Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1918, p. 3

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SUFFER FROM HEADACHES MAKES LIFE MISERABLE. Headaches seem to be habitual with many people. Some are seldom, it ever; free from it, suffering con- tinually with the dull throbbings, the intense pain, sometimes in one part, sometimes "in another, and then over the whole head, varying in its severity by the .cause which brings it on. The varieties of headache most tommen are sick or bilious headache, nervous headache, headache: from constipation, debility or indigestion and periodical and spasmodic head- ache, and undoubtedly "the cause must be removed before permanent roifef can be had. . Burdock Blood Bitters, that has been on the market for over 40 years, removes the cause of the head- ache, and not only does this but also restores the entire system to healthy action and buoyant vigor. . Miss Emily Smith, 204 Bellwoods Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes: "I can- not speak too highly of Burdock Blood Bitters. For two years 1 was greatly troubled with violent head- aches, particularly in the morning. I tried everything to cure me until a friend recommended B.B.B. I tried it, and now I am completely cured." Manufactured by The T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. EB eu The "Wilhelmina," 242 Mountain St. Montreal, Warm, comf sonable rates. sients, Tel, Uptown 5346, » Ladies! Salute Him! Discovers drug that loosens sore, touchy corns so they lift out A noted Cincinnati chemist dis- covered a new ether compound and called it freezome and little quarter ounce bottles can now be obtained from any drug store for a few cents. You simply apply several drops of freezone upon a tender corn or pain- ful callus and instantly the soreness disgppears, then shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can just 1ift it' off with the fingers. No pain, not a bit of soreness, either when applying freezone or af- terwards and it doesn't even irritate the skin. 5 Hard corns, soft corns or corns be- tween the toes, also toughened cal- luses just shrivel up and lift off easy. it '#8 wonaerful! Seems magical. It works like a charm. Millions of wo- men will hereafter keep a little bot-' tle of the wonderful freezone handy and mever let a corn ache twice. SHE SURFERED FIVE YEARS the congregation. fo 'COMBING OUT FACTORIES AND CLOSING SOME INDUSTRIES The German Women Getting Out Of Hand Owing to the Terrible Losses In The Big Offensive. ' London, April 10.--A despatch to The Daily Mail from The Hague states that Germany is combing out every available .man, even from the munition factories, and drafting them into the fighting ranks. Some works either have been closed or are em- ploying only a few girls, while raw materials have ceased to arrive in usual quantities at certain works. t is stated, for instance, that well- known car works at Opologne and Mulheim were practically closed during the week, the Germans em- ployed there being taken out for various services, some of them for the front. At certain dye works in another Rhenish district only a few girls are left, all the German em- ployees, even wounded men, having being transferred to other services. At Cologne, brick works and cable works, which have also being em- ployed on munitions, are equally re- duced to a few girls or have been closed altogether, A neutral who reached Holland Friday night had a conversation with a German who had just returned from the Western front. He put the German losses at, roughly, a quarter of a million, and added: "Nobody any longer believes - we shall now reach Paris. We are simply mown down by machine guns.. At one place the French made a rampart of Ger- man bodies as high as a man." It is also .very noticeable, the peutral said, that in Germany the women are getting out of hand as the tales of losses increase and as trainloads of wounded return. The result of all this transportation of wounded is the circulation of wild rumors to account for them, such as the breaking of dykes and the flood- ing out of a large body of German troops; or, again, the breaking of the flank of the German position op- posite Amiens, and the collapse of Crown Prince Rupprecht"s army. Wild rumors fly about Cologne of the loss of 40,000 men as prisoners in one day. These rumors, or some of them, have now been denied by the Ger- man press, on the demand of mili- tary authorities, but they show the state of mind produced by the dis crepancy between the official and