GOT WET FEET TOOK AWFUL COLD . COULD NOT SLEEP FOR COVGH. A had cold accompanied by a dis tressing cough that keeps. you awake At night is most aggravating, and unless it is attended to at once may develop Into something very serious, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrun {8 the remedv you should take. It heals the mucous surfaces, relieves oppression and tightness of the 'chest, removes the accumulation of phlegm. quiets the most obstinate and' dis- tressing coughs, and secures rest and sleep at night, not only. to the suffer- er, but to others 'whose rest. would be otherwise broken, Mrs. 'Ezekiel Acker, Lake Pleas- ant, N.8., writes: "I got wet feet "and took an awful cold; could uot sleep at night, and would do noth- ing but cough. My husband got me a bottle of medicine, but it was not worth bringing home. [I was going to call the doctor in when & friend - ssked me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 1 told her I had little faith in it, but she urged me to get a bottle, I did, and I must say that of all the medicine I ever took, it is the best, and relieved me the quick- est of anything I ever daw." "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; price 26¢ and 50¢; manufac- tured only by The T. Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto, Ont, CLOTHING ON EASY - TERMS Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Furs, Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats, N. N. Morsisi 374 : Ring St. Are prepared to give the quick est results -- lasting, too. Sulphur and molasses , ... 203¢ y Sarsaparilla Compound . $1.00 Blood Purifier, 50c and $1.00 Beef, Tron and Wine, 73¢ and $1.00 Fmulsion Cod Liver Ol, - 5Oc¢ and $1.00 Best's Popular Drug Store. Be Photographic Developing and 'rinting. Phone 3%. Branch 2018 i, -- Bh a or WR WY Keeley Jr., MOD.0. Those people (and they are many) who dread the ordeal of an eye éxamin- ation are agreeably aston- ished to find that, as made "by us, il causes no pain, discomfort, or inconven- ienge. And We Use No Drugs. Keely Jr, MOD. 226 Princess Street > -------- v Lasda SEBEL LEIEY +h Phd SPTeIV hdd dd Told In Twilight PEEPS 'ter, tne Whig, ir common r papers all over Canada, will make a charge of 50c¢ for ipserting an engagement, mar riage or reception announcement.) . . - Sd ed Ebb Phd Bode od ¥ Pb Kensington at a delightful in honor of Marjorie Mur: included Miss ay, Miss Marjorie McLelland, Miss Ruth . MeClement, Miss Doreen {Laveil Miss Isobel Mooers, Miss Clara Farrell, Mary MacGillivey, Miss Roughton, Miss Miss Marion Kirkpatrick, Miss An- ella Minunes, Miss 'Mary Clarke, Miss Annie Langwith, Miss Xathleen Elliott, Miss Grace Dunlop, Miss Jean and Miss Dorothy Murray and Messrs. Jack Renton, Donald Rouge ton, Jack MeoKelvey, Grafton Wil- kinson, James MdolLeod, Hen. Dulf, Alex. Newlands, Harry Orr, Frank McMartin, Nuland -McMahon, Dow ald Robertson, Vivien Sills, Grant Minnes, Billle Kirkpatrick, John Murray, Loyd Davis and Billie Mur- "ray. D. 1B. Murray entertained iy evehing Miss guests Kelve) Mrs. avenue, dance F her dau ray, 'wi Gertrude er, the M ' Miss Edith avenue, entertained bridge last evening . . * Davidson, informally ® University at - ce sireet, the tea honor Saunders, Ali entertained 'informally a hour Wednesday afternoon in of 'Miss Ethel Hawley Mrs. Horace Lawson, Royal Mlli- tary 'College, entertaining at an informal dance on Tuesday evening, when her sister, Miss Jean Wismer, will be the guest of honor. . Mrs. William Birmingham was hostess at a most enjoyable dance last evening for her son, Jack, and his guests Miss Molly is Mr. and Mrs. H. Tandy Lettice Tandy, King street, ing jearly in the week for City. Harry Orr, Charles James Sutherland: are leaving week to resume their studies Ridley 'College, Port Hope IRegindld Hickson; -- Australia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rowland, Earl steeet. Miss Verna 'Mason, Queen's Mili- tary Hospital, left on Thursday for her home in Toronto to spend a month. James Redden and Miss Marion Redden, 'William street, are leaving on Monday for Atlantic City. Mrs. Frank 'Cook and son, who have been 'the guests of Mrs. Cook at the rectory, Barriefield, returned to Chicago on Thursday. "oe .