/ 1918. PAGE TWENTY THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, rT a x Eat less candy; let the children learn the nobility of giving and giving up. ada Food Board. Wanted 25 Second-Hand Bicycles In exchange for Masseys or Indians, the fin- . finest bicycles made. 2 Better to pay the price of a good bicycle than the penalty of a poor one. LADIES' YEAR (S pe a AL LY Sb ; Let the girls have a wheel and bring them home with those beautiful red cheeks that Nature's fresh air gives. Come in and see us now. 88 Princess St. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. --~-- Can- \ / \ Phone 529 > h Aah YY gags TRY : oc. Poet Cigar 5c. Look for Silk Thread on Tip of Kich Cigar, b' S. OBERNDORFFER, Maker, hia 4 4 Kingston. i © 897 Princess Street. MONUMENTS! ha 'of Scotch and American Granites, Vermont Marble, ¢ McCallum Granite Company, Ltd. ' ' Telephone 198) a i : When the St. Louis Cardina took the field to play an exhibition game at San Anfonio against the Kelly field aviation squad who did they find on first base for the fly- nen but Daye Williams, who had a Is y.trial at first for the Cards a year ago and was then sent to Rock Is- land, ftom where he drifted to Omaha. Williams expects to soon In The World Ot. Sport DRAFT BOUND _ TO HURT BASEBALL The Majors May Lose Several Stars Before Mid-sea~- . son. [ARMY Major league club owners are not I gure of holding players witiin he drdft age until the close of the 1918 season : i With the next draft call lable to {come during the month of April, men of draft age will be rushed to army gantonments just as fast as it {is possible for the Government to get them there, and 8s the boys in class 1A are called there may be gaping holes in many a big league | line up by the first of July. | Such players as Benny Kauff, Al Mamaux, Ray Chapman, Red Faber, Grocer Cleveland Alexander and George Burns may be wearing khaki {instead of big league uniforms by i mid-summer. And there is no use underestimating the extent. that the their services would amount loss of to. Should the Giants lose Kauff, Mc- 'Graw's outfield would be practical- ly wrecked Davey Robertson's de- | termination te quit the game was a hard enough blow, but the dashing tlittle centrefielder of Federal League | fame would be missed even more] than Robertsbn were he to go. In the case of Ray Chapman, who ¥ be taken from the Indians, his would wreck Lee Fohl's in- One of the best shortstoppers business, Chapman's pre® Cleve 1d inner circle to give it balance. | Without him the Indian infield | would, be like a boat without a rud- der. . $ The White Sox could ill afford to lose the services of Fed Faber! who is being nded on to win many games for tem this season, and {should the Cubs lose alexander his i shoes could not possibly be filled. While Al Mamaux is somewhat of an experiment for the Dodgers, { Uncle Robby is counting heavily on him to eome back, and star as the i 1 {liner of the Brooklyn staff, so | if 'fe goes Brooklyn will suffer. i There are a good many octher | players whose status not defin- ite." Some of them couid be spared well enough, but others are badly | needed. So the magnate is getting {ready to open the geason: without as- surance that he can put a ball club {in the field and keep it there. The i maknates, however, are not yelping. | They will stand any loss, with a {smile and consider that it adds to { "their. bit." field in . the { e on iperative the WISE TO GO CAREFULLY, Unbusinesslike Methods of Former Seasons. Must be Avcided, There is no quesiion of the in- tention of the New Baseball League, should it get under way, to operate on a war-time basis, say the Toronto Globe. Business institutions of all kinds are being conducted in keeping with @brormal times. There is no getting away from the fact that practically atl the cities proposed for the New League are desirous of op- erating their franchises for the pur- pose of protecting their territory and preventing its being thrown open: for expropriation by anybody who cares to step in and get valualbde rights for 4 mere song. Tordnto is bound straight for one of the major leagues and would undoubtedly have been in either the American or the National League this season or next had not the world conflict been precipitated in Europe. Not long ago the To- ronto franchise could not have been puritased for $100,000. It will be worth that much after the cessation of hostilities. Tt is too good a pro- position to be allowed to slip through the fingers of the owners. Should the New League operate until July 4th the territory will be inviolate for another year. . 