other inspired reports of the situ- ation and the facts as they appear from the transport of wounded. HUMOR REQUIRED J FOR ROCKY SPOTS Rev. Dr. R. Bruce " Taylor Preaches Sermon For Older Men. Speaking on the subject, "So that 1 might finish my course with joy," at the anniversary services of ithe College Street Presbyterian Church, Toronto on Sunday evening Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen's University, stated that he had sym- pathy with the man who led a con- gregation, as a great deal of the ser- vices were simply run for the benefit of the young men, and he had never, as far as he could remember,seen any for those who were getting old, but he wished to speak to that section of He said it wag a hard thing to remember the words of the Scriptures and to "finish the course with joy," as old age meant- increasing loneliness. 'A man at sixty sees old friends gradually drop- ping off and no new ones to take their place," he said. 'One by one the faculties fail, and the old inter- ests drop off, and it is not easy to HOT: FOR ROPSID SUFFERED FED ES Rodd Delighted With the Way Tanlac Is Overcoming His Trouble. "When a man has suffered as long as I have and had about given up hope of ever getting well, to find re- lief at last through taking a medicine within the reach of everybody sounds almost miraculous, but that's what has happened in my case" recently sald Fred J. Rodd, of 322 Parliament street, Toromto, an employee of the British Forging Company. "I believe that for fifteen years, continued Mr. Rodd, "I had the worst case of stomach trouble anybody ever ad. 'My appetite was gone, nothing tasted right and the little 1 forced down soured and 1 was constantly belching up gas and acid water. '1 couldn't eat meat at all and many a time after taking a few mouthfuls of food 1 would turn deathly sick and vomit up everything I had eaten and 1 would have to skip two or three meals before 1 could eat anything else. Gas pressed around my- heart and made it act so strangely that I would become alarmed. I would ac- tually get numb all over, my eyes would blur as if 1"'was going blind, 1 felt like I was paralized and would be in such agony I couldn't move or hardly speak. My head ached like it would split and my sufferings were almost more than I could bear. "1 tried about everything I could hear of but nothing helped me and finally hearing so much about Tan- lac 1 decided to try it. I am. on my third bottle'and my relief is some- thing wonderful. My appetite has returned, I cdn eat meat or anything else and relish every mouthful. I never have a touch of my old trou- ble, gas has stopped forming and 1 have never had ome of those awful spells with my heart since I started on my first bottle. 1 am stronger and better in every way and am so delighted with the way Tanlac is straightening me out that 1 want everybody to know it." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown. In Plevna by Gilbert Ostler. In Battersea by C. 8. Clark. In Fern- leigh by Ervin Martin. In Ardoch by M. J. Scullion. --ADVT. THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM Tidings From All Over Told in - a Pithy and Pointed Way. Newsprint men say they are threatened with a strike unless they raise wages. The movement for the internment of Austro-Germans is stiffening in Pekin, China, Moscow is greatly agitated over the landing of Japanese soldiers at Vladivostok. , More than two million dollars was paid in 1916-17 in customs duties on farm implements. Large industrial user of gas in Western, Ontario 'will likely be oblig- ed to use other fuel after July 1st. It is understood the German ex- peditionary force in Finland does not mean real hostilities in Russia. Toronto Council will memorialize Sir Robert Borden, asking for the reinstatement of Cost of Living Commissioner O'Connor. . A definite feeling has been created in France that "the last quarter of an hour" is- approaching, and that the Allies can stick it out. During the past three months, 11,- 482 volunteers have joined the Cana- dian forces, and "in Japuary and February 17,428 men were drafted. Tweniy-one Dorchester Penitenti- ary short-term prisoners have volun- finish our course in joy." A great many young people drift out on to the world with the idea that the path is going to be made smooth for them, but we have been passed many times on the road of life, and it is not al- ways the learned intellectual being that gets to the end of the race first. If we have been passed and it has left us bitter, them so much the worse, for a certain dash of humor will get. us, over the rocky spots." He maintained that success in life was a matter of temperament, and fof everyone life held a good deal of routine and drudgery, but happiness was to be found in doing the . work allotted to them. ""Do not air petty prejudices," he advised them, 'for how small, especially at this time when our sons are doing what ds more than human, to allow our petty prejudices to swallow us up, and to lose the (riendship of a long life for a mere trifle." = . MADE GENERAL STAFF OFFICER A Kingstonian Who Has Made Good CiCapt. 