Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Apr 1918, p. 7

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/ < bl THE DAILY BRIT ISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL. 23, 1918, Head Office = « Capital, $5,000,000 Presiden, JOHN GOODE Ria. ALL, PAUL General 1, 4 GOODENHAM, 1AM STONE, COL. A. | WAM, 1 Gi THOS. ¥, HOW, Ww. C wil 11 tonal Bank, LONDON, George B. McKay BANK or TORONTO dre FTORS HF MAC HON, ALD Margen GRANT, ( Business nen are offered In this Bank the satlafeciory banking ser vige provided hy our complete facilities and extrasive connections, BANKERS: NEW YORK > Sutionsl Bank of Commerce. ENC eelondon Clty & Midland Bask, Limited. INCORPORATED 18553 - TORONTO Reserved Fonds, _~ CIHCAGO==FIrst Na. Manager. FOR SALE SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON A CORNER, suitable for a store, with four bedrooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen, with B. and C and gas. Terms to suit purchaser. Price The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Phones! Office 65; residence 874, A A GREATER - PRODUCTON requires greater effort on your part, so that you may produce your share toward feeding our brave boys in the trenches. We can supply you with the neces. SEEDS Will you put forth the neces. sary effort? HOAG'S Drug Store Branch Post Office, Kingston, Ont. . p b p b p ; p b y p A p p THE SOLDIERS' AID COMMISSION has been incorporated by the Province of Ontario for the purpose of assisting Ro reinstate discharged officers and men in civil life. EMPLOYMENT, We cordially invite the co.operation of the public in the important work of ween ring 'employment for soldiers who have been Mischored from military segvice, : voc. ATIONAL TRAINING. Classes for the vocational reé-educas tion of solkMers who have been so dis- abled ar to prevent them from resume dng their former occupations are pro- vided free of cost, and in addition, the support of the soldter and his degead- ants fu provided during 'the period of retraining and for ane month after. Further information As fo conrjes may be obtained from W. W, Nichol, Superintendent of Kdueation, 116 Cole lege Street, Toronto. RELIEF FUND. Donglifons for the assistance 6f sol- diers' families in temporary distress will be thankfully received and ack- nowledged, and should be made payable to the order of the Commission, ead Office 116 corm STREET, TORONTO, ingston Hraueh: My BAGOT STRERT. Major E. C. Southey, laspector of W. E. MecLaughiln, Secretary. ene 'arms For Sale 50 acres, ale fron Kingston, Rood 2 fair altiingns about neren of good land under cultiva. tion," Price | 100 meres, 11 wiles from Kingston: foir bulldingw: well watered and fenced; wood enough fuel: shout RO ne. b The Belgian res first clans plow land. Price $4,000, 295 meres, well ldeated 5 mores good ew awd; plenty "weed; bullds ngx alone worth the money. Price £2,000, on ensy terms. Be ot aux of these farms esn y ~ T.J. LOCKHART | atte a and Insurance. ont nu, Omt, ; TENDERS SL! TENDERS adgtessed to the under SEE th | Ottawa until noon, ed At Mrs. N. Kent's, 250 ler $2425 2 open Bye Bvery _Saturdny Evening, GRIFFIN'S Mon., Tues., Wednesday Sidney Oleott's Stupendous Masterpiece Also Vivian Martin in THE PETTICOAT PILOT (CANADA MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmasiter General, will be received at on Friday, the 31st May, 1918 for the conveyance of His Majdacy' ¥ 'Mads, on # proposed contract for four yeans, six times per week on the. route, -Frionville Rural Mail Route No. 2, from the Postmaster General's pleasore Printed notices