'yesterday on the whole 12 Pages betrrpemisor tases v etd. Pages 18 YEAR 85: NO. 97 HEAVY FIGHTING 1S CONTINUING East of Amicns---British Have Improved Their Positions Considerably. A RUSH FOR KEMMEL HILL BY THE ENEMY WITHOUT AP- PRECIABLE EFFECT. Gas Barrage On Anglo-French Front in Flanders Was Followed by An Infantry Assault, (Canadian Press Despatch) London, April 25.---¥eavy fight- ing continues on the sector east of Amiens, a Reuters correspondent at British headquarters reports. The Germans obtained a fooling in Da- quenne wood, west of Villers Breton- neux, but the British counter-attack- ed and drove them back to the fringe of the wood. At several places the British haxe retaken ground and their position has improved consider- ably. Both British and German tanks participated in the fighting at Villers = Bretonneux. Two British tanks, the correspondent says, got among a mass of Germans and did great execution. The Germans made a determined attempt to rush towards Kemmel Hill yesterday but without appreei- able effect. The Frengh counter-at- tacked and restored théyosition, At two o'clock this rane the Germans put down an Intense gas barrage on e Anglo-French front in Flan ya two hours later deep waves of | fantry delivered an assault. The fighting still is in pro- gross, ; Fighting Most § (Canadian Press D Londow, April 25. ch) " fighting he 20-mile front was most severe, and heavy cas- uaities were inflictell on the enemy by artillery, infantry and tanks. North of the Villers Bretonneux-8t. Quen- tin road the enemy -thrée times at- 'tacked the British positions and on each occasion was repulsed with loss. During this fighting enemy made use of a few tanks. Late yesterday even- ifn ving the -enemy--also attacked French ud -2 ns northeast of Bailleul 2a Was + 9 A this sector 6n a wide front. Hostile artillery wae active during the night dn the Festubert and Robecq sec- tors, eo LITTERED WITH DEAD AND DYING A Young Marine Tells of the British Landing at Zee. - brugge Mole. London, April 26.--A young mar- fner who took gon in the fighting on the Mole, at Zecbrugge, described his experiences to a Central News correspondent at a Kentish port as follows: "We certainly had a hot time, It was all giteh dark until we ot right into arbor, and then the place suddenly became alight with star shells, and the fun started. "Wooming big ahead of us was a German destroyer, evidently getting under way. We put on full speed ahead and rammed her amidships, cutting her in half. As she sank we steamed alongside the Mole quick- ly, put out gangwiys and rushed on 'to the Mole. , By that time it was raining hard. . "The first thing my party encoun- tered was a giant German, who came out of the semi-darkness and dunged at our nearest man. Before he could get in a blow our captain him on the head with his truncheon, and he sank down dead. "Next we | German - on the other side i8 we destroyed. We "head all who at- our progress. to charge along ahead, bay- all we came that when the to the ship that no agreement was reached CARSON OPENS FIRE ON HOME RULE BILL ment With Breach of Pledges ~Ulster Disregarded. London, April 25. Carson, the Ulster Unionist in a letter to the press says: "The government are on the point of introducing a home rule bill and have threatened to leave their posts Jn the hour of national danger un- less it is carried into law. The Prime Minister says that any pledges which stood in the way are to be scrapped. because the war has lasted longer than was expegted by those who gave them. . "It may perhaps lead to a clearer understanding of the position in which Ulster is placed by this an- nouncement to recall the sequence of events in relation thereto since" 914." Sir Edward then reviews in de- tail the history of the controversy during the war, his recital being de- voted to showing that the govern- ment has broken a number of pledges to Ulster that no attempt would, be made to force Ulster into a homie rule scheme and that even when the convention met the gov- ernment gave 'an undertaking that legislation would only be introduc- ed if a substantial agreement was reached, and that there could be no substantial agreement unless the representatives were assenting par- ties. He adds: : "The Prime Minister admits now that no substantial agreement has been reached, and the Ulster dele- gates in a separate report tell us on any pdint' of importance. Yet Llovd George announces the introduction of.a home rule bill for the whole of Ireland, which, it*is generally as- sumed, will be based on the ma- jority report, from which the Ulster delegates unanimously dissented. 