Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1918, p. 11

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"PAGE: ELEVEN -- THE DAILY BRFFSH WHC, THURSDAY. ABRIL 25 1918. NY od v oY EXIT IreryrenYyy, ® FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE | The SAFEST MATCHES in the WORLD Also the Cheapest! -- are EDDY'S "SILENT 500'S" Safest because they are fmpresnated with a chemical solu- tion which renders the stick "dead" immediately the match Is extinguishei--- ' Cheapest, because there are more perfeN matches to the sized box than in any other box on the market. : Bauder's Thursday last. Miss Hazel War time economy and your own good sense, will urge the Greene was an over-Sunday visitor necessity of buying none but EDDY'S MATCHES. at Mr. MacGregor's. George Schwa-| a | . ger, Ardoch, and Berton Cassidy took k % : : dinner at the Cave on Thursday. M.| Schuager purchased a fine horse fromO, Meek. J. R. Perry had the! * misfortune of losing a valuable cow. John Flake bought a number of cat- tle in this viefpity. Donkld Mac Gregor spent Sunday with friends at Ardoch. Every one was pleased with what Syrup they bave made. The farmers| . are preparing for seeding Etby! Perry Is home from Trenton for a few | days, /illiam Head and son James| made a business trip to {Harlowe | Saturday, Miss Malla Mac@regor is) spending a few Says with her sister} at Harlowe, Smith Fernleigh,| called at T. Perry 8 one day last] week, Wilmur Bauder called at the | Cave Saturday evenipg. C. MeGre-| gor and son William were at Richard a hahha N AR MN \\ } HEI Frontenac co LAKE OPINICON. April 22 ---The receht storms have made the roads muddy again. The lakes are clear of ice ready for navigation, The trappers have caught a good supply of muskrats, F. Best has purchased a boiler and is having it installed in the cheese fae- tory, which he expects will be in op- eration soon. James McLean made a flying trip to Kingston this week, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons who has been living bexe for the past two years have gone to reside at Inverary. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Smith made a trip to Chaffey's 'Lock Saturday, F. Best and K. Darling motored to New- boro Wednesday on business, GLENVALE, April 22.--There will be no ser- vige in the Presybterian church next Sunday owing to the anniversary ser- vices at Wilton. Mr. Truscott visited pe school on Monday last. Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Gibson, Cataragul, spent Ta few days at R. B. Gibson's last week. JohnsClark is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs, George Curl, also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curl and family, Cole- brook, visited at Herbert Curl's re- cently. Several of the young men will be drafted- by the new service act, Mrs. Jos, Cramer returned from | tain Grove, and Miss Martha at home: Toronto last week. A number of also two sons, Leman and Samuel. | young men motored to Yarker on| A. Marshall, Arden, and W. E. Barr! Friday evening and attended the con-| each have their outfit in the wood cert there, 1 yard sawing wood and lumber of A. | McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDon- ald and Eldon attended the funeral of There is no sediment-Zthe lasydropis just. as delicious as MOUNTAIN GROVE. April 22.~--Miss Grace Thompson has returned to Teronto, after spend- | ing the winter at home. Mrs, Arthur! Stewort and children, Belleville, are visiting friends here. George Thom p- | som, an old resident, passed away Sa-! turday night, aftér a profracted ill- ness." There are left to mourn, his widow, -six daughters, Mrs. William Johnston, Long Lake; Mrs, Howes, | Parbam; Mrs, D. J. Cronk, Mrs, E.| Godfrey and Mrs. G. E. Cronk, Nous] ITE So HELLO, How about 1 trying the new gar- age of Robinson and Wiltshire. All Kinds of cars repaired promptly, valeanizing, ears wash ed. We sell gnsoline, oily, tires, nnd necessories, Second-hand ears for gale, 3394 Bagot Street. Phone 242, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and | which has teen in use for over Rainy years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Ex CAS "What is CASTORIA harmless substitute for Castor Qil, Paregeri Ss ns Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It argputin neither 'Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation 'of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-- The Mother's Friend. ~ DAINTY EDNA PENDLETON, Prima donva with Arthur Hammerstein's me rry comedy "You're In Love," at the