Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1918, p. 10

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"PAGE TEN SUFFERED TERRIBLE AGONY "Fruit-a-tives" Alone Gare Him Quick Relief 4° Buckingham, Que, May 3rd, 1915, "Forseven years, I suffered terribly from Severe Headaches and Indipes- tion, stomach, and I had ehronic Constipa- tion. I tried many remedies but nothing did me good, Finally, a Jriend advised ** Fruit-a-tjs took this grand fruit m it made me well. To every has miserable health with Constipa- tionand Indigestionand Bad Stomach, I say take "Fruit-a-tives", and you will get well", ALBERT VARNER. Boe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. are very small, but HERPICIDE uy will find them all fC Is I had belching gas from the on your dressing table, and every morn- ing take' a glass from this bubbling foun tain of health, Nice rosy cheeks and | a clear complexion S will sufely reward the daily use of ABBEY'S NONE BETTER FOR .@ CHILDREN rN: 3 112 | SOLD EVERYWHERE [Seis ABBEY'S VITA TABLETS » for pale, people--50 Cents a Box Realm Of Woman----Some Interesting Woman Who Changed ~ By JANE PHELPS THE COSTUME FOR THE DINNER CHAPTER XLII conferences had a costume for my din lared that nights to i A we fdeci i {ner Merton Gray ha el the to sit up {pa cards, if we didn't limake up our minds very soon, We {finally gave up the idea of having {the guests follow any one period too closely. It meant lots of work and expense. So we decided upon'a sort fof Delly Varden costume for the { women, and short breeches and raf- { for the men. And wigs, cof | | | {courge---that is, wigs for the men; and a choice of either wigs or pow- {dered hair for the women. » 1 1 immediately ordered a handsome knew he per- {one made for George. 1 {wouldn't wear it unless it was fect Nothing more was awkwardness at the of my giving way to tears on the way home But I knew that (Mrs. Sexton had felt chagrined, and, strangely enough, I felt more cause of her I was mortified, tog, that any friend of George's should see me make such a faux pas, and I knew that Merton Gray had alsa seen me spill the 'offee, and had turned away to sdve me embarrassment 1 hoped that George would not hear of the inci- dent [ came very near asking Mrs. Sexton not to speak of "it to him, but I couldn't quite get up my courage. George would be at home in afew days Mrs. Sexton had gone back to her quiet, friendly-manner of the first days when we were alone. I once more was beginning to like her. She let me alone most of the time, only insisting that we keep up some reading and our talks on the duties of a hostess, ' "Your hushand must not feel that d of my restaurant, nor s0 be- She Pb b edd Told In Twilight (Continued from Page 3.) Misses Ella and Dora Lindsay, Kingston, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. E: A. Gunter, Westport. M Patterson, Kingston, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Leggott, West- port, : Mrs, Willlam Newman, Woodville, is visiting her mother, Mrs, William Allen, Clergy street. Nursing Sister Eleanor Graham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Graham, Ottawa, is home from King- ston, visiting her parents, before leav- ing for England. i . - * Miss I. Parrott of the Kingston public school staff, was a week-end guest of Mrs. P, McCann and Miss Frances MeCann, Westport, are spending a few days in Kingston. been attending Queen's University, left on Monday for her home in Vars, Duncan MacTavish, who has heen in attendance at Queen's University, left on Tuesday for his home in Ot- fawa, ss Mrs. Alber: Daly and little son, Edwin, arrived last evening from Detroit to spend a month with her mother, Mrs. C. Amey, 380 Earl street. 'Mies Elizabeth Henstridge Kastor week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuart, Albert strect, returned from Ottawa on Saturday. eS spent Mrs. Stanley Harrison has return- Sm HURLBURT WELTS AND PLA-MATE Shoes for Children "Your children require shoes that fit properl goud shoes -- and will give the little feet a chance to develop. That is the secret . of HURLBURT and PLA-MATE shoes; they fit well and wear well. nie Made in patent and gun-metal leathers, button or lace. RN known to irs. F, H. Henry, Belleville. | i Miss Gwendolyn Gauley, who has we have played all the time," she remarked Madge Loding Finds Herself De Trap. Merton called one afternoon tof talk over the place cards. He wanted the list of guests, etc. We had only just commenced to talk when Madge Loring was announced Mrs. Sexton had a headache, so Merton and I were alone. [ At first I was temped to say! 'not at home," then thought better of it. The servants would think it queer. s0 I told James to show her in '4 fear I am de trop," she said af- ter we had talked a few moments. "You were busy," glancing at the open desk. I had received her in the library. Now [I was sorry I had not gene into the drawing room. "1 was helping Mrs. Howard in a trifling matter," Merton Gray vol- unteered. : "How fortunate you are!" she turned to me, "to have Mr. Gray's help, is indeed a compliment." 