1 The inadvisability of running wild has been pretty thoroughly 'demon-, strated to the owners. Instead of conducting their baseball clubs as they would their own business af- fairs, they ignored player and salary 4 that they are "money gra REMAINS A PUZZLE. ---- , Most Baseball Managers Object to Start Games. Earlier. Three o'clock, 3.30 or 4 o'clock for major league games? The question is unsettled with several of the teams, but reports are trickling in regarding the - opening time under the daylight saving meas- ure. Here's some of the results so far obtained: ; Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the Chicago White Sox, has said that all baseball games at his park this sea- son will begin at three o'clock. It would be a violation of the daylight saving law in spirit, if not in letter, if they started at four o'clock, Charles H. Weeghman, president of the Chicago Cubs, will have his games start at three o'clock at the National League park in Chicago. | Ban Johnson, president of the American League, has announced that the organization would not take any action om the proposal to start games at 4 o'clock. He will permit each club in the league to make its own decision in this regard, he said. John K. Tener, president of the National League, is opposed to any change in the time of starting games. He has said that while the question would be left to the individual clubs, he did not believe any of {hem would take advantage of the law and start games later. Daniels in The New York Sun sums up the situation as follows: St. Louis, 3.30 p. m., to start the season, National League. Chicago, 3 p. m., permanently. Cincinnati, undecided. Pittsburgh, undecided, Boston, 3.30 p. m. New York, 3.30 p. m, Brooklyn, 3.45 p. m Philadelphia, undecided, probably late. - American League. St. Louis, undecided, 3.30, Detroit, 3:30 p. m> Cleveland, 3.30, p. ni. Chicago, 3 p. fo Boston, 3.15 p, m. New York, undecided, but probably early 'ashington, 4 p.°m., as always. Philadelphia, the "later the bet- probably Start Baseball By Clock. As the circuit is composed exclu- sively of large cities we might ven- ture to say that not 5 per cent, of the fans who attend the game have a home gardem, or have any hopes of ever having one. It is certain that every newspaper man in the press box will have had the inevitable jiro- fessional dream of retiring some day and operating a chicken ranch, but most of them will have lost that dream by the time they have been fired (rom their third job and be- coma veterans. As most of the baseball reporters are veterans and the youngsters are only in the dream stage of the home garden and chicken ranch enterprises We can speak for the profession and say that the late start of the ball game would not in the least reduce the reportorial output of garden sass, but it would increase enormously the output 'of sass handed the magnates for being foolish enough to think that the later start would be advisable from a financial standpoint. . Inthe end baseball games will be started at the prevailing hours, by the clock, and not by the sun, so the day light savers need not worry. «Rice in Brooklyn "Eagle." Few Torontos Return. Very few of the stalwarts who helped win the pennant for Toronto last season are likely to return to To- ronto this year. Lejole, of course, is gone, never to return and Lalonge and 'Schultz whose record ever since they broke into baseball jmdicates and simple have 'jump sas City. "Bunny' caught on with the and "Lefty" the uniform of Uncle Sam. Black- Burne is "making good" win Cin- earne has oston Braves limits as best they could, neglecting to protect their own interests by the exercise of a little foresight. ~ Now| they are paying. Perhaps they have! learned a lesson. : Manager Fred Mitchell, of the, Chicago Cubs, says he will have no {peanut parties.om his bench. Mijt- chell's description of a peanut party is a bunch of players gathering at one end of the bench and munching | godbers while a game is on, paying no attention to what is doing on the: field. Such indifference, says Mit- ehell, stamps a player as worthless, | and the first time he catches any of | his men in such a "party" it will get his commission and be en route to France, ' 9 cost them the price of a thousand bags of peanuts. ° : | the "army service. cinnati and according to report -Earn- est George Whiteman is going along in fine style with the Boston Red Sox. Infielder Murray, who finished the season with the Leafs, is also in Like Thompson he was acquired by the Washington Club at the close of the 1917 cam- paign. Jacobson, who was recalled by the Cubs, is now with the Ath- letics. Of the Champion, Pitcher G%uld has been turned over to Sait Lake by Cleveland. The only play- @ Kelly, Warhop, - Trues- dale and Justin. 3 A pitcher named Mansan and Manager Tom Needham are the only | the Amerfean followers of pugilism, KNOCKED SULLIVAN DOWN. Charlie Mitchell Performed This Feat : « In New York. : The late Charlie Mitchell's ring battle was with bare knuckles, when, at the age of eighfeen, knocked out Bob Cunningham at Bir- mingham, the bout lasting almost one hour. He scored several other victories during the two following years in bouts in England and on the continent. After winning and heavyweight first the middleweight championships of England in 1882, Mitchell came to America in 1883 with the intention of challenging John L. Sullivan. The stature of the "Brummagen lad," as he was then called, did not impress but when Mitchell met and defeated Mike Cleary, a New York | heavy: weight, in three rounds, he was quickly accepted ag an opponent for Sullivan, They met at the Madison Square Garden in a four-round glove bout, under Marquis of Queensbury rules, on May 14th, 1883. The