Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1918, p. 7

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a ZL " "> THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1918. : PAGE SEVEN <ESEEENENEENENRERNENENENNNNARERND 4 RAND OPERA me 1 nh Ti HOUSE |= The People's Forum Ix | TO-NIGHT | Dhoudauue uf al ane opie EEEENNENEREE | : BANK or TORONTO | > | Head Office. Toronto: Canadas Gus Hill's a Capital. . .... .. $5,000,000 : ih son) THESE - EFFECTIVE TS. COST . First insertion, 1c & word, » PLOWING TEAMING AND ALL GEN: iRtle. On ABY Reserved Funds . . $6,555,306 i Relbiive inseriine thercatien, Naits| FLOWING, TEAMING AND MUS SEV I wpy ov sumvson srmmer. [| ove wed gles: three Umes Sle; on, 2563 th 1 i 250 King Street v t I * far Hotel Dieu Hospital -Ap- ne Ane re am es tee eee. | ply Wihig Office. PILOT BRILLIANT HEATER, NEAR- Soe mon th, y new, 4 ri8lt [FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR All SILK CAMISOLE ON PRINCESS 3 APply #1 Division sirest. Sireet 8 hb Business men are offered in this Bank ' house for QuUng married {ree hwner may have same TWO MOTOR BOATS § SALE : : : HELP WANTED Po small house for YOURE hi of : MOTO! S POR SALE, FOR the satisfactory banking service pro- A {Lp hit Ses vale OHI i Ho CRRVRBLE Cen. particulars pry to 233 Brock Sts WAIDS FOR KINGSTON G FERAL at BH a 278 Brock street vided by our complete facilities and ex- Fr : wrrTveD SanRiD corm Ove 7 tore at ae ative street. || STOROWN® BICYTIR TY GOOD TOR: child) desire furnished roams siil- dithan, Apply' George Coty 33 . . " tensive connections. BELL ROY. APPLY © FRONTENAC able for light housekeeping Box | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER Brock street . Hotel 104, Whig Offfce. TISED FREE, : s Anyone finding anything and TIMOTHY AND CLOVER HAY, APPLY George B McKay, Manager. 60 People, All White 60|courrrisr STEXOGRAPHER. AP-| SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, || wishing to reach (he owner may John Qreentess, Mount Chesnwy, . ply to Geo. A. McGowan, ° for cash or in om Bae < : paw go 80 by reporting the facts to M. D. Neo With - ie pianos and gra onolas, « «And- | he British Whig. The adver : : x SHIENCED STENOGRAPHEN, 3. 121 Priv street. | 3 : $95.00, ° AENEEEEEEEEEEEER ENE ENE EEE EERE Ceorse Wikon dnd Bddie Mazer |" ans Limited TR TT I COE ve of enarges n thin HIE ns, S300. balancn R00 er Rireet from ee York Hippo: AT ONCE, A GENERAL SERVANT, AP- | wi: WANT TO BUY ALL KINDS © cybound arlicies" does A sa: 1d. . > Ply Mrs, Goodwin, 1 Alice St second-hand furniture, stoves, | ete. These, if lost, may be ad- SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE ON EARL Hear the great orchestra of 20. . .8 : Iso have g heaters, clothes, etc. Vecond-nand | vertised for in the "Lost" column, street, Jnear Barrie: with all im- a ------------ - » COOK INERAL] REFERENCES sveryhing in the 8 1 re s : Houses O Sale Prices: 25 50 75 $1 00 A required ply Mrs. Best, 144 Al-} line for sale, 'S Shapiro, 45 Prin-| A rem ar) hone IN, f i . : y ' 2 . bert street | cess street. Phone 1 I CANOE, wih ve DOUBLE AND : » eats now.on sale, ' TH § two single paddles, cushions a FELECTRIGIAN WANTED, APPLY | LOST : carpet, for male cheap. Box 408 Barrie St., Frame . bie Fetal The Celilingwood Shipbuilding Cox, SITUATIONS VACANT, | or Phone 2220, Ltd, Kingston, i rri 250 T 2 ON PRINCESS ST. OR STREET CAR Plum St., Cement Block . 2--NIGH See SMART BOY FOR GROCERY STORE. ypw AND WOMEN WANTED TO SELL | to' Victoria Park, a gold safety pin or Hi HoXaIA AND 0.65. Nelson St., with Barn. - ; Apply. Bon Marche Grocery, Cor. Dr. Chase's Receipt = Book andj with one diamond. Finder Kindly Terms: $5 cash, $1 per Week. 2: * 'oe . King and Earl St Household Physician, Largest | leave at Whig Office. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. * : oy apt the Bibl Burtch Ave. Brick Bungalow awniy a iinia an Thur. and Friday A HOUSE-MAID, REFERENCES RE- Soered wii" win the . War. ana Dr. | nota OF BILLS, $30. TWO $10 AND COTTAGE, EIGHT = WOONS, WiLL Apply to Mrs. Howard Chase's Book saves Food as welll two $5, somewhere on Princess St. built; nice locality, on Montreal h . quired H ; Patrick St, Brick Pair Bailie wt win Fer. ew woe ® $olger, 3 Emily street, as lives. 60% commission and al on Wednesday, Finder kindly re- street. Apply to F. W. Meagher 9! 3 April 1 1 & 12 : fifty dollar Victory Bond free with | turn Lo Whig Office "and receive Lower. Albert street. Phone 1406 A GOOD RELIABLE BOY FOR DE. fay ACO books. Fine GPpOr- reward, livery, and to assist dn clerking, f returned soldiers. No| ----------------_---------- | 8 CRED P © 10 The J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Apply 71 Pine street. i ae Jecessany, "for people GOLD BRONCH TH SOANLS, oN Player or or plane BIVATION . 87 Open Every Saturday Evening. Srm------------ . EE are anxious to get this well-known s la, ernoon, between 48 . Rolls t 0 bo Phones: Office 68; residence 874, » y y & yu LANGER ° C Tye A STENOGRAPHER, A YOUNG MAN book. Write for terms and exclus- Sires > and Whig Office, : | . Should . suit con pines ruments. 2 ~ THE CLAB "PLAY who will work for advancement ive territory. Edmanson, Bates & Andy leave at this office and re- ch easy terms. C Nines 14 FOR SALE 7 Apply P.O. Box 32, Kingston. 3. Co. Ltd, Dr. Chase Bldg., Toronto,| __¢#ve reward, Princess street | 3 " . ont, : MIDDLE AGED WOMAN TO ACT AS WOTOR BOAT, 22 PT. x Bis Fr. x not charity; it is war. : housekeepe r for home in the coun- i FOUND, oul - J i . = y Office . | NY, . equipped with 8 h.p. motor, for se --Cuvgila Food Board (CATARAQUI DRIVING PARK bhi ry. Apply Box 21, Whig Office. PAPER-HANGING. WOT WT TT gheap, either together, of engine, STH % N 2 PREMISES Ww Or any part separately. Ap. Comprising 22 acres goed garden ft 5 f 29 M < Iv Dx y » ? YOU ARE IOOKING FOR nnd a 11 1 in horse = SMART BOY TO DRIVE GROCERY 1 of 294 Montreal St. Owner may ply Davis Dry Dock } IP YOU ARR | : | nna a Seher tases Ty « Te 87 CATHERINE CHISHOLE: UFWING . wagon App! Gilbent's Grocery, | PAPER-HANGING, PAINTING, GRAIN. lave same by paying for this pvt N ile: po , ner ore r yell 8 aper- roving propenty on applying | [ihe heat hal ile EE i koran) | From Eleanor H. Porter's Famous corner Gore am Welingion ot > a a an to the above address. P { FP ARM, NINE AC RES, FRAME HOUSER, |elty water; price reamomnble. For full|Giaq Books, with the original New oo Be Bet A ee deb aper for sale; a good selection, H. | == =--r=------=------=== bank barn, good well, orchard and ¢ nen, o 3 b Easter jumrue nlurs enquire on premises York cast including Patricia Collinge | 5 * owiey, 282 Queen St., or 340 Bar- ks | some wood. About 8 miles from p Prices--23¢, 30¢, 75¢, $1 and $1.30. |& BOY WANTEPR-AT LAIDLAW'S 4 rie St DENTAL | a vend fhesney Ap. | p i . Seats Now Selling. o> fee oo ted : { hocolates se dpdedesfood dedeideodeeddetede # A. E. KNAPP. OFFICE, 258 PRINCESS | A i II CUO: | ALSO ARCHITECT street. Phone 652. [LARGE STOCK OF PERFECT, ATH- ! e, Tug nud Scown, I AN EXPERIENCED COOK; K b We have an exceptionally Secs! 28 addressed to the SA i APR 13 I H aids for ward work. Apply the o v lete and Princeton Bicycles on easy large and varied stock. It 31 3 BALE © BN aret Tender for .y . t Matron, Kingston General Hospi- | FOWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, | terms; also: bioycle accessories. a ; 4 In Lig as St. Fadl" ete . Ni h ta) chants Hank Building, corner corner Princess and Bagot streets. George Muller, Bicycle Store, and } will pay you to see them, | Dredge No. , © ig * 1," Matinee -- 1g t ' Brock and Wellington Sts, Phone 626, Livery, 871 and 272 King St. lag the. case may be, will be recei . SERA cb i Ne Em lantil 3 p.m, Thursday, May 8 : United Producing Co., Ltd, Sol a EEE ------ DR, GORDON C. DEWAR, DENTIS | ge PW [ WwW ED -- A BOY ABOUT 18 TO . A 3 . 