand at > for Pte. Bert Hartley, lately invalid~ Ida Hill, and two sisters, Miss Cur- * ed home from France, where he has son and Mrs. T. Hogan, of the viil- heen serving King and country dur- age. The funeral service was held en or ing the past two years. He enlisted in the Methodist church on Sunday in Saskatoon, proceeded overseis to afternoon by Rev. E. Codling, and England in cgne of the western hat- the eortége was conducted to the * Free Trial Box tiiann, and "was sem 10 France 1a | Saad Ho vio pu oad clon | 1916. Subgequently' he todk part eity. +f in the severe engagements at Vimy Foreman T. Traves has started Ridge, Hill 70 and Lens. He was operations with the stone crusher. 3 gassed and wounded in the hand, |R. Payne and sjster, Mrs. D. Stoness, | : ed from wich blood poisoning devejop- iv from the west to see thei Every person who cuts out this advertisement ed, and on October 17th he was sent Artivad Mrs. R. Payne, who is very | and sends it with 1c, stamp (for postage) to The hack to Fagland, Wher he was en. iN, Mr. and Mrs, w. Keeler arriv- 7 3 £ 3 i fined in hospitals until recently dis-|eq home from Ca ary, Alta, where Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, will receive a free trial ChtEed Aad rt re Remy Dy 3d hose § om Jalgary tal, whet | box of Zam-Buk. \ lough and for further treatment. Eby came up from Oftawa to spend | During the course of the even-|g vacation a' her home Here. New | This herbal balm ends pain, stops bleeding, pre- ing's reception proceedings Private | pahy girls have arrived at the homes : ad ' Hartley was called to the platform{ or N. Williams and A. Sparks. Rev vents festering and heals quickly. It is just the t and in behalf of the large crowd of { B, Codling has a new car. thing for the cuts, burns, scalds and bruises which friends and neighbors assembled -- » -- ~ et ------ | Cpr s i resented ith a suitable address i £ Ae : 3 are of such frequent occurrence in every home, and a Solid gold wath and chain hy FARMERS SOW AND A ANT wm { 7D 5 AY ALERLN and especially during the "spring-cleaning" period. pev.. E. Oodling and' Elwood Keeler. 2 AR : Private Hartley, though taken by | VT) . For skin eruptions and diseases Zam-Buk is un- Rupphise, ade 2 Sultabie Shaugh ALTHOUGH THE COLD WEATH- | RE tha Stats ih os aorics. wathoter tl teeta i - l0¢ est rep v.18 5 CAUSE LAY i he Dominion Rubber System---with its ies, / equalled. It removes the cause by destroying MM heartfelt gratitude for their splen- HR MAS CAUSED: DELAY. } k ANS easily foe racgest os ds and distfbutor of CANADIAN MADE TIRES erms, after which it actually grows new, healt : did gift and words of appreciation. "oss. Cone | \( 'T™/ A~T inCanada. § { ge me, re ! y He left the following Friday to take | Bed Cross Eo ot Realized $104 | At Eves portion of the process of manufacture--from purifying the crude rubber, ! op 1 treatment at the military 4 ospital at Henry Wagar, a Former Section | which now comes to us from our own rubber plantations in fhe East Radies, 2 ' 2 Whitby. His many friends hope for Foreman, Returns to Yarker. { BD to the final inspection of the completed tire--is carried out in CANA § Zam-Buk brings splendid results when used or him a speedy and complete recovery b- varker, | April 25. The. cold | : Lr, empletnd tile "is carried ou hh i i i f his health. { ather a oy ig ir pl rie 3 % Pimples, boils, rash, eczema, tingworm, scalp ° On Thursday, {he 18th inst., there | feather at present fs keeping many EVERY "DOMINION" TIRE IS MADE IN CANADA sores, ulcers, abscesses, running sores, bad legs On Thurada; farmers from working on the land, | 3 a ? : ' aaa t passed. away Thomas Sands, the old-| 3 though sowing and potato plant- a Our leadership is due to the Tires themselves, Their quality has built up their blood-poisoning and piles. All dealers or direct est resident of this vieinity, in. the ling