THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TU ESDAY, APRIL 23, 1918. - =| i Store Your Furs We guarantee you against loss by Fire, Theft and Moth Phone 489. Our Fur Van will call. John McKay, 149 to 157 Brock Street. A lt ll AP ly ph, at A tp ir I - ANN NNN NN Monument Lettering - ~ In Cemeteries a Specialty. Workmanship Guaranteed. TOMORROW WILL BE A GOOD DAY TO HAVE YOUR EYES FIT- TED WITH GLASSES, BUT TODAY IS BETTER. . 5 eyes properly and carefully IS Frontegue Sq. Phone 1417 tested? 4 Sit } ali osm ons Why put off the fmpor- 3 tunce of bettering your eye sight. PN Semana Bissell Carpet Sweep- ers Made Over New. All Repair Work Done, 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 no, Ns iy We are fully equipped to render you all the aid that glasses will give. Come in TODAY. JS Asselstine D.0.S Registered Optometrist. 842 King St. The Busy Optical Store, \ Bananas, Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, And Green Vegetables, Fresh and Cured Meats, at the Unique Grocery and Meat Mar- ket, 490-492 Princess Street. Phone 530. C. H. Pickering, Prop. A ay hia GOOD SERVICE ISOUR MOTTO Central Garage Higheclass workmanship and first-class material nsed. Twelve years' experience in automobile repair work. CENTRAL GARAGE Ea Walsh, Proprietor, | Pn, Fe Home y ® 4 335 King St. 'Bargains [|L..2 At the Golden Lion Grocery Fancy Clover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. {Fresh California Pranes, nice and Juicy'... ... Yoo, 12%e, 15¢ Ih. Evaporated Peaches, 2 lbs for 25¢ Evaporated Apricots . . . . 18¢ Ib. Bweet Cider ....., ... ... 40¢ gal. W.R McRae&Co 'Golden Lion Grocery ST ------------ FOR YOUR > y > . p p s b p p p p b p p : Adhd dh Aa $2400--Raglan Rd, near Ri. deau street, $4100--LUnion St., 8 rooms. $1400--Stephen St, 6 rooms, stable, $1500--Stephen St., double, new, Rent $240, $2800---York ns 7 rooms. S3200--Kar) $¢., new brick. $2250--Patrick Street, 6 rooms, See full office list. > ad uo Fa : We have gathered together a selection merchandise bought before the advent high prices and we are giving our custo- of N, | Hott L'S VESTRY MEETING THIS ANGLICAN (HURCH NOW | oUT-OF DEBT, { ST. PAU The Work of the Rector, Canon Gerald, Greatly Appreciated-- gation Increases His Stipend | by $150, djgurned meeting of the ves-| . Paul's parish was held oni v evening, with the rector! Can Vv. . FitzGerald, in the ch E hing was shown to be. in first lass condition, the church now being out of debt. An inerease was shown in all departments, due to a large to the devoted and untiring ef- ts of the rector, r The actual inerease of the revenue for ordinary ehurch purposes was $576.34, The total amount raised or missions was $ 5 Sunday receipts, §! ; W.A., re- ceipts, $1 01; Ladies' Guild re- ceipts, $306.56; A.Y.P.A. receipts, { $67.28: The organ fund shows a | cash balance on hand of $177.06. rector re-appointed R. F. El- | as his warden for the ensuing { year, The people's warden, A. E. M, | Loscombe, retired owing to ill-health, {and Capt. W. Peters was elected to | fill the vacaney caused by the re- gretted reiirement of Mr. Loscombe. | A resolution of regret and apprecia« tion of past services was passed C. A, Bunt was re-elected as vestry | clerk and envelope secretary. i W. J. Monk was re-elected as mis- | sion envelope secretary, A resolution of appreciation of the lr of the pastor for the past | eleven vears and of the progress of | the church was passedsaand the ree- tor was unanimously voted an in- { crease of $150 in stipend extent school The his INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GEN ERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. This was St. (Jeorge's Day. New potatoes at Carnoveky's. Pianos to rent, C. 'W. Lindsay, Lid. . ! The Bishop of Ontario+ préached in St. Mark's church, Deseronto, on Sunddy 3 Cheesé sold it Que., at 20 3-8¢ and at N.Y., at 20c. : Ebenezer Perry, come to Kingston, and make his home here in future. W. Swaine, piano tuner, 100 Oler- Me- Hyaeinthe, Watertown, has Lo Napanee, expects gy reet west. Orders left at Auley's, or 'phone 564 About one-half of the trees that are to be eut in the City Park have al- ready been felled and sawed inte cordwood¢for use next winter, The freshness of the selected leaf is the secret of the delicious Salada flavor and its wonderful economy in use. Frank Spencer, avenue, was removed Dieu on Monday in motor ambulance, Now is the time to have your 'piano tuned, We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction. C, W, Lindsay, Ltd. The mame of Miss Mildred 176 to the James University Hotel Reid's H. | Pierce, Kingston, was omitted in (he i list, published yesterday, of Queen's graduates. She secured the degree of B.A. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We ca 'ry {wo expert tuners and will assure entire satis- | Thé gexton, J, Bird, was re-appoint- | ed; and given an increase of salary Ji WW. Power re-elected lay | delegate to synod. for three years. W. G. Ferguson and H. W. Snelling are {the other synod representatives, | A vote of thanks was also tendered {to R. H. Elmer and Mrs. W. H. Car | novgky, for their success in 'wiping {out the coal bill { Votes of thanks were passed to the | choir and organist, Sunday school | teachers, all the ladies' societies, vari- fous church societies and all church | workers, was IN MARINE (CIRCLES. | Navigation Opened" for the Montreal | Transportation Company. | Navigation for .the Montreal | Transportation Company opened on | Tuesday morning, when the tug {Thomas cleared with the barges | Kingston and Lapwing, to lead coal { at Fairhaven for Montreal. The tag i Thomson will return to - Kingston land clear with the barges Augustus {and Condor to load coal at Char- ilotte, 4 The steamers Windsor and Me- | Vittie will clear on Wednesday or | Thursday for Oswego. . The steamers India, Advance and or } {Simla will clear on Wednesday | Thursday for Ashtabula to load for! Montreal, The water was let out of the La- | ehine Canal on Tuesday and will be out until the end of the month for [tight repairs. The steamer Westmount arrived in Collingwood from Midland on Sunday, and will clear from Colling- wood for Fort William on Saturday. | the The steamer Clenmount and steamer Paigponnage, with thé barge {Thunder Bay in tos, will clear from {Collingwood for Fort William to- | day. Et The steamer Atikoken will elear from Collingweod for Fort William on 'Wednesday. With the breaking up of the ice in. the harbor the boats are being migde ready for the opening of navi- gation. | The freighter Cadiilae, which has been in the Kingston Shipbuilding 'Company's drydock for the winter months undergoing re- Pairs, was towed 'to the Canada Steamship Company's wharf on Monday and had steam up on Tues- day morning. 'As yet the local office of the Can- ada Steamship line has not received notification as to the date of the opening of navigation for their boats, but it is expected that word will be received in a few days. Last fall six of the company's biggest freighters were sent down to the ocean for service, hut during the winter a number of others have heen bought for the inland traffic and a busy season is expected. THE BLACK CAT CONTEST. Important Notice to Those Interested in Contest, For the benefit of those interested in the above contest we wish to state' you will be under no obligation to' buy anything to win the prize. All we want you to do is to bring into our store en Thursday, April 25th,! a jet black eat, and the man bringing in the best looker, whieh will be eon- sidered by the judge, takes the prige. Remember: a $156.00 suit or overs coat free, ' The Lion Clothing House, 347 King street, Kingston, Married in London, Eng. 3 Word has heen - received of the marriage in London, Eng., of Capt. Harry Dunlop, C.AMC., to Miss Rachel ~ Thayer, Capt. Dunlop is the youngest son of William Dunlop, formerly of this » now of Montreal, and a gradu of Queen's in arts and medicine. He has been in France the past two years. | ------------------ Gerard's New Book. Ing with dramatic évents which could not be released earlier. Norwood, Conn., I "Face to Pace With Kafserism," by fi James W. Gerard, former UV. 8. Am-|}| bassador to tlie German Court. There are great chapters in this book deal-fy | faction, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd, | The Government has pronrised an- | other opportunity to discuss the [subject of titles in Canada, introduc- led by W. F. Nickle | We will rent you a piano, and ai | end 'of six months ir you feel like { purchasing insirument we will al- | low the six momths* rental on pur | chase price, and arrange easy terms | on balance,' C. W. Lindsay, Ltd, | 'The bowlers are preparing for the | season's sport, Already the grounds at Queen's University are being put | into condition and (he lawn has been { rolled several times and seeded, Read "Face to Face With Kaiser- {Ism," Ambassador Gerard's new hook | now ready at Uglow's-- price $2.00 a copy. The Kaiser's threat, "America had better look out after the war." Prevost, Broek street, has an extra fine assortment of tweeds, cheviots and bluo-ang black sergés for his or der clothing department. His ready- made clothing and gent's furnishing department are well assorted with new goods at low prices. Pre. Alvin Daly, of Toronto, ton- valescing in Queen's Military Hos- pitdl here, has received word that his brother, Pte. Frank Daty, aged nineteen, was killed Yn action on March 30th. Another brother, Rob- ert, was gassed on April 2nd. We will rent you a piano, and at | end of six monthd if you feel like purchasing instrumént we will al low the six months' rental on pur chase price, 'and arrange easy terms on balance. ©, W.