1 felt myself blushing, and hated myself for doing so I could wot very well explain that he was help- ing me with a dinner party, when she was not to be invited, so I changed the subject by remarking: "f am -sorry Mrs. Sexton has a headache. She is staying with me, but felt too ill to come downstairs tonight." "I always knew that 'George was clever," e said with thinly veiled sarcasm. 'Now I know it! I'll bet it was he who invited Mrs. Sexton to visit you. Charming as she is, she is scarcely the company a young thing {ike you would choose. Now I know I am de trop." » An Unkind Insinuation. It was most unkind of Mrs. Lor- ed from a vacation spent in Port- land. Sir John Hendrie and Lady Hen- drie expect to he in Hot Springs this week. The Duke and Duchess of Devon- shire entertained on Saturday at disner in honor. of the Archbishop of York and his chaplain, Rev, F. L Iremonger. » . has her returned to studies at "Miss Annie Gow Guelph to resume Macdonald College. Mrs. Denmistoun, thas been the guest of hep daughter, Mrs. E. F, Torrance, Princess street, is leaving this week for Montfeal. Capt. and Mrs. J. Langley are now occupying "Otterburn," which they havé taken for the. summer months. A y > . = N Mrs. Frank Ryan left to-day for New York to visit her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Savage. Mrs. W. C. Caldwell, the guest of her sister, Strachan. Miss Jean Dargavel, who spent the week-end with Miss Evelyn Nigkle, for St. Agnes Col- Winnipeg, who Lanark, is Mrs... A. Teft on Monday |1ege, Belleville. . » * * Miss Helen Dargavel, Elgiy, spent the week-end .with Miss Mamie Coon, Broek street. Mrs. B. Noble Steacy, Johnson street, returned from New York on Monday. Mrs. J. Robertson, visiting her sister, Mrs. J. derson, Clergy street. - . "Ottawa, is R. Hen- Judgs James O'Rielly, Lornwall, is the guest of William Bermingham, Barrie street. R. Richardson, Kingston, was one of those in attendance at a very jolly dance glven on Thursday night at A AA rN How to Make a Real : . g Wrinkle Remover . 4 In these days of cleverly advertised "heautifiers" and 'rejuvenators" it is hard for a weman to believe she can make a siniple home remedy for the re. nioval of wrinkles avhich will do her much more good than the #verage nade preparation. There's nothing in the world so effedtive for erasing or pre- venting wrinkles, age marks, bagginess of cheeks and chin ay a simple and harmless solution made by dissolving an ounce of pure powdered saxolite in a half pint of witch hazel. These in- grodients Of course can Le had at any drug store. Use the mixture daily for a wifite as a refreshing wash lotion. The quick and savisfactory results will surprise you. ven the first applica- tion produces very marked fmprove- ment. "Dhe wrinkles are less in evidence and J face Has a firm, "solid" com. fortablle feeling. Soon vou will look considerably less than your age. Try This If You Have Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and' that is to dissolve it. This des- troys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary Hquid arvon; apply it at night when | retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. ' By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three jor four more applications will com- pletely dissolve and entirely des- troy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. J You will find, too, that all itching and digging ofthe scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be finfly, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and Sook and feel a hundred times bet- You can get liquid arvon at any fies Store. It is inexpedsive, and four ounces is all you will need. been "jtion ing to put me in the. position she had, by her remarks. The intima- that, because of Mrs, Sexton's feeling unable to come down-stairs she had interrupted a tete a tete be- tween Merton Gray and me, made me very miserable. The worst of it was I had not yet learned to hide my feelings. "1 was just about to ask Mrs. How- ard if she wouldn't play for me." Merton broke in. I realized, that he saw my embarrassment, and was try- ing to help me. "Perhaps you would like to listén to some music, also?" ©] certainly should, Mrs. Howard plays divinely." % Nothing loath, 1 led the way, and without giving her a chance to say anything more, I commenced to play. But 1 played very badly, and, real izing that it did not tend to make me more comfortable, I finally stopped abruptly and said: "I can't play tonight! I in the mood." : "Temperamental, like all artists," Mis. Loring remarked. "Yes, I guess I am." "Well, I. must be going! I was alone, so thought I would drive over, instead of twiddling my thumbs at home. I knew George was away, so am not willow, also." "You see, you were mistaken," I replied, goaded to the answer, "Mr. Gray took pity on me." "That's what it means to he young and--charming," she said, then bade me a .gushing "good night." Merton escorted 'her to her car, then, as he regained my side, said: "Madge Loring is inclined to be catty. Don't let it worry you. She doesn't scratch very deeply." (To be continued.) AA AA AA ta a A A a a tt AN NNN