are proceeding in this section. nation-wide popularity. : from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. ninetieth year of his age. Coming Miss Helen Bell, of Belleville, is A £4 | And to think that only four years ago--in February, 1914--our first DOMINION : to this country with his parents visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | / Tire was made! Surely our achievement to leadership in four years is & record from County. Down, - Irland, when igyrgess. Mr.. Maxwell Vanluven, of RIE that any Canadian industry might well be proud of. but a mere lad, they settled on thef Kingston, spent the week-end with | ? PE NN . Fd : jan dealers Milburn Road, on the homestead [qo father Shen { # D "DOMINION Tires are GOOD Tires and are sold by the by anadian . naw oceupied by his son Charles. Mrs. Kerr has gone to Tyrone to | (ini 0) CANADIAN CONSOLIDATED RUBBE O. LIMITED When the subjeet of this sketch fgneng a few .days with hep sister, | grew to manhood hé moved to the | who ten rg a her sister, ney syst & EXECUTIVE OFFICES: MONTREAL farm now occupied by his son, Fen=laays neo, Mrs. Cambridge, acconr | Serva Branches in the largest cities throughout Canada wick, where by industry and thrift panied by her son, Vernon, has gone | . fhe transformed it into one of the to Toronto for a shory time. Mrs. | best farms and built up one of the M. Warner and son visited at the hest farming homes In the commun-| yoo 0 her mother, who is serious- Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! ity. The deceased was married to ly ll. © Mr. apd Mrs. Pypuis, of Miss Campbell, of Sunbury, whe atchana, spent Sunday last with | One or two doses predeceased him about six months | vos oo be Haare. ils sister. Mr. | ago. . The followi hildren are ¥ . a. : ARMY & NAVY HL tour its a nda 6, Jo LAR, of Shanon DYSPEPSIA TABLETS father: Fenwick and Annie. at], colebrook, = F ank Simpkins has | home; Charles on the old home- {chased a new Word car. will make you feel ten years younger. Best stead; Mrs. A. Ennis, of Battersea; | * py "Galbraith returned from New | known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach Mrs. M. Sands, at Sand Hill; and {yoo week and 'wag in. the vil. and Dyspepsia, : Mrs. AJ Crave, heut Bunbury. He | 2ge for a few days. The doctor has | is also survived by three sisters, viz., . 3 Te y awd 25 cents a package at all D: ts, or ong Thompgon, RE Pitsburg: Mos located In Nevaves, Murney ¢ ard, | sent to any address postpaid, by the ; D. Abernethy of Blythe; ana rs. with his family. Marvin Irish, of John Keeler, in the west. The fane- | yx, ooo, paid the old homestead a y > ral service was conducted in the| si . u. & ARMY & NAVY TABLET Co. 260 West Broadway, N.Y. home an Saturday afternoon by Rev. ¥ ish cently. of men and teams B. Codling, and the remains were gang ams are.at work in the -e:N.R. yards | conveyed to the Sand Hill vault by | 4.0" 1eining up and drawing away | Somme mn i ~ THOMAS COPLEY CLOTHING ON EASY | "Janes Reid company ot the ety 1550, SH" 1,87, drains sway ~~" 7 XK : : Dominion Tires are as Lanadian as the Boys who carried the' Maple Leaf to Flanders, { | 1 | tiondance for an inspection soon by high offi- \ ) a * | cials. . \ Telephone 987 : : Another aged and respected resi- bie oP milk waggon is making its % 9 Keep WRIGLEY'S in wanting anything dome in the earpen. Ladies' " Dresses Furs, frips once more to the cheese fae- tery line, Estimates given on all Kindy Suits, and of repuirs and mew work; also hard. Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, 3 i Jory. B- Garrisun fad the mistor- % 5 N mind as the longest- of nil kinds. All orders : HF tune during the last slippery spell Smo is "35 N. Marrs, 374 King Se.