¥indsay, [1d The funeral of the late Mrs. Agnes A. Brightman took place from ner {late residence on Quebec. street on Tuesday afternoon to St. Luke's church, where service was eonduet- ed by Rev. J. de Pencier Wright. The remains were interred in ata- ragui cemetery. A somewhat larger percentage Sap cans have been placed on te trees around the city this yedr tha has been the custom in former year: The trees have been tapped satisfac) torily and some large supplies of ma. ple sugar have been laid in. "There's only one thing my wife is afraid of and that's a cockroach. She always keeps a tin of Keating's handy. "Keating's" keeps the house free from cockroaches, and other household pests. Sold by all drug- gists 'and grocers in tins only, toe, 25¢, '3bc. F. Ritchie & Co, Limited, Toronto. Sole Canadian Agents. Given Suspended Sentence. . A youth -arrested recently for breaking into Waldron's dry goods store came before Magistrate Farrell and was allowed to go on suspend- ed sentence, Wasted food helps 'the enemy. Canada Food Board. "The Hat Store" THE NEWEST IN LADIES' HATS -% N 1B A XH 1 Our millinery de- partment is kept up- to-date by adding to it every day the lat- est creations in la- dies' headwear. Our lady in charge has just returned from the large eity summer millinery openings and enthusiasm prevails over the many new ideas. o ete a one hate wt rei ¢ fe ® - ijtrains for Ottawa and Toronto and zine, good saleable condition we w New Magazines Received Today Saucy, Breezy, Adventure, Vogue, Life. The College Book Store MAGAZINE On Sale Today -- America's Biggest Magazine Four Best Serials of the Year. Ten Best Short Stories of the Month. HOW TO READ THE MAY RED BOOK FREE For the first 100 copies of the Red Book for May returned in ill exchange for any 15¢ or 20c maga- lMustrated World, yy Window ) NN NY rpg oy NN YY YY Yay Made in England. Harold | the service to fhurn and Tweed HC. Dunn, 217 Princess street, Tele. 4 shots 887 pot J. E. Ivey, Station NF rene rrrew TTY hahha A Ry The road through restored Belgium leads by your pantry. -- Canada Food Decorations SCRIMS, MARQUISETTES, VOILES, - NETS, MUSLINS, In white, cream and with colored Border. Prices start at PICTORIAL PATTERNS FOR MAY Sold Only By THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE huhnshrhuhahihaahgkd a 4 a ny Aarau 4 LADIES' WRIST WATCHES 159%, Discount During April Some of our import orders for Swiss wrist watches, die 8 months ago, have just come ta hand. daub daa Ahh harika As a result we have a large surplas stock and can s®ord to offer this genuine barga.n, S | ith B mith bros. 'Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriagp Licenses. Ahnu Bahatoiadatedh dh dd 4 da 2 4 2 Ahan 4 Ahaha 2 4 Ahhh Aa hai A A Ay A New Double Fv ARE. AWAITING PRICES, The Cheese Pactories Are Opening | Up---Pasture Slow. The cheese factonrleg ,are opening up gradually in the Brockville and Belleville dairy sections, says the Trade Bulletin, but advices from Belleville. on Monday last stated that rain was badly needed to bring on the pastures; but it will no doubt come in due time. The factorymen are now anxiously awaiting the ac- tion of the Dairy Produce Commis- sion in fixing the price for the com- ing season. One factoryman writes to.a firm here to the effect that he is making full preparations for the coming make regardless of what the price will be. This is the righ spirit in which to look at the ques- tion, as the chief object of all fae- torymen should be fo turn out as large a production of cheese as pos- sible during the coming season. The factorymen may rely upon the price fixed by the Dairy Produce Comniis- sion being sufficiently profitable to tirn out as large a make as possible, | They want the cheese, and will be prepared to pay good value for them. The Commission are paying for, old cheese 21 3-4¢ for No. 1, 21 1-4¢ for No. 2 and 20 3-4¢ for No. 3; and it is confidently expected that the fixed prices for 1918 will not be below those of last year. - Change of Time. » The Canadian Northern Ry. an. nounce the following changes in time effective April 21st, Train No. 17 willtran through té Picton leaving Kingston 5.40 pm. daily -excépt Sunday and arriving Picton 10.20 pm. Train No. 16 will operate fram Picton, leaving ing Kingston 10.45 a.m. The re- samption of this through service will be appreciated by travellers. usual connection at Harrowsmith will be made by trains No. 77 and 78 with and from Bannock . remains the same as at present. 'or further particulars apply to M. nia Sai a Michael O'Donnell has been ap- 4 two tion official forthe smile a ~~ goves BUILDERS' SUPPLIES geaeay LUMBER stook, for | and Contractors' An assorted Builders' use. good condition. . Milling to order. 60. | Factory Phone 14185. - wee. Lumber, Conr ang Wood Well seasoned and Ont. N\A Brick a -- . Dwe : Near Victoria | e $1400 each, on easy terms, possession at once, A New Brick Dwel- On Johnson street, hardwoed floors: furnace and light, for $3200, A Brick Dwelling On Patrick street, with sta. ble and driveshed, for $3600. A New Dwelling "On Princess street, all 'mod. ern, for $3400, AATTT hoa a for with athe dh a 2 2 a in YY ayy > POV ies a. Mo ddd dhe haat dk A 4 4 nt 6.00 a.m., except Sunday, and arrive] We have all the reliable seeds: Sim. mers', Ferry's,, R Etc. Wealso Rennie's, Steele Briggs', | have them in bulk. : ol MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE