1 : Cnn, - ii a a Tie THE DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1918. E Gare » °° PAGE TWELVE < RR an B OysS, wut so Joker ------ In The World Of Sport " AR ; LIKE DAYS OF OLD DON'T LIKE BARROW THIS RING BATTLE ~~ DOWN BOSTON WAY British War Correspondent's Owner of Reds and New Man- Picture of Rattling- Bout ager in Wrong With Close to the Lines. Fans. ant despatches Down Bos g ty oston way they are already to a & P as Ram we . from the fromt ba mouth, Fut asking the question: "What is the 8, : e >" matter th Bos as g as pondent, has this interesting incident,' toy Fhe Frogs: Toy ei] of the resting time of some Irish feet conditions only 7.200 fans paid troops: -- : * to see the opening game between the "On St. Patrick's Day, two days Reg sox and the Athletics?" Bos ago, they wore shamrock in their caps has for years had ee ann and the Irish pipers played to them, | heibg about the best : st lov: and the padre said, 'God save Igeland, baseaail city in Ps. Foust laral and ifs Tere be peace Shere 4s well out big crowds even if its teams were as Bere found ee 7, boxine Sowu in the race. The Providence gathurs Jaund io : ps ello end Journal points out that this opening ma c : in a ie Which 3 : oFs day attendance was smaller than ge they i fie in. rr onugt| lat of the opening game at Provi- ounde is lence. in the International league Arison are a neh oth {lust yur, when conditions were none or ab ' orl) +1 too good. The Journal also hints at . "The Sing Naa in tie ir da ymysters when it makes this explan- a sce 2 =: iation which does not explain: and the seconds flapped towels into! - "Boston fans are oral just as L : aces r ¢ha ions di kee $ ever ; 1 PUBL: ss Barnes in a Cant ' uniform. [the faces of their champions andikeen as ever for the grand old rast- |e nae the Dodgers out on his | sprinkled their bodies With water time but for some el hoe | first appearamce with the Gotham [according to the best traditions. Itinot tumbling over one another to get Sool Yang hard Aght. not ¥ithout a st ov fate the pall yard, It is whispered | ars U8ES, {that both Owner Frazee and Mau- which aroused the laughter of the ager Barrow are anything a Man: on lookers and seemed to amuse the {ar with the Hubites, with the form- time 'winning ov Terry Brooks, of | pugilists, but after the fourth round er further down on the in-bad list Boston, in their six-round "bogt: -gt'jtherGame Chicken, who was a tough|than the ex-presidfefif af the "Tnter- Philadelphia. fold bird, was hopelessly done, and his' national. This alleged hostility may adversary, who was taller aud longerive we aver to the guéstion of in thé reach, was mo a § 'What's the matter with Boston?' match. 'Time to end the fight,' sald} This is all very well, but why are the Irish re gadier. a eteree | Boston fans hostile to Frazee and agreed. he seconds eame arrow? ring and threw up the sponge, The de-| year |feated man got most of the-applause, | h the [as one finds in good sporting com-| Asso- | pany, and called out a joke or two to] Capablanca his supporters to shov he was none. the worse for his hammering." A Spring Exhibit . of Fine Footw Come to our store and examine the new ideas in beautiful spring footwear. Our QUEEN QUALITY shoes will please the most particular person who wants some- thing new in stylish footwear. Our brown and grey high cut lace shoes are beauties at $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00. Black kid lea- thers in high cut lace styles, from $6.00 to $10.00. See the new ones first. . aybe he'll shine up that al un' monicker again this vear. ~ In one of his b The change te third in the Giants 'batting order jas mot in any way Give your boy a bicycle and he can help win the war by working on the farm, then dimmed Georgie Burne' parting eve. 3 is timely sw Ss Al neaqy pia = have his wheel to come home when he iu: nave been a feature of the wants to Giants' three straight victories Benny Leonard, the lightweight' boxing champion, will probably ap- in bouts on the Pacific coast in ve near future, according to, latest | reports. Benny's training eanrp activities are the reasons that "will { bring the. New York star to ° the | western ghores. Bs New) York fans are hoping, that "Weary Willie' Herzog will sit tight for a 'while, that they may keep | pear U Lew Tendler, the promising Phila- | delpinia lightwe t, had an easy The Home of Good Shoes. RA LEE MATHIEUS SYRUP OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL Mowatt, a widely boxer, died at He had been ill tuberculosis HITT EEA known Chicago tor i Tommy {lightwe t {on Saturday | some time with zor. last MENTAL STUNTS IN CHESS. igned w : the American Outfield with Roc i Toledo « { elation. | -- Meyers, the former New has signed with Shows His Skill in Simultaneous Matches, | Jose