NANNING the Aura Lee Club rooms, Toronto, by twenty-five of the Ridley 'boys. Dear Starr left on Wednesday = to spend a few days in New York. Lieut. Edward Malloch, Depot Bat- talion, is in New York visiting hia sister, - " * Hon. E. J. Davis, Newmarket, is visiting his sons jhere. He is the guest of Harold Davis, Stuart street, iMiss Verna Mason 'has gone to Torento from Kingston dor a month's holiddys. | : Gen. and (Mrs. Benson have left Halifax and will spend some time in St. Catharines, leaving later for a trip to the coast. Mr. and Mrs. H. I, Upton. have returned from their honeymoon, and after visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. |J. Hoag, Alfred street, have returned' to Toronto, where they will reside in the near future. boil Miss Bessie Upton has returned to Toronto after spending the Easter holidays with Miss Teddie Hoag, Alfred, street. * % 0» Announcement is made of the en- gagement of Miss Gladys Scobell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scobell,- Cape Vincent, N.Y., to Lieut. Orin Remington Summerville, Watertown, N.Y.,. now with the 300th Field Artillery at Camp Dix. LJ * - The engagement is announced of Miss Phoebe Wright, of Ottawa, to Dr, Reginald Fitz, of Boston, and Manchester-on-the-North-Shore. Miss Wiright is the daughter of Mrs, Hen- ry Wright, of Ottawa, and the late Dr. Henry Wright, and niece of Sir William and Lady Osler, of Oxford, SEE REAL GERMANY. Enemy's True Character is Reveal- - ed to Wilson, Paris, April 9.--All Panls news- papers give a prominent place to President Wilson's Baltimore speech, the majority of them printing it in full, others giving long extracts with much favorable comment. Le Matin says that a year ago President Wil- son declared war and 'he declares war to a finish. Alfred Capus, in the Figaro, says: "Finally Gernrany's real cha- acter has been revealed to Presi- dent Wilson as a monster nation, existing only by devouring others until it shall devour itselM.' Gaulols, referring to the evolution of President Wilson, says: "Don't worry, but hurry. We can hold the flood now, but the help of American bayonets will be neeged to break Genmany's power." Excelsior says that President Wil- son's speech is plain, categoric and imperious, and that millions of mca in addition to the thousands al- oady here are coming to reinforce The 'Petit Parisien says: "What a contrast between the loyal, limpid word of President Wilson and the stilted, embarrassed and halting phrases of Count Czernin." *Of all the words President Wil- son has spoken," says the Temps, "probably none are better fitted to hasten the peace of. justice which he those he uttered yesterday." WHO ARE BEHIND PRESS? ; ---- j Hon, Mr. Lemieux Wants Lists Pub- lished Periodically, | Ottawa, April 10,--Hon, Rodolphe Lemieux wants Canada to adopt the United States policy of periodically revealing to public serutiny the names of all persons behind they power of the press. He has given notice of a resolution in the Com. mons providing for the publishing from time time of the names of owners, editors, managers, stock- holders, bondholders or of any other persons interested in newspapers, magazines. trade papers or other i ¥his simple remedy' has neve I expected to find you wearing the} desires--and we with hbm---than THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1918. IsEasyToCet Gently rub spots « itching and ior Ointment. Cuticura Soap and hot wa ment every two weeks 13 cient to keepthescalp clean and healthy. Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post : "Cuticura, Dept. N, Boston, U.S.A" Sald throughout the world. a ES SN ------ - Bissell Carpet Sweep- ers Made Over New. All Repair Work Done, 301 Barrie St. Ph.1270 | Youre se | Wy WR LOT FOR SALE 40 ft. x 120 ft. Enough stone on it to build a house. Snap for $150 W. H. Godwin & Son Insurance and Real Estate. 39 Brock St. Phone 424 La an go 4 > "Special Griffin's Seedless Raisins, ox. =0C. 2 pkgs. Jelly Powder (Bach package makes 1 pint) 4 pkgs, 5c. J.R.B. Gage, Phone 549 a ber of Blue Boonets™ de "am eries, furniture coverings ete. if your dealer doesn' Blue Bon: send us this ad with ' " " s 3 Hf yours catry ety' us this same of dealer and ng AN oe vm "BLUE BONNETS" -- A New Fabric with New Features. els © gece the neech of the wopen whe Jase beyutiul ont bplonie in ead skirts, childrens > ble fabric Satmen ate for Guaranteed dye fait aad Gussie. = Wide variety of ea noufy him of your request. LESHER WHITMAN & CO. Inc., 881 Broadway, New York rma Every room needs an occasional "Cleaning up', ™ matter how carefully the regular sweeping and dusting is done. this true after any unusual event, a party, a wedding or regular you right. So it is with your body. Especially is a quilting bee/ No matter how r habits or well cooked your food, there comes a time when you don't feel just You may recall an unusually 'hearty meal or two, irregular hours, or eating some- thing that * be just the "dust-gathering". In any case a few doses of a really good didn't agree with you", or it may carthartic is all you need to put you right. For this purpose