'Such is the story. The moral | will not attempt to draw." CANADIAN FINISHED 7 BOCHE MACHINES Acts of Bravery For Which Military Cross Was Awarded. S---- London, April 25. Particulars Are now available concerning the award of the Military Cross to Lieut. F. §. Avery of the Royal Engineers. belonging to Ottawa. He maintain- ed communication in heavy shell fire betweeh brigade and battalions, although lines were repeatedly cut, Lieut. William Durrand, of the Fly- ing Corps, formerly with the Can- adians, 'Nas the tots for 3 &_ patrol leader, ok Bete ma- leader, TORONTO MAN REFUSED HONGR. James Wood's Name Omitted From! Ovder ° ; London, April 25.-~The London Gazette announces that the name of James 'Wood, of the Canadian Muni- tions Board, should be omftted as his Empire. James Wood is foronto man, He was formerly connected with the Im- perial Munitions Board, but has since resigned. He is president of the British Forgings Company, and also president of the Amalgamated Am- munition Company, serrer * #+ FLYING CORPS CADET : KILLED AT DESERONTO. Teceiving the -. the . British %» # (Canadian Press Despatch.) % Camp Mohawk, Deseronto, % April. 35.~--~Cadet V. R. Evans of Bayfield, Ont., was instantly killed here this morning when. he stepped into the propeller of an aeroplane leaving his machine. His wext of kin is Mrs. W, Evéns, * * + * + -* > TEERPR RRP RRR ERP RRR ERR * STEFFANSON HEARD FROM He Is Quite II With Complications . Following Typhoid. (Canadian Press Despatch) Fort Yukon, Alaska, April 25.-- Bringing an appeal for a doctor by Vilhgjalmar Steffanson, the Arctic explo¥er, who lies dangerously ill on Herschel Island, a messenger reach- ed here late yesterday after a re- cord-breaking trip from the north. In the message carried by the cour jer, Steffason told of being ill fifty days after being stricken with typ- hoid and pneumonia, followed by complications. A northwest mount- ed policeman and two Eskimos have died of typhoid, while several othe are ill the messenger said. , The Registration In June. Ottawa, April 26.--The detailed regulations governing the man and woman power registration to be tak- en on a day before the end of Jur to be fixed, make provisions for the Places ofe registration being open from seven o'clock in the morning until 10 p.m. 2 Ee beer bed he |8ir_ Edward Charges Govern- Edward | §S. ST. PAUL - TURNED OVER While Ste. Was At Her Pit af an Atlas ti Port, HER SEA COCKS LEFT PEN BIG LINER DID NOT SINK, HOWEVER. THE Ropes Are Aiding in Holding Her Afloat--Not Known If Any One Aboard Was Drowned, (Canadian Press Despatoh) An Atlantic Port,. April Shortly after arriving here from a nearby basin this morning, the Am- erican steamship St. Paul, now in the Government servige, overturned at her plershere today. She was eleven thousand. tons and - had rendered great service during the war, | The vessel is I¥ing on her por side. It is supposed her sea cocks were lett open, So far as known no one was injured. The military aun- thorities have taken charge of the; situation, 25. -- own request from the list of thos | 1ing 'warped around her pier here. lis believed that all persons on board ® | thirds submerged with her bow on 4 the bottom and her stern high in the The St. Paul did not sink. She, lies overturned with her decks partly awash,' but with her masts lying across the roof of the pier shed, Ropes are aiding in holding her afloat, placed there by her work- men, some of whom jumped into the water in escaping. There were four and five hundred laborers aboard at the time she overturned. > The yessel overturned while be- It escaped, but as the vessel lies two- air, the military authorities were un- willing to announce that no one perished. It was considered possible that some of the men. might have been caught in the interior of the ship amd drowned. Whether the St. Paul's.sea cocks were left open or whether the ballast shifted re- mains to be determined. Many workmen appear to have been imprisoned in the hold of the St. Paul. Observers from 'the tops of buildings overlooking the pier saw rescuers cutting holes in part of the hull 'above water, letting down lad- ders and bringiig up men, : FAILURE Ne U-BOATS. Gorman Admiralty Bitterly Attack- ed--Deputics Severe. | Washington, April 25.