R. Capablanca, chess cham-| pion of Cuba, »who is expected to ar-| | rive here soon, recently visited | Nothing More Than Was to be Ex. | Cienfuegos, and there, at the Liceo| Club, gave an exhibition of simul-| pected, taneous play against twenty oppon-| There should be no undue alarm| ents, including four women, who | over the burst of speed the Giants'conducted a consultation game, and! have unsuspectingly turned loose on | drew with the young master Capab- | orairie {the wild baseball fans. It was to be lanca showed no, merey to his other | chickens, long-billed curlows, Wood texpected, all things considered, in the opponents, among them Charles 8. ducks, cranes, pelicans, gulls and | "7" 0% SHG Ste Both ¢ ana of Winaus. the American Consul at herons have been given protection [tle 1911 National league schedule] Cienfuegos, and won in each - con- | at-al--+times by Oklahoma Was Set up. 4 has jest. i | { ' So far, the Giants have met the! The following evening the famous | Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston| international player gave a lecture! Braves. It isn't extraordinary that! on chess before a large gathering of] a team of champions has rumgover society people, and this was followed! them without merey. oF | by a ball given in honor of the visi- And this isn't the sad part.of hej tor, During this function, and while tale for the rest of the league=abt! carrying on a lively conversation by any means. When the Giants get! with a bevy bf debutantes, the Cuban played in. the last year or more |through with the Braves they're{champion played a blindfold game | throughout the middle west and going to Brooklyn, where they 0 dgainst five of the best loeal ama-| eastern States, will take on the Dodgers. HAIMaY] teurs, conceding them the odds of a # HE AE Nu be Sxpecied that she Sup v8 gepn- knight, This ended in a draw, al' : . 5 inue their winning ways. Fo tho Capabl: ¢ » advan-| Horses Not Coupled, the Brooklyn series they are billed Siugn "paliabes Hag: the. advan-| lub of Ohler" | York Giant catcher {the Buffalo club of the New Inter- | national League i GIANTS' GREAT DRIVE i » x i Doc Ferris, a pitcher, has been { appointed manager of the Hagers- town Blue Ridge League Club. Antelope, wild turkeys, {light of the way the first Bobby Veach, of the Tigers, drove: Protect the health of your boys and in 115 runs last season, leading the girls by giving them exercise out in fresh" ™merican League in this respect . air. Iéd 20 porti It has been decided by the commit-'y¢,. Philadelphia, where they prob- : tee of the Australian Jockey Club, apy will meet their first strong op- { ; that at future meetings under that position. body's rules horses in the same own- The western 'clubs must be the; ership are not to be bracketed on the lp, vier between the Giants and the totalizer. One result of this will be¥ig18 championship. The four of them that on some future occasion we shall 155k capable with the possible excep- hear some highly respectable owner jon of Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Ralph Greenleaf, the Monmouth, 11l.; pocket billiard .star, has lost : only two of 180 exhibition matches : oy Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Etc." MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. weno Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of sucha grave character that youshould | not risk using inferior preparations. a MATHIEU'S SYRUP is the only genuine remedy whose te« putation has caused to crop up many imitations of doubtful value. | THE OLD BUNCO GAME. Spurious Johnny Kilbane is "Putting it Over" Englishmen. "A Take it from Sporting Life of Lon-| don, Johnny Kilbane is in that city | pa : 80D was in 1013, Goods Co. Kingston. Phone 529. 88 Princess St. A '"- 897 Princess Street. 8 MONUMENTS! Importers of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble. The McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. Telephone 198% A A mn VY «5 } AA CrdAdd dA Adhd ddd Walter Is A Fixture, Walter Johnson has been with the 'Washington Club eleven years, and in that period has won 249 games and loat 196, He has won more games than he has lost for the Nationals for the last eight years. His best sea- yy TRY 5c. Poet Cigar Sc. "Louk for Silk Thread on Tip of Each Cigar. S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, Kingston. 