Grand to- night. Mrs, McDonald's father, the late | > is rr rv A AAA i George Gates, Westbrook." William | ill in the Hotel Dieu, is convalescing nionia Miss Nellie Hudson has | - Fitzgerald has receiyed word | rapian Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Nap- {retuned home from Suminit, N.J, | his son, George, of the 146th Bat-| ance, w ere recent guests of Mr. and \where she spent the winter. The ice | talion, has been wounded in action { Mfrs. G. C. Asiley. Percy Hender- | went out of the lake on: W ednesday | somewhere in France. W. H. Cowdy son visited friends in this vicinity | last W. G. Crozier went to the! cently, good prices have been ob- and W. A. McKnight have fnished| Sunday prior to leaving for ove Outlet last week to see his mother, tained for horses and cattle. The|sawing wood. Mrs. R.'P, Howley is| Miss Oriene Kerr is expected hor ne | w ho fell and broke her leg. service in the Methodist church "on | somewhat better. Misses Trotler and | 218 Week from Kingston, where she Haves, drackville, was itor here Sunday wasspot held, as thie pastor | BE. Coulter paid Sharbot Lake a fiy- was taking cl ge of a funeral' ating visit. The sugar social held on Battersea that day. Maynard Camp- Friday evening by the Women's In~ bell purchased the MceWaters home- | stitute passed off pleasantly; pro- stead a few days ago, at a fair price. | ceeds; $15.70. Miss Provins McLean musical | SUNBURY. April 23.-~The Township Council held a speeial - session on Monday e¥ening, John McBride is having a new 'phone installed. The local fac- tories are all receiving & fair supply of milk, At the stock Sales held re- 7 DR. DEVAN'S FRENCH PILLS gulating Pill for Wotien. 35 8 box or thregict $iv sold at all Drug 8 ores. or matied Radress on zeGaip t AVING = Vim an for. Norse and Brain; increases 'grey ILnikld you up, two for x at stoves, or by mall on reesipt a1 Uava Co, 5t. Catharines hoadl's. Drug Store." has spent the pist four weeks. 'Mr.|over Sunday. have and Mrs. Stanley Segsworth and commenced to work on the land and party motored to tlie city on Satur-|(he women' have commenced house day. Mr, ail Mrs. Noble Elierbeck cleaning, but in some places the and Miss Velma mgtozed to Moscow {work came (0 an abrupt close on ac- on = Sunday. Miss Vandewuter » count of the new Military Service The ang wen who engaged in trap- ping this spring have enlarged wal- lets, since the siles were made this week. Some farmers are ploughing gave a gobd exhibition of ¢lub swing- ing. 'Mrs, L, L. Price entertained "a few of the voung girls on Saturday iu honor of her daughter Kathleen's Deseronto, and Mordie Swerbrick Sydenham, were recent guests at / A 1d Manson's Little Miss Helen Lak- ins, Harrowsmith, spent a few days Akt regulations. MH. Slack is hig back from Lyndhurst to his f, mov- arm Cross. Society ex- Mrs. E. Webster's GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of faces The Red birthday. Cecil Cronk joins the pects to meet at i CPR. bridge gang this week. Farm- : } ers 'have generally stored their sa buckets, aftér a good season's ru and are preparing for work on the and 'in a few fields seed has been SOWN. at A. Gewdy's. J. Card and. Ross | next Sat The mail carrier, Mi Vanluyven were Sunday visitors at | Bousteel, purchased the Patti- Thomas Wattan's. Frank Arm-{more farm near Athens. S. Stevens strong, a llier. fren the Work-end iis engaged to work for the season | s ML here. M. Swerbrick am . K. Man- [for J. Bele. Mrs. Mulvenna 3 ] land; Mrs, T.-.Cox was at home 10 alson paid a flying visit 6 friends at daughter, Miss hi ven a ha few" friends ome evening 'recently.| Godfrey. Mrs. Iv, Snyder is faite {ed home after spending the winter Stewart Somers, Toronto, was the Morley Ellerbeck, or oy Nig { months at Lyodhurst. ghost of his 'mother, * Mrs." George! 5 Sunday visitor in this vicinity. ! : Somers. J. DaWsoh was a week-end! Nr. and Mrs. George Hughes and | guest at his home here. Reeve J, A. daughters spent Sunday at F. Bller- | Cox visited Kingston last week. beck's. Mrs. L. Boxee and Mrs. T. | Wattam called on Miss Mary Wat- | tam recently. Misses Alberta Hughes and Phyllis Bishop were Sunday guests at Edgar Hughe Miss Barr called at A. Manson's ye- cently. » | Leaox and Addington DENBIGH, April 23.