--Disap- pointment in Germany over the Jack of success of the swbmarine dam- paige is pictured as ere in ° de- spatches to-day from witzeriand. Bitter eriticism ~ of the Admiralty, the despatch says, has followed the realization thad the undersea war is not -accomplishi what was claim- ed for itin the inning. Visited Clyde Shipyards. i Glasgow. April 25.--The erican Labor was cordially received at the Clyde shipyards yesterday. The Americans ufged upon large gather- | MEDICAL RE ANIMATION OF LOWER CATEGORIES MAY BE ant announcements the mew "Military Series Act regu. lations, were made ' by the Govern tions have been cancelled, woull af- fect only those who ase in category A. tention of the Government was to have | the Military Service Act send out no- tices to report to men of 20 and 22 who were in Category A. the Government was anxious to get!to blast a way for smaller bodies of men who others would not be asked to report | in massed assaults having necessita- in tions became worse, it might be con- | sidered necessary to ordeg re-examinagion of men in lower cate- ! means another gories. e ready contributed sons to the actual theatre of war, and for temporarily releasing farmers whose presense is essential during the summer, but the latter must be on the certificates of a department of agriculture repre-!also in the fighting activity in Flan sentative, one of whom will act in|ders, especially at the apex of the each military district, tural grounds will be granted leave! of absence without pay, only if they! fulfil the service overseas, which would entitle other applicants to leave. claim is based on any other grounds | it will not he considered, and men category, unless in E class (totally; unfit) when they will be discharged. ernment will take over all wool in warehouses at prices July 30th last. The wool now be- ing clipped in the west will be tak- en. the wool will be commandered. Kresge Company, head offices Detroit and having a big chain of 5, 10 and 15 cent stores in the United States. are planning ada. fifteen million dollars: '{Germans have not been able fo de-,. rémained in the hands of the . Ger- {mans at the cost of heavy losses. {The French are holding the imme- {diate outskirts of Hangard and the bouch from the town in spite of re- peated efforts. On 'both banks of the Avre the artillery fighting continues with violence. Tae French made several 'successful ralds, especially west of i Lassigny, southt of Coucyle Chateau and in Lorraine. We took a certain i | Dumber of prisoners. we A A ANA Nt At Ag Pret a At I ete Ar a ost NIN A AN NNN ENEMY ATTACKS BENG. REPULSED The Germans. Ar Not Using 2s Heavily- Massed Forces as Bele, \, BE ONLY TO STRAIGHTEN OUT THEIR LINE. MAY NECESSARY. f Conditions Require It Later On-- Special Provisions For Excusing Men in Families Already Serving, Ottawa, April 25.--=8everal import- " with regard to The British Lose Villers Bretonneux Farm--¥rench Are Defending Hangard---"The Battle Continues. "(Camadian Press Despatch) New York, April 25.--The Associ- ated Press summary says to-day: British, French and American troops front in Picardy ys ' on a twenty-mile ment at the opening of the i are withstanding renewed German "lefforts to reach Amiens. Battling ; Jfuriously and with the help of heavy gained but little and of most of the front his attempts are being repulsed by the Allies. Apparently. the Ger- mans 'did not resume the offensive 'with as heavily massed forces as were General Mewburn said that the in- the' various registrars. under tused in the pervious battles in Picar- dy and last week in Flanders. Pro- Naturally, | hably they are counting on artillery were medically fit. The troops, their losses since March 25th the meantime. Later. if condi-|ted economy in man-power, It is not' yet clear whether the re- medical { newal of the fighting east of Amiens desperate attempt ito. reach that city or whether the Germans are carrying out attacks on 1a large front in an endeavor to straighten out their line. The Ger- man positions from Albert south to Montdidier have several small and dangerous salients in them and the enemy may desire to wipe them out. There have been some increases Special provisions are made for ex- using men whose families have al- : { new enemy salient. Those claiming leave on agriewl-| wpe Germans have captured Vil fers Bretonneux from the British. The enemy brought their first tanks into action. ST , The battle continues around Han- i gard 'and French troops are despers conditions as to family If the the! ately defending the village. will be utilized according to Germans Capture Hangard. (Canadian Press Despatei) Paris, April 25.