8. L. Cunningham, M.C., formprily of the 21st Battalion, and who for the past year has been staff officer on the staff of the First In- Janey Brigade in France, was a Tow days promoted to be a gene-. ral staff Third Division. . "Has Reached RE Mr. and Mrs, hed, England. of Ca- taraqui, have re a cable stat- officer on the staff of the teored and been accepted to serve in the war on condition of receiving pardons at its termination. The Minister of Labor has estab- lished a Board of Conciliation to deal with the dispute between the Hamilton Street Railway and "its motormen and conductors. Women of the Social Service Club, Toronto, decided to petition. the Minister of Justice at Ottawa to have more severe penalties in seduction The Quebec branch of the G.W.V. A. passed a resolution demanding that the Department of Militia and Defence request the resignation of Lieut.4«Col. Armand Lavergne. cases, : FOOLED OLD FRITZ, te, Truesdale Writes That He Is Doing Well.' Mrs. D. W. Truesdell, of 10 Chest- nut street, has received a letter from her son, Pte. "Bddie" Truesdell, He ia in Ward 18, 24th General Hospital, France. He says hie is getting along , The letter was written on March 20th, and he says at that time he was not able to. sleep well at night, owing to coughing spells, but added: : n : . "I don't think Fritz has put the ng touch on me and there ds Eh much for you {6 worry about. y "The write peters 10 George Mur 4 is stationed ing that thelr som, Lieut, D. Stuart Nicol. of the Rota) A Coie, bas reached England. ' Smith's Colle€® Northampton, Mass. My eyes are in pretty good shape -- PAGE THREE (Notice--Hereatter, the Whig, in common with other papess all over Canada, will make a charge of 50c for inserting an engagement, mar riage or reception announcement.) . Miss Margaret Hemming, King street, asked a few people to tea this afternoon to meet Miss Mildred Lamb : « 5 » Miss Is6bel Mooers, Barrie street, was hostess at the Dancing Club on Saturday evening. Mrs, G. Hunter Ogilvie, Earl street, entertained at @ delightful The Dans- ant on Saturday in homor of Miss Marion Ogilvie. Mrs. Horace Lawson was hostess last evening, when her sister, Miss wismer, was guest of honor, = - - Mr. and Airs. Edward Low and Miss Marjorie Low, Ottawa, have taken an apartment at the "Kennis- toun," and will move early in May. James Redden, Miss Marion Red- den and Miss Margaret Cunningham left on Tuesday for Atlantic City. * . Miss Mildred Jones, King street, was hostess at the Bridge Club on Tuesday evening. R . oo 8 ; Miss Mildred Lamb, Toronto, is en pension at Miss Bates', Wellington street. Mrs. Frank Phillips and Miss Jen- nie Phillips, Johnson street, are leav- ing at the end of the week to be the guests of Mrs. Wheeler in Ottawa. Mrs. J. H. Pierce, Boston, is spend: ing 4 few weeks in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Price, Syden- ham street. Mrs, Oliver and Mrs. Higgins have taken Mrs. Oldrieve's house on Wel- lington street and will move at the end of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tandy and {Miss Lettice Tandy, King street, left on Tuesday for Atlantic City. v - - ME. Herbert Wood and children are expected from Toronto this week to be the guests of Rev. and Mrs. John Fairlie, Brock street. Mrs. Dyckman, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Leslie, William street, is re- turning to her home in Westfield, Mass,, this week. Mrs. James Hamilton, who has been with Col. Hamilton in Sussex, N.B., for the winter, is spending a short time with her daughter, Mrs. George Graham, in Belleville, before returning to Kingston, Mr. end Mrs, F. Sine, Sydenham, were week-end guests of Mrs. R. Davidson, University avenue, Mrs. J. D. Ellis, Colborne street, spent some days in Montreal. She has returned. . . 