--The sugar making sea- son for this spring seems to be ended. The amount of maple syrup and sugar made here is about an average one. Quite a heavy snowstorm, | which lasted all day visited this part {of the country last Thursday and i the weather has 80 far heen very cool. A very small percentage of spring DRIER fae ; > sbodiing has so far only been done. Houry Spits; Haz Hees, at A William 'Waslide has started opera-| YFORKS; W. Loucks, Parham, at G. tions with his lately acquired steam R. Howes', sawmill and the familiar souud of} as the whistle is heard again at regu-| MALLORYTOWN. ; lar times. Charles Both has grrived | April 23.---Farmers are starting | home from an extended business trip work on the land once more. A to Cloyne and Northbrook. Adolf | nuisber from here attended court in/ Wadlide of Saskatoon, Sask., has also | Gananoque on Monday. The Inde- arrived at his old home and intends pendent order of Oddfellows will at- to remain this season to assist his|tend divine worslip fn the Methodist stepfather, C. Stein, on his farm. |chureh on April 28th at 2.80 poi The (rame dwelling house of Okear|Sapper E. J. Quinsey and wife are Rutten on the Denbigh<Grifftith road | visiting the former's father, Samuel Was destroyed by fire with nearly all | Quinsey, here. Sapper Quinsey has contents last Saturday afternoon. | spent a nuniber of months in the The fire started in the garret, prob- joidst of operations in France, aud KEPLER. April 20.-~The farmers have fin- ished making maple s¥rup, 'after a successful season. Some' have com- menced seeding. E. P. Lawson had a been to-day, ralsing a barn. Mrs. W. Yance left last Monday for her home ht Trglt, B.C, PF. Potter is redover- ing fram a severe gitack 'of erysipe- i las, Mrs. H. E. Jolinston is also i quite 1). The Red Cross workers met atiMes. H. Buck's this week, M, Ir- i ish 'has vented Mrs, Manuel Orser's farm and is ou had Sunday sghool In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Alw BEE WN Sade tivn comrakd Mi via WAGAR v FLLE. April 22 Farmers have their cellars packed with syrup and sugar. Some have started to work on the land. Mr, Storms, proprietor of the Frontenac cheese factory, expects to start cheesemaking this coming week. George Cronk, who has been on the sick lst, is not much improv- ------ od. = Jackun has Saished sawing I 2 .. LA er for this ye ere was no JUST ARRIVED -- A LARGE ASSORTMENT PLEASANT VALLEY. April 18. The weather of the past few days has brought seeding opera- tions to a standstill again. Clinton Sigsworth has returned from a short sojourn in the ¢éity. Mr. and Mrs. Harl Ryan and My. and Mis. Daniel Freeman, Hartington, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Ellerbeck. Mus. Bruce Henderson, Westbrook, -spent a few days among friends here. Ean Boyce, formerly of the Northern Crown Bank, Ot- tawa, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Boyce, prior to leaving for overseas. Mss. Charles Purdy, Bay. City, Mich., is the guest of her datghter, Mrs: Harry Watson. Leona Joyner, who was so critically | will re-open on nday, "elosed "through © p H. E. Johnston will continue perintendent. J. Redmond and wife returned this week to their home here, after spending the\winter in the eity. Capt, L. Buck, Kingston, visited this brother, HM, 'Buck, this week, J. Donnell and wife, Ports- mouth, have been renewing acquaint- ances here. Quite a number of the farmers went to the city to-day. MYBR'S CAVE. 22. --Sugar making is done. be iin church service on Sunday, owing to the rainy weather. "C. 'M. Jackson has returned to Hamilton to resume *his duties, after spending the week- end at home, Barl Howes and Earl] M. Storms made a flying trip to the Limestone city recently. Mrs, Me- Cumber's auction sale was well at- tended. A number attended the raising bee at George Dotting's last| week. M. Kurkham has aceepled a | position as cheesemaker at Elmdale factory, Recent vigitors: George Lario, at his home; A. Wagar, al Engh manele bonne the wane LF Bewaraiof wo Reels , Sold hy ail dragaiis, . $1.30 to $2.50 . $2.00 $1.50 Jolly Jitneys, from : Folding Sewing with yard measure Curtain Stretchers ProNEI CO a ee . i Shooflies . | Su $1.95 and 50 Roclining Chaits with Avin : Cara Ta 45 Reclining Chairs with ars and leg Yost... Bock-a-Iiye Swings . .. ir Combination High Chairs (2 White enamel bassonette . ae White Enamel medicine cabinet i IMPERIAL LIFE Teese The Imperiai Life provides security of over $140 for every $100 of lability to its policy holders. Apri . '$1.75 . $5.50 .. $5.50 Lo $8.00 93 fis you gi : and comfort mot fons ) At ROBT. J. REID'S Undertaker and Furniture Dealer Motor Ambulance 577 sosmin DF J. Collis Browne' Ss Hi { THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remzdy for CoucHs, CoLbps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. sts Uke w Sharm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effacteally cuts short sl! sitacks of SPASMS. Cheeks and arrests those ton often fatal disesses~FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The oaly palliative is NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. 