--The Germans have captured the village of Han- gard on the front south-east of Amiens, the War Office announces to-day. The battle continued with violence throughout the night in fhe sector. The French lost Hangard, recaptured it and finally were again foreed ont of the town, but are holding the ground immediately ad it. The official statement says: The battle continued with viol- ence around the village of Hangard, on whieh the Germans concentrated their efforts during the night. 'The French troops resisted valiantly and countercattacked several times with success. The village was losty then retaken by the French and finally To Take Over All Wool. (Canadian Press Despliteh) Washington, April 26.-- The Gov- evailing on If the holders do not agree, Chain of Five Cent Stores. Toronto, April 26.--The 8 8. in tg invade Can- The compauy is capitalized at ings of workmen the pecessity for vigorous and sustained efforts to ob- tain the largest possible owtput. Press Despatch) o -25---~Lord Roth- mere, brother Lord Northelie, tary of State for the Air Forces, it is announced to<day, owing to ill-health, || 5 ------------. = frew. NG 5 IW. H. Stevens, Newtonbrook. r in failing to register on the day set apart by i Government for the registration of everyone and 80 will expose himself to serious penalties and disabilities. He may be fined or imprisoned, or at the discretion of the court he may be both fined and sentenced to imiprisonm He will forfeit any right he might otherwise ote at a Dominion election. He will be dis- entitled to recélve any wages or salary, to obtain board or lodging at any hotel, restaurant or boarding house, or to pur- chase a ticket for or travel upon say railroad or steamboat. Any employer knowing him to be unregistered, who pays him any salary of wages, will theroby expose himself to the same penalties which the defaulter has incurred through failure to Bt mart ma a aE 35 T of the V 'cost 3307-088, of which $304c | register: - Auy person knowing Him to be unregistered, or any OBJECT OF THE ATTACKS] aptlilery fire, the enéry Infaritry hus "Thé artillery fighting was very { aptive in Woevre and in the region of Fliery and Regneville. Eise- where there is nothing to report. British Repulsed Attacks. (Canadian Press Despatch) iLondon, April 256.--Three heavy attacks made by. the Germans on British positions east of Amiens have been repulsed, it is announced officially. On the 'Edanders front late yesterfday, the O#rmans attack- ed French positions north-east of Baflleul and were repulsed. Early this morning after an intense bom- bardment they renewed 'their at- tacks in this sector and against Bri- tish positions further east. British regained ground around Villers Bre- tonneux by counter-atfacks and took prisoners. » Severe fighting was in progress all night in and around Villers Bre- tonneux, and still contihues. Heavy casualties have been inflicted on the enemy there. At the Bailleaul sector the battle is continuing over a wide | front. | neni | War Tidings. | The Berlin War Office claims that forty men who landed in the naval raid on Bruges were either killed or captured. A bombarding German triplane was brought down near Paris on Tuesday night. One officer and a | machine gunner were captured. | ALLIES CONFIDENT OF BEATING ENEMY Premier Clemenceau Gives An Encouraging Statement to the Parisians. Paris; April 26.-- Premier Cle- menceau in talking with an editor of Liberte told of his trip along the whole British and French {fighting fronts, froan which he had just re- turned. '"The impression of absolute con- fidence which 'I brought back with me," he sald, "makes me forget the fatigue, of such a long excursion. The soldiers and officers every- where are magnificent; and the Bri- tish army, notwithstanding the im- mense effort it is making, is an ad- mirable spectacle, "To see the men: mud come to attention learned that 4 . of their extreme fatigue, was & sight worth seeing. I had to hold improvised reviews all the roads. 3 'The relations between the French and British regiments are excellent, both as regards the com- mand and the men. The armies on the western front materially and morally have never been In such good form. What has most raised the confidence pf the French sol- diers i8 the conviction from their own knowledge of how terribly effi- cacious has been their rifle fire. "Where will the enemy make his attack? 