7 Mr. and Mrs. George Sanderson and the Misses Sanderson, who have been spending the winter in .Mont- real, are returning to Kinggton for a short time, next week, Miss Hilda Hague, who has been spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hague, University avenue; returned to -day. Major and Mrs. John Aird have been spending a few days with Major Por i : + Probs: Thursday, fair and cold. A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED If Peevish, Feverish and Sick, Give "California Syrup of Figs." Mother! Your child isn't naturally cross or peevish, See if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at. once, When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, remem- ber, a gentle liver and bowel cleans- ing should always be the first treat- ment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a teaspoonful, and in a few hours all and Mrs, D. E. Mundell, Brock street. . » - - Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Horsey, and Miss Mildred Horsey, who have been spending the winter in Picton, expect to go to their summer home at Cressy some time this month, Walter Steacy left to-day for the rest, 8. Crocker. and her children and Miss Crocker, who have begn spend- ing some time in Kingston with. Col. Crocker, expect to leave for Frederic- ton shortly for the summer months. Mrs. BE. J. F. Williams has_return- ed to Brockville after spending a few days in town. . * Mrs. S, Beaupit. Niagara Falls, Ont., is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. H. Peters, 152 Victoria street. Miss Eldred Lane, Gore street, left to-day to spend a month in To- ronto with her grandmother, Mrs. Boyd, and Miss Hulse, Mrs. John Stinson, Picton, and Miss Lucy Clancey, Napanee, visiting with Mrs. Rdbert Irwin, : Albert street, returned home on Monday, The Cataraqui Chapter, 1.O.D.E,, will repeat their Bridge and The PDansant in the City Hall on Ser= day, April 13th, from three until seven o'clock. There will be fancy the afternoon, and it anticipated that this affair will be ths as popu- lar and meet with the same success as the one which this chapter had several weeks . Admission, 50¢c. (Continued on Page 10.) A, ¥Y - the foul waste, sour bile and fer- menting food which is clogged in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harm- fess "fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside" cleans- ing. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in your home. A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine, Ask your druggist for a bottle of *"Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs," then look and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." NO TRACTORS SOLD. Thé Government Needs A Campaign of Educational Advertising. | dancing and general dancing during So far the local farmers do not see the practical value of tractor buying and only two purchased have be- come known to A. W. Sirett, district agricultural . representative. These would have been purchased in any | case because of the farmers recog- nizing the labor saving power of the tractor for farm work. It is the in- tention of the Government to show this to all farmers but the effects so fpr--which have not extended to a practical campaign of newspaper ad- vertising--have not resulted in the | sales of thé tractors as contracted for, from the Fordson factory. To Remove Warships, Petrograd, April 10--In reply to a protest of the yBSmolny Iustitute against the landing of German troops in Finland; Germany has sent a wireless ultim i demanding in accordance with 4 Distinctive Models in. New York Suits & Coats For Women and Misses Our stock is complete with the season's most advanced models, fashioned in fine wool serge, poplin, tricotine, Delhi and silk -- every distinctive new style is shown in all of the most wanted novelty and staple shades. SUITS PRICED FROM .. . . $16.50 TO $45.00 COATS FROM .. .. .. .. .. $9.98 TO $37.50 NEW MILLINERY -- Is arriving daily with many charming nov- elties that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. It to show you, whether buying or "just looking, It is always a pleasure A AA A AAA AANA A ANNAN A AA A AA A ANNAN NN A TTT TTT TTY YY SE Wy sn You can't afford to miss seeing our values in rugs and furniture. Rugs are be- ing sold today at less than wholesale prices. VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS T. F. HARRISON CO.,; LTD. | "Phone 90. »' a a hh A dh Aah aa aah ahhh dha INSPECTION He . KEEP YOUR: SHOES NEAT Uy) 0] : 2] ) ¥ Roney and Maple Sagar do not them --' Canadas void Board. latest styles, and at our special prices; wy, Be a ws Wi a

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