| "ORE AE BEM con maton NN lasting confection vou So taken a' position in Deseronto. Vy Ve AR fal AN Jith 01 Mr. Barren, night agent here, has yi : can buy. Send it to For the Hoys at the Front i HOLME accepted -a position pt Torrence on TN . | ] 58 . ths ON. and thas toved his fam- | \ ANAM the bovs at the front. p i : : y to their new home west. i . . ve our CHOCOLAT TA il gps ------ 7 The Red Cross concert put on by ' "rhe to on to ; * . the Odessa Dramatic Club in Ben- he Ready-to-use aia 4 ' $e a. jamin's hall here iast Friday night Coal a na: te ean tay ne Je proved a success. The hall was : red Instantly hy A § ' BE 0 a ccc packed to the doors. The proceeds Tr ohing Water Gur Providence, R. I.--"I was all run [amounted to $164, which was divid- THE SOWARDS Ne Soaking or Mik Nequired. | down in health; was nervous, had hesd- | ed equally between Yarker and ® For Sale By | p-------- hes, my back | Odessa. COAL CO HLH I ached ail Ae, Henry Wagar, a farmer resident . L H 1 man ted 5 Bad | and section foreman on the old Bay Phone 155 . C TY of Quinte Railway, has accepted the . Phone 78 st, Hi '1 Bag same position with the C.N.R. and FAA aha a ha ly BL HES y taken charge of his old section he | _ Er -- 1 Hi H ae v had, fifteen years ago. KILLED STRETCHING WIRE. . 114% O ound. Renfrew Workman Knocked Off . EVE RVR) S REY Pole By Swinging Wire, , be FR EY A hie . Renfrew, Ont., April 25.--Joseph ; RA A sors EK . : Cloutchier; a lineman employed on : headaches disa Aine: the Calabogie and Belgian Mines Oranges, Bananas, California Apples, Lemons, Grape- weight and fee power transmission line, was in- Fruit,all sizes. Try our home-made candy, fresh every day. recommend Lydia stantly killed yesterday while stretch table Compound to an ing. wire, The swinging of the wire ' suffering as | was,' '-- knocked him from the pole .and in Calitornia Fruit Store | SEE Est dhe iia go Il War Time Economy Ee DAT Bg, toms or nature's warnin, death. The death was purely acciden- Phone 2108. Prompt Delivery. dicate a functional : tal. He was a native of Three Rivers . ti Cie rs [1 Te w---( in Sweetmeats us ' a 5 -- | Jem 'Women in this onder Boa Wedding Reception at Ve . : sontinas to drag: 1g without Verona, April 28.--A reception was : --- t by Mrs. Lynch's experience, held at the residence of Richard Wa- : 'gar, for his daughter, Edna May Wa- this famous . : Lydin's: Sinkhunv's Vegetable gar! who was married on Wednes: _-i a 5-cent package of WRIGLEY'S will Edis E. Pinkham Mod.Con, Lynn, Mase ond f A. B. Page, Desert : : : Lake. A fine arfiy Gt prosmats wate give you several days' enjoyment: received, showing the popularity and esteem in which the bride fs held by % it's an investment in benefit as well a large circle of tHands; Dancing : oa rchamira uni the woe ama' as pleasure, for it helps teeth, breath, A e Ww. serv at q | : me appetite, digestion. bf Ter a -- yi a i 2: alls wo Called Fairholm Park. : : Men Wanted |, roo, ar 26a a meso of CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL agricultural grounds, which are bhe- i ; for the Canadian ing divided into homesites, was ap- I proved. The plan showed that the! ae Poms Fant ivrioes. | Naval Service GE. BELELEG = The Flavour Lasts ; ge ' plans ate rapidly being made for the] every Opring w : Apligations Sequnsted from men que- | granting of the construction of wl i ' ified to §il 48 Mates, Chief | niymiher of houses there within the] Artificer Bugineees, and Artificer Ea- | noir tatare. | ox v7 Sezled tight--Kept right Pembroke. ptf! 24.--For refuse ing to show his exemption papers | witen asked To do so by the military Police. and resisfing arrest, a yung { man aE, in the lock-up | Hew ate to Y#ie. AN Téport | man resident o Praser township, It, the big pouitry estabiiSiment | charged with harboring Bis {wo some / i } be brought into being oy the [who bad failed to comply with ihe - A Co. on the O'Brien farm. provisions of the Military Service | Act, was dhsessed the sum of §50, ~

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