'Towards the north; to- wards the sea, where the Belgians have just shown their valor? To- wards the Oise or against Amiens? The last objective will perhaps tempt Mim sgain, but we everywhere are ready." ' hhh lh ft fh thf hf 4 DUTCH AND GERMAN covered with When they along + MINISTERS HAVE LEFT. : (Canadian Press Despatch.) + Amsterdam, April 236.--The # Dutch Minister to Berlin has 4° left for the Hague and , the # 4 German Minister to the Néther- # 4+ lands has left for Berlin. + + Sesrrsssstssssrtrrserisess BOTALISM, NEW DISEASE, APPEARS IN LONDON Develops After Eating Tinned Foods, and of Eleven Cases Treated Six Proved Fatal. London, April 25.--Detalls of what is believed to be a new form of disease were given at an inquest held at Lambeth yesterday. It is reported [that there have been several cases in South London. The dootor, in his evidence, stated that the patient had suffered from botal- ism, which was discovered in Ger- many before the war. The disease developed after eating ham, saus- ages, tinned foods and cheese and was traceable to obscure bacellium that attacked the central nervous system at the base of the brain. The most sigrificant symptom is par- alysis of the upper eye-lids, The patient was apparently in a deep sleep, although he answered when spoken to. The disease is generally LAST EDITION 1157 QUEEN'S NEN ENLISTED For Service in the War Up Til 2400 of THE FIGIRES ANNOUNCED BY PRINCIPAL BRUCE TAYLOR ' AT CONVOCATION. Np -- Ninety-eight Queen's Men Have Died In Service--Seventy-two Decora- tions Bestowed on Graduates and Undergraduates. An interesting story of the part Queen's University is playing in the war, in the way of giving men, and the honors which have been bestow- ed upon mien from the University for gallanf®work on the field. of battle, was given by-Prineipat-Bruce Taylor, in some statistics he presented at Convocation proceedings on Wedunes- day afternoon. A The total enlistments of Queen's men up till April 24th, of this year, was given as 1,157, made up as fol- lows: Arts, undergraduates, 26%; gradu- ates, 164; science, undergraduates, 174; graduates, 147; medicine, un- dergraduates, 170; graduates, 164; banking courses, 74; total, '1,157. Undergraduates include all those of the 1914-15 and later years. Graduates-are those of 1914 and earl fer. There were 98 Queen's, men killed or died while on active service. Mili- tary honors were bestowed as fol- lows: CM.G., 2; DS.O., 8; military cross, 45; DCM, 7; "MM, 9; DSC, 1; total, 72. COMPLAIN PENSION SYSTEM Soldiers Should Not Suffer Because of Inefficiency of bos April- rr returned soldiers, ) ministration of the Pens] Commissioners, were aired yesterday before a special committee appointed by the House to enquire into the re- port of the commissioners, N. Knight representad the Great War Veterans' Associations and de- clared that men who had passed all medical examinations in Canada and ingland before proceeding to the front, should be assumed It hap- pened in many cases that a man, in applying for a pension, was found to have some disease or phy infirm- ity which the medical board decided prevailed before enlistment. In such a case Mr. Knight maintained that the man had been at the front and it was only fair that it should be as- sumed his disease or injury resulted from participation in the war, Mr. Knight expressed the opinion that a relative of a soldier who bes comes -a foster father of mother, should receive the pension ordinarily - afforded the parent. , i Kenneth Archibald, the legal * ad- viser of the Board of Pension Com- missioners, suggested that the sol- diers' civil re-establishment depart- ment in the case of soldigrs treated in civil establishments, Hou yay them an allowance, instead of a pens sion, until they are dis He suggested an allowance sli; er than the pay and sedaration - lowance, because the patients would not have the benefit of the Patriotic' fund. 3 Retail Meat Prices Up.| Winnipeg, April 25.--Beef went up wholesale, from 2 to 3c. a pound re- cently, and fresh and cu ad- vanced 13ge. Sirloin steak Is now listed at 36c,. while selling from 38 to 40¢c & . number of local butchers inte on the matter were of the op that the packers were unduly ad- 'vancing the price of undressed" beef, which are not in keeping with Hve weight prices, : 5 Ir ~ Divided Views In The Cabinet. (Canadian Fress Tespar London. = April ELA division of views has pre- ~ vented the cabinet com- mittee, appointed to draft ' a Home Rule Bill for Ire- land. from elaborating a definile scheme as s - ily as was hoped, the Yorkshire Post says cer- tain members of the som- for Mifies. are 3 recogni on o 8 po- Meanwhile, he plan Is being dis i, sition. - federal