2) T, I Hy iy hase SY A WD. No: Presents ATT a good trade, Apply to Jas. TO LET. corner Princess and Wellington WEST EXD CONFECTIONERY STORE, tore 130, Dump Scow No. 32, Dump Seow No. Newman, Golt Professional, Ports. streets, Phone 1678. Gananoque, fee cream parlor at- {Fh ying afidal EO owen, ony OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- | Due SrAnmis AND SPARKS, DEN-| atc. at reasonable "peice. Apply Branch Post Office, | Ham Heh ORtarie, neat the Interna- | a pore, Apply Ao & B. Cunningham, tists, 159 Wellington street, over P.O. Box 514, Gananoque, Ont, Kingston, Ont. pe A der ras be submiited for any GIRLS WANTED POR LIGHT, PLEAS 79 Clarence stre Carnovsky's, Phone 346. 5 1 . . ave items or plant, or for ant work. Highest wages pa o AN BOARD, 3 Jotie SL'the mbve:items or plant Apply N.C. Polson Qo. 1265 On-{FIRST.CLASS NOMS AND anh MUSIC. ™ NEW SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW, ON "Bach tender must be accompanied by tario St, city ed. Apply 243 Brock St. C. Frontenac street, north of Princess, a certifiad cheque, pavable to the order HAROI = -- = 7 rooms, bath, furnace, electric OLD PACKER, TEACHER OF lights, gas, 'good garden. Apply on v he Ministér Bf Public Works, equal i oh, 40 os : he completion Shop ebb debbie de db bed FURNISHED, HOUSE NO. 480 JOHN- pianofonte, Prepares for Toronto premises, or 39 Elm street, K son street, from 1st May. Apply Conservatory exams. 65 Arch Bt. to ten per cent o tendered, as gecurily for the ¢dompletion 4 Fresh Cut Flowers|: sf dhe purchase, Jf the party whose #% Druggist -- graduate, salary to W. Mandell, 83 Clarence St tender #s Bcespted fad to comp Tete le + $30.00 a week, for man with , p the security held wiki be for L Ferns, palms, funeral designs, floral | purchase © © by" + good experience; 'splendid op feited. ™h cheques of unsuccessful sprays, wedding nougueds maae 10 order « e ET re EP ite Rderers will be returned. FURNISHED OR UN- CM.G,; vice-president, W, F. Nie-! CHICKERING SQUARE PIANO, WAL. The plant may be inspected where it 4 ply G. Tamblyn, Limited, To- now ites, on application to the watcl - +' ronto. i in charge. Anne Orawtord Flexner : : . FOUR ROOMS kle, K.C. Money issued on city nut case, 7 octave, carved: legs » 239, The successful tenderer must 1ake y A Face A aol fia > 116 Wrock St. hone possession within one week of date of With An All New York Cast Aeofeerfeded foirduied dtodd defo ddd ded furnished, centrally located, all im- and farm properties, munietpal and ivory keys, most eautiful 'tons Oe dh dA WE HAVE GOOD SECOND-HAND FINANCIAL : furniture, buffets, chairs and ta FROM 1ST OF MAY, HOUSE NO. 70 : 3 bles: will buy ali kinds of furni. Barrie street, 12 rooms; beautifully FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- jute and stoves, J. Thompson, 313 located. Apply 90 Barrie street. ment Society; incorporated 1863. Seng iret. Phone 1600. President, Colonel H. R. Smith, Goole bP BPE a cla waa Tendors must he stened by the fill MAY B. HURST A GOOD STRONG, ACTIVE BOY FOR Otice. ; Shusea investment Vonds 'for ance $6.00 per month. C W. Lind- full Pines ant adarssses of iffie mem - pig Fri 25¢, 35¢, 