- » and Miss are leav-- Atlantic "and next at Mundell Mrs. D. J. Millan Miss May Millan, of have sreturned home from and daughter, Earl street, Montreal, A A A Pl MN PNM GIRLS! TRY IT! HAVE THICK, WAVY, BEAUTIFUL HAIR Every Particle of Dandraff Disap- pears and Hair Stops Coming Out, Draw a Moist Cloth Through Hair And Double Its Beauty At Once, Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant, and appear as soft, lustrous as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this--moisten a cloth with a little. Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking ome small strand at a time. This ,will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautitying .the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every par ticle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair. ~ But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually sée new hair--fine and downy at first--yes--but really new heir growing all over the scalp. If yon eare for pretty, soft hair and lots of it, surely invest a few cents in a bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter. and just try it. Save your hair! Beantiiy it! You will say this' was the best money you } Al haa AAS -- ever spent, Nn A me a LA AN AAA AND, spciaL QUALITY PRIME WESTERN X 2 Miss' Phyllis Kathleen Bibby, | j visit 'Dn Folger is the Canndian {day night, hue been. cancelled, | T Hee» This interesting photograph shows Wrench Army and Generalissimo « Marshal Str Douglas Haig ing the brant of the great Hun drive. visiting Matie week Ville where they spent Miss Katie 'Millan convent, KR. wakdron Waldron are City. Mrs left on Montreal. Miss pension street. Mrs. ter left a at Ca Atle Miss fo1 and leaving Kin rien Steacy, Edward Friday' to visit Teronto, Wellin ol Bates', Lambe, at Miss Jack Fraser wee dd vesterday ( and Mrs. Dowl Cousins, Alfred Mrs: Sharpe, . -. -. and Mrs; guest of guest rson, is tlre de Mackay 8 Ma's of Mr Toronto Mrs visiting Spooner, Charles and Mr Stuart Ar Wiliams, her mothe for a few days Miss Lorptta Swift, who his visiting fridnds in Montreal pected home next week Miss Gladys 'Miller, spending a few days friends Napai in town s Douglas Gemmell ret rne Faster Mr. and iMra. Albert street, have Napanee, after spending the former's parents Lieut. Douglas Huoyek is in town for a few da "Juck" Richardson, returning to Ridley Hope, on Monday Mra. G. Y. [Chown, Sunnyside; ar Miss Dorothy Chown, Whitby, spending the week-end in Toronto (Continued on Page 11.) WAR TROPHIE = S$ COMING Third Canadian Bateh Ready Shipped Here, London, April 6.--Therg seems to be a wrong impression in Canada regarding the control and allocation of war trophies. Minister Kemp in- vestigated the question with a view to seeing that Canadian interests were both fully provided for and protected and that there was close co-operation between the © anadian and Imperial authorities.) A Cana- dian officer was appointed to the organizing committee of the National War Museum to attend sll meetings of the War Trophies Commitiee. Tro- phies captuved by the Canadians are earmarked and either allocated to the Canadian section of the National War Museum or shipped to thé Direc tor-of War Trophies in Ottawa. Col. representa- tive on the museum comniitiee and maintains a complete record of the captures and guarantees no loss of Buch. Dr. Douglity supervised the shipment to Canada of a number of troplifes early in 1817; a second batch was sent last November; and hird batch is mow awaiting ships ment, i To Be JUMPED FROM AIRPLANE. Rodman Law Descends 2,500 Feet | © With Pavachuie. San Antonio, Texas, April Rodman Law, balloonist and naut; now ait@e.ed to the Filth Aerd Squadron, yesterday jumped from an dirplape al a beight of 2,600 feet, and with the 2d of a patachuie. lauded safely. He wad taken up Wn the plahe by Edward Stinsen, an in- stractor at Kelly Field. Law is making a series of experiments to demoastrate ie feasibility of jump- ing {rom an airplane, 6. Le "Fight Called Off. St. Louis: , Mo, April %.