3 hilorod duated gecovding to th fads, In h atadyns iva ligaid taken $4 dro a ea a Ot roe a allays sevitation. of 'the wercous systems when all other vomedics fail. leaves ue clfects: and can be when wo of hor ine can be INSIST ON HAVING Pr. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense svccess of J. B. COOKE 832 King Street. Phone 503 Residence 843 rao Ga differcice | is oily onc of -- not of kind. Look around you! Look around you! If you have not yet decided to 1 a ra he {oo id to do so now. You ay Bispietve There i - ei , Potatoes and beans may 'to June Ist Ef are the best substitutes meat, cultivate a Bs ro oes entitled: -- 1,50 p.m 3.40pm Love. City Arr, City 217 am 3.52 am. 1252 pm. 2.20 p.m 1h SER. day run ly Sunda) -- 'Lea. 1.39 am tern td. pom, ir 00 p.m, vive 20: gr | i ? ht ably from a spark tht escaped from | while thers was severely gassed and a defective stove pipe. There is no was or ood to take Mospital treat- Insurance on either hutiding Or cop: | ment in England. "Since coming to tents. 'Canada he has been in hospital at Hollingsworth is under the care of Dr. Judson. Nurse Partridge Is * spending a Jew days in Junetown Leeds caring for Mrs. William Flood and young son. Miss §. Price spent the week-end at W. H. Franklin's, TLAND. Junetown. Dr. Bissell, Deseronto, Aun 22.-~The lake is clearad of | Was a recent guest at Charlie Ten- all ice at present. * Mr. Topham, Ot-|Naat's. The ball given by ihe tawa, and Mrs. Merkle spent the| Young People's Club on Friday week- end ut their cottage on the night last was largely attended. The lke, "Herman Morris, Ottawa, and| Masonic Lodge met in their hall on Charles, Smith's Falls were at their | Monday evening. Miss Lettie Mc dome here for a couple of days Miss | Donald was fomced to come home Hattie Donevan 'spent Sunday in{from collegiate in Brockville last Smith's Falls. John Hawe, Perth, is| week owing to illness.' : at his home here for the week-end. ---------- William Pinkerton and wife and Mr. LOMBARDY. and Mrs. 'Heath and Mrs, Dowsett April 22. -~-Miss Marjory Preston, \ were in Brockville on Saturday. New Bryne, spent the week-end with Steven Ripley is in the hospital t!friends in this vicinity. One of the Brockville, The cheese factory has|twin sons of Mr. and Mrs, John opened and is "receiving a good Sinnott died on Tuesday, 16th inst. quantity of milk. - W, Ripley was infin st Francis} Hospital, Smith's Brockville on Saturday. Falls. Mr. and Mrs, W. @. Wood : came from Perth gn Wednesday to at- : CAINTOWN. terid the marriage of the latter's sis- April 22 Miss Florence Yup-|ter Miss Lena Clark. Mr. and Mrs. man, of Brockville, Js spending a {Stanley Blancher, North Lancaster, pending a few weeks with Mrs. [came on Saturday, 20th inst. to visit Powell. Carmen. Lakins, of | Mr. and Mrs. A. Blancher and other Lord's Mills. spent the week-end | relatives Tor a few days. A pleasing ; yo his Barents r. and Mrs. John | event took place at the home of Mr. iss Hattie Hawkins, Mrs land Mrs. John Clark on Wednesday and little daughter. rrating. April 17th, when their thens, visited relatives onngest daughter, lana, was at Miss Laelia Hen to Hirlo og tv Rev. A.A. Brett officiati he presence Xx the immed fate the contract ing parties Has . " ja wh i$ 8- onda) Toft for a hf ay before iaking up Teshiohe on thelr farm. Pe ' Mitre. of ] Paton recently. "Hag gone to her home at i's after spending the past few in Caintown. © Miss Helena go. of Mallarstown, is visiting George Leeder. Miss © Nota Satutday "it i hast with fend, 2 i 'Yonge Mills." We rai gir ie SA visitlag Mr. znd Mrs Bf Frayve kod After a lengthy iVinoig family for SE and Mrs. { one of the old pioneers, died at his ord Perth on Wed<! home on Pembroke Road. Ezanville, Albert Wi Albert to attend the marriage of the fast Thutaday, He a. in his eighty- datter's sister, Miss Grace Burlan- | quette to J. McKay. a ---------------- Brennan, Perth, y aged eighty-eight Mille, at ~Pickay has gone to Yonge pr to spend a few weeks with Charles Snyder. ; house on Motes i . Tweed. They | ¥ill move thet in a few days, A CHARLESTON. April 22.-~Little "Miss 'Maggie| C¥resier is ill of croup and pueu-§ yijeen ~ R Hop x

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