nothing is Chamberlain's ite so suitable as ablets Two or three after supper the first night, and one each night for two or three days, and your difestive apparatus is just like the well-cleaned room. Every part of your body is more vigorous, you go about your work with a new feeling end begin again to enjoy life. Are these benefits not worth getting P You know they are. And you need have no hesitation about beginning them for fear you must "keep « The effect is just the opposite ® 25¢ at all dealers or direct from CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO CHAMBERLAINS TABLET S periodicals 'publishing articles de. Blue-jay For Corns How Blue-jay Acts A i 8 thin, soft pad which stops the pain pro by relieving Bis the BAR fax Fenny underniines Pl 'wually 1 takes oniy 4% hours to end the corn. compietsly. € in robde entre Ww HE v adh which rane arouse. 1 na he pl 3 » rs BY aster snug and 2 applied in a LACE it on your throbbing corn tonight. It takes but a second. Relief will come instantly, because the felt ring re- lieves all pressure. The medicated 'spot of wax soothes while it works. You will wonder why you waited so long. : Tomorrow your corn will not hurt as it has today. And within 48 hours the corn will come out easily, painlessly. _Blue-jay is the gentle, certain way, discovered by a great chemist. Blue-jay Plagters are made by Bauer & Black, famed for surgical dressings. Paring Is Extremely Dangerous Returned § Soldiers For the purpoge of assisting returned Soddiers tue Logisiature has pruvided for the formation of an association called "The Soldiers' Ald Commission »f Ontario." The Head Office is at No. 116 College St, Toronto. Hon. W, D, McPherson is the Chairman and Mr. Joseph Warwick is the Secretary. All sommunicatibns intended for either of them should be addressed to Ne, 116 College street, Toranto. W,. I. Nickle, Esq. K.C, M.P. of Kipgston, is a mem- the above-named Commission, and represents #t locally ai Kingston and in this neighborhood. ; The Kingston Branch is located at the Board of Trade Rooms, Kingston. Telephone No. 701. The public are cordially invited to co-operate with us in securing sult. able employment, and in doing other helpful work for Returned Soldiers and their depehdents. Classes for Vocational Re-Education iisabled as to prevent them from re: suming their former occupations have been provided, and every Soldier who regards hig disability as of suoh a na- ture as to entitle him to the benefit of these Classes ls requested to make application to Mr, James H. Macnee, the under-mentioned Seoratiry, or to Mr. W. Nichol, Veeatfonal Officer for Ontario, at the Head Office, No. 118 College St, Toronto, when full particulars will be gladly furnished and arrangements at once made for a Board to enable those efifitied to ob- tain courses of instruction in the sub- jects suitable to thelr particular dis- ability. In addition to getting instruc- tion free, the support of the soldier and hls family or dependents during the period of re-training and for one month after it is completed, is pro- vided for according to scale. Cases where assistance for the fam- Mies of soldiers is required are dally reported to us, and subscriptions to the Relief Fund will be thankfull ceived. Subscribers to this Fund are assured that payments from same are made only afer careful official inves tigation of the merity of each case; and particulars will be furnished on request to subscribers as to the dis- position of their donation. All dona- tions should be made payable ta the yrder of "The Soldiers' Ald Commis- ston of Ontario, and forwarded 0 Joseph Warwick, Esq, 118 College St, Toronto, and in each case an official receipt will be issued therefor. Dona~ tions will be expended as far as pos- sible in compliance with the expressed wishes of the donors. All services are free of charge. For further particulars as to our wor lease write or telephone any of the following officers: James HH. Macnee, Secretary. rreasurer, Telephone Neo. 701, His Worship Mayor Hughes, Chairman, Telephone Neo. 427, W. F. Nickle, Esq, K.C, MP, Hon, Sec~Treas., Kingston, Telephone a PA AA AANA. RAILWAY [» [Xi Ii IN EAT LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH SRD Trailing will leave and arrive at City Station, Foot of Johnson Street. Going West. Lve. City Arr. Cy No, Madl .. .. .J1220am 1257am, A 3 Express , .. 3.10 am, Q veo as 946 am. Intern" Ltd. 1.20 pan, i). Looe 3.00 a ail ,. «; «412.20 px P 5 Intern'l Ltd. " Pp No. 28 local . .. .. 6.48 pm. 27 p. Nos. 1, 13, 14, 16, 15 19 run daily. Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Baginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. Pullman accommodation, tickets all other information, apply to J. P. Hanley, Agent, Agency for all ocean steamship Hnes. Open. day and night LI: made by mall oe Robert Gener Agents, 50 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. THE: DAINTIEST of FINE FOOT- WEAR The newest designs infgrey and brown. Shoes. that are smart and dressy. »f Returned Soldiers who have been so' a i iR

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