--The sight-round boxing contest between lick Betipsey snd "Porky" Flyun, 1oavy-weights, sehedoled for Mons wial- if the of the Britis] deb Fen ast aero-i- 7 FiELD MARSHAL SIR DOUGLAS HAIG bh. Chief of Staff s In France, a neral Foe At Wiliose Ge Alligd I Feld } Arm) men heve been begy PEPPERS RRS BULLETINS. -* wceht aerial raids aused 248 deaths were soldiers WAR on ther long-range gun, si Le one' bomba ed. through De SRG ¥* oh 'reggeh have kept ittdcks and won ost: in the oon - K past 1 yal started in bombs aviators A large smburg pped by British It is believed , the Germans ill soon make another big at- Their present effoTls ure bellevéd to be a forerunner of a second offensive, oh C3 ow op J edo dedede desde de do doled +» cy £ oP > MAN SHOT, Assailint Being Renfrew' County, Ottawa, April 6 -An armed posse headed by High Constable Findlay Watt Renfrew County, is engaged n seouring the) country surrounding Combermere and Barry's in search of an unknown pe } late Thursday af resident of Cumbe rime: hold of his home, wounded another, fore his identity Ti vietd John Huds perapce hotel bermere, who w Unknown , Of ¢ on the thres- and seriously and got iy be- could be ascertained ms of shooting are m, who conducts a tem- village of Com- 18 shot through the) thigh, and is in a serious condition, and a farmer named J. McHerness, | who was clubbed into insensibility. + The identity of the assailant "is at present unknown, as both Hudson and McHerness sq on the Military Exemption Tribun- als, it surmized that the man' is one of those who were fused emption, 1 on the and 'his sult of spite an @ the n the re attiek ne re > Charles Gates Here, Charles Gates, of Denver, rado, is spending a few days city visiting 'his parents on Johnson | street. After nang hebn suceessful | on the rand gaining a wide repa-| tation by his Versatility, he has now taken up ranching awd has several! Jiundrad head of cattle and 'acres of | tand which he is operating in the In- terests of greater production of food-! stuffs for the Allies. Many Kingston- fans are giving a welcome fo him on his visit here, The Natio 1 Zeitang stated proceedings against Prince Lich! nowsiy have been started, as a sult of his memorandum fixing thet blame of the war on Germany. Colo- Af Apnow emgut by Chiet of that" the sprowaiors | lowing al Police Young be arrested if the fight, were | eer, 3 Eh Ppt + ANOTHER CLUBBED. | Sought In| rnoon shot downea | mysterious | ex- | two! in. the | that} ree | ol DEC $1,427,785. PAGE SEVEN . EE --_-- Probs: Sunday, mild, rin Before night. ANE RENN ANA Re TONIGHT AT STEACY'S Store Open Until 9.45. SILK BOOT HOSE ~ 300 pair black and white silk boot hose, with re-enforced heel and toe. Tonight . . S0¢ MEN' S WORK SHIRTS 10 doz. extra large sized men's striped denim work shirts, in all the sizes, from 15 to 17; a reg. $1.00 value. Tonight . 75¢ STEACY"S SPECIAL CORSETS 150 pair French coutil corsets - with four strong garters and al- uminum steels; a splendid $1.00 value. Tonight 69¢ LADIES' VESTS 25 doz. fine ribbed cotton vests, in short sleeve 'and no sleeve styles. Tonight . . 2b¢ Fe KAYSER'S CHAMOISETTE (¢ GLOVES, Tonight 69. 300 pair of this high-grade colored chamoisette glove in col- ors black, white, sand, putty and grey. Very special, Tonight dave Your Coal THE SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155. A A= CANADIAN OLUB IN N. YX. | Some I'rominent Speakers for Dinner Monday. New York, April 6. ~The Canadian FElub Will hold its final dinner of the season Monday night at the Hotel Biltmore. The Archbishop of York {and Major-General Leonard Wood { have been invited to address the members Among the guests and ' speakers { who have accepted are Stephane Lau- zanne, editor-in-chief of Le Matin of Paris, who will speak on "France Ready to Fight to the End," Martin W. Littleton, E. H, Sothern, who has just returned from the front in France, - Lt.