containing further information as to cenditions of propos- contract anay be seen and blank forms of tender may "be obtained at the Post Offices of Erinsville, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector: H. MERRICK, Office Inspector, Office, King- Post Post Office Inspector's ston, April 15th, 1918, AUCTION SALE King St., on Wednes- day, Apr. 24th, 10.30 a.m. Piano at 2. piano, walnut and B. WW, sideboard, inlaid and wal- Chickering -8q. cherry parlor sulies, B. W, ex. table, chairs, mut tables, hall rack and mirror, china cabinets, B. W. bedroom suites, hair mmdtresscs and springs, camp beds, toklet setts, etc, B. W, wardrobes, rugs, carpets, oilcloth, pictures, curtains, gas lamp, range and heaters, china, glass. ware, kitchen wuw'enwsils, hose, garden todls, refrigerator, platform scales (120 ibs), and other articles. WM, MURRAY, Auctioneer, TOMOBILE signed, and endorsed on the envelope "Ten: for Purcha nd Removal of the Hs Momtmagn will be receiv- 0 noon . 24 up SIONBAY! APRIL 29, 1918 for tlie purchase . ip hdres red AMERY 3 Anew ng sul ar i 'near Crane Island, ad the "moval ot same ie he sas tig faction of remen HFenders To eo the asset as she now lies sunk and not to include pri- vate effects or} ouse und buoy Supblies ich ay = ve -m board. net nderers Must agree (0 comme! the work of removing the * venael im mediately upon she icoepranee of the tender, and contin Sn same is sat. A ar complet offers must & ns SOON as the ten Tails t Chea fh A EE unsuc os BC 1 . 1 tenders will be returned ios highest gr any tender not neces. sari Rocente: Raed publishing this sdver. ment without authority from the ne Will not be 'for same. At LEXANDER x STON, r M "af Marine. 11 has scores of thrills--not a few. OPERA a R AN HOUSE TO-NIGHT A Musical Ragtime Riot eof Songs, Dancing and Fun "Watch Yo Step" Irving Berlin's Syncopated Saccess 50--PEOPLE--50 | A Galaxy of Girls, Gowns, Comedy. The Loveliest Dancers on Tour Augmented Orchestra. Prices: 25¢, 50c, Thc, 81, $1.50. Seats now on sale. Wed. April 24th Daily at 2.30 pr 7.30 pm. Polite Vaudeville A 5 Reel Triangle Photoplay Elmer Rubin, in "l LOVE YOU" The Pathe News, Comedy and Other » Reels. Friday, April 26th Polite Vaudeville A 5 Act Brady Wonderplay Gale ei fee 'THE VELVET PAW" The Pathe News, Comedy and Other Films, Matinee Mnttuee . 10c Thurs. April 25 One Night Only Arthur Hammrerstein's Dazzling Success Evening 10e; Meserved, 0¢ Extra * | 2 A musical comedy of delightful sur- rises. It is another Hammerstein Hit from the New York Casino. 47 People in Company + 21 Song Hits Augmented Orchestra Prices: 285¢, 50¢, The, 81, £1.50 Seats Now On Sale Sat. April 27 Matinee at 2.30; Evening at 8.15 Jjugene Walter's Greatest Play. TRAIL OF THE LONESOME ST: BY JOHN FOX JR PE py Matinee--23, 35, 50¢; children 25c. rening----28, 30, 75c, $1.00, Seats on Sale Thursday. STRAND Mon., Tues., Wednesday The World's Greatest . * Motion Picture The Whip has «ix starss--not owe. ¥t has everything that plenses, thrills and educates the young and old, It is the supreme offering of filmdom, Do not fail to see it. Also A Five-act Méwro hd Odeepiay v mutita ral tributes tered during he 'recpnt be. reavement. Kingston. Cape Vincent Dally Fer: TY aes. = Saturday, 3 April PE 1 s Deputy Drguztmsns SEs 10, 1918. "Youre Jston Realities, Limited, iE a I= E El gle J 1 : 1 4 STO CONBENSED ADVERTISING RATES Flest insertion, le & word, con- secutive 1avertion thereafter, haif- cent 8 word, Mibimum charge for ° insertion; 25e; three insertions, Soe; six $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED Y COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. APPLY aw A, 1656 Johnsen sireer. AND FIREMAN FOR SMALL COOK n.d. Jamey Swift & Co, Lim- steamer. ited, GIRLS AND FANCY IRONERS WANT at the Imperjal Lauon- ed at one dary. MAT CAN Mooers, $0 SERVANT A Mrs. H. GENERAL Apply « FOR GENTS' FUR- | ly CC. Livingswon &1 street. A JUNIOR CLI nishing. Bro. Brock A GOOD COOKR- GENERAL | FOR CEN- rally located home in $ity. Apply Henderson's Grocery. GOOD STRONG BOY, 15 TO IT YEARS old, for pressroom. Apply Mr. Adams, Whig Job Dept. FoOD GENERAL SERVANT WANTED, must be good with children. Apply Mrs. Spence, 136 Baget street, A JANITOR FOR VILLA ST, CLARE apartment house, on Barrie street. Apply to No. 5 Apartment, ONCE, A GOOD BREAD BANE" for night work, Apply New land Bakery, Collingwood stre COOK; ALSO Apply the hospi AT IX PERIENOED s for ward work. Kingston General on INERAL i kept sat thiy nee, I RIE nN ED COOK-G of two; other mm « paid, Apply Ofice LIGHT PPAR. Apply at id Dive DELIVER cells with a' quiet hor Anderson Bros, Princess ar isfon streets RETURNED SOLDIERS ny qualifications will Apply Street A HOY TO pr MOTORMION with be given Railway Office MAID FOR GENERAL MAY IST, housework, in the event 220 Union St ny guson, PLEAS. _ paid. on. GIRLS WANTED FOR LIGHT, ant work, Highest wag Apply N Polson Co. tario . St, eity AND after H, COOK<GENERAL, EXPERIENCE references necessary. Apply 7.30 in the evening to Mrs. I. acnee, 143 King St. West GIRL 10 MAKE and do other light work in department Apply at An- Brog., cor, Princess «wand streets A SMART OU'F IN. voices meat dersory Division RETIRNED SOLDIER OR orders, Kingston Rig eommission spare tinte; first Box 423, Whig WANTED, anyone and . v paid class Office, Whole or proposition. NERAL SERVANT,' high wages: r suitable person; must have refepences. Apply in the evenings after seven, to Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street, IMMEDIATELY, G LADY CASHIER FOR WHOLESALE offiee, with knowledge of book. keeping and previous office experi- ence. Apply in own hand-writing, mtating salary, experience and edu- sation to Box 422, Whig Office. EE. Machine Operators, Inspectors and chinists. Good iE paid. Apply National Mfg. Co., Lud, Brockville, Ont. i i ---------- POSITION WANTED RESPECT. AS HOUSEKEEPER TO able widower, in or near King- ston: mo objection to going on on farm. Apply to Box O, Whig Office. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY in the Supreme ne Cowst of Ontario: In the Matter of Kingston Real- ties, Limited. With the Approval of the Local Mas- {8 OR 7 ROOMED HOUSE, CE N TRALLY eM | sec ONBD-HAND ter of the Supreme Court of Ontario there wil be sold by public auctiun at} the Auction Rooms of Willkam Mur- ray, Market Square, Kingston, Ontarfo | on Friday the 26th day of April, 1918, #t the hour of twelve U'clock, noon, all the real property owned by King- The sald pro. in two parcels as Parcel No, 1A the brick houses owned by Kingston Realties, Linsited. situate on Stephen Street in the said ity of Kingston, and known as num- bers 101-2-5-7-9-11-13-156<17-10-21.28.35- 27-20-31 on the North side of Stephen perty will be sold follows: WANTED GENERAL Pot R OR IVE ROOMS OR A SMALL mee. Apply Box 194, Whig Office, A RUBBER TIRED BLGGY IN ol Box 204, Whig condition, Apply Office WANTS fam- BUSINESS MAN d and Som with private Box hig WANTED TO RENT pear the city, for the ply 120 Barrie sireét or Phone YOUNG 3 iy. A COTTAG summer \ 1 Ap- located, Box on ar phy 2 FOR CARTING, MOVING, OR GARDEN ploughing. call on Joan 37 Lower Charles St, clty