80c, 7 ete, suitable for business man. 140] | JVERPOOL, LONDON AND. GLOBE TP IN gtd doiBidide Vegetables a Spec- § finite tH: voer'oitnc] of ee Joctutr vhiSesag?' An Ciecntion: | sromace: wom wumwvrvmm, ousan hich the pellomouees have' ect] Heulues Tabout Heid Caephrentont 3 n 3 p 3 20, Wie. 14 has 2 1 ine. Sang, Hngius ems Mon., Tues., Wednesday a dines "Spotlessiy clean with- sion avenue, semi-detached; all ony Boag ie 0 sell £0 3 0 ht bi Wino pe | BILLIE BURKE camps Tor Tour" wsbnibee SE | A uadignion Ghent RICO TNT RE INTER. = \ a Brantford, Ont. THIS DEPARTMENT 18 ALWAYS reer or drop a card, 23 Jobo |s5 ACRES, OR 100, FIVE MITES FRUM AAA A < . i notification of acceptance of tender, Supporting -- . provements, Apply Box 48, Whig county debentures; mortgages pur. $ 0 Terms, cash $10.00, bal- ramen and addresses of the parties ten- I I a r rporate com- mailing department. Good wages, 4 ; yn oe ar b LE UCE, RAD- doting. rol She cass A op I ore Bargain Matinee at 2.30 steady employment. Apply #t Bri-| LARGE FRONT BEDROOM, OPEN Sat allow ed RC. Curtw ight, man. : ISHES and CELERY 1 20k; Bc. Soc: iron ave teh Wiis Pub. to. fireplace, electric light, telephone - ry SOME OF THX BIGGEST ADVERTIS ME BS Sa The following particulars of the plant Seats le Thursda 3 Wellington Street. Fire Insurance Company, Availabl are given, but the Department does not ats on Sa . BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGE, TO 1,187,215, Pin addition % ad_Like i rp Rone ail oa wimen: ons, nor the condit!/m of the plant, @ © 9 al opportu or a boy with a dry, airy rooms; your own lock and city property o y ialty. : Dredge P,WAD. 'No. "y hwooden fair education, Apnly Nicol Hall, Kkkey. Frost's City Storage 299 Sostble Traren. tore deh hull, 25 ft. beam, 75 ft. 7 h 1B Quean's: L'niverfity, Queen street. Phone 520; res. 989. ald or giving new business get | IMPORTED HACKNEY STALLION depth, in poor condition; locomot! ve WE * . rates from Strange & Strange, "Merry Andrew" Imp, 854-8513, bofler about 100 1b. pressure, 4 ft. 2 ins AMAZING SELLER -- TABLETS THAT | spvENY ROOMED HOUSE ON LIVING Agents. [hone 225. color "hrown stripe, Tour white a Ke romise to solicit or- misdern © improvements; good gars . Tug "St. Paul™: wooden hall 53.08. % deds with ror hide to mo bring TE eer Aas Jor A DpIY FURNITURE FINISHING Anply to W. Mcllquham, 241 Vie- 0 Sire. Tug nn fair condition. Scow No. 50; six podket wooden hops The Popular Idol, in -- glad to hear from any ore thinking city, small house, barn and able Vv, se, , Ry per Soo capacity about 480 cubic { of using classified advertising. = -- well wooded, with pi ed yards, 132 ft. Jong, 28 ft. 6 in. beam, ' Write or Phone us about it. We led, Hl pine, vedar 8 it. 9 bv, depth. In poor condition, y EVE S DAUGHTER WwW ed A On may be able to help you. British FOR SALE, ; mapk trees; or bard, good web: Scow No, two pocket wooden hop- ant t ce Whig Pub. Co. ; toring Fer ig ble; oO hoenston any per sco bout 106 cubic yards Also $1000, PRAMS « oc > 5 Lower 'Albert 8. eager, 93 o 2, YS. > J E capacity, 70 ft. Me ng, 19 ft. 6 ins. heam, » t i ALFRED STREET; HOT WATER - 179 Wellington St. bd i 4 ins. dep. h. in good condition JACK PI KFORD TEN LABORERS : 4 ar 3 cow No. 33: two pocket wooden hop- an heating; gas and electricity; large $1050, FRAME, 6 MS, 3%-AC y cut flowers dally; funeral des! REF CHW, ADDL 105 eOhic Yards capac C ) sleeping porch; sold brick garage, Roo . 