'hen he chalked! Er 4 4 victories and lost only 7 games. The year previous lils record was 32 won and 12 lost, Last sea- son he won 23 and lost 16 games. He ranks as one of the greatest pitchers that has ever been in the game. He put Washington on the baseball map. up 36 BRINGING UP FATHER i 1 IF LOAT ING wouLD WIN THIS WAR \: TOU Gn WOULD L ALL BE GENERALS Mm $a: 9) 5 a be ot possibly an Australian Jockey Club Louis, Chicago and the Giants are apt committeeman---loudly denounced as|is make up the first division of the a robber when, In the case of two National league. The fight must be starting, his least faneied represen-{among tiem. tatiye wins and the other runs no- where. In many countries where the totalizer is in use it has been found advisable to bracket horses in the same ownership, but the Australian Jockey Club has gone just the other way. After a demonstration or two, when the wrong horse for the public has won, thére may be another alter- ation, more particularly, if later all racecourse betting in this state should be confined to the totalizator. ~8ydnéy Rélereg. A Freak Southpaw. Jolin MeCarnahan, a three-finger- ed southpaw, was out for North- western University's baseball practice and is régarded as a probable sensa- tion on the Purple team. "Wee Willie" McGill, baseball coach, was uustinted in his praise of the find, who is sald to be a second edition of Mordecal Brown, McCarnahan in his pitching grips the ball with his thumb, index and little finger. The other two fingers were amputated some years ago. In addition to his baseball ability, Me- Carnahan is said to be an unusu. ally clever ds Eddie Plunk, the veteran ' left- Cricket At Renfrew, * Cricket is again 0 take its place in Renfrew as a leading recreation this season. It made a most encour- aging start last year, and increased interest is already manifest. Under the chairmanship of last year's presi- hander, has signed to pitch for the dent, W. F. Clarke, the following of- Steeletown team of the Bethlehem ficers were elected for the coming)Steel League. season: Honorary presidents. M, J. Harry Lord, now the property of O'Brien and T. A. low; honorary|the Providence Club, will likely play vice-president, 1. E. Pedlow, M.P.;| with Rochester thi§ Year. president, W, Keddell; vice-president, ! «~ G.: McGregor; secretaray-treasurer, W. J. Kirkham captain, 'W. Craze; vice-captain, S. Booker; committed, S. Booker, J. Denholm, W. Samson, J. Best, L. Crooks, John Mitchell. The retiring president has offered a bat to the, player securing the best batting average, and Mrs. Wells will donate a ball to the most successful bowler, ~~ 'An enthusiastic effort is being made to introduce cricket into North- ern Ontario. : ROW COLLARS suffering from a fracture of the left | leg, which he got in a fall in a bat-| tle plane. That Kilbane is in the | United States supervising boxing at the various camps seems to be a negligible fact to the London paper.| Somebody spoofed the Sporting Life. Posing as Kilbane, a four-flusher; handed the writer for the London | paper a long line of buncombp, The, spurious Kilbane said that other Am-| erican boxérs who were in London| were Leach Cross, now in Los ngeles; George Chip, who is at Newcastle, | Pa., and Tommy Dixon, who is in Cleveland. Johnny is made to say! that Tommy Kilbane is his brother, and that he derives a princely in- D. Couper come from a cafe in Cleveland, where } Phone 78 841.8 Princess St, the "weekly payroll of the cabaret; § ded bik dss oS VARY Vv WR For the Boys at the Front CHOCOLATTA "The Ready-to-use Chocolate" Contains the Chocolate, Milk .and Sagar, red Instantly by Adding Bolling Water Only. No Ovoking or Milk Required. For Sale By I Fresh Haddock and Cod, Whiting, Tom Cods, Smelts, Oysters. Dominion' Fish Co. iarhudaibuih dh ah dh A Aa Ad a artists alone is $400." Atos Cuban Racing Profit $200,000 Horsemen who have just returned} from Cuba say that the long winter meeting at Curley Brown's Havana race track will net about $200,000. The attendance 'has been larger than in former years, in spite of the limited number of tourists and the opposition at New Orleans and Hot Springs. The Cubans 'have be- come deeply interested in racing and breeding. They also lave learned! the intricacies of race track betting. © GJ H, Govderham Chosen, i George H. Gooderham will once, more be commodore of the Royal: Canadian Yacht Club, Toronto, The! | nominations for 1918 are closed and! Mr. Gooderham will be declared elec-: ed without opposition at the annulal meeting at St. George's Hall next! Saturday. Aemillus Jarvis is like-| plies. high andl low tension wi res. Prone 441 According to the Canadian Golfer, Winnipeg is the leading golf city of Canada, FOR SPRING CASCO-23/#8in. CLYDE-2% in no. A 8 BY GOLLY - 1 WELL -ME 0 SLACKERS - . PM GONNA JOIN AND DO To : JO ARMY G3 7 HATE THESE | MARL = WANT | Ct : ay ME BIT - RCE AN KINGSTON wise unopposed as vice-commodore. i " There wil] be a contest for the 0 We have a full line of Automobile and Motor Boat sup 6 volt lamps, tungsten and nitrogen lamps, spark plugs, TT Tain 167 Princess St ONTARIO board of management. 14 " un THAT'S THE RIGHT WRIT - OLD TO oS 3 BOT YOU | ARE ~TOQ ~ '®_ By GEORGE McMANUS,