Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1918, p. 12

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\ ov Fa Cg er YAR i § Sg (es, $10.10 to $1 The Market Repos an LIVE STOCK MARKETS, a Toronto, Toronto, April' 9. ~Heavy steers, $12 to $13; choice butcher, $11.25 to $11,756; do medium, $10.75 to $11.- 26; do common, $9.26 to $9.50; heifers, good to cholee, $10.60 to $11.25; butcher cows, choice, $9.25 to $10.50; do medium, $7 to $77.503 bulls, cholce hedvy, $10 to $51%81; do good, $9.25 to $9.50; do light, $7 to $8; canersn aid cutters, $5.50 to $6.50; feeders, 900 6 1,000 1bs., ibs, $9 to $9.60; do, medium, 600 to 700 1bs., $8 10 73 50; do lght, 600 to 650 1bs., $7 to $7.20; mileh cows, "$35 to $119; calves, $6.50 to $17; lambs, $18.50 to $20.50; sheep, light, $10 to.$14.50; sheep fob, $19; hogs, ted and watered, $21; do off cars, $21,286; do f.0.b,, $19, Sy Buffalo, N.Y., April 9.--Cattle-- Receipts, 3,000; strong. Prime steers, $14.60 to $15; shipping steersy $14 to $14.25; butchers, $10 to $13.25; yearlings, $11.75 to $12.- 25; heifers, $9.25 to $12.25; cows, $5°to $12.50; bulls, $7 to $11; stock- ers and feeders, $7.60 to $10.75; fresh cows and springers, strong, $65 to $140. Hogs-- Recelpts, 12,600; slow. Heavy, $18.26 to '$18.40; 'mixed, $18.40 to $18.50; vorkers, $18.50; ght yorkers, $18 to $18.25; pigs, $18; roughs, $16 to $16.25; stags, $13 10 $14. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 7,000, 'Wool lambs, $16 to $20.75; yearl- ings, $14.50 to $15.50; clipped, $13 to $17.86; wethers, $14.20 to $14.- 50; ewes, $7 to $14; mixed sheep, $14 to $14.25 (all clipped stock). Montreal, Montreal, April 9.--Choice steers, $11,560 to $12.40; good steers, $11; medium, $10 to $10.60; choice butcher bulls, $10.50 to $11; good, $10 to $10.26; medium, $10 to $10.26; good, $9.60; canners' catile, $5.50 to $6; sheep, $12; lambs, §16; milk-fed calves, $8 to $12, accord- ing to quality; hogs, Thoice selects, $20 to $21.50. 1% 4 Chicago. Chicago, April 9--Cattle--Re- celpts, 24,000; market weak; beevs 5.50; stockers and feeders, $8.80 to $12; cows and helters, $6.75 to $12.90; calves, $11 to $117. t Hogs-- Receipts, 70,000; glow; light, $17.10 to $17.75; mix ed, $16. 80 to $17.70; heavy, $16 to $17.46; rough, $16 to $16.35; pigs, 12.756 to $18.70; bulk of sales, $17.15 to $17.60. sheep "Receipts, 14,000; market FN ordef td give dome Sa to men Zags done mich to to : hin id if 52 on.of the hot grates ! iba steam Erestest is. | to their President, Lord Sk whom they Know -as the man who al ways gave the Brotherhood a square | The names of tliese meu may 'known to the gemeral public respect both of market $9 {late to stop his train. Norman Wight , i raf along the pilot and by leaning for lan | Hertney, sa skillfal in sta | , $12.50 to $17 , $16 to $20.80. | 1,80 and: hog markets were changed prices, Quota $8.76 to $12.- $11.50; eows, $6.50 to $9; to $9.50; stocekrs andy $7.60 to $10.25; veal calves, | $16 Hogs Selects, $20; 7 to $18; sows, $16.50 to] $16 to $18.50, i : bulls, oxen, $05 feeders $6.50 to heavies, $1 $18; light, New York. ! New York, April 9---Beeves-- | Receipts, 3,060 head; market steady. Steers, $10 to $14.50; bulls, $7.50] to $11.75; cows, $4 to $10 iCalves--Receipis, 5.800 market weak Veals, $13 eundls "310 to $12, Sheep and Iambs-- Receipts, $,-| 430 head; market irregular. Un-| ghorn lambs, $18 to $20.25; clipped, | $13 to $17. Hogs--~Receipts, 6,180 head; market steady ar $18.40 to $18.75; roughs, $17.25; pigs, $18 to $18 25 head; $19; 10 GRAIN QUOTATIONS, Toronto, Toronto, April 9 Manitoba wheat (in store, Fort William, iocluding 2%c tax) No, 1 northern, $2.23%; No. 2 northern, $2.20%;: No. 3 northern, 2.71% No. 4 'wheat, $2.10%. Manitoba oats (in store, Ham)---No. 2 C. W., 96%¢; W., 92% ¢; extra No. 1 feed, No. 1 feed, 89%ec. American corn--Track Toronto, No. 3 yellow, U.S.A. War Board pro- hibit importation. 'Ontario oats (according to freights outside)---No. 2 white 93a to 94c; 'No.No. 2 white, 92¢ to 93c. Ontario wheat (basis in store, treal)--No, 2 winter, per car $2.22, Peas (according to freights out- side)--No, $3.60 to $3.70. Barley (according to freights out- side)--Malting, $1.68 to $1.70. Buckwheat (according to frefghts outside)--3$1.83 to $1.85. Rye (according to freights outside) --No. 2 $2.60. Manitoba flour (war $11.10, Toronto, new bags, Ontario flour (war quality)-- $10.70, Montreal, prompt shipment, new bags; $10.70; Toronto, do. . Millfeed--Car lots, delivered Mon- tréal freights, bags included. Bran, per ton, $35.40; shorts, $40.40, Hay---Track "Poronto, No. 1, per ton, $17 to $18; mixed, $14 to $16. Straw--Car lots, per ton, $8.50 to Fort Wil- No. 3 C. 91 %¢; Mon- lot, quality) -- Montreal. Montreal, April 9.---Oats, Can- 5; | < CW. adian western, No. 3, $1.07; extra No, 1 feed, $1.07; No. 2 local, white, hh . ¥ ward lifted it out of harm's way just 'in time. This earned the medal of the Royal Humane Society, and sure Iy earns the right to name an engine There are other C. PR engineers. still om duty who >have dome good work and whose namés may soon be commemorated on some giant high =Yiype passenger engine. They are to «| be found on every division from St. $| John, NB. to Vancouver, B.C, men Rercely Joyal to their Compesy. and nessy r arin t the euginéer's best record is Be never eard of, nud they thea aré the last men to seek the Selig Take. for instance, Jack in oa sa So brs Pass was tnonetied. | 8 Re LR]. id winter did som Elites. WAS 88d ito be "den v awiy; her mowotain __THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG: THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1918. : THIS IS HOW THE CITY' OF AMIENS LOOKS TO THE AVIATORS _ RAILWAY SYSTEM LRAND TRUNK Winnipeg, } gs il 9.~Live stock ot NAN EET a -- Br CTOORADY OF THE oY OF AMIENS , FRANCE 2D wuee x< ; Fresh assortment always os TH : 3 | rimen . | LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH SRD -- Trains will leave and Areive at City Station, Foot of Johnsen Street, v 8 Mal .. «4 41 3 Express , Local Intern' Ltd. Anolon wnSoor psoas 3 FERste Eppa Mail | s Intern'y "Lid, Ln. . 28 Loea pm. 7.81 Nos. 1, nn 14, 16, 15 19 run daily, Other trains dai TX t Synda, Virect route to Hamilion, a Chicago, Bay ( City, pa Qa wa, 1ebec, Halifax, ton at "New "York, = Fur oyliman accommodation, tickets and «ll other information, arp s Hanley, Agent. Agency steamshlio lines. Open [A Money vemittances made by mall oa or The bare Timited. ed, Seanin) Maple Leaf Grocery Cooked Meats of All Kinds Baked Meat Loaf with Cheeses Pork Sausuge; Cooked Shoulders Headcheese; Empite ey etortal Jellled Tongue) Ham Belogan; Jetted ao $1.05%; No. 3 do., $1.03%. Flour, new standard ¢gpring wheat grade, $11.10 to $11.20. Rolled oats, bags, 90 1bs., $5.60. Bran, $35.40. Shorts, $40.40. Middlings, $48 to $50 Mouillie, $60 to $62. ' Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $17. : Winnipeg. Winnipeg, April 9.--Oats--No. 2 96 3-4¢; No. 3 C.W., 92 1-4¢; extra.No. 1 feed, 91 1-4¢c; No. 1 feed, 89 1-4¢; No. 2 feed, 85 3-4c. Barley ~--No. 3, $1.66; No. 4, $1.60; re- jected, $1.45; feed, $1.40, Flax-- No. 1 N.W.C., $3.88 3-4; Neo. 2 CW. $3.82 3-4; No. 3 C.W,, $3.63 3-4c. Chicago. Chicago, April 9.--Corn--No 2 yellow, $1.90 to $1.93; No. 3 Yel ley, $1.70 to $1.90. ._Tiinothy, $5.00 5.60 * The late Dave Bowker. fee 2 nhs Bronco Wilson, there is Con Leary, nicknamed the President--openhand- ed, big hearted and always on time; and John Pascoe, 100% engineer, never Xoown, to have an ei- glue failure, the man who made the suevess of thé Cross Plough. Billy Woods is further east, a sky pilot fu Overalls with strong moral influence on his feltows. George Ledch are raliway leaders in Qutarie, each of. them steady ay & clo Charfebyis--Kaown as the Stow Man who can buck a snowdrift when no pd Cisse cna, Mate to him 1s "Harry efficient as an Alph. Bilble and in Quebes there Is Arthur "known as, Bronze | -Buek, a nadian. v ud ears on time: the Capadian Paci Jhueits, with loconibtives ron that { wot a to $8.25 Pork nominal. $27°32 "o.0a Clover, $28.00 to $31.00. Lard, $25.65. Ribs, to $23.82, Minneapolis. Minneapolis, April 9.---~Corn=--No. 3 yellow, $1.55 to $1.65." Oats--No, 3 white, 90% e¢ to 91%e. Flour-- Unchanged: Bran---$32.14. low, $1.65 to $1.73; No. 4 yellow, $1.60 to $1.65. Oats--No. 3 white, 92% to 93¢; standard, 92 3-4 to 93 1-2¢. Rye--No. 2, nominal. Bar- S-- Dulath, Duluth, April 9.--Linseed--$4.12 10 $4.19; to arrive; $4.12; May, $4.14 asked; July, $4.09 bid; October, 3.62 nominal. I---- New York. New York, Apri Steady; springs, $10. to $11.25 winters, $10.85 tb $116; Kansas, $10.90 to $11.26. Rye flour--Firm; fair to good, $33.70. tod $14140; choice to faney, $14.60 to' $15.26, Jute, spot and to ayrive, White corn flour---Steady; $5042 to $5.50 per 100 1bs, Barley flour--Steady; $11.- 50 to $12.50, in 98-1b. sacks, GENERAL TRADE, 9.~~Flour-- Tq Toronto, Apr inte, 9.~Butter, choice dairy, 48c to G0c;: margarine, 1b, 5c to 37c; eggs, new laid, dozen, 45¢ to 60¢; cheese, 1b, 80c; do. fancy, 1b.,.80c; maple 'syrup, gal. $2.26 to $2.50; turkeys; Ib, 35¢c to 28c fowl, 1b, 30c; milk-fed chickens, 82%c to 35¢; ducks, 1h, 80c; geese, 1b; 30¢; apples, bit. 30e ta 69¢; do. bbl, $3.00 to $6.50; heets, pag, $1 to $1. 25; do., peek, Fe; carrots, bag, 60c to 75c¢ do, peck, 20¢; eelery, Cal, bunéeh 100, do,, Can, dozen, ble; cabbage, each, 10e tp 20¢; let- tuce, 3 for 10¢; onions, 75-W. bag, $1.50 t0-$2. 00; do,, basket, 30c to 60¢; do., pickling, bkt., 65e; do., green, uneh, 10¢ to 15¢; parsley, bunch, 10¢; Parsnips, bag, $1.00 to $1.25; do. peck, 30c; potatoes, bag, $1.90 to $2. 25; do. Trish Cob., seed, $2.50; radishes. bunch, 5; hubarb, bunch, 10c to 13¢c; sage, bunch, 15¢; savory, bunch, 0c; turnips, peck, 15¢; do., pag, 66c; watercress, 6 six | bunches, 15 Montreal, Montreal, April 9.--Cheese--Fin- est westerns, 21%¢; do. easterns, 21%c. Butter--Choicest creamery, 50 to 50%e; seconds, 49 to 49%¢; Eggs--Fresh, 39 to 41c; sélected, 34c to 36e; No, 1 stock 29¢ to 3c; No. 2, do., 26 to 28c. Potatoes Peg ak, car lots, $1.80. Dressed hogs--Abattoir-killed, $29 to $29.- 50; do, country, $27. 60. Lard-- Compound, wood pails, 20 Ibs, net, 30% to 31%: do., pure wood i pails, 20: bs. net, 327% to 33¢, ats oe Br Met The Townsl Cotimel: Moscow, April 4. {To the Edi- tor): 1 have been asked to | orward the following: # Wa As it had been Tol Tor some time among the members of a majority of our Red Cross: Secieties' that the y avatlable Say doniads Tan made. by increasing prices of ators. " deputation from seven of the eight Red ross Societies in the Township den met at C ville a Sor "at to. consider a for' a grant to Rain EE Hing expenses. The various tattvos, niet at to ofder, the Mapauie ooting Yo ; |eight months, Fhalt mile northeast of the vil ual to the | by Mrs, Norman Boyce that the coun- cil be asked to levy a tax of four mills on the taxable property of the Township of Camden, the funds thus J No, Rafalo, ning about' the toothache, is acute pain. hand, Alex Potter, Phone 75%. 13 Rideau Pt there is nothing cun- even if it raised to be paid to the Red Cross Sceieties of the township during the next twelve months.