0 SUEY (CHOICR BARGAIN) SAR. Fresh and weddl bouquets ' to order. ot - " : 3 20 1 treet car line. Pos- of town orders Tiven special attention ne Jo inang, 18 Wt Eh in, LOUISE HUFF 2 nis mdtely. : Ap ly Rev. |#2850, DOUBLE FRA} AME, 8 ROOMS, ALL rss; el fenced: with seven. er Sale ¥s subject to an upset price. In Apply Time Office Fr. Kingsley, Kingston Mills. Phone Improvements; electric light. a i ake: aiae Yrangdata; Vv WY p tme 128 <i i tee 1100, r- 1- -- RY The Department (bes nck bind 'tself 3 $2600, DOUBLE FRAME, horses: excellent wells; possension 5 to accept the h'ghest or a tender, ALL IM. gl For the Boys st fhe Frout ect or any THE VARMINT ion L ONION ST. SOLID BRICK HOUSE,| Covementa. Bot ater + Resting Sevwner by. Lown, ioe or EFT } N ST. electri t A mn mori B ; : RC DESROC HERS, And cur big" sori Canadian 0CO- TRON bright ID BRICK ali mod ric lights, rents for $31.00, . OCOI ATTA Department of Public Works, : ern conveniences; , near COLEES, | BRICK HOUSES, "Goon L DRESS! N CH Ottawa, Ont. Aprit 10 collegiate and street car junction. S00 pa "ots i LOCATIONS, RHSSMAKING + bd Vv ih m : ( y 1 2 Ww and Ne ar or Milk and vorBsemEnt a Wow: Sars win hai engeance and the otive Lo., td. Bite Sta. aficrnoon or evening A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATH TI CHARDON: LBS MAKCHE, 5 "hocolate, 3 a or phone 765, dg IS "AL. EST 5 AND havin Containe-the- Hoe paint for it. Woman. . 7 2 - lasurance, $7 Clarence St, King- orders fo ta a rere es ugar. -- Prepared Instantly wr Adaing "| Sten, Address 202 Alfred street, mez {{"Anorrer car |S TRAND Er > T0 16% WANTED 5 + : man's Real Estate! Agency. That desirable pro- b Couper st mmar WONDERFUL Mon., Tues, Wednesday PERSONAL perty known as the [i Cotton Mill Workers 'Saints Rest' situated ; " 9" ! 5 ARIS Sa DER 2--Features--2 [mam noyss wanes musmusnts || 1, the Yacht Club on [| amassemme mise when for experienced cotton mill workers. " "» shes removed permanently, with- . a . and emplogment can be given to all Constance Talmadge Eimer Eng wh Simcoe Street. ra ue ne xuy be give © ih mbes re over 14 Sears of age. oS : an pe: »' good w ser SNLaAED, i ; "The Honeymoon" Bagot stree -- u Sousining ot i Some 28 ant RATES OF PAY--33 HOURS A WEEK. Distributors Also floor, heated by hot water, 'a on fais tenders, $11 to $15 a week and upwards,and 109 & "" } newly painted and papered Mrs. Vernon Castle OB REEVE throughout, wired fo electric- Spinning frame tenders, 80 to $11 a week and upwards, and 10% orve Specialist ity. Large veranda space and "The Mark of Cain" oT Sars of SXpe i€e enables me an' 'ident oa for a boarding THoayor. $1 1 to $15.a week and upwards and 10% war bonus. COMEDY REBLS. fully. Call, or state case by let- house. Possession at once. For Homa rates for other departments. Will start boys or girls ------ . ter. information address the secre- 15 years of age at 81 per day and 10% war bonus, . ' ee tary, Mr. E. C. Gildersleeve, Auction Sale \ Kingston Yacht Club, or Mr. L. DOMINION TEXTILE 00, LIMITED - Clydesdale Stallion Novar (Sandy) BGA Lockett's, Princess St. We have a fine variety of - 3430, on the Matiaet xt at 12 o'clock on . : h Saturday, BARRISTER bis Riked Rew s arden WILLIAM MURRAY, "Auctioneer. : > soleiior. Law' office, 18 reet. EER a Sn "We rr Thompson's Grocery Moet iors | 5 TTT For the Fore . . Georges Creek Smithing Coal 204 Princess Street. Ri Contry ar Prontonaer Roorod Clos, a Bl phi |For the Factory . Pennsy 3-4 Lump Coal Theme 387. . T) NOTICE Ty hereby given. pursuant to I CON ACT | : : yo : ' : | We can make delivery of these coals RSo. Cap: ne 4 5 Jat all o : Ps And ofl ving ola agains: the t Robert EE who jet} on ne fg Sey of Febraary, 818, r before Teg 1 twenty seventh «day of Apri, 8 4 §, to for any parol of we Sl F person had potice at the time of rion. frix' 5 Son . fa 151s. ettor. [ESS

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