Brit- ish boxer surprised the twelve thous- and spectators by meeting Sullivan's terrific 'rushes in the opening rounds, and after some heavy ex- changes he scored a clean knock- down with a perfectly timed right smash to Sullivan's jaw, sending the Boston man to the ring floor amid the wildest excitement. This was Sullivan's first experience of a knockdown by an opponent, and it 'happened toward the close of the first round. Sullivan rushed and round and threw Mitchell over the, ropes twice. . Sullivan, with left swings to the jaw, knocked Mitchell down twice in the third round, and with another left he had Mitchell hanging over thé ropes when the pol- ico stopped the bout, Mitchell always insisted that he would have been able to continue had the police not interfered, and he never geased to challenge Sullivan until the latter consented to another encounter, whieh took place five years later at Chantilly, France, on March 10th, 1888. This was Mitchell's greatest effort. They fought with bare knuckles for $2,600 a side and the bout lasted 'three hours and eleven minutes, 'Mitchell drew first blood in the eighth round, but Sullivan got the credit of the only khockdown during the bout, which was declared a draw by Referee B. J. Angle of] London, After James J. Corbett had won the world's championship from Sulli- van in 1892, Mitchell challenged him for the title, and at Jacksonville, Fla., on January 25th, 1894, Corbett ring third round. This was Mitchell's last appearance in the ring, as he re- turhed to England and engaged in| business there up to the time of his demise. w : TO START BY CLOCK. laseball Games Not To Be Started By > Tho Sun. } That loud outcry from the daylight! savers to the effect that the American association is unpatriotic in its pro- posal to start baselall games later since the clocks, were moved . up, sounds rather far fetched, and the whole thing seems to be a tempest in a tea-pot. In the first place it probably never remotely dawned upon the baseball magnates that they could be accused of a lack of patriotism when they proposed to make a change that they thought would be agreeable to their patrons, If there is any sound reason for not making the change it is 'a cinch the magnates will set patriot- 4sm first and baseball second. In the next place the wild alarm abgut the belated ball games inter- feging with the labors of the fans in hpme gardens does not strike the verage ¢fly dweller as reasonable. The American Association . magnates are lucky if they have an average at- tendance of 3,000 per day at each of their four games in the association on playing days. SEMI-PRO LEAGUE With Hamilton, Brantford, London, St. Thomas, Niagara Falls, N.Y. A meeting will be held shortly to diecuss the proposal to organize "a semi-professional baseball league, with teams in Hamilton, London, Brantford, and probably Niagara Falls, N. Y. Brantford took to the semi-pro. article last year like a duck takes to water, and it is thought that Ham- ilton would sappert a team. "Dusty" Bullock of Canadian League fame Is organizing a strong semi-pro. team in St. Thomas, and wants to get into a league, and London is ready for competition of some kind in the base- players the property of the Newark Clb. bon hel" knocked out the Englishman in the. "ball line. If Niagara Falls enters a BRINGING UP FATHER i 3 8 a Same Old Methods, Same Old Quality GENUINE ale brew with all the flavor A and quality ensured by a perfectly germi- nated malt and the finest hops combined with brewing methods developed and proven in nearly ninety years of practice. All these you get in Labatt's new beverage, Old London Brew. A perfect brew with covery good qualily you have always enjoyed in Labatt's brews. det On sale at Easter time. P12 London Brew JOHN LABATT, Limited, Brewing Since 1832 LONDON, Ont., and No. 4 St. Hel IN en St., MONTREAL € KINGSTON -- Jas. McParland, IL rushed the visitor during the second ! AAA AAA AAA AAP PA PAA PPA AN PAA EN TN RN EA @ BRAND CAPS |p On sale at all good stores EASTERN BRAND CAPS Zor DAD and iis LAD MATHIEUS 1 OF TAR 13 LIVER OIL | hs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, 1 hooping Cough Asthma, Etc. 1 Cong MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining | the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. i ie Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise consequences of such a grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. Ad U'S SYRUP is the only genuine whose 16+ Maram caused to crop up nly Seuie reca doubtful value. ON SALE EVERYWHERE About Your Electric Work and Repairs. April is the month for house wiring, Ask us for prices. il LL A Lena] TT 167 Princess Si ASLETI0LE (0 Ile Benny Leonard, the. lightWelght champion, gave up at least $50,000 when he cut out all boging bouts' in order to act as boxing instructor .to "ihe "Sammies." team if will play its home games on; Sunday. { Even the best of motives are mapy times questioned and sneered at' 5 + J . ~ 4 he 2 By GEORGE McMANUS, $e YES: THIS JERRY. © 195 64s | | ---- oe WELL< 1 wANT YOU TO 40 SEE HIM SO HE woNT PREFER CHARGES. AGRINST vg ~ HE CANT -EN!' ™M PHONIN' YOU FROM - THE JAIL NOW ~