-Col. Fraser = Hunter, D.8.0., and Arthur Guy Empey, au | thor of "Over the Top." t 'this dinner announcement will be made of the progress of the drive the club is making for a $100,000 relief fund. The fund is being sought for the dependents of the men from | New York City and vicinity who are fighting 'with 'the Canadian army. { 'The necessity for this form of relief is that the Canadian Patriotic Fund | Is not permitted to extend its oper- ations outside of Canada, and some of the dependents of those soldiers who rushed to the colors early in the war '¢ now in need of assistance. These soldiers are Americans and { Canadians who lived in and" about | New York and whose families still reside here. The dependents way be cared for in the same manner and on | the same basis as are dependents of | soldiers in Canada. } WINS ALLE 2 ri rt Eo CE & | Se Annual You can't afford to miss seeing our values in rugs and furniture. Rugs are be- ing sold today at less than wholesale prices. VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS TF HARRISON CO.,; LTD. Phone 90 YOU'LL MAKE NO MIST. AKE By placing your early for store or house sr and enstAan Supplies and help are scarce and 8 wilt be higher, Limited. = Tent, Awnl Kisg Baa Waterproof . ne, acturers. (F, W. Cooke, Local yy PETERDORO ONTARIO, | Food Ministers Praise America's Re- duction of Wheat Consumption. Washington, April 6.-- Cablégrams | expressing the thanks of the French, British and Italian Governments for | the willingness of the American peo- { ple to reduce their. wheat consump- { Hon in order that the allies and the soldiers may be fed, were received by the Food Administration yester- day from the Food Ministers of the Allied countries, The messages were in response to one sent from here last Friday an- npuncing the action of five hundrea leading "fotelmen in pledging their establishments to eut wheat off their menus until the next Darvas. Yigetor Poret, the French Minister, cabled: "The news you announced to me could at no other moment bie nore agréeable: 1 ask you to ex- press to your fellow countrymen my 'hearty thanks." i Lord Rbondda's: message from | London said---"Such sell-merifice ! and wholehearted effort insplie us with renewed determinition." Silvio Crispi, the allan Minister i eplied--""In the name of. the It- alians who retain thelr whale | Btrepgih und courage in the face of | direst priveeeton, 1 express to you | their hieartiesy gratitude for _vour {admirable conder Hed attitnde § Honey and Maple Sugar do not require shipping "Use them --- Canada Food Board Spring Offerings ! Spring shoes for men and boys, in the latest styles, and at our special prices. Dressy shoes for men, $5.50 to $8. hi Boys "shoes from $3. 00 up. Jack Johnston' s Shoe Store that- rather than build a detention shed costing $2,000 or $3,000, wh is required by the United States of Call. or £, it has decided to di tinue 'Rochester as a port of call tochester. N.Y. April 8. Offices | The Chamber of Commerce has of the Canada Steamship Lines. the | made mo efforts to have the neces cipal means of communication | =iry facilities supplied for the fou: reen Rochester and. the resorts | pany, feeling that the company's re- of the St. Lawrence, have been dis- | venuo fron passengers boarding continued here, and the company has! tosis here fully warrants the xpan- notified the Chamber of Commerce | diture demanded. TO CUT OFT ROCHESTER. -- Ik. & 0. Boats Will Pisontinue Port Canada's geld Yoserve still exceeds by some millions the Dominion notes total cost of administering the Military Service Act so fur has