ROOM AND HOARD WANTED FOR man and wife, in private Telephone reply to 1071. UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new | pianos and grafonolas, C. W. say, Limited, 121 Princess street. FOR REMOVING STORM WINDOWS, and having your windows cleane «drop & card to Kingston Ceaning' Company, Bath Post Office, Terms cash Lind- | Window | Road! WIE WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS OF] second-hand furniture, heaters, clothes, ete, everything in the line for sale, 8. Shapiro, eesy street. Phone 1237. We also have second-hand 45 Prin- FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Society; incor porate President, Colon H C.M.G.; vice-pres kle, KC. Money and farm propertie county debentures chased; inves t safe; deposits ived a est allawed. R. OC. Cartw nig ager, 87 Clarence rong Kingston mortg honds a LONDON AND GLOBE fire Insurance Company, assets $61,157 5 in whieh the pdlicrholders gedurity the unlimited city property, insured possible rates, Bafore renewing id or Eiving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, Phone LIVERPOOL, have for Hability of at low est FOR SALE OR TO LET 14 ROOMS, Apply 249 Brook BROCK STREET, water heating. street DENTAL stoves, | i | FIRST HOT | | {OFFICES IN A. E. KNAPP, OFFICE, 258 PRINCISSS | street. Phone 652, DEWAR, DENTIST, and Wellington 1678. GORDON CO, corner Princess streets. Phone DR. DEN. over DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington street, Carnovsky's, Phone 3486. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER Law office, 79 Clar- B. and solicitor. ence street, A. SITUATIONS VACANT, THE BOARD OF MANAGEWENT IN. vites applicat'ons for the position of Lady supetintendent of the La- chine CGeperal Hospital, Lachine, Quebec. Salary $1,000 per @aunum, Applications, with copies of testi- moniials and full information re- garding previous experience, shoul be addressed to Secretary, Lachine General Hospital, Lachine, P.Q. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED T0 SELL Dr. Chase's Receipt Book and Household Physician. Latgest sale of any book except the Bible. Food will win the war and Dr. Chase's Book savys Food as well as lives. 50% c#mission and a fifty dollar Victory Bond free with sale of 200 books. Fine oppor- tunity for returned soldiers. No experience necessary, for people are anxious to get this well-known book. Write for terms and excius- ive territory. Hdmanson, Bates & Co, Ltd, Dr. Chase Bldg. Toronto, % y ARCHITECT POWER 2 SON, ARCHITEOTS, chants Bank Building, Brock and Wellington Sta, DRESSMAKING MISS RICHARDSON, DRESSMAKER, having resumed business, solicits orders for fall and winter work Address 202 Alfred street. MER- corner DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING: orders taken for La Parisienne per- fumes and toilet preparations in connection. 148 Division St, K ston. Phone 1854, Street, and numbers 114.16-18-20-22-24~ 26-28.30-52.31-26.38-48 on the South connected therewith, the said property being more fully described in a mort- faze from the said Ki Amited, to sami loge, . dated. Ji registered an the ny oh Sit Faia 'o } i ins, alde of Stephen Streel, and all the land | ston Readies, MUSIC. TEACHER OF for Toronto 65 Arch St BAROLD PACKER, pianoforte. Prepares Conservatory exams, King- | Boswliek, home. ; The Peop los Foran a DS a EERERERNER em mm A, Ee CT - FOUND aR NTLEMAN® = BROWN KID glove (1éft hand). Apply Whig Office Bi Ne H OF KEYS AT HOAGS Stare Owner m have by calling at above agd- SUM oF MONEY PICKED hi, wk and Di vision have same he St N PRINCESS Wellington, on afternoon. Owner hive same by calling at Office. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting. the facts to The Brigish Whig. he adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" does not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ete. These. if lost, may de ad' vertised for in the "Lost" column, may Whig HALALREL FOR SALE. THEAR EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COSY tie. Once, 25¢; three times He; a week, $1.00. SOME CASH REGISTERS, APPLY 478 Princess treet. BICYCLE, Ww. A GIRLS almost street n Apply iN, 0 FRAME, 60 Hrock ne McCORMIUK GRALY AND SEED HOR drill, nearly new, Apply F. W, Smith, Catirasqui P.O. HE GOOD AS NEW. cess St. (upstairs), mornings. SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE ON EARL street, near Barrie; with all im- provements. Phone $34. ONE STATIONARY 5 HP. GASOLINE engine: first cheque for $40 gets it Apply A. Tyo, 473 Princess St, Apply from 10 to 12, or USED CARS OF ALL KINDS -- FORDS, land, Studebaker and MeLaugh- Apply Bert Stansbury, le$ an Rd. MOTOR BOAT, 18 miles an 24 FT, LONG, SPEED hour. Will be sold LOST OLD-FASHIONED GOLD SIGNET RING wo initials worn Kindly Ww partly ret to so BIE RN'S HEY NO 8 TURN BUTTON 166, between Cle pbuflding Co. Finder to Whig Office nd |hi return A SILVER MESH a small nit day afte n turn to Ww BAG, CONTAINING of money, on Satur. inder kindly re Hany street. Reward, ¢ AT THE in CITY HALL, FRIDAY EVEN. on the st t, a small go with a b le drop. Ap- g Office. Reward hrooch ply Whi GOLD WRIST band, WATCH bet ween y stare, on Po rontenae street or in Standard Kindly leave at W alle reward, 0 LET. ars LEA. | ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH- ed. Apply 32 Untario or Phone 19023 street AND 3. 151 ROARD. Earl St CLASS ROOMS Mrs. A Tern 2242 CLARENCE ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunaingnam, 79 Clarence street, Apply or Phone FURNISHED ROOMS AND rooms for light house-keeping. pi 6 Princess street. FIRST-OLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock St I Ap. GARAGE, OENTRAL, 88, between 10 a and for further particulars, FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN MoCann's Real Estate drock St.' Phone 326 A PRIVATE Phone $ p.m. STORAGE and dary Agency, or G21. 86 right Apply Wolfe Island FORD CAR, | ELECTRIC STARTER, electric Hghts, slip covers, de nountable rims; everything to date Apply Boyd's Garage. GRAPHONOLA AND WEN your own choice, $30.65, cash, $1 per week, Limited, 121 Princess St. HP, MEDIUM SPEED FOUR. tinder, four-cycle Buffalo; practi. ap pr qIMeK sale Weight, Bank «of to Stanley Woodman, up GENUINE selections; Terms: $5 Lindsay, 18-20 NW BLACK MAM. Polnds, pit Fertility 171 Nel- HATCHING EGGS, n; by iy aan N. Davy, son street, THOROUGH Leghorns, Langshans 206 EGGS ¥ oR HATCHING, comb brown black Ray Marchand, ase sireet LARGE STOCK oF lete and Prine PERFECT, ATH. ton cycles on sassy terms; also bie accessories, George Muller, Rievela #torg and Livery, 271 and 373 King St, NEW SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW, ON Frontenac street, north of / Princess, 7 rooms, bath, furnace, electric lights, gas, good garden. Apply on premises, or 38% Elm street, WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND furniture, buffets, chairs dnd ta- bles: will buy all kinds of furni« ture and stoves. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. Phone 1600. SOME OF THE BIGGEST ADVERTIS. ers today sometimes use a little ad like this. A phone eail or postal will bring you full pars ticulars about this ® department. British Whig Publishing Co. BARGAIN «= CORNER Grocery and dwelling, twelve rooms, three open fire-places, lat. est plumbing, garden, fruit trees outbuildings: also ~ Sevenpoomed dwelling, 18 Johnson street. Apply 44 Main St. Phone 1985, 53 ACRES, OR 100, FIVE MILES FRON city, rsmalil house, barn and stable, PROPERTY HENT OR wWorLp LEASE SMALL front lot, 8 ible for garage LWWwest end. Apply to Box .M., Whig Office, 28. SITTING ROOM AND bed room for girls, 'Will be let separately or together: use of phone. Apply 234 Barrie strget. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy roams; your own lock and kkey. Frost's ity Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; res. $89, THIS DEPARTMENT IS ALWAYS glad to hear from any one thinking of using classified adveitising. Write or Phone us about it e may be able to help you. Britigh Whig Pub. Co. LARGE FRONT ALFRED STREET; HOT WATER heating; gas and eleotricity; large sleeping porch; sold brick garage, $2 X 22 ft, on street car line. Pos- session immediately. id Rev, Fd ngsley, Kingston Mills, Phone h T -2 UNION ST, SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 9 rooms, bright and sunny; all mod- ern conveniences; near oollege, collegiate and street car junetion. Apply to 215 corner Willlam and Barrie Sts. afternoon or evening or phone 765. - TO RENT, ACRES OF GOOD LAND, WITH dwelling and stable, situated about 14 miles outside the city, for $100 a year. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street Phone 68 PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, Biff YRMARKS and all growths and skin blem. ishes removed permanently, with- out sear; 30 years' experience. Dr Elmer J. Lake, Eye Ear, Throat and Skin Bpecialist, Bagot street. Nose, 252 DR. Bi well wooded, with pine, cedar and maple treés: orchard, good well; terms Ten sohable; possession an time. Apply KF. 'W, Henghat, » Lower Albert St. ACRES (CHOICE BARGAIN) wa den soll, convenient to eity: fruit trees: well fenced: with seven- roomed cottage; large verandahs: barn, 40 x, 50; stable for theres horses: excellent wells; possession immediately, Apply to F, . Meagher, 99 Lower Albert St. ACRES, 6 MILES FROM KING ston, on Napanee Road | house with stone © kitelien, rooms in all. Wood house, 34 x 88, Drive house 24 x 36. house, hen houses. Barn 50 x 82 stone wall Shea 24 36 on stone wall Stanchions for, cows. Stalls for' 5 horses, 3 box stalls. Large im- plement shed. Open shed for 15 cattle. Water for stock in barn. Cheese factory on farm. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 58 Broek street, Phone 68. 3 $1000, FRAME, € ROOMS, $1030, FRAME, ¢ ROOMS, $2630, DOUBLE FRAME, § ROOMS, ALL lmprovements; electric light. ¥ $2800, DOUBLE FRAME, ALL IM. provements, hot water heating, electric Nghts, tems for $31.00. BRICK HOUSES, "Goon LOC ATIONS, $1500 to $8000; lots to select from, $200-BRICK VENEER, 12 ROOMS, All modern improvements: separads bath; electric Hight, stable: central location. Bnap fof a quick "buyer. a TO RENT SOF URNISHED ROUSE, rooms; tighes ~ electric BRICK, all Improvements; G. A, BATEMAN REAL ESTATE AND Insurance, 67 Clarence 8st, King- ston, FOR SALE. OR EXCHANGE, Years of experience me fa treat "difficult cases success - Call, or state cis by let- "a Carlton Street, Torente, 2LCYLINDER, 4-CYOLE 10.12 HORAK. power, heavy duty gasoline marine motor, with clutoh and complete ac. Sepsoriex, In first class condition, Cheap for cash, or will exchange for Hghter engine of medium # Telephone 885, . Siam fae, We & Beonumpend

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