--Carried. The meeting then asked the chair- man to place the 'matter before the council. Adjournment was made to the Town Hall, where Mr. Bell ably explained tq the council the object ¢f the meeting, emphasizing the great nedd of the work and the large number (almost 500) repre- sented by the deputation, Mr. Dixon also spoke briefly, The decision, announced later, was that a grant would be given of the money raised by a tax of three mills, this money to he paid month- FRESH STRAWBERRIES Lemions, Grape. Oranges, Bananas, California Apples, Try our homesmade candy, fresh every day. Fruit,all sizes. Calitornia Fruit Store Phone 2168. Prompt Delivery. iy, and extending over a period of beginning May 1st. The decision was received with hearty applause. The chairman dan- nounced that this' meant a payment of $6650 a month _to be divided among the various socleties. The method of division was then discugs- od, The funds were finally appor- tioned on a basis (1) of member- ship, (2) the amount of money which each society had been using and (3) the amount which each felt vould be used to advantage. The following division wag unanimously decided upon: Enterprise, $115; Moscow, $115; Strathcona, $50; Croydon, $60; Wesley, $70; Centre- ville, $560; Camden East, $75. A vote-of thanks was tendered to the council for their generous treat- ment. Mr. Edgar, reeve, replying to «this, said that the council considered it a duty to grant the re- quest pf the deputation and thought ho loyal citizen would object to such Yarker, $125; help being given. He also explained The SAFEST MATCHES in the he WORLD Also the Cheapest! -- EDDY'S "SILENT 500°S" Safest 1 um they are Impreguited with a chemfeal solu tion which renders the stick "dead" immediately the match 187 extinguished Clieapest, because there are more perfect matches to the sized box than in any other box on the market. War time economy and your own good sense, will urge the necessity of buying none but EDDY'S MATCHES. that the council granted the money in payments extending over eight months instead of twelve as their term of office would end op Jan, 1st and they did not wish to interfefe with the work of their successors ~ (Signed) ANNIE AMEY, Sec. Hpi amr _BATTERSEA BUDGET. War Baby--Farm Pur- chases--A' Wedding, Battersea, April §.---Misses Mabel | and Sadie Anglin are at their Home at Pine Grove fcr Easter holidays. Miss Alice Jamieson, teaching at Wagarville, is spending her holidays at her home here. Paul Miller, WT Boal, and H. Clark of Sydenham high school are at home for the holidays, also Bessie Kirkpatrick, Howard Ball and Gardiner Hanley of the Kingston Collegiate Institute. Mrs, (Rev.) E. Codlisg-gave an interesting talk on foreign missionary work in the Sunday school on, the 24th ult, 'The local trappers have all gone to their | "happy hunting grounds," drawn by the lure of the muskrat. The sap season is here and many are after syrup in order to beat the speculators, Fergus Jardine sold bis farm, one @, to his son, Gus Jardine, Fen. Sands has purclidsed thé farm adjoining him from Thomas Campbell of Sunbury. . 8, Clark, merchant, recently pur td ur from L. 'Bawards, sits a ear phy. McKendry has. left for Sydenigs where he will work the Amey firm on shares. Mrs. MoKA dry, who has been with her fath the Van Luven house during his Another ter with their, son, _ Amother war baby, Hla he hot oF Tener Za SN PEN U, too, should study this mark of. good travel. Firestone Tires are deamable; built for wear and tear of "all kinds. The Non-Skid letters hold the car true in all weathers and the Firestone 'extras' of material and building insure long wear, which means lowest cost. 'Suddaby Bros. Phone No. 1988 nt Wellington St, Kingston RL SN PRR SESS RD % &

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